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The frequency with which changes related to vitamin D deficiency are recorded in juvenile bone from archaeological contexts makes it clear that conditions conducive to such deficiency were fairly widespread at a number of points in the past. Although changes will take longer to be manifest in the adult skeleton than in juveniles, and may not be as obvious, the scarcity of reported cases suggests that it is likely that cases of osteomalacia are being overlooked in archaeological human bone. Vitamin D is probably better described as a hormone, rather than a vitamin, and the production of vitamin D within the body following exposure to sunlight allows adequate mineralisation of bone to take place. Lack of exposure to sunlight, which can be caused by a range of factors, is probably one of the main causes of vitamin D deficiency. The result of such a deficiency is a general weakening of the skeleton. The range of skeletal changes recorded across different bones of the skeleton in two documented historical pathology collections (the Galler collection, Basel, and the collection of the Federal Museum for Pathological Anatomy, Vienna), are discussed for scapulae, vertebrae, ribs, sterna, pelves and femora. The likelihood of each feature being preserved in archaeological skeletal material is considered. Although the changes associated with osteomalacia may lead to fragmentation of the skeleton, the presence of characteristic changes on bones from across the skeleton should make the condition identifiable using macroscopic examination, even where the skeleton is not well preserved. The identification of cases of osteomalacia in archaeological skeletal material is potentially significant because of the socio‐cultural information that can be implied from diagnosis of the condition. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

<正>了解新西兰是从一本英文小册子开始的,册子的开头这样写道:新西兰(又译纽西兰)是国土面积比英国略大,比日本略小的国家,人口439万。经过两周的申请,我终于拿到了入境签证,踏上了驾临新西兰的神奇而难忘旅程。  相似文献   

沈旻 《旅游纵览》2014,(6):64-69
<正>了解新西兰是从一本英文小册子开始的,册子的开头这样写道:新西兰(又译纽西兰)是国土面积比英国略大,比日本略小的国家,人口439万。经过两周的申请,我终于拿到了入境签证,踏上了驾临新西兰的神奇而难忘旅程。  相似文献   

The New Zealand Historical Atlaswill be published late in 1997. The project is dscribed and placed briefly in the broader contexts of other historical atlases, of recent New Zealand historiography and of critical perspectives on cartography.  相似文献   

<正>新西兰南岛是一个真正见仁见智的地方,爱者恨不得马上移民过去,但也有些人感觉这里的境况让人一言难尽,我就是后者。好在新西兰独特的野生动物甚得我心,作为生态摄影爱好者,秉承一贯的拍写过程,来讲述一下这里珍稀的黄眼企鹅。  相似文献   

吴刚毅 《旅游纵览》2016,(7):94-100
蓝宝石般的湖泊新西兰是一个拥有众多湖泊的国家,尤以南岛为甚。在这块神奇的岛屿上,一个个璀璨的、如蓝宝石般晶莹的湖泊点缀其间。一路行来,短短数十天,我们邂逅了大大小小十几座风格各异的湖泊,目不暇接,流连忘返。首先走进我的视线的是新西兰第二大湖——蒂阿瑙湖,也是南岛的第一大湖。由于到达的时候已是夜幕低垂,湖水的样子看得并不清晰,于是第二天我黎明即起,迫不及待地来到湖边,但见一汪清澈的湖水如一面巨大的镜子,平整地安放在山脚下,没有一丝风,湖水安静得出奇。  相似文献   


Notwithstanding its isolation and very small population New Zealand has a remarkably interesting legacy of industrial archaeology. Early industries were stimulated by a rugged colonial self-reliance and in spite of the temporary nature of many structures there is a reasonable measure of visual evidence remaining. Fanning and gold-mining generated other industries, in particular the manufacture of agricultural equipment and mining machinery. In addition to shipbuilding, refrigeration of meat and dairy produce, timber milling, flaxmilling and coalmining there were many service industries leaving industrial monuments and relics. Unlike Britain there is only a very small number of people committed to the study, recording and preservation of industrial archaeology.  相似文献   

Changes in the localization of dairy farming in New Zealand are interpreted in terms of environmental advantages, inter-regional competition, transportation costs and policies, and the behaviour of cooperative dairy companies. Since the 1920s dairying has become increasingly localized in environmentally advantaged areas. Competition among dairy companies resulted in o ver-extension of supply areas and disequilibrium between collection costs and economies of scale at the plant. Subsequently, some rationalisation of supply areas has occurred, notably since the adoption of tanker collection from the 1950s with cooperative dairy companies using differential transport pricing policies to discourage suppliers at the spatial margins.  相似文献   

Geoffrey Palmer, Unbridled Power, second edition, Auckland, Oxford University Press, 1987, pp.322. NZ$29.95 (paper)

John Roberts, Politicians, Public Servants and Public Enterprise, Wellington, Victoria University Press for the Institute of Policy Studies, 1987, pp. 179. NZ$22.95 (paper)

Keith Jackson, The Dilemma of Parliament, Wellington, Allen and Unwin Port Nicholson Press, 1987, pp.204. NZ$29.95 (paper) Stephen Levine and Raj Vasil, Maori Political Perspectives, Auckland, Hutchinson, 1985, pp.206. NZ$15.95 (paper)

Hyam Gold (ed.), New Zealand Politics in Perspective, Auckland, Longman Paul, 1985, pp.357. NZ$29.95 (paper)

Jonathan Boston and Martin Holland (eds), The Fourth Labour Government, Auckland, Oxford University Press, 1987, pp.273. NZ$21.95 (paper)  相似文献   

<正>"旅途"这两个字,包含着多么奇异、动人和美妙诱人的意义呵!而这个旅途本身,又是多么美妙呵……——果戈里每次准备外出旅游,我们总会萌发一种心动,特别是这次到反季节的南半球一游。当我们纵横漫游在广袤、空旷的南太平洋大陆上,没有想到:这里会有那么多历史的故事,那么多美丽的诗篇;那么多可爱的动物,那么多珍贵的花卉;那么多难忘的小镇,那么多美丽的名胜;那么多秀丽的峡谷,那么多险峻的峰峦……国内正值草长莺飞、万木葱茏的烟花三月,而当我们乘飞机降落在澳大利亚墨尔本的国际机场时,这已是烂  相似文献   

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