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A discussion is given of gravity wave saturation and its relation to eddy diffusion in the middle atmosphere. Attention is focused on the saturation process and some of its observable manifestations. It does not serve as a review of all related work. Although a theoretical point of view is taken, the emphasis is on which wave parameters need be measured to predict quantitatively the influence of gravity waves on eddy transport. The following considerations are stressed: the variation of spectra with observation time T; that eddy diffusivities are determined by velocity spectra; the anisotropic nature of diffusivity; a unified approach to saturation; an attempt to make eddy diffusivity more precise; the relationship between eddy diffusivity and wave dissipation.The subjects of ‘wave drag’ (momentum flux deposition) and heat flux need only be treated briefly, because they are related to eddy diffusivity in simple ways. Consideration is also given to two different theoretical mechanisms of wave saturation—wave induced convective instability and strong nonlinear wave interactions. The saturation theory is then used to predict a globally averaged height profile of vertical diffusivity in the middle atmosphere. This calculation shows that gravity waves are a major contributor to eddy diffusion from heights of 40–110 km, and that they are significant down to 20 km. A more detailed calculation of wave induced eddy diffusion, including latitudinal and seasonal variations, can be made if wave velocity spectra become available. The paper closes with recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

We analyze 375 h of Na Wind/Temperature lidar measurements of the mesopause region (≈ 80–105 km) Na density and temperature profiles on 57 nights distributed over 2 yr at Urbana, Illinois. These observations yield a high-resolution seasonal data set of gravity wave activity in the upper mesosphere. From this data, we present measurements of the Brunt-Väisälä period, the relative atmospheric density perturbations and their spectra, and the parameters of 143 quasi-monochromatic gravity waves. The direct measurement of the Brunt-Väisälä period allows accurate calculation of the horizontal velocity perturbations and vertical displacement perturbations from the density measurements. The horizontal velocity and vertical displacement vertical wave number spectrum magnitudes and indices show considerable seasonal and nightly variability. The gravity wave amplitudes, wavelengths, and observed periods exhibit systematic relationships similar to those found in previous studies, and are consistent with the MU radar measurements of intrinsic gravity wave parameters. Here, we present a detailed analysis of the observations in terms of Diffusive-Filtering Theory models of gravity wave propagation. The magnitudes of the vertical wave number spectrum, the form of the joint vertical wave number and frequency spectrum, and the systematic relationships between the monochromatic gravity wave parameters are consistent with the Diffusive-Filtering model. We compare these results with a variety of radar, lidar, and airglow observations from other sites. This observational study suggests that the complex nonlinear interactions of the gravity wave field may be modeled successfully as a diffusive damping process, where the effective diffusivity is a function of the total wave variance.  相似文献   

Very few gravity-wave measurements are available in the 100 to 120 km altitude range of the atmosphere. This paper illustrates the capability of the French multistatic incoherent scatter facility to fill this altitude gap in medium scale gravity-wave studies. We have been able to detect a particular gravity-wave and to compute its horizontal characteristics: horizontal wave-length: 51km, azimuth: 294°, period: 15 min. Its associated vertical energy flux at 105 km was equal to 0.4 erg cm−2 s−1. This flux shows the importance of medium scale gravity-waves in the lower thermosphere equilibrium.  相似文献   

The O2 atmospheric (0–1) night airglow emitted within the gravity wave saturation region at ∼90–100 km can serve as a means of studying the wave activity. In this analysis, the atmospheric motions were described by a mean spectral model and an algorithm was developed to infer the wave kinetic energy density and momentum flux from variations in O2 (0–1) airglow emission rate and rotational temperature. The method was applied to eight nights of data collected by MORTI, a mesopause oxygen rotational temperature imager, during the AIDA campaign of 1989 in Puerto Rico (18°N, 67°W). The observed r.m.s. fractional fluctuations of airglow emission rate and rotational temperature were of the order of ∼0.07–0.15 and ∼0.02–0.04, respectively, and the characteristic vertical wavelengths were estimated at ∼10 2 -20 km. The inferred r.m.s. horizontal velocities and velocity variances were found to be ∼12–25 m/s and ∼150–600 m2/s2, with the majority of the horizontal velocity and its variance associated with low-frequency, large-scale wave motions. The estimated momentum fluxes, mainly contributed by high-frequency, small-scale waves, were ∼2–10 m2/s2. These results are in good agreement with those obtained from other measurements using different observational methods at low and mid-latitudes.  相似文献   

This paper presents further experimental results on ionospheric current modulation, using powerful amplitude modulated HF waves produced by the new heating facility at Ramfjordmoen near Tromsø, Norway. As a result of the current modulation, waves in the ULF, ELF and VLF range can be efficiently generated. The experiments discussed here cover the range from low ELF up to 7 kHz. The observed signal strengths are of the order 1 pT. Decomposition of the received ELF/VLF waves into R- and L-mode shows that both modes are usually of comparable strength. The signal strength as a function of modulation frequency shows pronounced maxima at multiples of approximately 2 kHz. The paper also presents a brief theoretical discussion of the processes involved in the generation of ELF/VLF waves by HF induced current modulation.  相似文献   

A suitably devised pulsing sequence of the powerful HF transmissions radiated towards the ionosphere below the penetration frequency made it possible to separate the attenuation of the reflected HF wave due to thermal and to ponderomotive type parametric instabilities. The separation was possible on account of the different growth times of the thermal and ponderomotive type parametric instabilities. At the same time the power in the 430 MHz enhanced plasma line was recorded.The results show that previously accepted explanations of the overshoot in the 430 MHz enhanced plasma line for 5.3 MHz HF transmissions are invalid. A strong overshoot was observed but the attenuation of the powerful HF wave was too small to be observed. For 3.175 MHz HF transmissions substantial attenuation was observed on both time scales.  相似文献   

Kellogg, W. W. (1961, J. Met. 18, 373) suggested that transport of atomic oxygen from the summer into the winter hemisphere and subsequent release of energy by three body recombination, O + O + N2O2 + N2 + E, may contribute significantly to the so-called mesopause temperature anomaly (increase in temperature from summer to winter). Earlier model calculations have shown that Kellogg's mechanism produces about a 10% increase in the temperature from summer to winter at 90 km. This process, however, is partly compensated by differential heating from absorption of UV radiation associated with dissociation of O2. In the auroral region of the thermosphere, there is a steady (component of) energy dissipation by Joule heating (with a peak near 130 km) causing a redistribution and depletion of atomic oxygen due to wind-induced diffusion. With the removal of O. latent chemical energy normally released by three body recombination is also removed, and the result is that the temperature decreases by almost 2% near 90 km. Through dynamic feedback, this process reduces the depletion of atomic oxygen by about 25% and the temperature perturbation in the exosphere from 10% to 7% at polar latitudes. Under the influence of the internal dynamo interaction, the prevailing zonal circulation in the upper thermosphere (small in magnitude) changes direction when the redistribution of recombination energy is considered. The above described effects are very sensitive to the adopted rates of eddy diffusion. They are also strongly time dependent and are significantly reduced for disturbances associated with magnetic storms.  相似文献   

This study presents application of an efficient approach to simulate fluid flow and heat transfer in naturally fractured geothermal reservoirs. Fluid flow is simulated by combining single continuum and discrete fracture approaches. The local thermal nonequilibrium approach is used to simulate heat transfer by conduction in the rock matrix and convection (including conduction) in the fluid. Fluid flow and heat transfer models are integrated within a coupled poro‐thermo‐elastic framework. The developed model is used to evaluate the long‐term response of a geothermal reservoir with specific boundary conditions and injection/production schedule. A comparative study and a sensitivity analysis are carried out to evaluate the capability of the integrated approach and understand the degree by which different reservoir parameters affect thermal depletion of Soultz geothermal reservoir, respectively. Also observed, there exists an optimum fracture permeability after which the reservoir stimulation does not change the recovery factor significantly. Estimation of fluid temperature by the assumption of local thermal nonequilibrium heat transfer between the fracture fluid and the rock matrix gives fluid temperature of about 3°C less than that of estimated by thermal equilibrium heat transfer at early stage of hot water production.  相似文献   

Natron deposits, the best known of which being those at Wadi Natrun in Egypt, have been used as the flux in the production of vitreous materials from the early 4th millennium BC onwards. In the present paper, the history of the use of natron as a flux is traced from its beginnings in the glaze of Badarian steatite beads, through its use in glass production starting in the 1st millennium BC, until its apparent shortage during the 7th to 9th centuries AD, and its subsequent replacement by plant ash during the 9th century AD. Documentary evidence for possible natron sources in Egypt, including the Wadi Natrun, and around the eastern Mediterranean is summarised, and the results of recent fieldwork at the Wadi Natrun and at al-Barnuj in the Western Nile Delta are presented. The possible reasons for the apparent shortage of natron from 7th to 9th centuries AD and its subsequent replacement by plant ash as the flux used in glass production during the 9th century AD are then considered. These include the possibility that, because of the massive scale of glass production, the demand for natron exceeded its supply; the possible effect of climatic changes; and the potentially disruptive role of political events in the Wadi Natrun–Delta region.  相似文献   

Provenance studies can tell us which sources of lithic raw material were used in the past, but can they tell us why? After all, many factors can have entered into a person’s choice to use one source rather than another. Those factors can be grouped into two categories, the geologic/geographic characteristics of the source itself (quality, abundance, size of pieces, etc.), and the human factors (direction of travel, time available, social restrictions, etc.). This paper demonstrates how the geologic/geographic characteristics can be quantified and calculated together to give one value, the attractiveness of the source, which can then be used in a gravity model approach to predict which sources ‘should’ have been used more than others. Deviations from the predicted pattern point to situations where the human factors were of greater or lesser importance. The values are also used to delineate geographical areas within which particular sources would be likely to be used (‘areas of influence’), which gives us a useful new way of understanding the landscape within which the prehistoric group lived.  相似文献   

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) inhibitors are often co-extracted with ancient DNA (aDNA) and when present make the analysis of aDNA difficult, if not impossible. In this study we review previous research on PCR inhibitors and techniques that address their co-extraction with DNA from sub-optimal samples. Additionally, we introduce a simple extraction technique, “repeat silica extraction,” that effectively removed PCR inhibitors from extracts of 7000–8000-year-old human skeletal remains from the Windover archaeological site in Florida and 700–2000-year-old human coprolites excavated from Fish Slough Cave in southern California. A series of tests on these same samples demonstrates that N-phenacylthiazolium bromide is largely ineffective, despite previously reported success using this compound as part of the DNA extraction process. We also describe a method for demonstrating the presence as well as successful removal of PCR inhibitors by use of a “positive aDNA control,” a test necessary to conclude that negative PCR amplification is the result of the absence of preserved DNA.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the prehistory of quantum gravity (1916–1930) from two perspectives. First, we investigate how this research field constituted itself and we propose for the first time a red thread to trace its evolution in this earliest period. Second, we focus on a case study: the earliest work of Léon Rosenfeld. In 1927 he tried to merge wave mechanics with general relativity in the context of a five‐dimensional universe. We describe how Oskar Klein, Louis de Broglie, and Théophile De Donder influenced Rosenfeld's work and analyze how and why Rosenfeld attempted to reconcile Einstein's theory with quantum phenomena. We argue that Rosenfeld investigated for the first time the corrections to a classical space‐time metric generated by a quantum source. As far as we know, Rosenfeld's approach has been largely ignored until today: he himself considered it “an accident.” After having reconsidered its connection with de Broglie's ideas and Rosenfeld's interpretation of the wave function in 1927, we argue that Rosenfeld's work can be interpreted as a first attempt to introduce the pilot‐wave theory in the context of quantum gravity and we infer that this was one of the reasons that ruled it out.  相似文献   

Since the paper of Hines (1960), the heating of the thermosphere by gravity waves is well known. Until recently there were no statistical evaluations of their energy. The present paper is a study of this subject. From experimental data of a Faraday rotation experiment and with the help of a measurement theory and a propagation model in a dissipative atmosphere, we evaluated the mean energy flux for the medium scale gravity waves detected during July 1974. We found 0.11 erg cm−2 s−1 for waves with horizontal phase velocity between 100 and 180 m s−1. We also evaluated the heights of energy deposition which are from 120 to 180 km. This study shows that the heating by gravity waves may be important for the thermospheric equilibrium.  相似文献   

During early spring, 1985, the MAE-3 (Middle Atmospheric Electrodynamics) Program was conducted at Poker Flat Research Range, Alaska to study the origin of wintertime mesospheric echoes observed with the Poker Flat MST radar there, by probing the mesosphere with in situ rocket measurements when such echoes occurred. Pre-launch criteria required the appearance of echoes exhibiting some wave structure on the MST radar display; these could be met even under weak precipitation conditions with riometer absorption near or above 1.0 dB. Two morning rockets were launched under such conditions, the first (31.048) on 29 March 1985, at 1703 UT and the second (31.047) on 1 April 1985, at 1657 UT. Both payloads were deployed on a high altitude parachute near a 95 km apogee to provide a stable platform for data acquisition within the mesosphere (below 80 km). Each payload carried a solid state detector to measure energetic electrons between 0.1 and 1.0 MeV and an NaI crystal detector to measure x-rays from >5 to >80 keV. Payload 31.048 also carried a positive ion ‘turbulence’ probe which measured ion density changes (ΔNi/Ni) during payload descent, whereas 31.047 carried a nose tip ‘turbulence’ probe designed to measure electron density changes (ΔNe/Ne) during upleg ram conditions plus a Gerdien condenser for the measurement of bulk ion properties during downleg. The energy deposition curves for each event exhibited peak deposition rates between 75 and 80 km with a half width of 16–18 km, almost exclusively induced by precipitating relativistic electrons. They also showed a maximum bottomside gradient between 65 and 75 km. Radar echoes and atmospheric turbulence were observed in the same altitude domain, consistent with the anticipated need for adequate free thermal electron gradients to make such phenomena visible on the radar. The vertical wave structure from radar echoes was found to be consistent with that observed in horizontal wind and temperature profiles measured by Datasondes flown shortly after each large rocket. An analysis of the wave structure from radar data has shown that although large scale waves (λz ~ 7 km) were found to be present, a higher frequency shorter wavelength (∼ 1–3 km) component probably played a more significant role in modulating the signal-to-noise structure of the radar echoes.  相似文献   

Recent studies of elevated carbonate boulder deposits on several rock islands near Bangkok have indicated that Thailand's capital city may not be as protected from typhoon strikes as previously thought. Here, new evidence is presented for past high‐energy wave (HEW) events in the form of statistically significant patterns of boulder alignment on exposed rocky shorelines of Ko Larn island. The long‐axis orientations of 193 coastal sandstone boulders were analysed across four study sites. Several scenarios for the unimodal, bimodal, and polymodal patterns found can be envisaged. Either the most recent HEW event was the strongest—in which case most clasts were rearranged unimodally (one observation site), or the strongest HEW event was earlier and subsequent weaker ones realigned only smaller boulders to produce bimodal or polymodal patterns (three observation sites). Inferred northeastward or eastward onshore flow directions are consistent with palaeo‐typhoons penetrating into the Bay of Bangkok on northwestward curving tracks. The calculated minimum flow velocities required to transport all sampled boulders are 5.5–7.8 m s?1, similar to other findings throughout the Asia‐Pacific region. It was observed that the absence of a fitted boulder geomorphology lends credence to the earlier proposed time frame of 150–200 years between typhoon phases in the upper Gulf of Thailand. The current work has provided additional insights into the characteristics of past HEW events that have a possibility of reoccurring again at some time in the future. Our findings continue to raise awareness for a reassessment of the risks of coastal hazards for the Chao Phraya River delta and densely populated Bangkok, for which storm surge modelling should be an urgent priority, so as to give better perceptions on how typhoon‐driven marine incursion would impact the city.  相似文献   

In October 2013 the world lost one of the leading lights of scholarship and advocacy for the human rights of children. Judith Ennew was an intellectual and an activist who shaped the global agenda for research with children, particularly in the Global South, for almost four decades. Judith was also a mentor and friend to many child researchers around the world. Here, we celebrate the incredible life of Judith Ennew as we remember the breadth and depth of her contribution to research and her unfailing commitment to improving the lives of children around the world.  相似文献   

Vertical fluxes of momentum and energy through the middle atmosphere are calculated by using a simple semi-empirical model of quasi-monochromatic internal gravity waves with dominant vertical wavenumbers. In this model those dominant gravity waves are assumed to saturate and break at each observational altitude by an effective critical-layer mechanism. The dominant value of the vertical wave-number is expressed by an exponential function of altitude, decreasing upward with a scale height of 34 km. This expression gives the momentum and energy flux densities decreasing upward with scale heights of 12 and 18 km, respectively, and typical values at 100 km altitude are estimated as 4 × 10−5 Pa and 4 × 10−3 W/m2. A heat flux induced by wavebreaking turbulence also has an order of magnitude similar to that of the wave energy flux. Variabilities around these values and comparisons with other momentum and heat inputs to the upper atmosphere are only briefly discussed.  相似文献   


A compartment model to assist the teaching of nutrient cycling is described. The model makes use of a type of microcomputer now widely available. Examples of the exercises carried out in conjunction with the model are discussed. The exercises are designed to develop a more critical awareness of the literature dealing with nutrient cycling in ecosystems and a deeper understanding of the scientific method.  相似文献   

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