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The vertical electric field component was measured by a group of the Ukrainian Institute of Radio Astronomy on board the Professor Zubov scientific vessel during April 1989 at latitudes from 30°S to 50°N. Results of the amplitude measurements in the Atlantic of natural ELF radio signals and those from the VLF navigation system “Omega” at its lowest frequency of 10.2 kHz are given. Characteristics were obtained of the moving ship as the field-site for the ELF observations. Variations in the ELF radio noise amplitude recorded at tropical latitudes agree with the computed data for the model of three continental centres of lightning activity. The VLF results were obtained by the “beat” technique providing the simplest narrow-band amplitude registration. Range dependencies of the field amplitudes from A (Norway), B (Liberia) and F (Argentina) stations have been analysed. The VLF attenuation factor was estimated for the ambient day conditions along the four cardinal directions. This allowed the detection of a statistically significant attenuation difference between the east-west and west-east propagation paths. The VLF radio signal was also used as a probe to evaluate the effective height of the vertical electric antenna and to calibrate the ELF noise amplitudes.  相似文献   

The nature of the shift between the frequency of geomagnetic pulsations registered on the Earth and the modulation frequency of VLF emissions registered on board satellites is analyzed. The results obtained are compatible with the mechanism of VLF emissions modulations founded on the interaction between magnetosonic waves propagating perpendicular to the geomagnetic field and the energetic electrons exciting VLF emissions. It is shown that the frequency shift considered can be used for pulsations source localization in the magnetosphere.  相似文献   

Satellite and ground-based VLF recordings were made at SANAE, Antarctica from 1976 to 1979. In this paper we combine ground and satellite observations to determine temperatures in the plasmasphere. Scale heights in the plasmasphere are determined at high altitudes using a diffusive equilibrium model and measurements of equatorial electron densities and densities at about 3000 km. The temperatures corresponding to these scale heights show a gradual increase with increasing L-value and sharp increases of about 2000 K just inside the plasmapause.  相似文献   

It has generally been accepted that the fields constituting the waveguide modes reflected from natural discontinuities in the lower boundary of the earth-ionosphere waveguide have a negligible amplitude compared to the fields constituting the incident modes at VLF (Kirchoff's approximation). Recent measurements, in the region of the South Island of New Zealand, show cases where such reflections play a significant role in the determination of VLF field strength and phase.  相似文献   

The Anticosti Basin is a large Paleozoic basin in eastern Canada where potential source and reservoir rocks have been identified but no economic hydrocarbon reservoirs have been found. Potential source rocks of the Upper Ordovician Macasty Formation overlie carbonates of the Middle Ordovician Mingan Formation, which are underlain by dolostones of the Lower Ordovician Romaine Formation. These carbonates have been subjected to dissolution and dolomitization and are potential hydrocarbon reservoirs. Numerical simulations of fluid‐overpressure development related to sediment compaction and hydrocarbon generation were carried out to investigate whether hydrocarbons generated in the Macasty Formation could migrate downward into the underlying Mingan and Romaine formations. The modeling results indicate that, in the central part of the basin, maximum fluid overpressures developed above the Macasty Formation due to rapid sedimentation. This overpressured core dissipated gradually with time, but the overpressure pattern (i.e. maximum overpressure above source rock) was maintained during the generation of oil and gas. The downward impelling force associated with fluid‐overpressure gradients in the central part of the basin was stronger than the buoyancy force for oil, whereas the buoyancy force for gas and for oil generated in the later stage of the basin is stronger than the overpressure‐related force. Based on these results, it is proposed that oil generated from the Macasty Formation in the central part of the basin first moved downward into the Mingan and Romaine formations, and then migrated laterally up‐dip toward the basin margin, whereas gas throughout the basin and oil generated in the northern part of the basin generally moved upward. Consequently, gas reservoirs are predicted to occur in the upper part of the basin, whereas oil reservoirs are more likely to be found in the strata below the source rocks. Geofluids (2010) 10 , 334–350  相似文献   

The phase of Omega Haiku (Hawaii U.S.A.) signals has been measured at 13.6 and 10.2 kHz on-board ship from Tokyo to Fremantle, Australia, during the early parts of the winters of 1979 and 1980. Short-term (∼- 1 h) fluctuations are observed on the phase of the Haiku signals as received around the geomagnetic equator at a distance of 8000 km west of the transmitter. Phase cycle slippings take place frequently in association with the phase fluctuations, the occurrence frequency of which is a maximum at 6 S geomagnetic latitude. These propagation anomalies are a consequence of the passage of the ship through an interference pattern the spacing distance of which is about 11 km at 13.6 kHz —one-half of the wave-length of the transmitted wave. It is concluded that the interference is caused by the signal propagated directly from the transmitter and the long-path signal propagating a distance of 32.000 km in the west-to-east direction. This result implies that the attenruation of the east-to-west propagating Omega wave is anomalously great at the equator, in pood agreement with calculated values based on the Galejs' anisotropic waveguide model.  相似文献   

Choosing a highly idealized model, we analyze the scattering of VLF radio waves from a thin vertical column of ionization within the Earth-ionosphere waveguide. It is shown that mode conversion is produced if the column is limited in height and/or if the ionization is a function of height. However, the relative higher-mode content would be small in some situations such as in the case of the ionization produced by a cloud-to-ionosphere lightning discharge.  相似文献   

The daily change in illumination over a VLF propagation path produces a regular variation in the phase and amplitude of a received signal. Significant differences have been reported for such variations when measured at the same frequency over propagation paths of similar length but different orientation. Past attempts have been made to explain these observations in terms of stellar X-ray sources and a major variation in VLF propagation parameters at the magnetic equator. This paper shows that a minor azimuthal variation in the relative phase velocities of interfering waveguide modes propagating at night can account for the observations in some detail.  相似文献   

The growth rate of whistler-mode waves is calculated analytically for a bi-Maxwellian plasma in the presence of a beam of cool electrons. This beam is moving in the same direction as the gyroresonant electrons and in the opposite direction to the waves which are considered to propagate parallel (or anti-parallel) to the imposed geomagnetic field. A somewhat surprising result is found. This is that even if the anisotropy is greater than a critical value, which is strongly frequency dependent, the beam reduces the growth of the waves near half the electron gyrofrequency. For a field-aligned current density ~ 1 μA m−2, this mechanism can explain the lack of signals near 1.4 kHz on auroral (return current) flux tubes. It can also explain the observed absorption of signals at half the electron gyrofrequency, around 7 kHz on L = 4 flux tubes, near the equatorial plane and just outside the plasmapause.  相似文献   

A polar map of the occurrence rate of broad-band auroral VLF hiss in the topside ionosphere was made by a criterion of simultaneous intensity increases more than 5 dB above the quiet level at 5, 8, 16 and 20 kHz bands, using narrow-band intensity data processed from VLF electric field (50 Hz–30 kHz) tapes of 347 ISIS passes received at Syowa Station, Antarctica, between June 1976 and January 1983.The low-latitude contour of occurrence rate of 0.3 is approximately symmetric with respect to the 10–22 MLT (geomagnetic local time) meridian. It lies at 74° around 10 MLT, and extends down to 67° around 22 MLT. The high-latitude contour of 0.3 lies at invariant latitude of about 82° for all geomagnetic local times. The polar occurrence map of broad-band auroral VLF hiss is qualitatively similar to that of inverted-V electron precipitation observed by Atmospheric Explorer.(AE-D) (Huffman and Lin, 1981, American Geophys. Union, Geophysics Monograph, No. 25, p. 80), especially concerning the low-latitude boundary and axial symmetry of the 10–22 h MLT meridian.The frequency range of the broad-band auroral VLF hiss is discussed in terms of whistler Aode Cerenkov radiation by inverted-V electrons (1–30 keV) precipitated from the boundary plasma sheet. High-frequency components, above 12 kHz of whistler mode Cerenkov radiation from inverted-V electrons with energy below 40 keV, may be generated at altitudes below 3200 km along geomagnetic field lines at invariant latitudes between 70 and 77°. Low-frequency components below 2 kHz may be generated over a wide region at altitudes below 6400 km along the same field lines. Thus, the frequency range of the downgoing broad-band auroral hiss seems to be explained by the whistler mode Cerenkov radiation generated from inverted-V electrons at geocentric distances below about 2 RE (Earth's radius) along polar geomagnetic field lines of invariant latitude from 70 to 77°, since the whistler mode condition for all frequencies above 1 kHz of the downgoing hiss is not satisfied at geocentric distance of 3 re on the same field lines.  相似文献   

<正>1991年,一位叫南思·史尔斯的加拿大妇女,在她生活的美丽小村庄新不伦瑞克省的圣马丁村开展了独特的野外旅行服务。史尔斯的公司带领游客进行荒野旅行、研究动植物、观赏鸟类,在517天的旅行中,参加者在欣赏到壮美风景的同时,还能了解当地的风土人情、动植物分布状况、地质形态等信息。这便是加拿大生态旅游的开端,由此,加拿大也成为了世界上最早开展生态旅游的国家之一。  相似文献   

生命旅程,心灵感悟:加拿大生态旅游   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>1991年,一位叫南思·史尔斯的加拿大妇女,在她生活的美丽小村庄新不伦瑞克省的圣马丁村开展了独特的野外旅行服务。史尔斯的公司带领游客进行荒野旅行、研究动植物、观赏鸟类,在5~17天的旅行中,参加者在欣赏到壮美风景的同时,还能了解当地的风土人情、动植物分布状况、地质形态等信息。这便是加拿大生态旅游的开端,由此,加拿大也成为了世界上最早开展生态旅游的国家之一。  相似文献   

The results of the Intercosmos-19 satellite experiment which receives VLF signals arriving via a magnetospheric path have been examined. The reception zone in the magnetically conjugate region (MCR) has been shown to be centred near the L-value (2.6) of the transmitter of 15 kHZ radio waves. The received signals arrive at the MCR with wave normal angles to the geomagnetic field, ψ, far from the resonance cone. These results indicate an effective amplification of the signal in the magnetosphere by 10–15 dB and effective ducting of VLF waves across the equatorial plane of the magnetosphere.  相似文献   

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