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The geomagnetic field variation and equivalent current system produced by an asymmetrical ionospheric dynamo action under a solstitial condition are simulated and compared with the observational results. Results of our simulation reproduce well most of the observational features of the solstitial Sq system. For example, the latitude of the current vortex center is higher in summer than in winter and the local time of the center in the summer hemisphere is located earlier than that in the winter hemisphere. In the morning and afternoon sector the current vortex in the summer hemisphere invades the winter hemisphere. The first feature is attributed to the ionospheric currents, but the second and third features are due to the field-aligned currents generated by the asymmetry of the ionospheric dynamo.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional ionospheric currents and fields generated by atmospheric global circuit currents, using the distribution of air-Earth currents as a lower boundary conditions of the ionosphere, have been studied. The air-Earth currents are obtained taking geomagnetic and orographic effects into account, under the assumption of an ionosphere with infinite conductivity. Three dimensional ionospheric currents due to thunderstorm sources are calculated, considering the conductivity distribution in the ionosphere and the configuration of the magnetic field. The calculated potential difference in the ionosphere is 55 V and according to our model the horizontal electric field is too weak to affect the ionosphere and magnetosphere significantly. Horizontal currents are not distributed uniformly, but preferably in the day-side hemisphere and especially in the equatorial region, and vertical currents and fields do not simply decrease with altitude near the equator because of anisotropy and nonuniformity in the conductivity.  相似文献   

Variations of ionospheric Sq electric currents and fields caused by changes in electric conductivity due to changes in solar activity are studied using the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model. Calculations are made for R (sunspot number) = 35 and 200 on the assumption of constant (1, −2)mode tidal winds. It is shown that electric fields grow when solar activity is high, because the ratio of the conductivity in the F-region to that in the E-region increases. Currents in the F-region become stronger than those in the E-region, and nocturnal currents are not negligible when solar activity becomes high. F-region currents also play an important role in the westward currents on the high latitude side of the current vortex. The calculated geomagneticH component at the equator has a depression around 1600 LT for R = 35, while it decreases smoothly from 1100 LT to 1900 LT for R = 200. This difference is consistent with the observed geomagnetic field variation. The ratio of total Sq currents obtained by our simulation is about 3.5, which is a little larger than is found in the observed results.  相似文献   

The effect of asymmetrical thermospheric winds on NmF2 at the dip I = 30° and its magnetic conjugate point have been computed for equinox conditions to study asymmetry in the ionospheric equatorial anomaly in the African and West Asian regions. The wind models of I11 et al. and Chan and Walker have been used in our computations. During the daytime, due to the winds NmF2 in the northern crest becomes greater than NmF2 in the southern crest; at night the reverse is true in both regions. It is shown that the observed asymmetry in NmF2 at the equatorial crest in the African sector can be well explained by considering the effects of asymmetrical winds with respect to those in the West Asian sector.  相似文献   

This paper generalizes experimental data on variations of the angles of arrival of transionospheric radio signals caused by changes in a regular ionosphere and by effects of medium-scale travelling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs). The data are based on radio astronomical observations of discrete sources and compact active features on the Sun as well as on angular measurements of signals from artificial Earth satellites with geostationary and circular orbits.The experimental data are interpreted through calculations of refraction corrections using a Gaussian model of a regular ionosphere disturbed by a three-dimensional travelling wave (the TID model) as well as an adaptive model of a regular ionosphere. Some possibilities of correcting refraction distortions with the use of appropriate models and ionospheric diagnostic tools are discussed.  相似文献   

Ionospheric electric field values are presented, obtained simultaneously by the double probe technique on board a rocket and by two incoherent backscatter radar installations. The measurements were performed during auroral activity over northern Scandinavia. The spatial distribution of the field reveals pronounced local variations.  相似文献   

An analytical approach is implemented for self-consistent modelling of the high-latitude convection electric field. Input parameters are determined as distributions of field-aligned currents and height-integrated conductivity. The high-latitude ionosphere is approximated with an arbitrary number (N) of concentric rings. The height-integrated conductivity (∑) is independent of co-latitude within any ring, but depends on the longitude ~ sin λ. The field-aligned currents flow only along the boundaries of each ring and are presented by Fourier series in longitude. The analytical solution for the potential φ as a function of longitude is also presented as a Fourier series. An analytical solution is obtained for the potential dependencies on co-latitude. For the extreme case, when the integrated conductivity does not depend on longitude, this solution coincides with the analytical results, obtained by other authors. Based on this solution, the potential distribution in the high-latitude ionosphere, an example with N = 5 is shown, the values of conductivity and field-aligned currents being similar to those values used by other authors.  相似文献   

The Intercosmos-13 data obtained when measuring ELF and VLF emission amplitudes during the vernal equinox of 1975 at auroral latitudes and over the polar caps are compared with certain IMF parameters [the polarity of the sector structure, the signs and magnitudes of the By, and Bz, components of the IMF as defined in the Solar Ecliptic coordinate system (Nishida, 1978)]. The comparison shows that:
  • 1.(i) the positive polarity of the IMF sector structure (when IMF vector is directed toward the Earth) involves an enhanced probability of the detection of larger emission field intensities (>25–30dB);
  • 2.(ii) the emission median intensity is ~20dB higher at By > 0 compared with By < 0;
  • 3.(iii) the 0.72 kHz emission median intensity in the polar caps and at night-side auroral latitudes is lower when Bz > 0 as compared with Bz < 0;
  • 4.(iv) at vernal equinox there is no north-south asymmetry in the dependence of ELF and VLF emission intensity on the IMF parameters.

The effect of electron acceleration by intense ionospheric plasma turbulence induced by a high-power radio wave is studied theoretically, under conditions when the turbulence frequency is nearly equal to harmonics of the electron-cyclotron frequency. The turbulence located in a thin layer at the region of the pump-wave upper-hybrid resonance gives rise to the formation of an intense electron distribution function tail at high energies. Given the resonantly absorbed fraction of the pump-wave energy and the typical plasma turbulence scale, one can estimate the turbulence energy density and calculate the modified electron distribution function.  相似文献   

In a resonant wave guide model of lightning currents, two impulse type standing waves can exist: aperiodic waves of the Bruce-Golde form (type 1), and damped oscillations (type 2). The electromagnetic waves generated by these two types of lightning currents are calculated for various distances and compared with observations. It is shown that the measured wave forms of sferics at distances smaller than about 300 km of return strokes (R strokes) as well as of intracloud strokes (K strokes) are generated mainly by type 2 lightning currents. The channel parameters like channel length and channel diameter derived from the observed sferics are 19 km and 4.6 cm, respectively, for the average R stroke, and 4 km and 1.6 cm for typical K strokes. The large values of the lengths probably correspond to the real lengths of oblique and tortuous channels, rather than to their vertical elevation. The finite electric conductivity of the earth modifies the high frequency component of the wave forms. With decreasing conductivity and/or increasing distance, the rise times of the radiation component to its first maximum increases and the maximum amplitude decreases.Typical rise times for R-strokes are about 3 μs consistent with the observations if the electric conductivity of the earth is of the order of 10−3 S/m. The spectral functions of the wave forms are also calculated. The spectral amplitude of the average type 2 R-stroke has its maximum near 4 kHz, and that of the type 2 K-stroke maximizes near 35 kHz. Within the high frequency region at frequencies greater than about 300 kHz. the spectral amplitudes decay proportional to the reciprocal third power of the frequency. The radiation component in the far field contains 7% (16%) of the total electromagnetic energy of type 2 R (K) strokes.  相似文献   

This paper surveys the results of simultaneous observations by the EISCAT incoherent scatter radar and the AMPTE-UKS satellite, made during three periods in September and October 1984, when AMPTE-UKS was in the solar wind on the dayside of the Earth and the UK-POLAR EISCAT experiment was measuring ionospheric parameters at invariant latitudes 70.8–75.0°. A total of 42 h of EISCAT convection velocity data, with 2.5 min resolution, were obtained, together with 28 h of simultaneous 5 s resolution AMPTE-UKS observations of the solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). The general features of the AMPTE-UKS data are described in Section 2 and those of the EISCAT data are described in Sections 3 and 4. The main subjects discussed are the form of the plasma convection patterns and their dependence on all three components of the IMF (Section 5), the ionospheric response to abrupt changes in the IMF (Section 6), in particular a sharp ‘southward turning’ of the IMF on 27 October 1984, and a crossing of an IMF sector boundary. Section 7 describes ‘short lived rapid flow burst’, which are believed to be related to flux transfer events at the magnetopause.  相似文献   

The problem of electromagnetic field disturbances produced by the interaction between winds of acoustic gravity waves (AGW) origin and the ionospheric plasma has been considered. It is shown that, when not allowing the electrostatic approach, electromagnetic field disturbances represent shear Alfvén and compressional modes modified by ionospheric Pedersen and Hall conductivities. It is further shown that the quasielectrostatic Alfvén type disturbances give the main contribution to electric field perturbations. Magnetic field perturbations due to Alfvén and compressional modes have the same order of magnitude. Two numerical models for simulation of the problem under consideration have been developed. The first model is intended for the simulation of Alfvén type disturbance production and transmission into the magnetosphere, taking into account the dipole geometry of the geomagnetic field, but a mutual transformation of Alfvén and compressional modes is ignored. The second model is constructed for the simulation of both electromagnetic field disturbance production and their mutual transformation in the ionosphere. The results of numerical simulations with these models show that there is an opportunity for AGW activity monitoring in the lower thermosphere by ground-and satellite-based recordings of magnetic and electric field variations.  相似文献   

A theory of tomographic reconstruction of the statistical properties of the random turbulent ionospheric plasma is presented. Derived integral equations for the coherence functions of the measured fields allow the determination of inhomogeneous layer coordinates and the reconstruction of cross-sections of the electron density correlation functions. For statistically homogeneous layers and a transmitter on board a moving satellite with a linear receiving array on the ground, we have the possibility of determining the three-dimensional correlation function structure or its spectrum using a set of two-dimensional cross-sections. One receiver allows the reconstruction of the spectrum of the two-dimensional cross-section of the correlation function. We also consider the solution of the inverse problem for non-homogeneous fluctuations. In this case the distribution of the electron density fluctuations, its variance and the correlation coefficient, characterizing the spatial structure of fluctuations may be reconstructed by a tomographic technique. Experimental results on the identification of the layer height of the irregularities and on the spectrum of the two-dimensional cross-sections of the correlation function measurements are presented.  相似文献   

A fixed frequency amplitude modulated transmission was reflected from the ionosphere and changes in the group path, phase path, signal amplitude and directions of arrival of this transmission caused by travelling ionospheric disturbances were measured. These measurements enabled approximate determinations of the horizontal wavelength, period and horizontal phase velocity of the disturbances, which were compared with the theory of disturbances for atmospheric waves. A simple model is proposed to explain the phase relationships between the TIDs observed in the group and phase paths, and the faster decrease in power of the phase path than the other measured parameters indicated by spectral analysis.  相似文献   

Observations of the lower ionospheric disturbance caused by a low altitude nuclear explosion are presented. A forward scatter radar, frequency 41 MHz, power 2.5 kW, was used to study these disturbances. The first radar scattering signal consisting of three peaks appeared 40 s after the explosion. It was due to early ionization by delayed y-rays. The second kind of disturbance generated after 190 s was clearly different from the first. The scattering signal had a constant component which indicated a strong specular reflection. The field strength increased by more than 20 db. This disturbance was produced by the direct shock wave. The third kind of disturbance began after 8 min, lasted 5.0 min, and was probably dominated by the fireball/smoke cloud oscillation when it reached its stabilization altitude and approached hydrodynamical equilibrium with the ambient atmosphere. Using numerical computation techniques, we have explained the above results well.  相似文献   

Using ray tracing we investigate, on a qualitative level and in the linear approximation, the effects of medium-scale travelling ionospheric disturbances (MS TIDs) arising when powerful HF radio transmitters are operated in conjunction with antenna arrays designed for ionospheric modification (heating) and for radio location of the Moon. It is shown that the HF radio wave focusing effect, arising during the movement of the MS TIDs, can give rise to a strong inhomogeneous and nonstationary modulation of the space-time distribution of the field intensity of a powerful radio transmitter both at heights near the reflection region (in heating experiments) and at the exit from the ionosphere (in radio location of the Moon). The excess of intensity over an unperturbed value for typical parameters of MS TIDs in experiments on ionospheric modification can reach values of hundreds of percent: a ‘spot’ of increased intensity of the wave field can have the size of about 1–10 km, and can move with a velocity close to the MS TID phase velocity.In the case of lunar radio location, the inhomogeneity and nonstationarity of the wave field intensity distribution at the exit from the ionosphere substantially complicates the evaluation of the corresponding distribution on the Moon's surface and the interpretation of the Moon-reflected radio signal characteristics.  相似文献   

Results of a detailed study by digital methods of the energy spectra and the frequency-time characteristics of electromagnetic radiation stimulated by short fractional hop whistlers (S.W.) observed on Intercosmos 14 are presented. The phenomenon was observed at frequencies below I kHz in the ionosphere at altitudes from 360 to 450 km during summer night. It has been shown that the intensity of the stimulated emission is greater by an order of magnitude or more than that of the natural noise background and of the same order of magnitude or a little lower than the intensity of the triggering S.W. The duration of the stimulated emission varies from 0.27 to 0.64 s. The energy spectra of this emission have two maxima at frequencies of 730+ 35 Hz and 940+ 35 Hz, with a bandwidth ΔF ≃ 150 to 300 Hz.  相似文献   

Six papers all dealing with non-linear wave interaction processes excited during ionospheric modification experiments are reviewed. The papers were presented as posters at the URSI Open Symposium 2 on Active Experiments in Space Piasmas, Florence, Italy, 30–31 August 1984.  相似文献   

Special types of VLF signals, which follow whistlers and spherics and have an anomalous dispersion near the lower hybrid resonance (LHR) frequency, have been observed on the low-altitude Intercosmos satellites. These signals have been named LHR whistlers and LHR spherics, respectively. A mechanism is suggested for the formation of their spectra, based on the peculiarities of quasi-resonance wave propagation at frequencies near the LHR frequencies. It is shown that the large dispersion observed may be accounted for by a significant increase in the propagation time of the wave as its frequency approaches the maximum in the LHR frequency profile.  相似文献   

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