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毛泽东和邓小平两代领导人在领导中国人民进行社会主义革命和建设的伟大进程中,始终把实现社会公平、提高生产效率作为奋斗目标,但由于所处的历史阶段不同,他们的效率与公平原则各异,分别不同程度地影响了我国社会经济的发展。  相似文献   

于永臻 《攀登》2006,25(5):62-65
银行改革的成功与否决定着中国金融改革的成败。中国银行业改革和打造国家金融安全体系的核心是银行产业组织效率的提升。有竞争才有效率,有效率才有竞争力,有竞争力才有国家金融安全。国有银行体制转轨的路径选择应该是股权多元化的产权结构改革和放开行业管制的市场结构改革并重的综合改革,当前要警惕其引入战略投资者后强化行业的行政垄断,由“内部人控制”演变成“外部人控制”,损害国家金融安全。银行业应该全面对内资(特别是民间投资者)开放,对外资的开放须循序渐进。  相似文献   

本文提出了玉米、番薯集中产区和一般产区的数量标准,探讨了清代至民国时期山东东部地区玉米、番薯的分布特征,阐明了玉米、番薯以竞争的方式取得优势地位的过程,以及南方和北方的玉米、番薯不同的发展模式。研究表明,与南方的玉米、番薯发展模式不同,在北方,两种美洲作物以竞争的方式排挤了原有作物,并导致作物结构由多样性渐趋向于简单化。  相似文献   

耿明志 《世界》2005,(6):6-8
2004年4月,江苏省无锡市政府根据经济结构调整和产业升级的需要,决定以税后年薪50万元人民币的高薪,面向海内外公开招聘政府对日招商首席代表。  相似文献   

中国和日本近代考古学的产生期在许多地方有其相似之处,也有许多不同。探讨这些异同点是当代兴起的比较考古学重要研究内容之一。  相似文献   

朝鲜古地图中保存了清代中朝边界的诸多重要信息。通过对多种朝鲜古地图的解读,考察了其绘制方法与特点,重点分析了穆克登碑、图们江源、"间岛"及鸭绿江下游岛屿等边界地区在地图上的表现方式与变化轨迹。可以看出,朝鲜古地图在绘制方法受到了中国传统舆图的深刻影响,在内容上反映了绘制者对本国历史、地理状况的认知,也体现了其领土观念与"北拓传统"。  相似文献   

要进行现代化尝试,必须形成一定发达程度的商品经济以及在此基础上资本主义的发展,并建立一整套有效的产权制度。形成现代意义上的民族国家以及在此基础上的中央权威。形成具有现代性的思想文化以及在此基础上的知识分子和社会群体的壮大。由于制度的差异,具体国情和历史起点不同,中日两国所走的现代化道路也不同。从而产生了不同的结果。  相似文献   

在历史的新时期,中共十一届三中全会确定党的政治路线、思想路线之后,以邓小平为核心的中共中央立即着手解决党的组织路线——特别是培养接班人问题。在这个过程中,为解决中青年干部的进和老干部的出,建立了老干部离退休制度。这个制度立足现实,意义深远,是新时期诸多改革特别是干部人事制度改革的一项重大成果。  相似文献   

Using data on investments in China from Fortune Global 500 multinational corporations (MNCs) based in Japan, the United States, and European Union over a three-decade period, the authors document the gradual expansion of MNCs in China both functionally and geographically. Statistical analysis suggests the existence of significant intra-firm clustering as a result of sequential investments, as well as country-of-origin agglomeration in the case of MNCs from Japan. Disaggregated analysis, however, reveals that functional and cross-functional mutual avoidance (e.g., intra- and inter-firm competition) in the location of MNC subsidiary firms tends to mitigate country-of-origin agglomeration effects. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: D200, D800, G320, L200. 5 tables, 5 figures, 68 references.  相似文献   

What effects do new control mechanisms have that governments use to monitor the performance of quasi‐autonomous public agencies? The control mechanisms under review are managerial autonomy, performance contracts, financial incentives, and competition. Using principal‐agent theory, a theoretical model is developed. In order to assess its value for further empirical research this model is then confronted with evidence of an in‐depth case study of a Flemish public agency, which encompasses two embedded cases. In this case, the four control mechanisms seem to induce the public agency to performance‐enhancing behavior through ways assumed in the theoretical model, but only under very specific conditions. The case study points to another and seemingly more fundamental motivation for such behavior, that is, the need of the public agency to strengthen or restore its legitimacy toward its customers and especially toward its political principals, when it is confronted with certain threats to legitimacy.  相似文献   

保甲制是清王朝实施乡村社会控制的主要制度 ,但在乡土社会权力制约下 ,国家政权向乡村社会的延伸屡受挫抑。围绕着乡村权力格局 ,国家与社会之间的复杂关系及其权力力量变动 ,不仅构成了“政治近代化”过程中乡村权力结构的历史前提 ,而且也是我们认识近代中国社会的一个新视角  相似文献   

当代中国科技法制建设的历史考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当代中国科技法制建设作为一个客观的历史进程,历经了转型与初创、破坏与调整、恢复与重建、拓展与深化和创新与完善等5个发展阶段,伴随着科学技术的发展程度、科技成果在生产中的应用程度和科技进步对法律需求程度的提高,其角色、地位和作用有一个逐渐演化的轨迹,科技法制建设也由此踏上了一条充满矛盾的现代化发展之路。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on several villages of Licheng county in the southeastern part of Shanxi province, probing into how the war and the revolution affected village society in North China. The primary concern of most existing studies on the Chinese Revolution has been to examine how the Communist Party of China (CPC) mobilized peasants in a certain area, boosted their revolutionary consciousness, and ultimately led them to win the revolution, and to carry out this inquiry in the context of the orthodox history of the CPC, from top-down perspective. The paper focuses on the microscopic world of a village, and examine, from the bottom-up perspective and in the context of the history of the village itself, what the war and the revolution meant to the village, several factors that have remained rather inconspicuous begin to surface. The case studies of several villages in Licheng county shows that the revolution unfolded as an extension of various conflicts or rivalries that had existed for years within each village, or between different villages. One group of well-to-do people who had once monopolized public authority within a village fell from power, while a group of poorer peasants who had been dominated by the richer group joined the CPC and emerged as new power holders in the village. The motives that drove peasants to join the CPC were often far more complex and diverse than conventional theory would have us believe.  相似文献   

宣誓是孙中山先生一贯坚持的正心之道,其后继者亦往往将这一制度视为整合民心的法宝。南京国民政府成立之后,为了塑造其政权的合法性、扩大其统治基础,隆重推出公民宣誓登记制度。这一制度是对宣誓制度的继承与发展,又与当时流行一时的法西斯主义思潮有着某种联系。由于诸多社会因素的限制,该措施并未收到理想的效果。这在一定程度上标志着国民政府对基层社会渗透与整合的失败,也是近代国家转型步入歧路的重要表征。  相似文献   

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