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The mother of Vice Party Secretary Zholma lives with her daughter to the west of the Tashilhungpo Monastery. According to Zholma, many of the people living in that are a are formerroad builders and her mother was happy to be there with these old acquaintances of hers.  相似文献   

<正>There is no fog and the sun has penetrated the clouds and spread its rays to all corners.The vapors rising from the valley are caught by these colorful rays against the overlapping mountain ranges,forming a vivid,colorful backdrop.All of sudden, it disappears,making you believe you are in fairyland.  相似文献   

Tibetan people adore odd numbers as lucky ones, in particular, the numbers of "3", "9" and "13"."3"-the odd number with good luckThe Tibetan ethnic group has long paid much attention to the auspicious date for a marriage if the ceremony and subsequent married life are to have a chance of going well.The dates of making the match with the girl's family, the bride's setting out for her new home and the ceremony itself are all decided by Buddhist experts through  相似文献   

Baima Chasi is a farmer-turned-taxi company manager. She lives in Nangka Township of Donggar Town in Deilungde-qen County in the suburbs of Lhasa. The way she carries herself, and herfacial expression belie her real age of littlover 40. The courtyard of her house is verylarge with a garage spacious enough topark three or four vehicles, in addition to cattle pen. Dried beef of a whole head of cattlehangs in a cool place outside her kitchen. In her sitting room are a lot of flowersSeei…  相似文献   

Kangding is where mountains and clouds make friends and play together. It is home to love songs, such as the following:"At the place where I can see you,My eyes are glued on yours.At the place where I cannot see you,My heart is linked with yours."FESTIVAL AT PAOMASHAN. The eighth day of the fourth month of the Tibetan calendar year is the birthday of Sakyamuni, founder of Buddhism. Legendarily, nine dragons swimming in the five-color clouds above Paomashan Mountain spat water for t…  相似文献   

The Photo Show was always packed with viewers. In a hall showing how people sent to Tibet work, this reporter talked to a woman named Li. Here is our dialogue: Reporter: I noticed you are very careful in viewing photos, and very often took notes. Do you have special interest in Tibet?Mrs Li: Yes. As a magazine editor, I do have special interest in Tibet. The Photo Show is gorgeous in the broad sense. The Central Government has done a lot to aid the Tibetan region. Reporter: How do you…  相似文献   

正The sound of loom weaving comes out of a three-story building in the Lugu Alley off the Barkor Street.Drugyal's wife Norbu Droma and her assistants are making traditional Tibetan bags.The black pulu shop sign stands out in the quiet alley.Step into the shop,you will see wool,calfskin and sheepskin bags hang neatly on the wall.The products on display on the counter are of the current style made for everyday life,while those traditional handmade bags in the inner  相似文献   

正It must be admitted that most property management companies in Lhasa are not up to par.Drolma Kyi,who started her career as a police detective,is the president of Auspicious Land Property Management Company.She is known both for her uncompromising and no-nonsense leadership style and caring and thoughtful man management style.Those around her call her"Iron Lady"behind  相似文献   

<正>Lhodrak Town is a small town on the border of the Tibet Autonomous Region(TAR) in China.This is a peaceful and beautiful town stretching from east to west along the Lhodrak River between a mountain and the river.The Xungqu River of Lhodrak runs day and night from the town to the distant border.The end of the downtown of the county seems to be the end of the access.Nevertheless,a single road suddenly appears before you,zigzagging to the village and surrounded by rich forest.In the morning when the fog is still lying on the land,we have  相似文献   

There are many lakes scattered over the Tibet Plateau. In fact, there are so many that if you travel for one day in Northern Tibet you may not see another person, but you will surely see a lake. These lakes, fresh or saltwater, create enchanting beauty and often invite visitors to enter into an illusion. And behind each holy lake there is a beautiful story. The most famous holy lakes are the Yamzhog Yumcog, Mampang Yumco  相似文献   

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