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Recently, two interesting advancements in the study of non-migrating tides have occurred. There are currently two distinct approaches to this subject. One. based on mechanistic models that consider heating due to non-uniform global distribution of water vapour or heating only over lands, solves the primitive equations. One model of this approach that shows insolution absorption of the non-uniformly distributed water vapour produces non-migrating tides with 15% of the migrating ones in the lower thermosphere. The planetary boundary layer heating can explain very enhanced tides over land masses and those with short vertical wavelengths in the stratosphere. The other approach uses a general circulation model (GCM) simulation. This model can produce tides globally and in many details. The model predicts enhancement of the non-migrating modes as eastwards traveling modes with a wave number 3 and westwards traveling modes with a wave number 5 that is in a surprisingly good agreement with observation at sea-level, at 700 mb and at 300 mb.Whilst the GCM simulation is to be developed so as to include thermospheric tides, the mechanistic model should consider more realistic situations so as to include winds. Observation of tides at many heights and locations is essential in future studies.  相似文献   

The seasonal variation of the semi-diurnal tide is well established in the upper mesosphere from meteor radar observations, such as those made at Garchy (France). A classical propagation model, using a realistic excitation source from ozone and water vapour solar heating, can account for most of the seasonal variation characteristics, and in particular the strong difference between summer and winter features.  相似文献   

Recent progress in the study of middle atmosphere tides is reviewed. Specific areas where recent progress has occurred include: development of more realistic thermal excitation and numerical simulation models; the role of tides in accelerating and heating the mean flow at the base of the thermosphere; observational efforts which delineate average seasonal, latitudinal and vertical structures of tides, and shorterterm variations of tides about these values; theoretical and observational studies concerning the importance of non-migrating tidal components; the effects of tides on minor constituent concentrations in the upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere. The review concludes with a summary of key problems to be addressed in the future.  相似文献   

Wind measurements near the mesopause level were provided in Badary (Eastern Siberia, U.S.S.R.) by the Dl method using a low-frequency (200kHz) radio transmitter during 1976–1986. The seasonal variations of the wind are analyzed and compared with other midlatitude wind measurements as well as some theoretical predictions. It is shown that tidal parameters depend not only on latitude but on the longitude as well.  相似文献   

Using an equivalent gravity wave f-plane model it is shown that longitude variations in diurnal insolation absorption by tropospheric H2O can account for longitudinal variations of at least ± 12–15% about zonal mean values in the diurnal wind amplitude at low latitudes (0–20°) between 80 and 100 km, by virtue of the non-migrating propagating tidal modes which are excited. Phase variations of about ± 0.75 h also occur. These percentage variations are conservative estimates, since the background migrating (1,1,1) mode appears to be slightly (20–25%) overestimated in amplitude. In addition, the assumed eddy dissipation values, which appear necessary to model the breaking (1,1,1) mode, are larger than generally considered ‘reasonable’ by photochemical modellers. For a photochemically more reasonable eddy diffusion profile, estimates of longitude differences in diurnal wind amplitude are quite similar to the above values below 87 km, but increase to ± 17–25% near 100 km, with accompanying phase variations of ± 1–2 h about zonal mean values. In addition, it is shown that radiative damping by CO2 parameterized by a scale-dependent Newtonian cooling coefficient accounts for no more than a 20% reduction in the amplitudes of diurnal propagating tides above 80 km.  相似文献   


This article analyzes two chapters of Francesco Patrizi’s Nova de universis philosophia that deal with a topic widely debated in European intellectual circles at the time: the origin of tides. By deconstructing Patrizi’s views on the phenomenon of ebb and flow, this paper places these chapters of Patrizi’s opus magnum into a larger context and shows how, with the use of novel philosophical arguments, he sought to replace what he considered an outdated theory of tides.  相似文献   

The inter-annual variation in diurnal and semi-diurnal atmospheric tides between 85 and 95 km has been studied for various years between 1978 and 1988. Observations comprised wind measurements from the medium frequency SA mode wind radars at Adelaide (35°S), Christchurch (44°S) and Saskatoon (52°N) and the meteor wind radar at Durham (43°N). Although the observations include the interval between solar maximum and solar minimum, there is in general no correlation between tidal amplitudes and solar activity. In contrast with earlier studies there does appear to be a positive correlation between solar activity and the amplitude of the semi-diurnal tide, but only during the southern summer and simultaneous northern winter.  相似文献   

As part of the DYANA Programme, six rocket launchings (ship-borne) were conducted on three days in the equatorial region (Indian Ocean/Arabian Sea region). Using the temperature and wind data from these launchings, the diurnal and semi-diurnal tidal components in wind and temperature in the middle atmosphere are obtained and are compared with theoretical predictions. It is found that significant departures occur between the observed and theoretical values. The results are discussed in the light of current theoretical understanding of the tides.  相似文献   

Lunar tides in temperature have been determined at stratospheric heights from about 2 yr of radiance measurements by the NIMBUS 5 satellite. The tides have an amplitude of order 0.1 K, and results are presented for the variations with height and latitude.  相似文献   

Infra-red radiance data from the NIMBUS 6 satellite have been analysed for lunar tidal variations in temperature at heights from 45 to 80 km. The tide at 45 km agrees well with that previously found from NIMBUS 5 data. The tide at 80 km has an amplitude of about 0.4K, and shows a phase change in the expected sense relative to that at 45 km.  相似文献   

Recent progress on interactions between breaking gravity waves and the diurnal tide in the upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere is reviewed, mainly based on the recent results of our numerical models.  相似文献   

Results from the study of semidiurnal tides in the horizontal wind field at 85–95 km over East Siberia are presented. The seasonal variation of tidal amplitudes and the effects of stratospheric warmings are discussed.  相似文献   

Absorption of solar radiation is taken as the cause of atmospheric tides, which are simulated by a global, 3-D primitive equation model for the altitude region 0 km–120 km. To investigate non-linear effects, two model versions are used, one with the complete non-linear equation set, the other with the linear equation set. Tide simulations are then performed under the same conditions (background atmosphere and radiation for solstice) with both model versions and directly compared. The diurnal tide can be regarded as a linear phenomenon, whereas the semi-diurnal tide is modified in lower latitudes above 65 km by non-linear effects. Due to the interaction of the tidal components with the background wind, a strong westward zonal flow is generated in the non-linear model above 70 km.  相似文献   

The lunar semidiurnal tide is extracted from hourly values of winds in the 75–105 km region measured by the Poker Flat Alaska MST radar used in the meteor mode. Since year-to-year variations are apparent, detailed results for 1983 and 1984 are presented. Inferred vertical wavelengths range from 17 km in March 1983 to 46–55 km in September of 1983 and 1984. The height progression of the phase is frequently too irregular to derive a vertical wavelength. Amplitudes of 3 m s−1 are common and range up to 8 m s−1. Amplitudes generally are largest at the equinoxes, especially in September, with another maximum in winter sometimes occurring. Reasonable agreement is found with lunar tidal measurements at Saskatoon, and some points of similarity are found with the solar semidiurnal tide at Poker Flat.  相似文献   

This review deals with recent radar studies of gravity waves and tides in the middle atmosphere, roughly over regions of 10–30 and 60–90 km. The techniques are briefly discussed and their limitations are pointed out. In the troposphere-stratosphere region, buoyancy oscillations, gravity-wave critical-layer interactions, and gravity waves excited by cumulus convection have been observed. Pronounced short-period (10–20 min) waves have frequently been detected in the mesosphere, and in some cases these have been identified as evanescent and trapped gravity wave modes. Diurnal and semidiurnal tides have been observed in the stratosphere and mesosphere at low and mid latitudes, but the corresponding tidal modes are not unambiguously resolved. The need for obtaining more comprehensive data bases with the existing radar systems is emphasized for further tidal and wave studies in the middle atmosphere.  相似文献   

Results of a General Circulation Model simulation of the dynamics of the middle atmosphere are shown focusing our attention to the tidal wave mean flow interaction and propagation of migrating diurnal and semidiurnal tides in the model. It is shown that migrating tidal waves are well simulated and the amplitude growth with height is effectively suppressed by the convective adjustment in the model. It is also shown that the dissipating solar diurnal tide plays an important role in inducing mean zonal winds in the low latitude region of the lower thermosphere. The behavior of non-migrating diurnal tides is also analyzed to show that non-migrating diurnal tides have significant amplitudes in the lower thermosphere. It is suggested that the non-migrating diurnal tide, which propagates against background mean zonal winds, has the possibility to propagate into the middle to high latitude region due to the Doppler effect.  相似文献   

Many years of measurements obtained using French meteor radars at Garchy (Lat. 47°N) and Montpazier (Lat. 44°N) are used to show the existence of an 8 h oscillation. Some examples of the structure of this wave are displayed and compared with measurements performed at Saskatoon (Lat. 52°N) and Budrio (Lat. 45°N). This wave can be interpreted as the solar driven terdiurnal tide, or as the result of the non-linear interaction between the diurnal and semidiurnal tides. Both hypotheses are tested with numerical models. Incidentally, the possible existence of a 24 h wave resulting from this interaction is also studied.  相似文献   


Drawing on labour history, critical heritage studies and sociological literature on the entrepreneurial city, this article focuses on the cultural legacy of the famous 1971/72 Upper Clyde Shipbuilders (UCS) work-in apropos Glasgow’s historical reputation as ‘Red Clydeside’. In doing so, the article considers the dispute’s continuing importance as a political resource for present-day debates about workers’ rights, Glasgow’s post-industrial identity, the rise of populist demagoguery and the future of Britain’s industry more generally.  相似文献   

Effects of momentum deposition due to solar diurnal and semi-diurnal tidal waves on the zonal mean circulation in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere for a solstice condition are discussed. In the present model, the system of zonally averaged equations and the system of perturbation equations are integrated simultaneously, so that the propagation of tidal waves is affected not only by the basic mean fields but also by the induced zonal mean fields due to the momentum deposition. Results for two different vertical eddy diffusion profiles are presented. It is shown that the solar tides make a significant contribution to the generation of the mean zonal winds in the upper mesosphere and the lower thermosphere. Below 120 km the main contribution is due to propagating diurnal tides, while above 120 km it is due to semidiurnal tides.  相似文献   

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