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When the Interkosmos-14 and Interkosmos-19 satellites crossed the region of spatially varying electron concentration in the topside ionosphere adjacent to the high-latitude boundary of the main ionospheric trough, it was discovered that there were simultaneous fluctuations of plasma density, temperature and the amplitudes (Hx and Ey) of the ELF and VLF radio/plasma emissions. The probability characteristics of the naturally perpendicular Hx and Ey fluctuations are analysed. The correlation coefficient R(H, Ey) turned out to be less than 0.6 at frequencies of F ⩽ 4.65 kHz, while at higher frequencies R increases, up to 0.9 at 15 kHz. The following interpretations are proposed:
  1. 1.1. While measuring noise emissions, as a rule a mixture of numerous elementary waves is recorded.
  2. 2.2. At frequencies exceeding the local lower hybrid resonance frequency (in our case fLHR ≈ 5 kHz), a mixture of electromagnetic waves experiencing the influence of the inhomogeneous electron concentration Ne is registered.
  3. 3.3. At frequencies which are lower than the local value fLHR the mixture mainly consists of ELF waves. The wave field has a complicated structure, and the dynamical coherence between electric and magnetic field components is not as simple as at VLF frequencies (f ≈ 15 kHz).
  4. 4.4. It is shown that the wave components for a mixture of electromagnetic and electrostatic waves (for instance a mixture of VLF and lower hybrid frequency waves) have a lower correlation coefficient because the electrostatic waves are unrelated to the electromagnetic waves.
  5. 5.5. The correlation analysis offers an opportunity to detect the presence of waves of various types in the wave mixture.

The Intercosmos-13 data obtained when measuring ELF and VLF emission amplitudes during the vernal equinox of 1975 at auroral latitudes and over the polar caps are compared with certain IMF parameters [the polarity of the sector structure, the signs and magnitudes of the By, and Bz, components of the IMF as defined in the Solar Ecliptic coordinate system (Nishida, 1978)]. The comparison shows that:
  • 1.(i) the positive polarity of the IMF sector structure (when IMF vector is directed toward the Earth) involves an enhanced probability of the detection of larger emission field intensities (>25–30dB);
  • 2.(ii) the emission median intensity is ~20dB higher at By > 0 compared with By < 0;
  • 3.(iii) the 0.72 kHz emission median intensity in the polar caps and at night-side auroral latitudes is lower when Bz > 0 as compared with Bz < 0;
  • 4.(iv) at vernal equinox there is no north-south asymmetry in the dependence of ELF and VLF emission intensity on the IMF parameters.

It is known that on a counter electrojet day the noontime electron density at the equator shows enhanced values with no bite-out. The consequences of the absence of the normal equatorial electrojet on the electron density distribution at the equatorial station Kodaikanal (dip latitude 1.4°N, long. 77.5°E) and at an anomaly crest location Ahmedabad (dip latitude 18°N, long. 73°E) are discussed for a strong electrojet (SEJ) day and a counter electrojet (CEJ) day. The electron density distribution with height for a pair of SEJ and CEJ days at the two equatorial stations Kodaikanal and Huancayo (dip latitude 1°N, long. 75°W) are studied. The F-region peak height, hm and the semi-thickness parameter ym on the SEJ day followed a similar variation pattern. On the CEJ days ym exhibited a substantially low and mostly flattened daytime variation compared to the peaked values on the SEJ day. An attempt is made to interpret these differences in terms of the changes in the vertical drift pattern resulting from the E × B drift of plasma at the equator and the varying recombination rate β, which is also a height dependent and a local time dependent parameter.  相似文献   

The daily change in illumination over a VLF propagation path produces a regular variation in the phase and amplitude of a received signal. Significant differences have been reported for such variations when measured at the same frequency over propagation paths of similar length but different orientation. Past attempts have been made to explain these observations in terms of stellar X-ray sources and a major variation in VLF propagation parameters at the magnetic equator. This paper shows that a minor azimuthal variation in the relative phase velocities of interfering waveguide modes propagating at night can account for the observations in some detail.  相似文献   

Simultaneous daytime observations of E region horizontal irregularity drift velocities in the equatorial electrojet and F region vertical plasma drifts were made on a few magnetically quiet days at the magnetic equatorial station of Trivandrum (dip 0.5°N). Measurements of the electrojet irregularity velocities by VHF backscatter radar and the F region vertical plasma drifts by HF Doppier radar are used to deduce the daytime East-West electric fields in the E and F regions, respectively. The fluctuating components of the electric fields are separated and subjected to power spectral analysis. The E and F region electric field fluctuations are found to be well correlated; the estimated correlation coefficient is in the range of 0.52–0.8. The fluctuation amplitudes are of the order of 15% over the background for the E region and 25% for the F region. The spectral analysis reveals dominant components in the range of 30–90 min with F region components stronger than those of the E region by a factor of about 1.5 on the average. The F region electric fields during daytime being coupled from the low latitude E region, the good correlation observed between the E and F region perturbations suggests that the electric fields in the E region at low and equatorial latitudes are coherent for the temporal scales of the order of few tens of minutes. The spectral characteristics are such that the commonly occurring medium scale gravity waves could possibly be the source for the observed fluctuations in the E and F region electric fields.  相似文献   

The development of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (KHI) in a compressible plasma containing a magnetic field is studied for a finite thick layer with a velocity shear in a linear two-dimensional MHD approximation. Approximate analytical expressions for the phase speed, growth rate and wavenumber of the fastest growing unstable mode are derived for the velocity profile across the layer with the velocity shear having a sudden onset, termed a sharp elbow. The Dispersion equation is obtained from boundary conditions on the sharp elbow where the logarithmic derivative of the total pressure (or normal component of velocity) plays the main role.The KHI, driven by velocity shear, is considered as a possible generator of plasma oscillations in magnetospheric regions such as at the boundary between the inner plasma sheet and the plasmasphere, the boundary between the plasma sheet and the tail lobes and the boundary between the plasma sheet and the magnetopause. Analytical expressions for the phase speed, growth rate, period and wavenumber of the growing unstable mode obtained with some simplifying assumptions leads to values similar to the results of numerical analyses.  相似文献   

HF doppler observations of vertical plasma drifts in the post-sunset equatorial F-region at Trivandrum (dip 0.9°S), conducted over a range of solar and geomagnetic conditions, are presented. The observations show that under magnetically quiet conditions, the characteristic post-sunset enhancement in the vertical plasma drift is quite sensitive to solar activity; the peak velocity drops by about a factor of 3 as the solar flux index (S10.7) changes from about 125 to 70. It is found that the drift velocity enhancement has strong magnetic activity dependence only during high solar activity; the drift velocity drops by more than a factor of 2 from quiet to moderate activity, but builds back to the quiet day level for high magnetic activity. The occurrence of equatorial spread-F (ESF) is seen to be closely linked to the post-sunset enhancement in the vertical drift velocity, both showing essentially the same dependence on solar and magnetic activities. A comparison with Jicamarca observations shows that while the gross characteristics of the drift velocity pattern are about the same for the two stations, there are significant differences in the detailed variations, particularly for magnetically disturbed conditions.  相似文献   

A polar map of the occurrence rate of broad-band auroral VLF hiss in the topside ionosphere was made by a criterion of simultaneous intensity increases more than 5 dB above the quiet level at 5, 8, 16 and 20 kHz bands, using narrow-band intensity data processed from VLF electric field (50 Hz–30 kHz) tapes of 347 ISIS passes received at Syowa Station, Antarctica, between June 1976 and January 1983.The low-latitude contour of occurrence rate of 0.3 is approximately symmetric with respect to the 10–22 MLT (geomagnetic local time) meridian. It lies at 74° around 10 MLT, and extends down to 67° around 22 MLT. The high-latitude contour of 0.3 lies at invariant latitude of about 82° for all geomagnetic local times. The polar occurrence map of broad-band auroral VLF hiss is qualitatively similar to that of inverted-V electron precipitation observed by Atmospheric Explorer.(AE-D) (Huffman and Lin, 1981, American Geophys. Union, Geophysics Monograph, No. 25, p. 80), especially concerning the low-latitude boundary and axial symmetry of the 10–22 h MLT meridian.The frequency range of the broad-band auroral VLF hiss is discussed in terms of whistler Aode Cerenkov radiation by inverted-V electrons (1–30 keV) precipitated from the boundary plasma sheet. High-frequency components, above 12 kHz of whistler mode Cerenkov radiation from inverted-V electrons with energy below 40 keV, may be generated at altitudes below 3200 km along geomagnetic field lines at invariant latitudes between 70 and 77°. Low-frequency components below 2 kHz may be generated over a wide region at altitudes below 6400 km along the same field lines. Thus, the frequency range of the downgoing broad-band auroral hiss seems to be explained by the whistler mode Cerenkov radiation generated from inverted-V electrons at geocentric distances below about 2 RE (Earth's radius) along polar geomagnetic field lines of invariant latitude from 70 to 77°, since the whistler mode condition for all frequencies above 1 kHz of the downgoing hiss is not satisfied at geocentric distance of 3 re on the same field lines.  相似文献   

Choosing a highly idealized model, we analyze the scattering of VLF radio waves from a thin vertical column of ionization within the Earth-ionosphere waveguide. It is shown that mode conversion is produced if the column is limited in height and/or if the ionization is a function of height. However, the relative higher-mode content would be small in some situations such as in the case of the ionization produced by a cloud-to-ionosphere lightning discharge.  相似文献   

The growth rate of whistler-mode waves is calculated analytically for a bi-Maxwellian plasma in the presence of a beam of cool electrons. This beam is moving in the same direction as the gyroresonant electrons and in the opposite direction to the waves which are considered to propagate parallel (or anti-parallel) to the imposed geomagnetic field. A somewhat surprising result is found. This is that even if the anisotropy is greater than a critical value, which is strongly frequency dependent, the beam reduces the growth of the waves near half the electron gyrofrequency. For a field-aligned current density ~ 1 μA m−2, this mechanism can explain the lack of signals near 1.4 kHz on auroral (return current) flux tubes. It can also explain the observed absorption of signals at half the electron gyrofrequency, around 7 kHz on L = 4 flux tubes, near the equatorial plane and just outside the plasmapause.  相似文献   

We review theoretical and numerical studies of VLF triggered emissions generated by manmade signals propagating in the whistler mode in the magnetosphere. Instead of listing all the past studies on the subject we select some of those works which give important ideas and the theoretical basis for future studies. The main purpose of the paper is to clarify what problems remain unresolved and to make suggestions for future studies.We first describe the phenomenon of VLF triggered emissions and give a brief review of experiments and observations. We then summarize the basic physics of VLF wave-particle interactions, which is indispensable for an understanding of the triggering mechanisms. We review important ideas and theories, as well as numerical models so far employed, summarize the present understanding of the phenomenon and consider briefly those problems which need further study. Especially, we focus our attention on numerical simulations whose capabilities in nonlinear physics are increasing with the increasing power of supercomputers.  相似文献   

Lightning-induced ionisation enhancements (LIEs) are usually produced by short (~ 1 s) bursts of energetic electrons precipitated from the radiation belts in the process of amplifying whistlers. During their short life (~ 30 s) LIEs diffract or otherwise modify stable transmissions of VLF waves propagating in the two-dimensional Earth-ionosphere waveguide. This causes perturbations (‘Trimpis’) on the same time scale in the phase and amplitude of these VLF waves. Unless the LIEs are large (> 100 km) and smoothly varying (e.g., Gaussian distribution of ionisation enhancement) in the horizontal directions, the LIEs need not be on the great circle path (GCP) from VLF transmitter to receiver to produce Trimpis. Large and smooth LIEs produce ‘GCP Trimpis’, while small or structured LIEs produce ‘echo Trimpis’. The two can usually be distinguished, if Trimpi phase and amplitude are monitored and if the Trimpis are observed at several frequencies or on two or more spaced receivers simultaneously.If only GCP Trimpis are considered, the causative LIEs can be located and mapped by geometric optics using a network of receivers of sufficient density (spacing ~ 100 km) and a few transmitters. Provided all Trimpis are identified as GCP, their mere detection is sufficient for location. This is equivalent to locating the LIE ‘shadows’ cast onto arrays of spaced receivers by two or more transmitters. If this GCP identification is not made, or is just assumed, location and mapping (size estimation) errors can be quite large. At VLF (λ ~ 15 km) this geometric optics approach cannot be used to study the horizontal fine structure of LIEs since LIEs producing GCP Trimpis have no fine structure.Small or structured LIEs cast a diffraction pattern onto an array of spaced receivers. If both the phase and amplitude perturbation of echo Trimpis are measured at each receiver of the array, holographic techniques can be used to reconstruct the two-dimensional map or image of the causative LIEs. It is shown that, for a single system of one transmitter and a receiver array, this allows high resolution (~ 10 km) in the azimuthal dimension only. Equally high resolution in both horizontal dimensions can be achieved with two orthogonal systems. This technique works equally well on GCP Trimpis to map the causative LIEs (which are large and structureless) without incurring location errors thereby.  相似文献   

The results of the Intercosmos-19 satellite experiment which receives VLF signals arriving via a magnetospheric path have been examined. The reception zone in the magnetically conjugate region (MCR) has been shown to be centred near the L-value (2.6) of the transmitter of 15 kHZ radio waves. The received signals arrive at the MCR with wave normal angles to the geomagnetic field, ψ, far from the resonance cone. These results indicate an effective amplification of the signal in the magnetosphere by 10–15 dB and effective ducting of VLF waves across the equatorial plane of the magnetosphere.  相似文献   

This paper presents further experimental results on ionospheric current modulation, using powerful amplitude modulated HF waves produced by the new heating facility at Ramfjordmoen near Tromsø, Norway. As a result of the current modulation, waves in the ULF, ELF and VLF range can be efficiently generated. The experiments discussed here cover the range from low ELF up to 7 kHz. The observed signal strengths are of the order 1 pT. Decomposition of the received ELF/VLF waves into R- and L-mode shows that both modes are usually of comparable strength. The signal strength as a function of modulation frequency shows pronounced maxima at multiples of approximately 2 kHz. The paper also presents a brief theoretical discussion of the processes involved in the generation of ELF/VLF waves by HF induced current modulation.  相似文献   

Using a two-dimensional model a study is made of the dynamics of plasma irregularities, embedded in a weakly covered plasma, containing an electric field transverse to the magnetic field. The analysis shows that due to field aligned and Hall plasma drift, the irregularities are divided into two parts, one of which is stretched along the magnetic field.  相似文献   

Results of a sodium vapour release experiment carried out from SHAR (India), an equatorial rocket launching station, immediately after (⩽ 2 h) a storm sudden commencement (SSC) during the initial phase of a magnetic storm, followed by electron density measurements are presented. Many of the relevant atmospheric parameters, namely, neutral winds and their altitude variation, the magnitude of the shears in them, the neutral temperature with altitude by spectroscopic methods, diffusion measurements on the released trail, clues on the turbopause level and the electron densities including the structures (irregularities) in them were obtained. The results of the temperature measurements carried out independently on the sodium trail by means of a ground-based Fabry-Perot spectrometer, operating on the sodium D 1 line, resonantly scattered by the trail have already been reported by us (Ranjan Guptaet al., 1986). In this paper the effects of the excess temperature reported earlier and the rest of the measured parameters on the electron density profiles are evaluated using models and compared with the measurements.The formation of sharp layers of ionization have been explained on the basis of the electro-dynamical processes associated with the wind shears at a location, close to the edge of the equatorial electrojet belt. The significance of the changes in the neutral composition due to the enhanced neutral temperature and the low turbopause level, in increasing the base-level plasma densities by a factor of 3–5 are demonstrated and the possible role of plasma dynamics discussed.  相似文献   

Rapid onset (few ms), rapid decay (~ls) perturbations or RORDs occur frequently on the west-to-east signal from NWC to Dunedin, more often than not with classic Trimpis. They do not appear on an NWC mimic signal directly injected into the antenna and so cannot be broadband bursts. There is no delay between the initiating sferic and RORD start, implying that they are produced not by whistler-induced electron precipitation but directly by lightning. Observations on a multi element array show that classic Trimpis and RORDs initiated by the same sferic usually come from measurably different directions, so the lightning-induced ionisation enhancements (LIEs) which cause them must be laterally displaced. They may also be vertically displaced to explain the differing decay rates (30s versus 1 s). We conclude that RORDs are VLF echoes from vertical columns of ionisation at around 40km altitude and having vertical dimensions of some tens of km and horizontal dimensions of 1–2km, since such a column would scatter sufficient signal to fit observed amplitudes. Cloud-to-ionosphere (CID) lightning discharges (also called “cloud-to-space” and “cloud-to-stratosphere” discharges) of these visible dimensions have been observed on mountain observatories and on board the Space Shuttle.  相似文献   

A 600-km array of five Trimpi receivers (“elements”) has been set up in New Zealand broadside to the VLF (22.3 kHz) transmitter, NWC, some 6000 km west, with element separations varying from 8 km to 550 km. Although such a five-element array is inadequate for imaging of lightning-induced ionisation enhancements (LIEs) by VLF holography, or inverse scattering, estimates of LIE size and location can be made if the shape and form of the LIE can be guessed or assumed, with even fewer elements. With five elements, tests of the assumed model can be made as well.Owing to its transform properties, the simplest model to use for scattering inversion is the Gaussian LIE distribution. For this model, and for single mode propagation, an inversion process is derived here for the full range of LIE and path dimensions, ranging from those for which the receiver is in the diffraction far field to those in which “geometric optics” dominate. This inversion process has some validity for small LIEs of other shapes of simple form. For more extreme models, the dominance of geometry or diffraction can usually be established in individual cases which then allows simple scaling procedures to be used in scattering inversion.Some 70 Trimpi events were observed on all five elements during a single night in July. 1991 (late winter). These were used to determine LIE location and size, and to test the applicability of various LIE models. It was found that most LIEs that night occurred over the Tasman Sea near the great circle from the VLF transmitter, NWC, to Wellington, generally some 500 to 2000 km from Wellington, and with north-south dimensions of 100–250 km. Much longer east-west dimensions (oriented towards NWC) are suggested to account for the very strong Trimpis observed. While about half of these LIEs that night could have had a smooth lateral spread (e.g., Gaussian), the remainder required varying degrees of fine structure, from “flat” or Butterworth LIEs to multiple LIEs as might be expected from multiduct whistlers, to explain the observed diffraction pattern exhibiting maxima and minima as well as the wide angular range over which simultaneous Trimpis were observed.  相似文献   

Traditional approaches to intrasite spatial analysis in archaeology have concentrated on identifying associations among classes of artifacts over a site surface. This focus has tended to ignore the possible effects of contextual constraints on inter-class relationships, for example the “gravity effects” of hearth features on object deposition. Consequently, sets of co-occurring artifact classes defined in space are usually ascribed behavioural significance as “tool kits”, even though they may represent unrelated objects simply discarded into the same spatial location. This paper attempts to illustrate this problem through contextual integration of artifact and feature distributions. Quantitative methods are employed to carry out contextual spatial analysis of artifact distributions from the Upper Palaeolithic rockshelter site Le Flageolet I (Dordogne, France). Results indicate that associations among artifact classes in space might be constrained by feature locations at Le Flageolet I and that contextual interpretations are warranted for the observed inter-class relations.  相似文献   

One indirect index of attitudes toward women, as well as their actual position in the medieval Church, can be gained through a collective study of saints' lives. For on one level, membership in the heavenly city reflected the earthly society of the middle ages. Although in theory the Church professed a policy of spiritual egalitarianism, in reality it was much more difficult for women than for men to transcend their sex and enter the ranks of the celestial hierarchy. The rather wide discrepancy in sanctity (approximately 85% of the saints of this period were male), can be explained in part by the exclusion of women from leadership roles in the secular Church hierarchy. However, certain periods were more conducive than others to the making of women saints. Women had a greater prominence, as reflected by their selection as saints, in the initial stages of the various movements of the Church. As the Church became more secure, right- minded and ultimately regularized and reformed, the premature enthusiasm for women waned. A backlash resulted in which women were viewed as liabilities and generally suspect. They were denied opportunities for a prominence in the religious community, a ‘visibility’ upon which sanctity was predicated.  相似文献   

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