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This paper tests the use of basiocciput osteometrics against those of femoral diaphyseal length and dental development for aging fetal and juvenile skeletal remains. The study sample consists of 39 fetal and juvenile skeletons recovered from Kellis 2, a Roman Period cemetery in Dakhleh, Egypt. The results add to the corpus of data supporting the reliability of this method for use in both bioarchaeological and forensic contexts. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A 1st-century AD midden deposit at Berenike, a major port on the trade route between the Roman Empire and India, has produced cotton textile fragments reinforced with a rectangular grid-pattern of cotton strips, interpreted as the remains of sails. Webbing fragments of cotton and linen, in some cases attached to stout cotton or linen cloth, may also have come from sails. The only published example of a Roman-Period sail is a linen sail of 1st-century BC-AD date from Thebes in Egypt, to which the Berenike fragments bear a close resemblance. The S-spun linen sails were presumably manufactured in Egypt. Most of the Berenike material, however, was of Z-spun cotton: an import, it is argued, of Indian origin. The construction of Mediterranean-type sails entirely from Indian materials has implications for the presence of Westerners on the Indian sub-continent.  相似文献   

Much can be learned about the religious ideology and mortuary patterns as well as the demographic and health profiles of a population from archaeological human fetal skeletons. Fetal skeletons are rare, however, largely due to poor preservation and recovery, misidentification, or non‐inclusion in general burial populations. We present an analysis of 82 fetal/perinatal skeletons recovered from Kellis 2, a Roman Period cemetery dated to the third and fourth centuries AD, located in the Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt. Most of the fetal remains were individually wrapped in linen and all were buried among the general cemetery population in a supine, east–west orientation with the head facing to the west. Gestational age estimates are calculated from diaphysis lengths using published regression and Bayesian methods. The overall similarity between the fetal age distributions calculated from the regression and Bayesian methods suggests that the correlation between diaphysis length and gestational age is typically strong enough to avoid the ‘regression’ problem of having the age structure of reference samples adversely affecting the age distribution of target samples. The inherent bias of the regression methods, however, is primarily reflected in the gestational age categories between 36 and 42 weeks corresponding with the expected increase in growth variation during the late third trimester. The results suggest that the fetal age distribution at Kellis 2 does not differ from the natural expected mortality distribution. Therefore, practices such as infanticide can be ruled out as having a significant effect on the observed mortality distribution. Moreover, the Kellis 2 sample is well represented in each gestational age category, suggesting that all premature stillbirths and neonatal deaths received similar burial rites. The age distribution of the Kellis 2 fetal remains suggests that emerging Christian concepts, such as the ‘soul’ and the ‘afterlife’, were being applied to everyone including fetuses of all gestational ages. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was the survey and the study of the many quarries located in the first spurs of the Gebel el-’Adila, close to Antinoopolis (Middle Egypt). These quarries are an excellent opportunity for observation and research concerning the “landscape archives” and preserve traces of man’s activity, representing a real cultural heritage. The paper gives a short geological setting of the area and reports our recent study (2006 onward) on traces, typologies, methods and development of the quarrying activity in the area, focussing on the Roman period. The working traces allowed us to define the working tools used for quarrying, the organisation of the works and of the quarry exploitation, as in the area many remains of the quarry organisation network are extant or recognisable, such as: service posts, sledge-ways, docks.  相似文献   

At the Roman quarry settlement of Mons Claudianus in the Eastern Desert of Egypt extreme aridity has preserved large amounts of organic matter. Amongst the faunal remains were several hundred bird bones, together with feathers and egg shell. The majority of the bird bones have been identified as domestic fowl Gallus gallus. Other species are rare: they include a few passage migrants and resident species. Finds of spurred tarsometatarsi and bones with medullary deposits indicate that both male and female domestic fowl are represented. It is likely that they were transported to the site from the Nile valley alive; some may have been kept at the settlement. Cut marks suggest that some at least were eaten, but the birds may have been used for different purposes, both secular and ritual. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A collection of 21 glass samples (18 colourless and 3 light aqua blue) found in recent excavations performed at the Palatine and Esquiline hills in Rome has been investigated by means of SEM-EDS, EMPA and LA-ICP-MS. The glass was recovered in the “Baths of Helagabalus” and the Horti Lamiani. The collection included cups and bowls widely attested in Rome and Ostia from the late second to the first half of the third century AD. The analyses assigned this collection to the RC/LAC-MnSb groups (Roman and Late Antique colourless glass with both antimony and manganese) which seemed closely related to the Levantine area.  相似文献   

Forty samples of Roman colourless glass tableware from Binchester, dating from the 1st to mid-3rd centuries AD, were analysed using ICP spectrometry and parallels were sought with similar studies of Roman glass from Colchester and Lincoln [C. Mortimer, M.J. Baxter, Analysis of Samples of Colourless Roman Vessel Glass from Lincoln, Ancient Monuments Laboratory Report 44/1996, 1996; H.E.M. Cool, J. Price, Roman vessel glass from excavations in Colchester, 1971–1985, Colchester Archaeological Report 8, Colchester Archaeological Trust Ltd. and English Heritage, Colchester, 1995; M.P. Heyworth, M.J. Baxter, H. Cool, Compositional Analysis of Roman Glass from Colchester Essex, Ancient Monuments Laboratory Report 53/1990, 1990]. Some samples from the Binchester, Colchester and Lincoln (BCL) groups were re-analysed using energy dispersive spectrometry (SEM–EDS) and the results were used to compensate for the differences in reproducibility between the ICP data sets, so that these could be directly compared. The majority of the glass from all three sites was similar but some distinct compositional characteristics were identified that were specific to certain types of ware. There were differences in the concentration of lead in the samples, which appear to be to some extent chronological. The compositional data for the glass from Binchester, Colchester and Lincoln were also compared to literature data for various types of natron glass produced in the 1st millennium AD.  相似文献   

A group of Roman glass objects from the Bocholtz burial in the SW of Limburg (The Netherlands) was found to have been subject to varying degrees of degradation. Many of the 25 colourless glass objects were fragmented to pieces <0.1 cm (“sugared”), whereas the three transparent blue-green glass objects were in near-pristine state. Analyses using SEM, XRF and EDS revealed that the fragmentation was the direct result of the intense leaching of Na2O from the glass structure and its replacement with water. The resulting gel layers with low-Na2O contents and large amounts of water are sensitive to cracking when they dry out. Thin-walled glass appears to be less sensitive to cracking from the resulting stress than thick-walled glass. Local differences in the moisture regime during burial also influence the severity of the glass degradation. Glass with low concentrations of CaO seems to be the most sensitive to this form of degradation. The typical blue-green Roman glass is less sensitive as it generally has considerably higher concentrations of CaO.  相似文献   

Roman‐period mummy portraits are considered to be ancient antecedents of modern portraiture. However, the techniques and materials used in their manufacture are not thoroughly understood. Analytical study of the pigments as well as the binding materials helps to address questions on what aspects of the painting practices originate from Pharaonic and/or Graeco‐Roman traditions, and can aid in determining the provenance of the raw materials from potential locations across the ancient Mediterranean and European worlds. Here, one of the largest assemblages of mummy portraits to remain intact since their excavation from the site of Tebtunis in Egypt was examined using multiple analytical techniques to address how they were made. The archaeological evidence suggests that these portraits were products of a single workshop and, correspondingly, they are found to be made using similar techniques and materials: wax‐based and lead white–rich paint combined with a variety of iron‐based pigments (including hematite, goethite and jarosite), as well as Egyptian blue, minium, indigo and madder lake to create subtle variations and tones.  相似文献   

Dieter Kessler 《文博》2009,(6):354-364
2007年春天开罗大学和慕尼黑大学在Tunael—Gebel联合发掘,发现一个原始的罗马坟墓有一石顶,其形式如同金字塔,命名源于希腊某一铭文。这一小石灰石墓葬包含未发生变化的埃及埋葬风格。两个沉重的石灰和镀金木乃伊被安置于两个木棺中,其中一个有一木制锦缎屋顶。该木乃伊有五彩缤纷的玻璃镶嵌,双方的床都展示着华丽的宗教仪式场景色绘画ajoure-work(这些图像被木板分割)。部分埃及和希腊的70个护身符挂在床上,用石灰制成并刷成绿色。两个石灰雕像伊希斯(高38cm)被置于头部附近。雕像是利用周围的木桩加工成型的,然后涂上颜色。它们是一个明显的混合风格的实例。它们被加工成一个典型的希腊姿势,但仍然有一埃及背景。在传统的老埃及,光谱中的每一道颜色有特定象征意义。通过它可以读出背景的循环往复变化。例如,颜色变化从红色(祭品/敌人)-白(天狼星的位置)-黑色(看不见的东西)-绿色(再生)再次到地球上五彩缤纷的形式。这一统一已经在罗马时代瓦解。新的颜色如粉色的出现,白色王冠上画的黄色等等。埃及的象征意义似乎完全消失在罗马新的墓葬彩色装饰上。  相似文献   

Naturally coloured, blue or green are the most common glass colours found in assemblages from the Roman world from the end of the 1st century BC onwards. In the 4th century two different compositions have come to dominate this group, ‘HIMT’ and ‘Levantine 1’ glasses, both of which are now thought to have been produced in the eastern Mediterranean. Using Romano-British glass assemblages from the 4th and 5th centuries, it is shown here that although the two naturally coloured glass types predominate, by far the most common composition in British assemblages is HIMT, although older, earlier blue-green compositions are still present. The earliest date HIMT could be identified in these assemblages is around AD 330, although two distinct compositions can be identified within this group which relate to changes in composition over time. A similar change over time is seen in the Levantine 1 glasses. The reasons for these patterns within the assemblages are explored within the archaeological evidence currently available for glass production and consumption in the Roman world.  相似文献   

Between 1998 and 1999 three excavation campaigns were undertaken on a shipwreck at the now‐submerged site of the ancient Portus Magnus, off the coast of Alexandria. The site, close to the island of Antirhodos, was identified through geophysical and archaeological surveys carried out by the Institut Européen d’Archéologie Sous‐Marine (IEASM), directed by Franck Goddio. The remains of the ship lie c.5 m deep and are spread over c.350 sqm. No cargo has been found. Artefacts recovered, the details of the ship's architecture and radiocarbon dating all suggest it sunk between the end of the 1st century BCE and the 1st century CE. Its dimensions correspond to those of commercial ships of the Roman era. Identification of the wood used contributes significantly to our knowledge of materials used in naval architecture of this period.  相似文献   


Results relating to the identification of macroscopic plant remains (leaves, fruits, seeds) discovered during the archaeological excavation of the Roman harbour of Pisa, in Tuscany, Italy are reported. The plant samples include the cultivated species Prunus spp., Corylus, Olea, Vicia, Juglans and the nemoral wild species Salix spp., Quercus spp., Fagus, Ulmus, Alnus. The remains of cultivated plants — fragments of fruits and seeds — were perhaps part of the boats' cargo or stores for the crew's meals. In the case of the wild taxa, the simultaneous presence of fruit and leaves, suggests that the remains recovered came from the forest vegetation bordering the area of excavation and the adjacent higher grounds, thus delineating a new vegetation landscape for the ager pisanus.  相似文献   

The present paper reports results from a systematic study of oxygen isotopic compositions for glass samples from various archaeological sites (i.e., Iulia Felix, Grado, Vicenza, Pozzuoli and Modena in Italy, and Derrière Sairoche in Switzerland) and dated from the Roman period to the 18th century AD, as well as of some raw materials that may have been used for their production. The analysed samples differ essentially in the type of flux, using Roman and high Medieval glass natron and late Medieval and modern glass plant ash, soda and potash, respectively. The aim of this study was to amplify the database of oxygen isotope data for various archaeological glasses and to identify isotopic trends indicating different raw materials, production technology, and/or provenance. Results indicate that natron glass samples of various provenance and age have consistently higher δ18O values than plant ash ones (about 15.5‰ vs 13.0‰), probably due to the different flux, highly 18O-enriched in the case of natron. Isotopic data on Belus and Campanian sands, the types mentioned by Pliny for glass production, show that they have similar isotopic composition. Taking into account the oxygen isotopic composition of Roman glass, the “positive natron effect”, and the negligible influence of small amounts of manganese and antimony containing decolourisers, the suitability of both sources for glass production is verified, supporting the hypothesis of multiple sand sources. Notwithstanding this, the isotopic similarity between Belus and Campanian sands prevents us from identifying the starting material from the δ18O of the final product. In the case of plant ash used as flux, it is not possible to distinguish between soda and potash plant ash, because the addition of ash did not contribute isotopically heavy oxygen and the silica source is presumed to be comparable in the analysed samples. The isotopic data of the present study are also compared with those already published in the literature, and possible interpretations on their analogies and differences are discussed.  相似文献   

Archaeometric research on glass artefacts is continuously evolving and is converging towards a multidisciplinary research domain where different types of techniques are applied depending on the questions asked and the circumstances involved. The technique described in this work is optical spectroscopy. The benefit of this technique being the possibility of building up a knowledge database for a large amount of material in a relatively short period of time and with a relatively limited budget. This is of particular interest for the investigation of extensive and/or unexplored glass collections where a first-line analysis of artefacts could facilitate the selection of material needing further and more detailed examination.  相似文献   

The finding of considerable collections of glass artefacts, together with considerable lumps of glass chunks, fuel ash slag and kiln fragments related to glass processing strongly suggests a local secondary production (working) of glass at the Beit Ras/Capitolias archaeological site in northern Jordan from the late Roman to the early Byzantine period. The chemical analysis of ancient glasses can provide important information regarding the manufacturing technology of the glass made during a specific period. The aim of this study is to characterise the chemical and technological aspects of late Roman to early Byzantine glasses excavated from this main archaeological site. Furthermore, the present paper aims to provide incontrovertible evidence that this site must be considered as a major centre for the secondary production of glass during a period between the 3rd and the 6th centuries. For this purpose, a considerable group of raw glass chunks and vessel fragments of different colours and typologies were collected. The results of chemical analyses indicated that the glass did not show a clear difference in chemical composition between late Roman and early Byzantine times. All the glasses (artefacts and chunks) are of the soda-lime-silica type and correspond to the previously defined Levantine I glass group. The chemical composition of the glass chunks, identical to that of contemporary glass of the same colour, strongly suggests that these chunks were used for the manufacture of late Roman to early Byzantine glass at Beit Ras. The observation of technological features indicates that glass chunks were produced in massive tank furnaces in other primary production centres elsewhere, and were meant for local reworking. According to the microscopic examination, it can also be observed that mould-blowing was the main technique used for forming glass.  相似文献   

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