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Acelebration ceremony was held on December 8, 2005 in Tashilhungpo Monastery to mark the 10th anniversary of the enthronement of the 11th Panchen Erdeni. Though in deep winter, the monastery was filled with warmth. The Dorgyia Courtyard was freshly adorned with a pagoda composed of fried dough, dried nuts, qingke barley and wheat rising seven meters high. Jiang Zemin's horizontal board inscribed with the words "Safeguarding the Country and Benefiting the People" hung high on the western s…  相似文献   

February 13, 1990 (the 19th day of the 12th Tibetan month of the Year of the Earth Snake of the 17th Cycle of Tibetan Calendar): Gyaincain Norbu was born in Jiali County of the TAR.  相似文献   

In the wee small hours of the morning of September 29, 1995, the ceremony of drawing a lot from the golden urn was held in Jokhang Monastery in Lhasa to determine the reincarnated soul boy of the 10th Panchen Erdeni. Curu Cenang, a famous Tibetan medicine doctor as well as astrologer, chose the auspicious day by studying the ancient Tibetan calendar. The system of drawing a lot from the golden urn originated from Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty. The reincarnation system can be traced…  相似文献   

<正>On the 14th of September of 2010,the 11th Panchen Lama(who is also a member of the CPPCC and deputy president of the Chinese Association of Buddhism) met with Mr.Yang Rongwen(Singapore Foreign Minister),Master Guang Sheng(the Chairman of the Headquarters of Buddhism in Singapore) and some other religious figures in Singapore,in the Xi Huang Temple of Beijing.The 11th Panchen Lama warmly expressed his welcome  相似文献   

ItwasasunnydayinBeijingonNovember22,1996.TheYonghegongLamaserywasfilledwitha2alaatmosphere.Smokefromburningjossstickswaftedamongthebuildingsandthewholesitevibratedwithdrumbeats.ABuddhistmasswasheldtomarktheanniversaryoftheenthronementofthe11thPanchenErden…  相似文献   

July 4th, 2010, which was also May 23rd of the irontiger year according to the Tibetan calendar, was a most auspicious day. Tibetan Buddhism welcomed this very important event, drawing lots from the golden urn to search for the soul boy of the Fifth Detrul reincarnation. Over 150 representatives from all walks of life and adherents witnessed this great event in Tibetan Buddhism in front of the statue of Sakyamuni in the Jokhang Temple.  相似文献   

正Panchen Erdeni Choskyi Gyaltsen has a very special place in the hearts of the Tibetan people. One of the most beloved religious figures and a great master in the world of Buddhism, the 10th Panchen Lama has spent his entire life doing whatever possible to strengthen a feeling of solidarity among Chinese ethnicities and maintain a sense of national unity among the great many forces attempting to fragment China and scatter its people. His efforts have included a close and amicable  相似文献   

正On January 28th, a series of religious ceremonies to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the pass away of the 10th Panchen Lama were held respectively in the Guangji Temple,the Xihuang Monastery, and the Yonghegong Lamasery in Beijing, the Jokhang Temple of Lhasa and the Tashilhunpo Monastery of Shigatse in the Tibet Autonomous Region and the Kumbum  相似文献   

<正>July 4th,2010,which was also May 23rd of the irontiger year according to the Tibetan calendar,was a most auspicious day.Tibetan Buddhism welcomed this very important event,drawing lots from the golden urn to search for the soul boy of the Fifth Detrul reincarnation. Over 150 representatives from all walks of life and adherents witnessed this great event in Tibetan Buddhism in front of the statue of Sakyamuni in the Jokhang Temple.  相似文献   

THECONSECRATIONCEREMONYFORTHE11THBAINQEN¥//BENGYIThe11thBainqenLamaascendedtheholythroneinaformal,solemnceremonyheldattheTash...  相似文献   

Summary. An attempt is first made to define ‘town’and ‘continuity’for this period, and to assess the vigour of towns in the fourth century. The body of the article is a review of the fifth and sixth century archaeological evidence (including structures, artefacts and dark soil) and an analysis of the interpretations based upon it especially the theories of (1) Germanic ‘mercenaries’and (2) the prolongation of towns into the fifth century so that they overlap with early English activity. The conclusion is reached that there is no archaeological evidence for continuity in fifth and sixth century towns.  相似文献   

王安 《中国钱币》2004,(4):65-68,58,F004
今年正值马来西亚与中华人民共和国建 交30周年暨郑和下西洋600周年纪念之际, 马来西亚方特别制作了“马来西亚—中华人民 共和国建交30周年(封底图1,图2)”及“郑 和下西洋600周年(封底图3,图4)”两枚铜 章以示纪念。承蒙多方垂信,笔者有幸应邀 承担了两枚铜章的设计工作。铜章作为集绘 画、雕塑、金属加工等于一身的艺术品,以 绘画为设计语言,以浮雕为表现方式,以铸造 技术为实现手段。设计思想的定位是否准确、 设计语言的表现是否完美、浮雕的创作是否 再提升,对工艺技术的应用是否合理有效, 将是铜章作品成败的关键因素。 设计思…  相似文献   

Highway traffic is lifeblood of the social and economic development in Tibet. Due to the historical and geographical factors, Tibet didnot have a formal road or a civil car before 1950. The economic exchanges relied on the backs of porters and horses.  相似文献   

正The 6th International Mountain Bike Race of Basomtso kicked off in the Basomtso National Forest Park in Nyingchi on May 1st.It is China's highest altitude round-lake cycling race with a total length of 99 kilometers.138 domestic and foreign contestants competed in the two-day race.  相似文献   

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