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陈苏镇 《考古学报》2021,(3):381-400
目 次 一 洛阳宫的重建 二 宫门和殿门 三 中华门和上阎 四 太极殿等核心建筑 魏晋的洛阳宫是在东汉北宫的废墟上重建的,其形制和格局与东汉有同也有异.学术界对此有所研究,但许多环节还没弄清,整体认识仍较模糊.笔者基于之前对两汉宫禁制度的研究,又仔细搜集和梳理了与魏晋洛阳宫有关的各种文献史料,认真研究了近年公布的一系列考古勘探发掘成果,对魏晋洛阳宫的形成过程,宫门、殿门、中华门、上阎等门禁设施的位置及其所构成的宫内格局,皇帝办公和居住的场所及其变迁等问题有了一些新看法.今详述于下,供大家参考,也请方家指正.  相似文献   

马涛 《中国钱币》2002,(2):53-55
中国现代金银纪念币伴随着我国的改革开放政策的发展而发展已走过了二十年的路程,经历了从无到有,项目品种从较单一到较众多,反映和表现了中国历史文化和当代社会发展的方方面面,拥有了一定的国际地位,并在经过数年的市场洗礼和随着新世纪的到来已走向了成熟与发展调整的最好时期。  相似文献   

Summary. This paper aims to provide a framework of literary evidence as a basis for study of the relations between the Roman Empire and Scandinavia from an archaeological point of view. It covers the period from Augustus to the end of the fourth century.  相似文献   

为了迎接人类跨入二十一世纪 ,向世人展示中国金银币的风采 ,受中国金币总公司委托 ,在中国印钞造币总公司的领导下 ,沈阳造币厂开发制作了千年纪念金币。该金币面向国内国际发行共 2 0枚。单枚质量 10kg ,成色 99 99% ,直径 180mm ,厚度为 2 4 3mm ,边部齿数 3 80个 ,面值 3 0 0 0 0元 ,为目前世界上最大最重的金币。该产品正面图案为中华世纪坛 ,背景为九龙盘绕 ,象征着中华民族的腾飞。有“千年纪念”、“中华人民共和国”及“2 0 0 0”字样 (见封面图 )。背面图案为一“眼”状的几何图形 ,意寓“放眼看未来”。边缘有云、水、日、…  相似文献   

S. PAYNTER 《Archaeometry》2006,48(2):271-292
This study highlights regional variation in the composition of iron‐smelting slag produced in England prior to the medieval period and attempts to link slag composition to the type of ore smelted. For many sites, the slag compositions were consistent with the use of limonite ore, but there is evidence that siderite ore was smelted at sites in Sussex in the late Iron Age/Romano‐British periods. A compositional comparison of smelting slags and slag inclusions in Iron Age currency bars, using data from Hedges and Salter (1979 ), illustrates the potential of smelting slag compositional data in provenance studies of early iron objects.  相似文献   

Summary.   This paper considers the evidence for the origins and development of the lake settlement tradition of Scotland and Ireland in the Late Bronze and Iron Ages. Considering a crannog 'event horizon' around the mid-first millennium BC, dating and structural evidence are compared and contrasted, and the evidence for non-domestic activity including ritual and votive deposition is contextualized. It is argued that the concurrent appearance of crannogs with the flourish of domestic monumentality in Scotland and Ireland can be seen as a consequence of the fusion of ritual and domestic spheres of life in the later first millennium BC, integrating the themes of architectural monumentality and the Iron Age reverence of water.  相似文献   

Path dependency is most valuable tool for understanding Russian history since 1480, which coincides with the ending of the “Mongol yoke,” Moscow's annexation of northwest Russia, formerly controlled by Novgorod, and the introduction of new method for financing the cavalry—the core of new service class. The cavalry had to hold off formidable adversaries (first Lithuania, then the Crimean Tatars, then the Livonians, the Poles, the Swedes, and the Ottomans) for Muscovy to retain its independence. Russia in 1480 was poor country lacking subsurface mineral resources and with very poor climate and soil for the support of agriculture. These basic problems inspired autocratic power and by 1515 an ideology was in place justifying it. Religion, literature, and law were employed to support the autocracy. A variant of caste society was created to support the army. This made up the substance of the first service‐class revolution in which all resources (human and intellectual) were mobilized to support garrison state. After 1667 the external threats to Muscovy diminished, but the service class kept its privileges, especially the land fund and the peasant‐serfs. Russia faced major foreign threats again in 1700 and in the 1920s and 1930s. Those threats precipitated the second and third service‐class revolutions. The second and third service‐class revolutions broadly paralleled the first. Reinvigorated service classes were created with state institutions to support them. As society became more complex, so did the service classes and their privileges. Ideologies (Russian Orthodoxy and then Marxism‐Leninism) were converted into devices to support the infallible autocratic ruler and his elites. Almost the entire population was bound to state service, either directly, working to support the service state, or paying taxes. The church and clergy were harnessed first by Peter's Holy Synod and then Stalin's Department 5 of the Secret Police after he revived the church during World War II. Writers and artists were also put into uniform, until they finally rebelled—but the arts retained their civic functions, first supporting the regime, and then criticizing it. Finally, law retained its traditional programmatic functions in regimes themselves beholden to no law. As the foreign threats diminished, the service classes lost their function, but the elite servicemen kept their privileges as the service states disintegrated and the service classes lost their collective élan. Both the Russian Empire (in 1917) and then the Soviet Empire (in 1991) collapsed almost without whimper.  相似文献   

孔繁刚 《中国钱币》2001,(2):28-29,7
本文所述山东东南地区,其范围是指以今山东临沂市为中心,以沂、沭河流域为主体,古代齐长城以南的临沂、日照两市各县及周边市县。该地区东临大海、西接内陆、南与苏北地区相邻。具有居山、顺河、临海的特殊地理历史环境,在春秋战国时期,这  相似文献   

1979年初,根据中国人民银行领导指示,为更好地弘扬中华货币文化,为给国家创汇,印制局开始策划,在保证现行货币生产供应的同时,本着勇于探索的精神,大胆开发了金银纪念币(章),并涉足历史货币工作。推动我国钱币事业全面地展开。 这里纪录的仅是历史货币工作(1979.5-1982.6)较为重要的事件。  相似文献   

Historians looking to make history a professional discipline of study in Victorian Britain believed they had to establish firm boundaries demarcating history from other literary disciplines. James Anthony Froude ignored such boundaries. The popularity of his historical narratives was a constant reminder of the continued existence of a supposedly overturned phase of historiography in which the historian was also a man of letters, transcending the boundary separating fact from fiction and literature from history. Just as professionalizing historians were constructing a methodology that called on historians to be inductive empirical workers, Froude refused to accept the new science of history, and suggested instead that history was an individual enterprise, one more concerned with drama and art than with science. E. A. Freeman warned the historical community that they “cannot welcome [Froude] as a partner in their labors, as a fellow‐worker in the cause of historic truth.” This article examines the boundary work of a professionalizing history by considering the attempt to exclude Froude from the historian's discourse, an attempt that involved a communal campaign that sought to represent Froude as “constitutionally inaccurate.” Froude suffered from “an inborn and incurable twist,” argued Freeman, thereby diagnosing “Froude's disease” as the inability to “make an accurate statement about any matter.” By unpacking the construction of “Froude's disease,” the article exposes the disciplinary techniques at work in the professionalization of history, techniques that sought to exclude non‐scientific modes of thought such as that offered by Froude.  相似文献   

1.明中期私铸盛行下的物价明初,太祖洪武二十七年八月,实行纯纸币流通制度,开始禁用铜钱①。明初曾出现的私铸,遂因止用钱而暂歇。自洪武三十一年太祖崩起,至万历朝之前共经十二朝,历时174年,据明各朝《实录》、《明会典》  相似文献   

迟发展效应的后发劣势与后发优势--对西部大开发的启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍了迟发展效应的概念,论述了其负面效应与正面效应--后发劣势与后发优势的内涵及相互转化。对我国西部大开发的启示是,西部欠发达地区能否崛起,能否赶上并超过先发地区的关键,是看其能否将经济发展理论及建设经验与当地的具体情况有机地结合起来,恰当地选择区域开发战略和经济发展的切入路径和突破点,适时地采取一些积极应对策略措施,挖掘、激活后发劣势中的正面效应,强化其相对优势成分,抑制其负面影响,顺利地跨越"瓶颈",创造性地找到一条适合自己的发展道路,从而成功地将后发劣势转化为后发优势。  相似文献   

Summary. In this study, the flint daggers in three areas on the Swedish West Coast are used to show the connection between powerful and influential groups and warlike activities. The variations within the flint dagger material are interpreted in terms of social status and the current flint dagger typology is rejected.  相似文献   

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