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The disturbances observed by the Japanese ionospheric observation network following the explosions of Mount Pinatubo on 15 June 1991, are presented. Remarkable ionospheric fluctuations with periods of about 20 min appeared in the records of HF Doppler and total electron content (TEC) data. Traveling wave fronts of ionospheric disturbances scaled from these data give a northward horizontal velocity of 290 m/s. The surface pressure fluctuations due to the passage of atmospheric waves were confirmed by the microbarograph chain data in Japan. There existed three kinds of northward traveling pressure fluctuations; short-period (2–5 min) fluctuations with a horizontal velocity of 290 m/s, long-period (8–10 min) fluctuations with 300 m/s, and 17-min fluctuations with 281 m/s. It is concluded that the ionospheric and surface pressure waves were caused by the eruption of Mount Pinatubo.  相似文献   

A significant increase and subsequent variations of stratospheric aerosols caused by the eruption of Mt.St. Helens on 18 May 1980 have been observed using a Yag lidar at a wavelength of 1.06 μm for a period of one year at Fukuoka, Japan. The time variation of aerosols is compared with numerical results of two-dimensional model calculations, which show longer decay times, especially for column concentrations of aerosols.In the upper layer, transported by the easterly wind during summer, the effective vertical diffusion is quite small and this is explained,at least partly, by the influence of vertical shear of the easterly wind, which balances vertical eddy diffusion.Finally, it is suggested that the settling of giant particles might increase the precipitation near the Baiu front over Japan for July and August.  相似文献   

《Northern history》2013,50(1):105-117

‘No time for stirs in the Church’  相似文献   

The influence of the higher harmonics of an internal gravity wave on the formation of nonlinear quasi-periodic disturbances in the F-region of the Earth's ionosphere is considered. It is shown that the Boussinesq approximation cannot be used in describing a plane nonlinear gravity wave as nonlinearities associated with the compressibility of the atmosphere have to be taken into account.  相似文献   

Observations on the Faraday rotation of a transionospheric VHF signal obtained from a network of four stations near the path of totality during the total solar eclipse of 16 February 1980 are reported. A small decrease of 3–4% in the total ionization has been obtained around the time of totality. Absence of any periodic structure following the eclipse indicates that the TIDs are not of significant amplitude in the present case to be detected by the Faraday rotation technique.  相似文献   

The problem of electromagnetic field disturbances produced by the interaction between winds of acoustic gravity waves (AGW) origin and the ionospheric plasma has been considered. It is shown that, when not allowing the electrostatic approach, electromagnetic field disturbances represent shear Alfvén and compressional modes modified by ionospheric Pedersen and Hall conductivities. It is further shown that the quasielectrostatic Alfvén type disturbances give the main contribution to electric field perturbations. Magnetic field perturbations due to Alfvén and compressional modes have the same order of magnitude. Two numerical models for simulation of the problem under consideration have been developed. The first model is intended for the simulation of Alfvén type disturbance production and transmission into the magnetosphere, taking into account the dipole geometry of the geomagnetic field, but a mutual transformation of Alfvén and compressional modes is ignored. The second model is constructed for the simulation of both electromagnetic field disturbance production and their mutual transformation in the ionosphere. The results of numerical simulations with these models show that there is an opportunity for AGW activity monitoring in the lower thermosphere by ground-and satellite-based recordings of magnetic and electric field variations.  相似文献   

九一八事变后特种外交委员会的对日外交谋划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
九一八事变后,国民党对日本侵略采取不抵抗政策,对日斗争主要是依靠国联。力图运用国际社会的力量迫使日本撤兵。在这一外交斗争中.作为国民党中央对日决策研议机关的特种外交委员会,起了重要作用。外委员在1930年9月30日至1932年1月2日间,以国联为舞台,以欧美国家为工作对象,坚持不与日本直接交涉的立场,殚精竭虑,群策群力,为制止日本侵略.促使日本撤兵。作了大量的外交谋划,为中国赢得了国际同情和支持.也使日本在国际上日益孤立。但因缺乏实力为运用外交手段的基础,外委会的种种努力最终落空。  相似文献   

成都市商业街墓葬的问题   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
成都市商业街独木棺与船棺葬是近年的一个重要考古发现,现已公布为全国重点物保护单位。本对这次考古发现出土的葬具和器物作了深入考证和探析,对墓葬的年代和化内涵提出了一些独到的见解。  相似文献   

Standard riometer data from a southern auroral station were compared with ionograms obtained at five stations positioned from sub-auroral to equatorial latitudes. The rapid onset in riometer absorption, during intense substorm activities in an equinoctial period, was associated with a sequential propagation of ionospheric disturbances deduced from the F-region parameters h′F and range spread-F. The time shift between absorption maxima and extrapolated commencement times of the disturbances was consistent with the presence of large-scale travelling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs), propagating equatorwards with velocities lying typically in the range 600–900 m s−1, and with a median velocity of 720 m s−1. It is suggested that the onset of TIDs is associated with high-energy particle precipitation, manifested by the occurrence of auroral absorption events. Similarity of absorption increases at the southern and northern conjugate points, found from a previous riometer study, would indicate that large-scale TIDs are simultaneously generated in both hemispheres.  相似文献   

1982年发现的方池街古化遗址,出土了各类陶器、石器、玉器、骨角器及卜甲以及大量的动物骨骼和人骨。方池街遗址是成都地区首次发现的一处新石器晚期至商周时期的古化遗址,专家学们认为,这些具有独特地方风格的化为探讨蜀人的历史提供了丰富的资料,具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

This essay reads Godwin's second novel, St. Leon (1799), as an attempt to counter the asperity he expresses towards the domestic affections in his political philosophy of the 1790s. In St. Leon, Godwin seeks to square his newfound interest in the affections as a topic for fiction with his commitment to an anti-establishment political agenda. Though it is presented as a ‘eulogium’ to ‘the affections and charities of private life’, the narrative persistently undercuts the potential for the affections to stimulate readerly curiosity. The focus of the novel constantly shies away from the domestic scene, and instead propels the momentum forwards to the alchemical adventures that precipitate the disintegration of the very affections the novel purports to eulogise. The novel thus plays out Godwin's complicated desire to embrace, and yet simultaneously to deny, the importance of private emotions in the pursuit of political justice.  相似文献   

关于水井街酒坊遗址几个问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据考古发掘的我国首例古代酒坊遗址的实践,本对该遗址所包含的酒窖、晾堂等设施以及相应的平面布局和时代的关系,从考古学的角度进行了探讨。对于酒窖、晾堂的始建、使用、增补、废弃等时间刻度、进而复原当时的生产环境与工艺流程等问题,进行了考古学上的论证。并对遗址涉及的相关问题作了探讨。  相似文献   

Black fertility in the U. S. declined sharply in the latter part of the 19th century and continued declining up to 1940. Common expert opinion has held that this decline in fertility was not attributable to an increase in birth control practice. Instead, experts hypothesized that the fertility decline was due almost entirely to deleterious changes in health factors among blacks. The health hypothesis is faulty because those black groups with socioeconomic advantages most conducive to good health were the very groups with the lowest fertility rates. A number of recent fertility studies seem to show fairly widespread use of birth control among blacks during the 60 years up to 1940. This widespread use did not increase precipitously in the 1930s but grew gradually over the previous 1/2 century. Knowledge and acceptance levels of birth control were also high during those years among blacks. Similarly, the experts' beliefs that birth control, even if practiced among blacks, did not have much effect on black fertility because "infective" methods were used, birth control was not practiced "effectively," and blacks started birth control practice too late in their reproductive lives have been shown by studies to have no empirical bases.  相似文献   

五四运动掀起了中国民族主义的热潮,各地的大中学生都汇入到这一运动中.本文以五四运动中的上海圣约翰大学学生运动为个案,考察学生与校方的冲突与互动调适,以及教会学校学生民族意识的觉醒历程.  相似文献   

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