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M. C. Balfour 《Folklore》2013,124(3):257-283
The Jataka, or Stories of the Buddha's Former Births. Translated from the Pali by various hands under the Editorship of Professor E. B. Cowell. Vol. II. translated by W. H. D. Rouse, M.A., 1895. Vol. III. translated by H. T. Francis, M.A., and R. A. Neil, M.A., 1897. Cambridge: University Press. By Joseph Jacobs.

The Cults of the Greek States. By L. R. Farnell. In Three Volumes. Clarendon Press. Vols. I. and II. 1896.

Transactions and Proceedings of the Japan Society, London. Supplement I. Nihongi, Chronicles of Japan from the Earliest Times to A.D. 697. Translated from the original Chinese and Japanese by W. G. Aston, C.M.G. Vol. II. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner, &; Co., Limited. 1896.

The Book of Wonder Voyages. Edited by Joseph Jacobs. Illustrated by John D. Batten. London: D. Nutt, 1896.

The North-Western Provinces of India, their History, Ethnology, and Administration. By W. Crooke. London : Methuen &; Co., 1897.

The Popular Religion and Folklore of Northern India. By W. Crooke, B.A. 2 vols. New Edition. Westminster: Archibald Constable &; Co., 1896.

Greek Folk-Poesy. Annotated Translations from the whole Cycle of Romaic Folk-Verse and Folk-Prose. By Lucy M. J. Garnett. Edited, with Essays on the Science of Folklore, Greek Folkspeech, and the Survival of Paganism, by J. S. Stuart-Glennie, M.A. 2 vols. London : David Nutt, 1896.  相似文献   

The drift due to the lunar electric field which is communicated from the ionospheric E-region causes a re-distribution of the electron density and a neutral air motion in the F2-region. The lunar tide in the electron density of the F2-region due to the lunar electric field has been obtained and discussed in Part I. The lunar tides in the ion and neutral velocities which are obtained in the same way are dealt with in this paper. It is found that the lunar tidal oscillations in the drifts and neutral winds markedly depend on the solar time, and that the amplitude and phase in the x-component of the drift averaged over the solar times are 10.1 m s−1 and 2.6 h and those in the x-component of the neutral wind are 4.6 m s−1 and 4.3 h, respectively, at 45.0° dip.  相似文献   

The results of an experiment on radiation and reception of VLF waves with a frequency of 5 kHz in the F2 layer of the ionosphere are compared with theoretical calculations made in the framework of the linear theory of a loop antenna in a plane-stratified plasma. The measurements made outside the Storey cone can be explained in the framework of the linear theory by the proper modification of the ionosphere model. The wave polarization differs from circular polarization on the boundary of caustic cone, due to non-linear effects.  相似文献   

The disappearance of an apparently well-established European state within one year—sudden, unexpected, and self-imposed—probably presents an event without parallels in European history. In educational history, too, there may be few examples of bringing together the structures of two very different educational systems after four decades of separate development.  相似文献   

This paper shows that tree-ring trends might be used for the assessment of the intensity of trampling along touristic tracks in the forests. The study aims at determining the effects of trampling, on the dynamics of annual increments in trees subject to pressure from hiking tourism. The studies were conducted at a spruce stand in the Tatra Mts., on sections of different trails. Within each trail, four transects were determined. Transects include the zones with damage from trampling and the un-affected areas, treated as a reference zones. Selected trees growing in both zones were sampled by coring and the core samples were used to develop sequences of annual increment widths. Next, the dynamics of increments in trees growing in the tourist zone and the reference zone were compared. The decrease in the annual increments was significantly more rapid in trees growing directly along the trail that those in trees deep in the forest stand in one locality. This finding may testify the adverse effects of hiking along tourist routes on the radial increments in trees in the neighbourhood of the trails. The results of the study indicate that the impact of trampling in the form of soil compaction and mechanical damage to root systems of trees may, to some extent, be compensated by better light access and lessened competition experienced by trees growing along the edges of hiking trails. Tree-ring analyses might be an efficient alternative for assessment of tourism intensity conducted by the other methods.  相似文献   

In 1987 an experiment on the transmission and reception of VLF electromagnetic waves was carried out in the Earth's ionosphere. The interpretation of the experiment required an elaboration of the theory of a loop antenna in a plane-stratified plasma with parameters changing along the external magnetic field. Formulae for the wave field at arbitrary distances from the antenna have been obtained. Asymptotic expansions for the wave field permit us to construct an effective numeral algorithm for the calculation of the signal when the far zone approximation does not hold and in the presence of the fine structure.  相似文献   

In Part 1 of this paper the variability of diurnal and semidiurnal components of the meridional thermospheric wind was discussed. The observed variability is discussed in the light of the non-linear theory of wave-wave interactions. It is shown that it is possible to explain, at least partially, the variability through the non-linear interactions of tides with long period oscillations having periods between 2 and 15 days. Given that the periods obtained both from the quarterly spectra of the tidal amplitudes and the non-linear interaction analysis coincide with periods reported in the literature for planetary waves in the lower and middle atmosphere, the existence of global scale oscillations are sought in the upper atmosphere. Wave events are observed, coincident with the above-mentioned periods, for a set of five longitudinally distributed locations between 30 and 35 S throughout the yearly samples. The wave events have basically westward phase displacements though eastward travelling phases are observed at times.  相似文献   

Nineteenth-century journalism has rarely been an object of attention in the humanities and social sciences – despite its political and cultural significance and its documental value. This article explores the verbal-visual social sketch, as it has evolved as a journalistic genre on the expanding market of periodicals in early nineteenth-century Europe. The social sketches (often referred to as ‘panoramic literature’) provide rich ethnographic micro-analysis and often relate to debates held by statisticians, moralists, folklorists, and ethnologists. This article, rather than providing a close reading analysis of selected texts, attempts to trace a genealogy of the sketch of society from a history of knowledge perspective. After placing the consolidation of the social sketch within its socio-medial contexts, the article considers various literary and epistemic ‘regimes’ that have preconditioned and influenced the evolution of this verbal-visual genre of social observation and formulates cross-genre and interdisciplinary perspectives on the refinement and institutionalization of social inquiry throughout the nineteenth century.  相似文献   

The continuity equations for four ion species and the momentum equations for the ion, electron and neutral gases are solved numerically. The momentum equations for ions and electrons include the effects of the electric field, and that for the neutral gas includes the effects of the collision between ions and neutrals, Coriolis force, the viscosity and the horizontal pressure force. It is found that the calculated semi-monthly tidal oscillations in NmF2 during the day and night-time are almost out of phase to each other, while the phase of the oscillations in hmF2 is weakly dependent on the solar time. The amplitude and phase of the calculated semi-diurnal lunar tide averaged over the solar times are 1.7% and 9.1 h (in NmF2) and 4.6 km and 8.1'h (in hmF2) respectively, at 45.0° dip. The height distribution of the semi-monthly lunar tide in the electron density is also obtained. The results show that the phase is 2 h for the lower region (below 200 km) and shifts to 9 h above about 250 km in the daytime, whereas it is nearly constant with height in the night-time. The calculated results are in good agreement with observations except for the phase at night. Thus it may be concluded that the major features of the observed lunar tidal variations in the mid-latitude F2-region can be explained by the electromagnetic drifts due to the solar and lunar electric fields.  相似文献   

The semidiurnal tidal dynamics of the Antarctic and Arctic mesopause regions (95 ± 15 km) are investigated through comparative analyses of monthly mean tidal wind fields determined from radar measurements at the Scott Base (78°S), Molodezhnaya (68°S), and Mawson (67°S) stations in the Antarctic, and the near-conjugate stations of Heiss I. (81°N) and Poker Flat (65°) in the Arctic region. The main feature common to all stations is the fall equinoctial maximum in amplitude (10–20 m s−1), which is also reproduced by the most recent numerical tidal model. However, the wintertime amplitude growth with height and the shorter vertical wavelengths characterizing the model are features not reflected in the data. There is also a spring equinoctial maximum in the Antarctic data which the model does not reproduce.Examination of interannual variability reveals characteristics similar to those noted in Part I for the mean zonal wind; namely, some degree of year-to-year variability superimposed on apparent long-term decreases of order 0.3–0.5 m s−1 yr−1 (depending on month) in the Southern Hemisphere semidiurnal tidal amplitudes. Numerical simulations presented herein indicate that changes of this magnitude cannot even be induced (via mode coupling) by a change in the mean zonal wind field of order 30%, and are more plausibly explained by a secular change in the tidal forcing by ozone insolation absorption. However, contrary to Part I, the annual mean tidal amplitude is not characterized by any significant secular trend, remaining within the 10.0 ± 2.5 m s−1 range throughout the 1970–1986 period. Analyses of other data sets are required to ascertain confidence in the apparent trend reported here.  相似文献   

During his long pontificate, John Paul II pursued a wide and carefully articulated policy of canonisations whose aim was to underwrite his magisterium by presenting hagiographical models that would convey well-defined pastoral teaching and contain both ecclesiastical and ecclesiological messages for the faithful. The high number of Italians declared blessed and/or made saints analysed in the present article is proof of the special interest the Pope showed in Italy and specifically in the sanctity of the country. The high concentration of beatifications and canonisations of hagiographical figures from Italy can be explained only in part by the canonical system, which regulates the process of canonisation and which makes it easier to open and support a cause, above all from a financial point of view, if the pressure group behind the candidate for sainthood is located near the Vatican. More precisely, what emerges is both the attempt to create a specific public image of Italy as a nation which has been a historic stronghold of Catholicism and is still capable of reacting to secularisation, and the objective of laying down more effective guidelines and robust directives for civil society. In other words, by proposing Italian hagiographical models, John Paul II was striving to mould Italy's national identity in a Christian form, conferring on the country the role of model for other European states.  相似文献   

The influence of the troposphere and stratosphere on variations of ionospheric D-region parameters are discussed. It is found that variations of the minimum observable ionosonde frequency (fmin) and horizontal winds are closely related to temperature and pressure fields in the lower atmosphere. Experimental data for the Central Asian and East Siberian U.S.S.R. regions have been used.  相似文献   

The San Juan Basin of the American Southwest is home to some of the best known architecture in pre-Columbian North America. Although many faunal assemblages have been reported for individual sites, there has been little synthesis of hunting and husbandry in these farming communities. In an attempt to understand changing animal usage over time in the San Juan Basin, we use three indices to investigate the usage of artiodactyls, lagomorphs and turkeys. These three taxonomic groups formed the bulk of meat diets between Basketmaker II and Pueblo III times (A.D. 1–1300). Our analysis indicates that artiodactyls declined over time in relation to lagomorphs. Turkeys increased in the northern regions when compared to lagomorphs. Cottontails increased when compared to jackrabbits over time. We suggest that as human populations increased in the San Juan Basin, artiodactyls were more intensely hunted. People then began to raise more turkeys in favorable regions, and also hunted more lagomorphs in relation to artiodactyls. Deforestation, also as a result of increased human populations, would have created conditions more favorable for cottontails than jackrabbits in many areas.  相似文献   

The evidence for the existence of tidal variability as observed in the meridional thermospheric wind (approx. 300 km height) is presented for a set of eight ionosonde locations (three in the northern hemisphere and five in the southern hemisphere). The data set corresponds to a full year (1984) of hourly values. The detected variability can be seen in the tidal components of the meridional wind. The diurnal and semidiurnal components are spectrally analysed. The quarterly spectra show that the tidal amplitudes oscillate with periods between 2 and 60 days. The more important oscillations have periods from 15 to 3 days. No direct link between solar and magnetic activity indices was detected. Possible reasons for the observed tidal variability are discussed in the light of the current theory developed for the mesosphere and lower thermosphere.  相似文献   

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