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为探讨部分陈列银币、铜币腐蚀产物及其成因,采用三维视频显微镜、扫描电镜-能谱(SEM-EDS)、X射线荧光(XRF)、X射线衍射(XRD)等方法,对中国钱币博物馆部分遭受腐蚀的展陈钱币的腐蚀产物进行了分析,并通过红外光谱(FT-IR)对展陈材料进行了分析,最后对硫的来源进行了初步分析。结果表明,银币和铜币的腐蚀产物均含有硫化物,银币(银铤)的腐蚀产物为硫化银,铜币的腐蚀产物中主要为铜的硫化物,此外还含有铜的氧化物。经分析,展柜中的黏合剂氯丁胶在光照和较高温湿度条件下能分解并释放出硫化氢气体,因而初步判断银币或铜币的腐蚀产物是由于展柜内材料产生的硫化氢与银币或铜币反应生成。  相似文献   

The pre-Islamic coins in the al-Mukallâ Museum come principally from Shabwa, the capital of the kingdom of Hadramawt. The collection consists of 76 coins, three of which could not be identified because of their poor condition. Sixty-seven silver and bronze Hadrami coins; five silver and bronze Himyarite and Sabaean coins; and one gold Roman coin comprise the collection. This material provides a general overview of the coinage of the ancient Hadramawt, permitting us to distinguish the issues of certain individual Hadrami rulers.  相似文献   

2003年,洛阳市邙山乡村民在修建房屋时,发现西汉墓一座。墓中随葬的陶器、铁器等文物多已散失,我们仅收集到其中的4枚花钱(插八下右)。这种面文纪第次的花钱,在以往的著录中多称为“权钱”。我们谨就这批花钱及其相关问题,略作探讨。一、洛阳新发现的纪第次花钱秦汉时期的钱币,多为面文纪重量的“半两”、“五铢”等铜钱,也流行各种花钱。但像这种面文纪第次的花钱,却较为罕见。这批花钱共4枚,皆钱体重大,圆形方孔,面有外郭,周缘锐薄,钱文凸起,面文篆书,背部平素,通身布满浅绿色锈。依其钱文不同,简述如下:1.“第十”钱铸作较粗糙,钱身上部…  相似文献   

陈列银币变色原因初步分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了探讨博物馆内陈列银币经常出现的表面失去光泽甚至变暗变黑的原因,采用离子色谱、X荧光光谱等方法分析变色银币清洗液成分,并对博物馆周边环境空气和颗粒物进行检测。结果表明,Cl-、NO2-、NO3-、SO42-等无机离子主要来源于环境空气,甲酸和乙酸主要来源于陈列用装饰材料。采用电子能谱、扫描电镜等分析手段对银试片表面黑色物质进行分析,发现其主要元素为碳、氧、硫,其中硫分布较深,说明黑色物质除了硫化物外还存在氧化物;进一步采用红外光谱分析发现,发黑处有明显的碳氢吸收,说明发黑银试片表面除了无机物外还存在含碳有机物,可解释扫描电镜和电子能谱中检测到碳的原因。通过模拟实验比较了空气质量、相对湿度、光源和光照等因素对银变色所起作用表明,在空气质量较差的情况下,光照强度差异几乎与银变色程度无关。在标准空气中相对湿度100%下银依旧不变色,说明在空气质量、光照度与相对湿度中,空气质量是影响银变色的主要因素。实验结果和银化合物的化学性质的结合解释了银与各种污染离子作用最终转化为稳定硫化银的原因。实验结果为制定银质文物保护环境要求和改造方案提供了依据。  相似文献   

The article addresses some of the problems arising from the publication of a recent numismatic catalogue including coins from all parts of the Islamic world. The problems concern in particular the coins of the medieval Yemen and the article comprises a critique of those coins listed under the Arabian peninsula and the Yemen.
Catalogue nos. 101 and 104 are dealt with in some detail since they are erroneously ascribed to mints in Mecca and Minā, respectively. The former is struck in the name of a Zaydī imam, the latter is Rasulid and labelled as having been struck "for a special occasion". The intriguing question of the mysterious Ayyubid prince, al-'Ādil Abū Bakr, arises too (nos. 125 etc.), although no definitive answer can yet be suggested. Much more information is now available on the striking of coins in Tha'bāt during Rasulid times. A number of other points bearing on the numismatics, the history, and the geography of the medieval Yemen are discussed in the article.  相似文献   

南朝青瓷罐中的古钱及其相关问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2003年,笔者从一朋友处获得一件青瓷器(插五)。据说这件青瓷系其父早年在湖州本地开挖土机时所得。这是一件六朝中后期南朝时的青瓷六系(桥形系,其中二系早残)小罐,以其釉色、造型及胎体的情况来看应属于南方这一时期的典型器。按理说毛口残系,腹无纹饰的这么一件青瓷本无特别之处,但是如果其腹中盛有同一时期的古钱,则情况又当别论了。针对古钱而言,它似乎比其它一般的伴出物更能说明某些问题。这件青瓷六系小罐,其高85mm,腹部最大直径处125mm,出土时其腹中藏钱至口沿(近满)。笔者先前粗略地观察了这些早已与器形溶为一体且锈结较为严重的…  相似文献   

This paper offers a re‐examination of some problems regarding the coinage of Vandal North Africa. The coinage of this barbarian successor state is one of the first non‐imperial coinages in the Mediterranean world of the fifth and sixth centuries. Based on the fine collection in the Coin Cabinet of Vienna's Kunsthistorisches Museum, this article questions the chronology of the various issues and monetary relations between the denominations under the Vandal kings, especially after the reign of Gunthamund (484–96). The Vandals needed and created a solid financial system. In terms of political, administrative and economic structures they tried to integrate their realm into the changing world of late antiquity and the early Middle Ages.  相似文献   

在游学英国的日子里,参观了大英博物馆.对大英博物馆陈列的中国文物藏品的翻译,有一些思考和看法.  相似文献   

为了解西藏钱币的制作工艺,采用金相显微镜组织观察和扫描电子显微镜分析的方法,对云南香格里拉迪庆藏族自治州博物馆收藏的五枚藏币样品进行分析。分析结果表明,五枚藏币可以分作两类,一类为铜质,一类为银铜合金。铜质钱币为含铜率高达99%,可以判定为纯铜制品;银铜合金币的配比基本符合"银八铜二"的合金化的要求。五枚钱币全部采用机械冲压制作,符合当时社会的生产动力变化。本研究成果对进一步研究西藏地区钱币的工艺技术有一定价值。  相似文献   

故宫太和殿木构件现状分析及加固方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为加强对古建筑的维修保护,故宫博物院对太和殿进行了勘查,发现如下木构件问题:西山挑檐檩跨中挠度过大;三次间正身顺梁及山面扶柁木榫头位置下沉10cm;明间藻井下垂13cm,井口爬梁已经开裂.通过运用结构力学相关方法,对这些构件的结构现状进行理论分析,研究了问题产生的原因,讨论了相应的加固方案,解决了这些问题.结果表明:西山挑檐檩虽然挠度较大,但强度满足要求,不需要加固;山面扶柁木榫头下沉的原因是局部受弯强度不足,但已通过支顶解决该问题;正身顺梁榫头下沉的可能原因是材料老化,局部受拉、弯、剪强度不足,通过采用钢木组合结构进行了加固;藻井下沉的原因是木材老化,井口爬梁抗弯及抗压承载力不足,通过采用扁钢箍加固的方法进行了加固.研究结果可为古建筑保护及修缮提供参考.  相似文献   

刘真伦 《文献》2002,(2):74-86
台湾国立故宫博物院藏有宋刊本《昌黎先生集》一种,计《正集》四十卷,《外集》十卷,《附外集》一卷.左右双边,每半叶十一行,行二十字,小字双行同.  相似文献   

X-ray fluorescence (XRF) is a well-known technique for the analysis of ancient metals. Thanks to the availability of portable instruments (p-XRF), it is extensively used for the chemical characterization of coins directly in museums. In this work, the potentialities of the technique have been investigated, through its application to a case study concerning the Cisalpine Gaul coinage. More than 200 drachmas have been analysed to discriminate different productions on the base of minor elements. Major elements, on the other hand, have been used to trace alloy changes through the centuries. As concerns the quantification of the silver content (fineness), XRF and neutron diffraction results have been compared, in order to check the presence of surface-enriched layers.  相似文献   

馆藏文物中的书画、古籍、档案、纺织品和竹木漆器等有机质文物,常常受到霉菌的破坏。为了解文物库房有机质文物中霉菌病害现状,寻找适合的防治方法,利用显微形态观察和分子生物学方法,对四个库房内文物材料与囊匣上滋生的霉菌进行采样、培养、分离和鉴定。实验分离出的14株菌株通过形态观察和分子生物学鉴定为6个属,包括毛壳菌属(Chaetomium)、畸枝霉属(Malbranchea)、曲霉属(Aspergillus)、派伦霉属(Peyronellaea)和枝孢属(Cladosporium)等,其中毛壳菌属数量最多,曲霉属次之,多数为能对文物产生危害的常见菌种,亟待采取有效防治措施。实验结果可为今后霉菌的防治工作提供依据。  相似文献   

L. Gentelli 《Archaeometry》2021,63(1):156-172
This paper details the application of a statistical method for the chronological discrimination of silver coins using counts per second trace elemental, inter‐elemental ratios. The statistical method described is based on a method that has been applied to similar archaeological materials to determine their provenance. The method makes use of the inter‐element association patterns of multi‐element analytical data determined using laser ablation‐inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry (LA‐ICP‐MS). The majority of the 266 coins analysed for this study have already been successfully identified by their mint markings. The data from LA‐ICP‐MS analyses, together with what is known about the coins through visual identification, were used to discriminate the reigning sovereign, and in the case of Mexico, the year of minting, of individual coins within the elemental fingerprint of different mints. Subsequently, unidentified coins can be placed in the confusion matrix, and their trace element information used to identify their year of minting when compared with other, identified coins from the same mint. The interpretational statistical technique linear discriminant analysis (LDA) was used to explore an identification of year of minting of coins that have previously not been identified by other means based on a statistical comparison against a database of compositional analysis of silver coins of known year of minting.  相似文献   

为了解巴蜀青铜兵器的制作技术及表面斑纹形成机理,采用金相显微镜分析,扫描电镜及能谱仪对成都市博物院的几件带斑纹的馆藏青铜兵器进行了分析。结果表明,两件截面样品均为青铜铸造组织,锡含量平均为11%。三件器物表面斑纹层均含锡和铜并具有一定抗氧化作用。斑纹工艺可分为二类:剑周99-1极可能为直接铸出凸凹不平的剑体,在凸起部位涂高锡合金膏剂,加热处理后得到。另一类可能先直接铸出金属基体,在欲成斑处涂抹合金膏剂或纯锡,加热处理打磨得到。分析结果可为深入研究巴蜀青铜兵器提供参考。  相似文献   

博物馆数字展示基本特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
展示是博物馆与观众沟通的重要方式。由于对博物馆数字展示本质特征认识不足,博物馆工作者在将数字技术手段应用于展示过程时,极易陷入两大误区:一是忽略数字技术手段的作用,仅将数字化元素作为传统展示的局部点缀;二是过分夸大数字技术手段的作用,大量堆砌数字化元素,形成本末倒置的数字技术秀(show)。本文给出了博物馆数字展示的基本概念,并对博物馆数字展示区别于传统展示的非顺序性、多感性、互动性、虚拟性以及时空延展性等本质特征进行了剖析,以供博物馆数字展示设计与实现工作参考。  相似文献   

博物馆藏书结构与博物馆业务研究密切相关。本文分析了河南博物院图书室的性质、作用和藏书结构与业务研究的关系,提出了如何解决现有矛盾的对策。  相似文献   

王旖旎 《东南文化》2021,(6):115-121
组织公共事件题材的展览是博物馆积极践行社会责任的重要方式,可以让博物馆为社会利益的服务从内容到形式都变得更加直接和具体.突出公共事件的一个被忽视的特点,即事件中的情感因素,是进一步揭示情感动员在公共事件展览中核心作用的基础.将米哈利·巴赫金"移情"与"外位"结合的理论与博物馆对公共事件的展示进行联系,有助于使观众对展示...  相似文献   

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