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This article re-examines the formation of the Qing state and its nature from a global perspective. It underscores the key roles of geopolitical setting and fiscal constitution in shaping the course of frontier expeditions and territorial expansions, unlike past studies that have centered on the dynasty’s administrative institutions and the ruling elites’ ideologies or lifestyles to defend or question the thesis of “Sinicization” in Qing historiography. This study demonstrates the different motivations and varying strategies behind the Qing dynasty’s two waves of military conquests, which lasted until the 1750s, and explains how the Qing state’s peculiar geopolitical interests and the low-level equilibrium in its fiscal constitution shaped the “cycles” in its military operations and frontier building. The article ends by comparing the Qing with early modern European states and the Ottoman empire to discuss its vulnerability as well as resilience in the transition to modern sovereign statehood in the nineteenth century.  相似文献   

谭萌 《民俗研究》2022,(1):33-41
集市是广泛存在于世界各地区各民族的商品交易形式,也是地方社会生活在空间上的浓缩。以流动为特征的集市为地方性知识的生成与表述、民俗关系的搭建与互动提供了场域,是区域性生活实践、文化变迁和社区整合的动力源泉。民俗学对集市中民俗事象、时空特征和实践活动的关注,可在超越村落边界的基础上,透视人群交往、文化交流和物品交换之间的关系,从而拓展民俗学的研究视野,深化对日常生活的理解,提升民俗学理论方法的活力;同时,民俗学的学术关怀可以进一步充实集市研究的生活感、文化性与应用性,丰富有关集市当代转型和乡村社会建设等议题的讨论,体现学科服务社会发展的现实关切。  相似文献   


Through the views of Francisco Franco’s major adviser on African Affairs, this paper reveals a hitherto neglected aspect of the long-standing interaction between competing ‘imperial projects’ in the twentieth century. Tomás García Figueras’s (1892–1981) speeches, writings and personal archive provide a long-term and well-informed Spanish perspective on the British and French colonial systems, offering us a model to make sense of three major aspects of inter-imperial relations: emulation, competition, and opportunism. Through this insight into the dynamics of imperial interaction, and the ever-evolving dialogues and exchanges between ‘empire projects’ from around the European peninsula, this article provides some key elements to answer the long-standing question of what motivates empires to expand, adapt, or contract. It illuminates the ways in which officials engaged in the day-to-day running of European empires looked at each other, in search for examples and counter-examples, emulation or, simply, opportunities. Crucially, it illustrates how ‘empire projects’ of varying clout interacted with each other, within the limits of realpolitik but well beyond linguistic obstacles, as the multilingual material assembled in the García Figueras archive clearly attests. It also charts, among national and socio-cultural circles hitherto neglected, the evolution in thinking about colonialism and decolonisation throughout the twentieth century.  相似文献   

论文梳理了海外中国劳工保护制度变迁的内在逻辑,探讨了海外中国劳工保护制度变迁的动力机制和新形势下创新与提升的应对举措。研究显示:海外中国劳工保护制度经历起步探索期、规范建制期、调整拓展期、发展完善期的演进轨迹,展示出一个清晰和完整的兼有历时性与共时性的制度谱系。海外中国劳工保护制度演进有五种驱动力:理念转变、国内发展需要、国家实力提升、国际形势转变以及关键节点催化。海外中国劳工保护是我国海外利益维护的重要组成部分。在新冠肺炎疫情肆虐全球背景下,基于历史制度主义视角来重新审视海外中国劳工保护制度的演变具有特别重要的意义。  相似文献   

This article evaluates rates of osteoarthritis of the lower limb in human remains from Deir el‐Medina in order to compare the health of the residents of Deir el‐Medina with previous studies on other ancient Egyptian and Nubian populations. This study focuses on osteological observations from the commingled New Kingdom human remains documented during the 2012–2014 field seasons of the Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale. This is the first publication of osteoarthritis for the human remains at Deir el‐Medina, a dataset which complements comparable populations at sites such as Amarna, Giza, and Tombos. It demonstrates that men in the village of Deir el‐Medina experienced significantly higher rates of osteoarthritis in the ankle and knee in comparison to women at Deir el‐Medina. Rates of osteoarthritis in the lower limb at Deir el‐Medina generally fall between workers' cemeteries and middle‐class or elite cemeteries. This study also includes data from Deir el‐Medina's detailed textual record and intact landscape in order to determine how occupation influenced these higher rates of osteoarthritis. The duration, intensity, and frequency of the workmen's hikes are reconstructed based on the surrounding landscape and 42 texts recording work days. This study compares rates of osteoarthritis with these datasets in order to document how the strain, duration, and frequency of the workmen's hikes may have impacted overall rates of osteoarthritis. Consequently, data from the texts and landscape surrounding Deir el‐Medina not only corroborate osteoarthritis patterns, but offer detailed daily life activity which can be used as a comparison for broader studies on osteoarthritis in ancient and modern populations. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

在中国共产党成立80周年前夕,东瀛日本出版了石川祯浩撰写的《中国共产党成立史》(岩波书店2001年版)。这部专著是治学严谨的石川教授十余年研究成果的结晶,其史料运用之丰富、史实考证之细密是以往同类专著中颇为罕见的;且其研究角度、写作框架均很独特,观点上亦有不少精到之处。今年2月,该书中译本出版。①相信中文版的问世不仅会引起中国广大读者的兴趣,更会推动中国学者对中共建党史有关课题的进一步探讨。该书特别值得称道的是非常重视原始资料的运用,在其参考与引用的日、汉、俄、韩、英、法、德等语种文献中,有不少是当时记录的档案…  相似文献   

新旧之间:陈黻宸史学成就探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为20世纪初期的新派史家,陈黻宸在史著中已尝试着用进化史观来剖析历史,并能够从历史事实本身去寻找历史发展的原因。他在如何撰写民史方面也做出了有益的尝试,同时又对如何建设新史学提出了一系列独到的看法。  相似文献   

本文基于整体网视角对张谷英村社区咨询网进行研究,试图揭示传统村落旅游地社会网运行机理。通过确定样本边界得到了169户家庭构成的样本空间,对咨询网络结构分析与社区权力分异研究发现:(1)张谷英村旅游地社区咨询网络结构呈现不均衡性;大多数家庭活跃于由可达性产生的1-派系小圈子之中,并由11个基础派系衍生出240个衍生派系。(2)整体网视角下张谷英村旅游地社区权力分异呈现金字塔结构;年龄、是否参与旅游经营、助人经历、能力展现与业余爱好是权力分异的主要影响因素;位于权力分异金字塔结构顶端的家庭很少,但对张谷英村旅游地社区咨询网络演化产生重要影响。本文研究也显示:旅游实践活动既是传统村落旅游地社区成员能力展现的重要平台,也是体现社区社会网权力分异的重要平台;基于社会网视角的传统村落旅游地社区权力分异将处于动态演化中。  相似文献   

王晓德 《史学集刊》2008,1(1):77-83
在20世纪期间,源于美国的现代大众消费文化对其他国家的发展产生了巨大影响,法国便是其中比较有代表性的国家.第二次世界大战之后,美国大众文化在法国得到了更为广泛的传播,促使法国人消费理念的变化,成为法国大踏步地迈入现代大众消费社会的主要原因之一.然而法国传统的生活方式并没有因为进入现代大众消费社会而发生本质上的变化,只不过是多了些现代生活的气息而已.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new set of certified reference materials designed to aid scientists and conservators working in cultural heritage fields with quantitative X‐ray fluorescence analysis of historical and prehistoric copper alloys. This set has been designated as the Copper CHARM Set (Cultural Heritage Alloy Reference Material Set). The Copper CHARM Set is designed to be used by a wide range of museum‐, art‐ and archaeology‐oriented scientists and conservators to help improve the accuracy and range of their calibrations for quantitative ED–XRF spectrometry of copper alloys, and also increase the number of elements that can routinely be quantified. In addition, the common use of a single core set of the reference materials is designed to significantly improve inter‐laboratory reproducibility, allowing greater data sharing between researchers and thus furthering possibilities for collaborative study.  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》2009,28(1):191-199
The debate in the house of lords on 'No Peace without Spain' in December 1711 was the first test of the strength of the administration of Robert Harley, earl of Oxford, in the upper House. Though there are more sources for this debate than is normal for proceedings in the Lords, few can claim to be by eyewitnesses. A newly 'discovered' anonymous letter from an eyewitness found in the papers of the lord great chamberlain's office in the Parliamentary Archives gives a detailed account of this important debate.  相似文献   

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