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晋商成功之道(连载三)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马伟 《文史月刊》2006,(12):40-44
第二章卓越商才在善于经商的世界各民族中,无论阿拉伯商人、印度商人、中国商人,还是犹太商人,都以其独特的经商术著称于世,而同时他们又有许多相互融会贯通和英雄所见略同之处。晋商是中国商人的杰出代表,在他们身上所体现的与享有“世界商人”美誉的犹太商人在经商智慧和致富  相似文献   

正古时候,读书做官,读书经商,都是天经地义的事情。做官与经商,都需要有文化基础。古时候从商,是个广义的概念,做生意为经商,开作坊也为经商,除了农事之外,凡挣钱的活路都可视为经商。读书之后,是先去经商,还是先去做官呢?那就看运气了。科举考试,必经之路。有人运气好,年轻得志,一试即中,那就做官吧。能中举者,毕竟是少数,多数人先得找个事情做,边做事情边备考,有人就一辈子在备考与应试中度过。以前写到的方晞原,考到58  相似文献   

夫之 《文史春秋》2008,(7):62-64
由经商而经国有两层含义:其一是做生意的人经过千辛万苦和数代人的努力,积聚起富可敌国的巨大财富,再经过若干年的宦海沉浮,终于登上高位,经管国家;其二是把做生意的手段用于经管国家,即视经国为经商。这在市场经济日益成熟的今天来看,似乎并不构成矛盾,经商者成为国家领导人的例子比比皆是,许多经商的手段用于国家管理同样有效。然而,在2000多年前的春秋战国时期,也曾发生过由经商而经国的事,但最终是以悲剧收场。  相似文献   

第二职业是相对第一职业而言的,一般是指业余兼职。近年来,又再次掀起第二职业浪潮,几乎席卷各地和各个阶层。有体力劳动者,也有脑力劳动者;有工人、干部、领导,也有科研人员、演员、教师和学生。其中大多数人是在流通领域跑来跑去。胆子大些、有经商能力的就搞长途贩运,买进卖出;胆子小些、经商能力差些、没有什么家底的,就摆摊设点。一些舆论工具也不乏这方面的导向。君不见,某某成了万元户,某某成了十万元户等等事例,见诸报导。因为经商易搞易赚,吸引了愈来愈多的人搞第二职业。据有关报道,我国从事第二职业的职工有一千  相似文献   

《光明日报》1988年7月26日发表史国藩《关于孔夫子对待经商的态度》文,认为:5年前(木巳)人在该报上所发的《读书人不要染上市侩气》中,“引用‘赐不受命,而货殖焉’来说明孔夫子不满意子贡经商一例,似乎不妥”。又从这一事例论起,连举两例,得出结论是:“说明孔夫子是同情经商的。” 所举一、二两例都出自《论语》,一是《先进》篇的“赐不受命,而货殖焉,镱则屡中”。说,“显然,这是孔夫子对端木赐善于经商表示赞赏。”二是《子罕》篇的:“子贡曰:‘有美玉于斯,韞匮而藏诸?求善贾而沽诸?’子曰:‘沽之哉!沽之哉!我待贾者也。’”说:“这是孔夫子对商品买卖感兴趣的一种乐观自豪表现。”尽管不免有拔高之嫌,但总还是有所依据的,而第3例所举《孔子家语》中的“置六关”,是应加以商榷的。  相似文献   

窦应泰 《文史天地》2003,(12):30-33
晚清、民国年间,在北京前门大栅栏一带,牛子厚是名声最响的山西巨商。在当时巨贾云集,富豪如林的北京,牛子厚一个外来经商的山西人能成为京城商界的翘楚,决非一般人能够做到。牛子厚所以有如此声望,其主要原因有二。一是牛子厚经商有道,牛氏“升”字号的生意不仅在京城位居群首,而且他的店铺商号遍及东北三省,可谓富甲一方。就连北洋政府的首脑人物黎元洪、段祺瑞和张作霖等人都是他的座上客;二是牛子厚在经商之余有附庸风雅之兴,晚清时他在北京组织了“喜连城”戏班,为此,牛子厚还得过慈禧太后钦赐的金色匾额,堪称一时之盛。牛子厚在东北的…  相似文献   

正张友渔,原名张象鼎。清末光绪二十四年十月二十一日(1898年12月4日)出生在山西省灵石县城西太平巷张家大院。张家世代经商,清嘉庆年间已是灵石县城首屈一指的富贾,张友渔的祖父经营了一辈子的买卖,却笃信"万般皆下品,惟有读书高",不让儿子们跟他学经商,全都送进私塾念书。  相似文献   

孔子的学生子贡,是文人“下海”经商的范例。孔子周游列国的费用,全是由他提供的。有人说:“金钱不是万能,但没有金钱万万不能。”如果孔子没有子贡经商获利后的赞助,那么源远流长、震古烁今的中国儒家文化,恐怕难以开创。当然,也不会有至今仍在日本.韩国备受尊崇,并日益发扬光大的孔学。子贡的功劳可大啦!越国大夫范合,也是古代做高官的文人“下海”经商的范例。在勾践复国之后,他审时度势,知道自己功高震主,必为勾践所不容,于是激流勇退,带着金玉珠宝,弃官经商,改名更姓港居齐国。后来,搬到当时人D众多,交通便利、买…  相似文献   

窦应泰 《文史月刊》2004,(10):56-58
晚清民国年间,在北平前门大栅栏一带,牛子厚是名声最响的山西巨商。在当时巨贾云集,富豪如林的京城,牛子厚一个外来经商的山西人能成为京城商界的翘楚,决非一般人能够做到。牛子厚所以有如此声望,其主要原因有二:一是牛子厚经商有道,牛氏“升’字号的生意不仅在京城位居群首,而  相似文献   

公务员经商是法律所明文禁止的,但是公务员经商却屡禁不止。当前,在新常态背景下,要建设一个廉洁高效的政府,就应加大对公务员经商的治理。对于当前盛行的公务员违法经商行为要拿出坚定的意志,制定更完善细致的法律法规,并依法实行认真落实贯彻,实行铁腕治理。  相似文献   

六十年代中日民间贸易述略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
60年代 ,中日之间建立了友好贸易和备忘录贸易两条民间贸易渠道。友好贸易 ,是中方出于中日友好的诚意 ,与承认政治三原则、主张中日友好的日本企业的贸易 ;备忘录贸易 ,是中日之间以备忘录的形式发展起来的贸易。友好贸易和备忘录贸易推动了 60年代中日民间贸易的进一步发展 ,有力地促进了中日关系的早日正常化 ,在中日关系史上具有极为重要的意义  相似文献   


Commercial and diplomatic relations between Africans and Europeans in West Africa in the pre-colonial period depended on the existence of persons who had sufficient knowledge of both European and African languages to be able to act as interpreters between the parties, and such persons were more usually Africans than Europeans. This article collates biographical information on four persons who served as interpreters to successive British visitors to the kingdom of Dahomey between 1843 and 1852, including official government missions seeking to persuade the Dahomian king to cooperate in the suppression of the Atlantic slave trade. The lives of such men may be thought of as involving the ‘transcending’ of ‘boundaries’, not only in acting as brokers in contacts between Africans and Europeans, but also in themselves occupying an ambiguous liminal position between the two. In their role as interpreters, they were subject to contradictory pressures, from the Dahomian state and the various European interests involved in the negotiations, and at the same time sought to advance their own personal interests. Beyond the intrinsic interest of these biographies, this article is conceived as a methodological exploration of the possibility of extracting an African voice and perspective from mainly European sources.  相似文献   

In 1856, the Treaty of Paris nominally welcomed the Ottoman Empire into the Concert of Europe, but this exposed a deep fault line in international relations. Although the gesture implied full sovereign rights, it seemed incompatible with the extraterritorial privileges held by Europeans in Ottoman lands under the age-old capitulations. New commercial treaties complicated the issue by extending similar privileges to British subjects as far afield as China, Siam and Japan. Consular jurisdiction soon became the focus of controversy in Westminster as extraterritoriality featured prominently in local disputes following British commercial expansion across Asia, among them the Arrow incident that led to the Second Opium War. In Japan and other states, it would also become a key grievance in popular campaigns against ‘unequal treaties’ and the injustices of informal empire. This analysis shows how, even before such narratives of resistance emerged, there was already a seam of ambivalence in Victorian political discourse on the question of extraterritoriality. In the Foreign Office, it came as no surprise to be told of defects in these treaties, but it was the context of the existing debate, notably fresh initiatives to set up mixed courts, that framed the British response.  相似文献   

Recent empirical research has revealed the existence of distinctive voting patterns among some of Australia's overseas‐born electors. This paper extends this research by analysing changes over time in the voting patterns of the three major birthplace groups, applying multi‐variate techniques to three large nationwide surveys conducted in 1967, 1973 and 1979. In all three surveys, Northern Europeans (most British) emerge as politically indistinguishable from the Australian‐born majority, while Eastern Europeans are consistently anti‐Labor. Mediterranean voters, by contrast, were significantly anti‐Labor in 1967 and 1973, but had become significantly more likely to support Labor by 1979. Two hypotheses tested to explain these patterns, length of residence in Australia and the timing of the migrant's first vote, are both rejected. Instead, anti‐Labor preferences of Eastern Europeans seem to follow from long standing anti‐communist sentiments, while the switch in the political allegiances of Mediterranean voters is probably a result of the efforts of the Whitlam government to capture the migrant vote in the mid 1970s.

Changes in the Ethnic Vote in Australia, 1967–1979  相似文献   

To understand more fully contemporary forms of colonialism in PNG I argue we need to move our analysis beyond local narratives of encounters with Europeans to include narratives about non-Europeans. Through a consideration of Kamula accounts of Europeans, especially missionaries, and Chinese I show how the Kamula model two quite different experiences of colonialism. In one, local people are able to transform Europeans into analogues of themselves and in the other, currently more associated with the Chinese, the emphasis is on difference, rather than on commonalities. These interrelated representations of two distinct kinds of colonialists are, in part, complex signifiers of national, and especially local, concerns about ‘development’ based on logging. I outline how these accounts of Europeans and Chinese express the different forms of power which are currently deployed to transform space in the Western Province. I conclude by speculating that to understand these powers adequately we may need to follow Latour and Callon and extend our analysis of colonialism to include non-human agents.  相似文献   

Colin Renfrew: Archaeology and Language. The Puzzle of Indo‐European Origins. Jonathan Cape, London, 1987.

J. P. Mallory: In Search of the Indo‐Europeans. Language, Archaeology and Myth. Thames and Hudson, London, 1989.

T. L. Markey and John A. C. Greppin: When Worlds Collide. Indo‐Europeans and Pre‐Indo‐Europeans. Karoma, Ann Arbor, 1990.  相似文献   

In the recent efflorescence of studies on ‘global’ textile trades, eastern Africa has been mostly conspicuous for its absence. This special volume of Textile History seeks to redress this situation by mapping many of the major historic textile trades of this vast area, and demonstrating their importance to the global story. The introduction provides the rationale for the volume, positions the textile trades of eastern Africa over the longue durée and connects them to wider geographical and conceptual frameworks, and presents its five essays, contextualising them within the unfolding history of the western Indian Ocean and its several ‘cloth zones’, while elucidating their potential contributions to the field.  相似文献   

建国初,陈云领导的中财委策划并指导召开了各项专业会议,这是新中国成立初期财政经济工作中的一件大事.各项专业会议研究了新中国经济工作的战略布局,确定了新中国经济恢复与发展的蓝图,并将<共同纲领>在财政经济工作方面规定的各项方针政策具体化.  相似文献   

明清时期潮州粮食供给地区及路线考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
明清时期, 潮州地区由于商品经济的发展, 粮食日益不能自给, 不得不到本地区之外购买粮食。随着粮食需求的不断增大, 江西赣州, 广东雷州、琼州、高州, 福建厦门、台湾, 东南亚暹罗、越南等国先后成为潮州粮食的供给地。粮食供给地的变化, 引起贸易路线的变迁。潮州粮食贸易亦与潮州华侨出国有很大关系, 潮州的粮食贸易形成自己独特的原因和规律。  相似文献   

Just as the shift of the American strategic focus to Asia and the Pacific forces strategic autonomy upon Europeans, the financial crisis limits their means. In the age of austerity, dispersed efforts and spending on secondary issues have become unaffordable. Prioritizing and making strategic choices have become more important than ever. As no single European state can face all these challenges alone, a joint European strategy must assess where collective foreign and security policies can bring the most added value to the national effort. Through the European Union, Europeans have attempted as much in the 2003 European Security Strategy, but for lack of prioritization, the EU has so far underperformed. Yet the EU does have access to substantial means and possesses all the necessary instruments to pursue a comprehensive strategy. The key to their effective use is a collective European strategic review, starting from the vital interests that all European states have in common. Two priorities stand out: making a new start in Europe's relations with its southern neighbours after the Arab Awakening, and deciding which responsibilities Europeans will assume as security providers outside their borders after the American ‘pivot’ to Asia.  相似文献   

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