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Alex Demirović 《对极》2011,43(1):38-59
Abstract: In contrast to assertions that the capitalist state is either losing control or that it has returned, this article argues that during the last two decades the state itself has been reshaped. To understand the processes that the capitalist state is exposed to it is necessary to conceive of it as a series of form‐specific practices. Which practices form “the state” is not a result of pre‐given institutions but of conflicts and struggles. The capitalist state, separated as it is from the relations of production, must not be made synonymous with the national state. Only as a result of certain relations of force does bourgeois rule acquire the form of the national state. These relations between classes are currently being dissolved by the ruling classes. The capitalist state is being reorganized and is constructing new elements of a transnational network state, whilst the state itself is governed through new techniques—that is, those of governance.  相似文献   

周春生 《世界历史》2006,1(5):108-117
本文主要评述历史学家迈内克在研究国家理由问题时所表现出的历史道德理想主义特点。正是这种理想主义导致迈内克对马基雅维里国家权力等思想的论述失之偏颇。因此,完整地分析、理解马基雅维里国家权力等思想的结构,这不仅对理解马基雅维里的国家理由观,还对理解学术界的各种国家理由批评有所裨益。  相似文献   

陈玮  马学勤  何启林  马明忠  赵英 《攀登》2011,30(4):12-16
中国共产党在民族地区建党建政的理论与实践丰富和发展了马克思主义的理论宝库,主要体现在:坚持以马克思主义为指导,探寻符合民族地区实际的建党建政思路;高度重视建党与建政的紧密联系,以党的建设带动政权建设;创新民族地区政权模式,实行民族区域自治制度;培养选拔高素质民族干部,确保各族人民当家作主;确立民族工作的主题,致力于各民族实现科学发展;高举爱国主义旗帜,始终维护民族团结和国家统一。  相似文献   

郑纳 《攀登》2008,27(4):6-8
马克思主义公平分配观的建立是对人类社会旧有的公平分配观念的革命性变革,是收入分配思想史上的一次伟大飞跃。新中国建立后,毛泽东把马克思主义分配观的基本原理和中国的现实相结合,提出只有首先解决“均”的问题,才能解决“富”的问题的思想。但由于操之过急,毛泽东的“均中求富”变成了绝对平均主义,中国人民的生活走向了低效率和共同贫困的困境。改革开放以来,邓小平针对平均主义吃“大锅饭”的收入分配状况,在探索社会主义本质问题的过程中,依据马克思主义基本原理和我国经济比较落后的国情,提出在生产资料公有制为主体、多种所有制经济共同发展基础之上建立按劳分配为主体、多种分配方式并存的分配制度。  相似文献   

近代早期欧洲国家形成与军事活动之间的关系是西方学界关注的热点问题。美国学者约翰·布鲁尔提出“财政-军事国家”概念,强调行政机构扩大、财政税收增加与军事力量膨胀三者之间的关系。这一概念一经提出,很快成为分析近代欧洲国家形成与军事活动的重要框架,但它本身也存在一定的缺陷,例如,夸大了近代早期国家的能力、忽视了对财政资源的使用状况。近年来,一些西方学者试图对“财政-军事国家”概念进行补充与修正。“承包人国家”概念挑战了“公共”与“私人”的二元对立,着眼于国家将部分战争工作承包给私人,强调了私人部门在近代早期欧洲军事活动中的关键作用。“财政-军事体系”则采取了跨国的视角,关注国家、次级主权政治体和私人之间在军事活动中的互动,通过一系列“财政-军事中心”交易战争所需的人力、资金、物资、专家、服务和情报,从而勾勒出一个遍及欧洲的战争资源网络。这些研究极大地拓展了近代欧洲军事史和国家形成的视野与思路。  相似文献   

李金 《攀登》2009,28(6):43-46
本文分别分析了当代中国马克思主义的主要研究方法和西方马克思主义的主要研究方法,试图从中找出处理中国马克思主义研究与西方马克思主义研究之间关系的办法。进而实现马克思主义研究的国际性与本土化的统一。一方面,借鉴西方马克思主义研究方法,完善中国马克思主义的研究;另一方面,将中国马克思主义研究的方法推向世界。此外,要不断吸收人类文明中的优秀成果,吸收哲学、政治学、经济学、社会学等学科研究方法,丰富和完善当代中国马克思主义研究。  相似文献   

黄新艳 《攀登》2008,27(6):98-101
马克思以“实践”为其哲学的核心概念,实现了从传统本体论到现代本体论的重大转变。马克思的“实践本体论”就是以实践为根据去理解人的存在、人的本质、人的思维和人的世界。实践作为人的本质活动,它的目标就是追求和谐与统一、追求人的更加完满的存在方式的实现。不管是从实践的本体意义,还是从实践的过程及其追求目标来看,马克思的实践观中蕴含着丰富的总体性思想。  相似文献   

幕末日本的海洋国家论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
确切地说,幕末日本海洋国家思想的发展以1778年俄国商船来蝦夷要求通商为契机。与幕府的锁国海防相对,林子平、本多利明、佐藤信渊等思想家也纷纷提出了海防思想及海洋国家论,其特点以开国海防与开拓海防为主。锁国海防、开国海防与开拓海防,成为幕末海洋国家论的有机构成。  相似文献   

This paper offers a reinterpretation of what critical theorist Moishe Postone calls 'the fundamental core of capitalism'. In so doing, it seeks to lay a set of theoretical foundations for a renewed Marxian political economy in geography, at a time when Marxism has been eclipsed as a leading critical paradigm within the discipline. The argument works on two fronts simultaneously. On the one hand, the ongoing hegemony of economic and political neo-conservatism is occluding the violent realities of a capitalist world economy behind the anodyne logics of free-market theory. These realities suggest the continued relevance of, and need for, a strong Marxian critique of political economy. But on the other hand, Marxism has been reprimanded by its erstwhile allies on the Left of geography for being too 'modern' and too capital- and class-centred. In light of this double challenge, the paper seeks to develop a 'both/and' Marxism for geography that can chart a third way between the antinomies of modern and after-modern modes of theorizing capitalism and class. A project of 'envisioning capitalism' is suggested on this basis, which combines the 'power' of modern theory with the epistemological reflexivity of after-modern theory. At the same time, capitalism and class are rethought at an ontological level and shown still to be essential features of the fin-de-millennium world, but far less closed and hegemonic than is suggested by modern modes of Marxism. Finally, a return to a class politics of redistribution is suggested, but in a way that draws in more recent Left geographical concerns with identity, difference and recognition.  相似文献   

Much has been published theorizing the origins of states, but ethnography has lagged behind in developing the conceptual tools to theorize the state, generally preferring to study the margins of states or “stateless” societies, even though they were enmeshed in or colonized by states. In recent decades states seem to have been bypassed by an interest in global and transnational phenomena that presumes states as political organizations to be increasingly irrelevant. This review examines three texts that cut across archaeological and socio-cultural anthropology to analyze contemporary research on states and propose new directions in the study of states.  相似文献   

胡刘 《攀登》2009,28(5):44-48
回顾和总结马克思主义哲学发展的基本经验和基本规律,并由此探寻马克思主义哲学未来发展的方向和道路,是中国的马克思主义哲学研究者和宣传者面临的重要任务。文章从马克思主义哲学发展的基本经验及规律、马克思主义中国化与中国特色社会主义道路、马克思主义经典著作出版和研究的进展等方面对新中国60年马克思主义哲学的发展进行了反思与总结。  相似文献   

对当代中国马克思主义大众化研究的回顾与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡洪彬 《攀登》2009,28(1):12-16
党的十七大提出当代中国马克思主义大众化的科学命题,学术界就此进行了深入地研究与探讨,取得了丰硕的理论成果。回顾党的十七大以来关于当代中国马克思主义大众化的研究,有助于深刻把握当代中国马克思主义大众化的科学内涵及其现实意义,并使我们不断深化在这一研究领域的思考和认识。  相似文献   

Theory on nomadic political complexity has largely been based on twentieth century ethnography and numerous historical accounts of the military confederations of pastoral nomads. Over the past two decades, archaeologists have increasingly used material evidence to evaluate ideas about nomadic polities and have added indigenous and local-scale perspectives to an understanding of nomadic political process in many regions across the Old World. One of these is Mongolia, a major center of nomadic state and empire formation, where archaeologists have recently focused attention on an early regional polity that arose at the end of the first millennium BC and is known as the Xiongnu (also Hsiung-nu) state. This paper synthesizes the latest archaeological research on the Xiongnu state in order to evaluate historical models that explain state emergence among nomads on the far eastern steppe. The material record from Mongolia adds the detail and resolution needed to refine existing explanations for Xiongnu state emergence.   相似文献   

After reviewing the historically specific characteristics of the modern nation state, this essay discusses both supranational and infranational forces which now work to undermine some of the powers and functions of even the oldest and most firmly established states. Two popular visions of alternative arrangements, associated with free-market ultra-liberalism and the philosophy of ‘small is beautiful’, are rejected, since neither the market nor the decentralization or breakup of existing states can provide adequate solutions to their problems. As trends in economic development increase the likelihood that wealth will be generated by a smaller proportion of total populations, the redistributive function of the public sector is likely to become more important than ever.  相似文献   

The needs of optimal resource development policy in the Soviet Union have given rise to a new interdisciplinary research discipline concerned with the evaluation of the physical environment and natural resources. Evaluations are made of particular environments or resources or an integrated natural complex as a whole (the “object” of the evaluation) from the point of view of particular elements of society or society as a whole (the “subject” of the evaluation). Evaluations may be in terms of social utility, economic cost, technological feasibility, or medical-biological requirements. A number of methodological problems remain to be solved in evaluative research: (1) comparability between evaluations of particular elements and of integrated environments or resource complexes, (2) commensurability of various categories of evaluation (social, economic, technological) of a particular type of environment or resource, (3) the problem of weighting individual elements in integrated evaluations; and (4) the question of converting physical measurements into evaluations on a point scale.  相似文献   

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