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匈奴和鲜卑族金银器的动物纹比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国古代北方草原,地域辽阔,历史悠久,被人们称为“马背民族”的东胡、匈奴、鲜卑、突厥、契丹,女真、党项和蒙古等少数民族,自古以来就生息在这片土地上。在漫长的历史岁月中,他们创造了世界上独具特色的草原文化。在草原金银器艺术上,为中国古代文化宝库增添了一颗璀璨的明珠。  相似文献   

The author analysed the modelling, character and influence of porcelain of Jingdezhen official kilns from Hongwu, Yongle, Xuande Zhengtong, Jingtai and Tianshun period in early Ming Dynasty( 1368-1457)of Chinese history dependent on rich data in this article. Author indicated that the rulers of that time negated Yuan Dynasty by the Menggu Nationality meanwhile resumed the Confucian Culture of Song Dynasty and aesthetic standards of the Han Nationalyity and these ones were reflected obviously at porcelain of the official kilns.  相似文献   

徐海峰 《文物春秋》2000,(1):11-19,27
鲜卑是我国历史上古老的游牧民族之一,以山名族,属东胡族系,依地理位置分东部与西部(北部鲜卑)两大部分。西部鲜卑即拓跋鲜卑,发源于我国大兴安岭北段的大鲜卑山(嘎仙洞)。  相似文献   

冠饰,是图腾的产物,古代阐释美感起源时说“美”字是“羊人为美”,意为古人巫舞中以羊头为顶饰的会意表述。这种观点颇为深刻。因为就人类历史而言,动植物头饰恰是帽子的起源及冠饰的最初形态,且赋予它以图腾的外形和内蕴。如马克思在《摩尔根〈古代社会〉一书摘要》中所说的:“原始人认为自己的氏族都源于某一种动物、植物或自然物,  相似文献   

孙维昌 《收藏家》2011,(6):21-26
我国古代工艺美术,绚丽多彩,风格独特。诸如玉石器、陶瓷器、青铜器、漆器和印染织绣等,均在世界上享有盛誉。而古代金银器,在其产生、发展历程中曾涌现过无数优秀工艺作品,在我国古代工艺美术史上,也是一个具有重要影响的艺术门类。根据目前考古发现证实,在甘肃玉门火烧沟遗址墓葬(其年代约在夏代),曾出土了金环、银环饰品,是我国考古发现最早的金银首饰,迄今已有近4000年历史。  相似文献   

中国出产的天然漆,也被称为土漆,是从一种羽状复叶的落叶乔木,即漆树身上分泌出来的一种液体。它呈乳灰色,接触到空气后会氧化,逐渐变黑并坚硬起来;具有防腐、耐酸、耐碱、抗高温、能绝缘等特点,对人体基本无害。如再加入不同色彩的颜料,就变成了各种可以涂刷的色漆,经过打磨和推光后,  相似文献   

1982年秋我们在吉木萨尔县大有、泉子街等乡进行物普查时,当地村委会干部向我们反映:半年前广泉村小学在扩建操场、修筑围墙挖地基时偶然刨出一个古钱窑,出土带绿锈的铜钱约一麻袋多(估计约重200多公斤),围观顿时将挖出的铜币全部私分,并陆续卖给当地废品收购站。我们得知这一情况后,随即前往出土地点察看,并向学校负责人、教师等了解出土数量和可能保留在部分人手中零星铜币与变卖详情。另据附近老农讲,  相似文献   

古文 《钱币博览》2002,(4):45-45

崔贺勋 《东方收藏》2023,(12):92-94
鲜卑是我国首个统一北方、入主中原的北方少数民族,不仅结束了西晋“八王之乱”造成的动荡局面,并且保护并发展了传统的汉文化,极大地促进了多民族之间的融合与文化交流,并为隋唐盛世奠定基石。但令人遗憾的是,由于历史记载的语焉不详,我们甚至到现在还无法准确回答他们是谁、从哪里来、到哪里去等基础问题。古基因组学在探讨上述问题时具有独特的优势和作用,但也存在一些局限,文章对此展开讨论。  相似文献   

一、前汉鲜卑考古学文化 关于鲜卑的考古文化,近年有很多文章,提出了扎赉诺尔、完工、北玛尼吐、伊敏河、舍根、兴隆山、平洋、乌兰察布盟二兰虎沟和达  相似文献   

苍铭 《文献》2000,6(3):261-271
历史上,由于封建统治者对少数民族的歧视,西南各民族的文献只能在民间传播,官方没有做过系统的调查和整理,许多文献也湮没于历史的长河之中,人们并不太了解西南各族中有多少种文献.  相似文献   

土族有一首很古老的民歌,名叫《鲜卑山之歌》,其词曰:哎,鲜卑之山哟,鲜卑山头上顶的是什么?哎,鲜卑之山哟,鲜卑山头上顶的是威严的天帝;哎,鲜卑之山哟,鲜卑山额上供奉的是什么?哎,鲜卑之山哟,鲜卑山额上供奉的是众多的神灵;哎,鲜卑之山哟,鲜卑山眼里见的是什么?哎,鲜卑之山哟,鲜卑山眼里见的是阳世的光明;哎,鲜卑之山哟,鲜卑山鼻中嗅的是什么?哎,鲜卑之山哟,鲜卑山鼻中嗅的是五谷的味道;哎,鲜卑之山哟,鲜卑山嘴里嚼的是什么?哎,鲜卑之山哟,鲜卑山嘴里嚼的是十二样五谷;哎,鲜卑之山哟,鲜卑山耳中听的是什么?哎,鲜卑之山哟,鲜卑山耳中听的是宇…  相似文献   

2007年发掘的高台地埂坡墓葬壁画,内容丰富,出现了髡发形象,这些髡发形象不免让人想起文献中的"河西鲜卑"。文献中对于河西鲜卑的记载并不十分明确详细。本文试图通过对考古发现的玉门蚂蟥河、官庄、白土良、高台地埂坡等河西墓葬中的部分墓葬形制、陶器、壁画等来分析其中含有的鲜卑因素,并通过与东北、内蒙古中南部鲜卑墓葬的比较揭示河西墓葬与鲜卑墓葬的关系。  相似文献   

努尔哈赤起兵后所兴办的冶铁、炒金炼银及烧造业为其社会经济发展奠定了基础,为后金政权的建立及军事力量的迅猛崛起提供了保障.本文对这些遗址的考证,补白了清前史研究中一直悬而未解的课题,并为此后的专题研究起到抛砖引玉的作用.  相似文献   

英国民族主义经由诺曼入侵后的孕育时期、清教运动的发展时期和帝国扩张的成型时期等三个阶段的发展,最终形成了第一个工业化民族的民族主义。在这一漫长的历史过程中,盎格鲁—撒克逊的部族传统与诺曼入侵者的较量,近代以来英国社会经济力量的变化,新兴阶级争取自身权益的努力,以及对外扩张获取经济利益的冲动,都对英国民族主义的形成产生了巨大的影响。  相似文献   

This article empirically explores how populist actors talk about the nation. This is a research area mostly tackled in studies on right-wing populism, with other forms of populist politics usually left out of the analysis. To fill this academic gap, we focus on the Spanish party Podemos and the Italian Five Star Movement (M5S). The former is a paradigmatic example of radical left populism, whereas the latter is commonly considered as a catch-all populist party with no clear ideological connotation. Through a discourse analysis on leaders' speeches and official public declarations, we focus on the role that national identity plays in the strategies of Podemos and M5S and on the type of nation they discursively construct. Whilst Podemos' populist strategy purposely aims at contending to the right ideologically loaded concepts and signifiers to construct an idea of nation fitting the party's leftist values, M5S's strategy mostly aims at appropriating valence issues, such as the “Made in Italy” brand and the concept of “national interest”. Thus, our analysis contributes to clarify the differences between the leftist political culture of Podemos and the “post-ideological” one of M5S, as also reflected by survey data confirming strong differences in “nationalist” attitudes between their respective electorates.  相似文献   

This paper argues against dismissing as ‘populist nationalism’ every positive view of one's nation and ignoring patriotism as its antithesis. The European nation exists in two senses: as a large ‘social group’, a community of real people, and as an abstract community of cultural values promoted by intellectual elites grounded in a humanities‐based education. The widespread prejudice that condemns every positive expression of one's relationship to the nation has proved counterproductive because it has prompted ever stronger spontaneous reactions in the form of primitive nationalistic egoism. This has weakened the commitment people feel towards their nation and the humanistic potential that the nation possesses as a cultural community of values. Consequently, anti‐national European intellectual elites bear some responsibility – along with those preaching neoliberal individualism – for the success of populist demagogues and the decline in patriotic values. Given the state of education today, a revival of humanist culture for national elites seems impossible, making the continued rise of primitive nationalism appear unstoppable.  相似文献   

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