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张晓旭 《南方文物》2008,(3):139-144
五.中外文化交流碑刻 有关中外文化交流方面的碑刻.宋元时期也有不少。如泉州海外交通史博物馆保存有一百多方有关泉州的伊斯兰教石刻,这些石刻大部分是有关中外文化交流的。宋元时期泉州为中国对外贸易大港,庸初伊斯兰教传人中国.随之而来的是阿拉伯人、波斯人来泉州传教、经商,有一部分人长期居住泉州,后来形成回族。  相似文献   

五.中外文化交流碑刻 有关中外文化交流方面的碑刻,宋元时期也有不少.如泉州海外交通史博物馆保存有一百多方有关泉州的伊斯兰教石刻,这些石刻大部分是有关中外文化交流的.宋元时期泉州为中国对外贸易大港,唐初伊斯兰教传入中国,随之而来的是阿拉伯人、波斯人来泉州传教、经商,有一部分人长期居住泉州,后来形成回族.  相似文献   

明嘉靖二十二年(1543)阿拉伯文和汉文双语的秦州重建清真寺楼碑是甘肃境内最早的阿拉伯文碑刻,其碑记是非常重要的回族石刻文献,它们除了在语言学、文字学方面的研究价值外,对研究元、明、清三代西北伊斯兰教传播史和发展史、回族源流史、中阿文化交流史也具有十分重要的意义。对比汉、阿两种碑文,不难发现其汉文碑记对清真寺的功用和伊斯兰信仰的阐释典雅中正、曲尽奥妙;其阿文碑记则紧扣《古兰》、《圣训》,一反汉文碑记的迂回与隐讳,语意流畅,明白易晓。该碑记真实反映了伊斯兰作为世界性宗教与文明对东方文化展示出的极大兼容性和适应性,也反映了回族人民在伊斯兰母体文化的化育下,经过儒学熏陶发挥出的无比智慧。该碑刻具有很高的历史价值,从中可以看出明代伊斯兰教筚路蓝缕过程的缩影。  相似文献   

祖国东北辽阔大地是一个多民族的地方,仅就鞍山地区而言,少数民族30余个,其中回族人口近3万人,他们是以“大分散小集中,固寺而居”特点,遍居于城乡。由于旧社会封建统治者实行民族歧视与压迫政策,挖掘抢救散落民间的回族古籍十分困难,尤其是有悠久历史文化如海城、牛庄、峋岩等关外古镇的回族古籍资料更加困难。各档案馆回族史料奇缺,历代文献又颇少记述。读白寿彝的元代《回族人物志》“题记”,为我们指出要从“搜集有关家谱、文契、帐簿……家族历史、人口迁徙和社会经济的重要材料”,以及礼拜寺碑刻和墓碑、回族古籍方面人手…  相似文献   

回族是有着悠久历史、信仰伊斯兰教的中国民族,他从形成伊始,便对中国的传统文化有着很高的文化认同。这种由文化认同而产生的伊斯兰文化与汉文化的碰撞融合构成了回族文化独特的内涵,对回族的形成也起到了关键性的作用。本文将从汉文化认同的形成过程、影响回族汗文化认同的因素以及汉文化认同的具体表现三个方面,对回族形成中的汉文化认同作简单的论述。  相似文献   

刘伟 《宁夏史志》2010,(3):22-27
砖雕艺术.在回族建筑中从古至今都被广泛的运用着。这些点缀品,如同回族建筑一样,形成了自己的类型或风格。回族的雕刻装饰是回族建筑艺术表现的重要内容,在回族建筑中雕刻装饰起着十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

马金梅  杨芳 《丝绸之路》2011,(22):12-14
因回族文化的形成和发展受到伊斯兰文化的影响,使得回族文物除了具有中国传统文化的一面,更具有了伊斯兰文化特征。本文通过介绍回族清真寺的宗教建筑形制以及回族瓷器、金属器的器形、装饰图案,阐释了回族文物的伊斯兰文化特征。  相似文献   

论文探讨了留日回族对近代中国教育转型改革的作用和贡献。认为留日回族是近代回族留学生中人数最多、生源地最广的群体。立身特殊的时代中,留日回族以强烈的国家认同、中华民族认同和中华文化认同,投身国家教育事业,在回族社会中积极普及国民教育,奠定了近代回族教育的爱国传统,推动了中华民族共同体意识的形成与发展,促进了各民族的交往交流交融,引导回族社会的思想文化顺应国家需要与时代发展。这既是他们参与近代中国“中华民族观”讨论和中华民族共同体建构的重要方面,也是近代回族爱国运动的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

杨榕 《文献》2006,(3):113-126
明清时期,福建各地民俗活动频繁,城乡演剧之兴盛,已成为民众文化生活之大事.故福建地方文献中就有了戏曲活动的记载,戏曲碑刻即其重要组成部分,内容涉及戏班、戏神、演剧、罚戏、习俗等,折射出民间演剧之缩影.碑刻是我国古代的重要记事方式,福建各地宫庙林立,庙多立碑石记述其历史、祀神或重建修缮事宜,随着戏曲的形成与发展,碑刻与戏曲结下了不解之缘.戏曲碑刻是记录戏曲信息的载体,属于戏曲文物型文献,其碑文少则十几字,多则数百字,甚至达千余言.福建传世的戏曲碑刻多见于明清,包括庙碑、护林碑、墓碑等,其中尤以庙碑为主,反映出戏曲碑刻与宫庙的密切关系.它们出自历史上地方戏盛行的福、莆、泉、漳等地,是研究福建戏曲的珍贵史料,具有重要的文化价值.  相似文献   

明清政府回族政策比较研究胡云生民族问题是每个朝代都必须认真解决的问题。明清时期是回族形成和发展的重要阶段,两朝的统治者对回族问题都做出了不同的决策,收到的效果亦截然不同。比较和研究明清两代回族政策之不同,对于当前正确解决好回族问题,具有一定的现实意义...  相似文献   

城市公共空间的意义与秩序,建构于使用者利用空间并遇到相关主体的日常场景中。论文以空间实践为理论视角,搭建涵盖身份、流动、权力的分析框架,发掘开封小吃夜市摊贩的身份属性与流动特征,探寻边界和节奏同权力运作的关联。研究认为:①回族摊贩为夜市赋予民族特性和地方性特色,回族社区是塑造从业身份的引力场;②摊贩通过短距离流动将集体社会文化属性嵌入空间,造就夜市和清真寺的空间邻近关系;③夜市的正规性附着于空间边界,场所的可占据性呈现于时间节奏,反映出权力运作依赖于空间资源的有限性与区位条件的差异性。空间实践能够为解释空间变迁中意义与秩序的形成逻辑提供理论框架,此案例分析可为公共空间的长效治理提供政策启迪。  相似文献   


This study presents the methodology and results of a core-periphery GIS model of the historical growth and spread of Islam in China based on a dataset of 1,774 mosques. These sites were organized into data subsets according to their founding dates during five major dynastic periods in Chinese history: Tang/Song, Yuan, Ming, Qing, and Republican. Core areas were identified and mapped based on where mosques clustered during each period. North China was the paramount core region in all periods. Not until the late Qing and Republican periods did the Northwest and Yunnan compare with North China, while coastal China never developed into a core area.  相似文献   

This study investigates daylighting design in Tunisian and Algerian mosques from the Ottoman era. It aims to constitute a daylight-based architectural design knowledge which might serve the built heritage preservation as well as supports contemporary environmentally friendly mosques’ and building design. An intensive literature review and a field work research have been undertaken in Tunisia and Algeria in order to survey daylighting devices in the Ottoman mosques era. Nine Tunisian and 14 Algerian mosques, from the Ottoman era, constitute the study corpus. First, an inventory of architectural components and their associated daylighting strategies was carried out. This collected data is then examined by means of a building conformation lecture based on typological, topological, and morphological analysis. This research reveals the existence of an interrelated set of daylighting devices and structural models governing rules in the Ottoman mosque model, site conditions, and previous local architectural styles.  相似文献   


The physical growth of cities is usually used to define the main direction of a city's development. This definition is key to understanding the city's current state and to plan for the future. Many urban planners agree that master plans should include historical urban growth and aim to specify the effective factors driving urban growth. However, defining urban boundaries and historical urban areas is a difficult task. The lack of satellite images, air photos, and real maps to use as base maps for historical urban studies is a problem that a researcher may face when determining patterns of urban development or conducting other analyses. In this article, the authors examine historical changes of the urban boundaries of the Ottoman city of Manisa. They analyze the physical growth of this large city by using the historical buildings (mosques, masjids, madrasas, baths, caravansary, and others) as markers.  相似文献   

This article explores how mosque spaces become everyday sites of ethno-religious subjectivation for immigrants and citizens originating from Turkey in the Netherlands. I argue that the symbolic and material constructions of mosques as simultaneously moral and moralizing spaces undergird the production of ethno-religious subjectivities through mosque-centered everyday practices. The articulation of Muslimness to Turkishness at mosques in culturally specific and gendered ways is crucial for the formation of a particular modality of the Turkish–Dutch self as moral subject. The ensuing incorporation of practices and activities that are deemed ‘secular,’ i.e. ‘cultural’ or ‘recreational’ to mosque services engenders a creative tension between the sacred and profane conceptions of mosque space. Mosque administrators and their congregations concur that recreational activities and quotidian accessibility to mosques are essential to the long term survival of Turkish–Dutch alterity, for mosques are spaces where children and youth are exposed to the performances of Turkish-Islamic morality and subjected to collective social control. However, the diversification of mosque services does not always sit comfortably with the meaning and use of mosques as sacred sites proper within a secularized framework. A creative tension between mosques as serene and pure spaces of the sacred and mosques as impure and immoral spaces of the everyday arises, as a result.  相似文献   

清代,八旗出身的文职官员和总兵以上的所有武职官员,在与皇帝奏对时自称奴才,成为清代君臣关系的一个重要特征。本文从历史主义的立场出发,详细考察了在君臣语境下,大臣中奴才称谓出现的背景、表现及其意义,揭示了奴才称谓变化背后复杂的政治、社会、观念诸方面的作用和影响。  相似文献   

通过戊戌变法时清廷中央到地方行省权臣对变法所持态度的分析,可得出“戊戌变法时保守势力并非很强大”的结论,对“保守势力的强大导致戊戌变法失败”的传统观点提出质疑。  相似文献   

Focusing on a mosque organization, the Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs (DITIB), this paper engages with the Turkish-Sunni diaspora's complex perception of the ‘state’ in Germany. DITIB is a Sunni-Islam based mosque organization that oversees over 900 mosques across Germany. However, the Turkish-Sunni diaspora does not consider DITIB mosques as simply religious or cultural spaces but instead attributes a highly complex quasi-stateness to it. My field research between 2016 and 2018 reveals that for this community, DITIB reflects an intimate familial version of the Turkish state in Germany. While DITIB has significant connections to the state in Turkey, based on my findings I argue that these connections alone do not explain why the diaspora perceive DITIB like a state. Rather, DITIB's perceived stateness has been constructed through a historical process that brings to the fore diasporic experiences, feelings, and memories centered at the ethnoreligious spaces of mosques. Thus, this research produces new questions for, and theoretical approaches to geographies of states, extending this literature's emphasis on everyday and intimate perspectives. I build on feminist geopolitics and diaspora studies to contribute to this scholarship by analyzing the role of feelings and memories in forming perceptions of the state. I explain how spaces of perceived states become fluid, cross the borders of officially defined national territories, and exceed the classical spaces and embodiment of states. Instead, spaces like mosques come to be perceived like a state through their association with care, unity, and a home. This analysis points to the emotional and memory-based production of what is perceived as a state and how those perceptions are formed.  相似文献   

周偉洲 《中华文史论丛》2012,(2):201-230,397,398
陝西彬縣發掘的五代馮暉墓出土文物,對研究五代歷史、考古、文化及民族關係均具有重要的學術價值。本文在吸收已有的研究成果基礎上,對出土《馮暉墓誌》及墓甬道壁畫、彩繪磚樂舞圖像作進一步研究。從馮暉及馮氏家族事迹,探討馮氏家族的歷史、傳承及與在朔方一帶党項諸部的關係;考釋墓甬道東、西壁畫、彩繪磚樂舞圖像的樂器、樂舞伎,認爲表現的是各有"竹竿子"、"花心"及樂舞伎的兩個宋代"隊舞"的雛形。  相似文献   

先秦史官与史学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文认为先秦史官职责的演变经历三个阶段 :夏商史官基本特征是充当沟通天人的使者 ,宗教性明显 ;周史官基本特征是以“官”的角色定位而行使历史官之史的职责 ;春秋晚期至战国史官 ,带有许多士文化的特征。先秦史官历史演变是决定中国早期史学发展的重要条件。  相似文献   

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