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从广西民族博物馆易滋生霉菌的展柜里分离、纯化及鉴定了三株霉菌,并研究香叶精油、罗勒精油和山苍子精油对霉菌的抑菌效果,测试这些植物精油喷洒于纸张表面后纸样的防霉性及鉴定三种精油的主要抑菌活性成分。实验结果显示,三种供试植物精油对霉菌均具有显著的抑菌效果,在纸张上的防霉效果也很明显,其综合抑菌效果大小为:香叶精油罗勒精油山苍子精油。GC-MS分析表明,香叶精油的主要活性成分为:香叶醇(56.73%)、橙花醇(38.31%)。罗勒精油的主要活性成分为:丁香酚(83.14%),己二醇(16.15%)。山苍子精油的主要活性成分为:柠檬醛(36.01%),(Z)-3,7-二甲基-2,6-辛二烯醛(29.71%)和柠檬烯(16.67%)。植物精油作为博物馆展存环境的空气防霉剂具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

本研究开发传统的药用植物来筛选防霉剂,利用药用植物挥发油进行杀菌和抑菌。在筛选桂皮油、菌陈、山苍籽油等抗菌活性的基础上,分离鉴定了其活性成分。通过各抗霉组分的实际应用试验及各组分间协同作用的初步探讨,发现按不同比例组成的混合物具有抗菌的稳定性和增效作用,对书画的保存具有实用价值。上述各种药用植物挥发油的抗霉活性成分对黄曲霉的最低抑菌浓度均在  相似文献   

彩绘文物表面滋生霉菌会改变文物的颜色与外貌、破坏整体稳定性,对文物造成严重破坏。防止霉菌破坏的重要方法就是使用抑菌剂,但目前缺乏科学评价彩绘文物抑菌剂的方法体系。本研究选择异噻唑啉酮、戊唑醇等12种抑菌剂,以产黄青霉(Penicillium chrysogenum)、杂色曲霉(Aspergillus versicolor)、枝孢菌(Cladosporium sp.)、交链孢霉(Alternaria alternata)和日本曲霉(Aspergillus japonicus)五种彩绘文物常见霉菌为对象,从抑菌活性、抗药性、颜色变化、抑菌效果及其长效性等方面对抑菌剂性能进行了系统评价,并初步构建了用于彩绘文物典型病害菌防治的抑菌剂评价方法体系。实验结果表明:依据所构建的评价方法体系筛选出对上述五种常见霉菌抑菌效果良好的抑菌剂及其质量分数,即0.15%异噻唑啉酮和戊唑醇,2%苯扎氯铵、肉桂精油和克霉唑;同时,苯扎氯铵对五种霉菌抑菌效果的长效性良好;0.2%纳他霉素会引起部分颜料颜色的改变。本研究通过多项指标选择抑菌剂,所构建的霉菌抑菌剂评价体系为彩绘文物的霉菌防治提供依据,对彩绘文物保护具有重要意义。  相似文献   

为寻找有效且安全的纸质文物用抑菌剂,选用ZnO纳米颗粒进行研究。通过TEM和XRD表征其形貌特征和晶体结构,通过酸碱性测试、静置观察对比实验和抑菌活性测试来评价ZnO纳米颗粒的抑菌性能和安全性。所选材料尺寸20-50 nm左右,具有六方相晶体结构且结晶良好。添加纳米ZnO颗粒可以改善浆糊的酸碱性,确保古书画的装裱环节中不加重酸化程度,甚至可以中和宣纸酸性。静置观察实验表明,添加纳米ZnO颗粒可在一定时间内有效抑制浆糊中霉菌的生长,而且浆糊的颜色外观与空白浆糊基本一致。色差测试说明添加纳米ZnO颗粒不会改变浆糊和宣纸的颜色。抑菌活性测试表明,添加纳米ZnO颗粒可有效抑制浆糊中霉菌的生长,对于金黄色葡萄球菌和大肠杆菌具有明显的抑制效果。总之,ZnO纳米颗粒抑菌剂可以控制浆糊的酸化,具有明显的抑菌效果,且不影响宣纸和浆糊颜色,具备一定的安全性。  相似文献   

为探讨新型防霉剂CM-1在丝织品保护中的效果,通过抑菌活性和模拟环境加速老化实验,检验了其用于丝织品保护中的生物活性,皿内抑菌实验表明防霉剂有很好的生物活性,且具广谱性。结合多种仪器分析,通过热老化、光老化、酸碱水解老化等方法验证防霉剂对丝织品后期安全性影响。结果表明,防霉剂能有效抑制丝织品褪色,红外光谱显示样品的化学结构没有变化,扫描电镜结果说明防霉剂可使样品对抗热老化,对样品表面有保护作用,拉力试验和X-射线衍射论证了防霉剂对丝织品的拉力强度和结晶度均没有影响。  相似文献   

洛筝  曹阳 《旅游纵览》2010,(8):50-52
<正>岭南——自古以来的凉茶世界深圳——清心凉茶满天飞的城市在我国岭南地区,尤其是广东、广西甚至再往南的香港、澳门,居民世世代代对一种取材多味中草药、具有浓郁苦涩味道的"凉茶"情有独钟。岭南一带以"炎方地卑"的地理环境和自然气候条件特点,尤其是夏天持续时间较长,又比较潮湿。  相似文献   

南方湿热环境下馆藏有机类文物易滋生霉菌,使文物遭受不可逆转的破坏。馆藏文物霉菌防治目前常用的方法是严格控制保存环境的温湿度和投放防霉剂,这两种方法受到经费或使用方式的制约,有一定的局限性。针对这种情况,南京博物院于2011年起开展了馆藏文物防霉纸的研制工作。针对防霉纸研制中防霉剂的选取问题,选择了国内文博机构常用的几种安全可靠的防霉剂进行了抑菌效果实验。通过对抑菌圈直径、抑菌时效等数据的对比研究,发现LAg003、NMF-1和MD等防霉剂对馆藏文物常见霉菌有较好的抑制效果,可应用于馆藏文物防霉纸中。  相似文献   

香玉 《神州》2014,(4):36-39
<正>金蝉猴俗称"毛猴",又名"中国蝉蜕",学名又称"昆塑",是将蝉蜕、辛夷、白芨和木通四味中草药按照人体的肢体特征,巧妙粘接而成猴子形象的手工技艺。曾有人评价称"两味虫草粘就猢狲百态,方寸之间表现大千世界"。"毛猴"曾经是北京独有的民间艺术品,2004年在北京行医的抚顺人杨述言看到一篇有关北京毛猴即将失传的新闻后,自己摸索  相似文献   

鹤庆干酒,味香而醇,是全国闻名的名牌酒。据说,它是用一百八十多味中草药配制的酒粬发酵,酿造而成,所以,喝干酒不但能御寒驱风,而且还能提神补气。它是当地群众,尤其是山区少数民族不可缺少的一种饮料。那么鹤庆干酒是怎样酿造出来的呢?这里边有一段传说。从前,在仰止山上住着一个七十多岁的老妈妈,人们都叫她欢娘。她原是罗山官家的丫头,做牛做马侍候了罗山官家一辈子,  相似文献   

中国的桑蚕丝织业延绵千年,真丝文物记载了中国作为丝绸古国的辉煌历史,对中国古文化及古工业的研究都具有重要意义。而真丝文物在出土及保藏过程中极易遭受霉菌污染,严重影响文物的研究展示和文化价值的传承,成为各大博物馆和研究所的困扰。通过对真丝文物霉变菌株的分离及鉴定,可以了解真丝文物霉菌污染现状,为真丝文物的防霉控制提供靶标菌株。筛选真丝文物防霉处理剂可为探索真丝文物防霉控制方法提供新的思路,促进真丝文物防霉新技术的开发。本研究从苏州丝绸博物馆霉变真丝文物中分离纯化得到4株霉菌,分别编号为A、D、H、K。采用点植法培养真丝霉变菌株单菌落,观察其菌落特征和培养特性,通过显微观察法记录分生孢子形态、大小等显微结构,结合分子生物学方法构建系统发育树,对真丝文物霉变菌株进行鉴定。同时采用牛津杯法测试3-碘-2丙炔基-N-正丁基氨基甲酸酯(IPBC)、2-甲基-4-异噻唑啉-3-酮(MIT)、苯并异噻唑啉-3-酮(BIT)、聚六亚甲基单胍磷酸盐(PHMG)4种防霉剂对4株真丝霉变菌株的抑菌活性。结果表明:4株霉菌分别属于半知菌类丛梗孢目的3个属:曲霉属(Aspergillus),节孢霉属(Arthri...  相似文献   


Similar characteristics including color, luster, texture, and mineral inclusions of both Dover and Fort Payne chert types coupled with the wide geologic and geographic distribution of these deposits compound interobserver errors associated with visual identification methods. Samples were obtained from outcrops of Dover from Kentucky and Tennessee and Fort Payne chert from Alabama, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Tennessee demonstrating their extensive geologic distribution as well as the great similarity in macroscopic traits. A logistic regression analysis upon the sample database demonstrates successful differentiation of the chert types. However, the Dover/Fort Payne case study provides a cautionary example of the potential pitfalls with sourcing studies solely reliant upon visual attributes to assign artifact provenance. In general, the use of visual chert identification should be a “first approximation” and it is argued here that large type databases systematically sampled from both primary and secondary sources highlight the possible wide range of macroscopic variation present.  相似文献   

Fort William Henry, in upstate New York, was the site of a legendary siege and massacre in 1757 during the French and Indian War. As part of the terms of surrender, the British garrison was to retreat with all their arms and possessions, thus denying the Indian allies of the French their spoils of war. Contemporaneous and fictionalized accounts of the resulting massacre have often been regarded as exaggerations of actual events. Five men buried in a mass grave within the fort, known as the crypt, however, were clearly victims of the massacre. These men were among the sick and wounded who were unable to make the 15 mile (24 km) journey to Fort Edward and were left in the care of the French. Four of the five men sustained pre-mortem leg trauma that would have resulted in their hospitalization and prevented them from walking. The other massive perimortem trauma on these remains vividly depicts the results of the massacre. Three of the five men were shot in the knee; two of these three were shot elsewhere as well. One man was decapitated. Both the front and back of all the bodies bear cut marks, probably from the use of both axes and long-bladed knives as weapons. The numerous gashes in the thoracic and pelvic regions indicate the men were mutilated. Our analysis of the remains from this mass grave confirms and enhances the historical accounts of the massacre at Fort William Henry. The skeletons of these five men provide gruesome testimony of the assault to which they were subjected.  相似文献   


In 1689, the governor of La Florida ordered the construction of a fort near the Muscogee (Creek) ancestral community of Apalachicola, supplying it with a caravan of “horned cattle and pack horses.” The fort, referred to as “Spanish Fort,” was abandoned a year later. Archaeological investigations of the fort were carried out in 1960 without sieving, and a large collection of faunal remains was minimally studied. Despite the limitations of the recovery methods, a recent analysis of these zooarchaeological legacy collections provides insight into the provisioning strategies of the Spanish military 150 years after initial colonialism began. Spanish Fort was better provisioned than its predecessors, such as Fort San Juan, but with a limited range of domesticated livestock—only cattle and horses. The presidio may have traded with the Apalachicola community in order to diversify their diet, but butchering marks indicate that the presidio’s soldiers processed their own meat at the fort. Having learned hard lessons from earlier colonial expeditions, Spanish military colonialists minimized the outpost’s vulnerability by not relying heavily on the local Native American population, while building a transactional relationship with Apalachicola to ensure the community’s cooperation. The zooarchaeological materials from Spanish Fort also indicate that the fort was intentionally destroyed by fire, providing a glimpse of Spanish adaptive strategies as the mission of securing the inland Southeast from rival colonialism abruptly ended.  相似文献   


Investigations at the Guard site (12D29), located in Dearborn County, Indiana, have provided evidence pertaining to the development of early Fort Ancient villages. Recent geophysical survey and excavations alongside many new radiocarbon dates have allowed for improved understanding of household architecture and intrasite variability. Although some scholars have hypothesized that Middle Fort Ancient villages developed out of small early Fort Ancient hamlets, the Guard site provides explicit evidence for villages early in the Fort Ancient sequence. Guard also contains key Mississippian indicators for interaction, particularly wall-trench architecture and a Ramey knife. These findings demand that we reconceptualize the inception of Fort Ancient villages.  相似文献   


The use of mussel shell for tempering pottery vessels by Fort Ancient societies is poorly understood. Suggestions have included both diffusion from neighboring Mississippian social groups and local developments, although no studies have investigated whether shell-tempered pottery is non-local or associated with Mississippian features and artifact types within Fort Ancient sites. This study begins to remedy this deficiency by examining the social and temporal contexts and petrographic composition of shell-tempered pottery at the Sun Watch site, a Fort Ancient village located in sw Ohio that was occupied during the height of neighboring Mississippian developments (ca.A.D. 1150–1450). Our findings indicate that shell tempered pottery was not produced locally and is linked with a village leader and Mississippian-inspired architecture.  相似文献   

In the past twenty years, lithic use-wear studies have been used to determine the function of Hopewell bladelets. These studies have uniformly shown that the bladelets were multipurpose, utilitarian tools in domestic contexts. Debate arises as to their function in ritual or ceremonial contexts. The question of bladelet function in ceremonial contexts remains unanswered because use-wear studies of bladelets have not been extensively applied to well-provenienced ceremonial assemblages. Microwear analysis was conducted on a sample of bladelets recovered from the Moorehead Circle within the Fort Ancient Earthworks in order to comment on the above debate as well as to determine the activities that occurred there prehistorically. The Moorehead Circle was a center of intensive activity as evidenced by the high rate of utilization and numerous tasks performed with bladelets. Intersite comparison indicates that the Moorehead Circle bladelets were utilized for the same range of tasks as bladelets from other sites in Ohio.  相似文献   

这篇文章是对四件附着有硅酸铜钡颜料的中国古代器物的研究。其中三个样品是彩陶颗粒,来自甘肃省张家川马家源遗址,它属于战国晚期(474-221BC)。另外是对山东章丘威山汉墓壁画上的(206BC-8AD)单个晶体的单独研究。一个彩陶颗粒样品和单个晶体表明有中国深蓝(BaCu2Si2O7)存在,这是一关于硅酸铜钡的新发现。相对于已知道中国蓝(BaCuSi4O10)和中国紫(BaCuSi2O6),这种BaCu2Si2O7成分被称为中国深蓝,该彩陶颗粒的颜料层也含有中国蓝中国紫。还运用了SEM和EDX对其表面形态的分析和通过拉曼光谱对中国蓝、中国紫元素成分的分析。x射线对单个晶体的分析知道了BaCu2Si2O7化合物的结构。通过现代仪器的综合分析研究,推断前期硅酸铜石英相谱图,白色Ba2CuSi2O7成分,仅有很小的可能性在历史遗迹中找到该颜料。  相似文献   

Local Fort Wayne, Indiana (USA) lore says that the Dr. Merchant Huxford House contains timbers from Fort Wayne, the US military outpost constructed in 1794 by General Anthony Wayne. The wilderness fort played roles in Native American and British conflicts and was the genesis for a city with a current population of more than 250,000. The doctor’s residence was built on the outskirts of the young city, but within 0.4 km of the fort site. Accounts contemporary to the house’s construction describe timbers being recycled from the fort for use in new building projects. This article describes the use of dendrochronological methods to establish a construction date for the Huxford House and attempts to confirm or dispel accounts that the house contains recycled timbers from the historic fort.  相似文献   

We present an evolutionary model of social change in the Middle Ohio Valley during the Fort Ancient period (AD 1000–1650), primarily relying on an application of Winterhalder’s (1986) and Kelly’s (1995) evolutionary ecology model of cultural responses to environmental variability. We predict changes in social organization, political complexity, and patterns of stylistic similarity. As the environmental background for our model we employ recently published moisture data. By iteratively applying the synchronic Winterhalder–Kelly model we are able to predict a sequence of general trends that agree with much current interpretation of Fort Ancient development. Specifically, the model leads us to expect increasing village size, the development of regional traditions, and the development of leadership roles and a region-wide style Horizon around AD 1400. However, our model provides the ability to make testable predictions that deviate from the accepted cultural history and predicts that the Middle Ohio Valley and the groups referred to as Fort Ancient were far from homogenous.  相似文献   


Fort Johnson and Cantonment Davis are two short-term War of 1812–era American military posts located above the east bank of the Mississippi River in Hancock County, Illinois, within what was then the western frontier of the United States. Because little has been written regarding the fort and the cantonment, most details of their occupations are poorly documented and occasionally contradictory. A review of the documents associated with the two military posts establishes that Fort Johnson was occupied by approximately 100 men for 42 days, while Cantonment Davis was occupied by as many as 825 military personnel for about six to eight months.  相似文献   

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