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邱玉泉  周学文 《沧桑》2009,(2):33-33,46
新式买办商人最先接触到资本主义的企业制度,他们附股投资洋商企业,亲自感受到了这种企业制度模式的优势,进而模仿借鉴洋行企业的组织形式,自行创办新式企业,仿效西方资本家的经营方式,建立中国人自己发起的近代新式企业。西方新式企业制度得以移植中国,买办商人在近代企业制度创新中发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

浅谈企业文化建设对构建和谐企业的促进作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
余洪俊 《神州》2012,(17):27-27
一个企业的文化,是这个企业的价值观、理想信念和行为方式的体现。企业文化强调以人为本,重视人在现代企业管理中的作用,注重企业赖以存在与发展的精神环境和精神动力。加强企业文化建设,可以全面开发和利用人的价值、道德、信念、情感等精神力量,激发员工的积极性和创造性,增强企业凝聚力。企业通过文化建设,提升员工素质,完善企业规章制度,提高企业管理目标,促进企业持续发展,  相似文献   

任云 《日本学论坛》2007,5(2):31-37
本文给出了分析企业管理模式的基本框架,在此基础上,分析了三种日本式企业制度,指出这几种制度都具有命运共同体的性质,并呈制度互补关系,它们与传统文化同构,与环境相适应,这为日本企业在战后取得成功提供了制度保障。但是,随着内外环境的变化,日本企业制度呈现不适症。本文介绍了近年来日本企业变革的动向,特别指出传统制度与美式制度的混合型体系可能是日本企业的最佳选择。  相似文献   

在现代企业发展中,信息化技术的运用越来越广。在管理上科技信息化技术发挥了重要的作用。在现代企业制度下进行的企业档案管理对于企业的发展有一定的促进作用,但是有利就有弊,在现行大的企业档案管理中还存在着一定的问题。例如在企业档案管理中专业性知识不够,企业不重视档案管理工作,对于档案管理的安全性保护不够等。因此要想全面的将问题解决。必须提高企业的档案管理,本文将根据现代企业制度下的企业档案管理综合分析。并针对具体存在的问题及解决的对策具体阐述。以促进人们对企业档案管理的全方面认识。  相似文献   

在市场经济条件下,企业的所有生产经营活动和内部管理都与“文化”这两个字眼息息相关。企业档案记载企业发展的全过程,企业的文化建设也被真实地记录在档案中。企业文化建设是现代企业管理的重要内容,是建立现代企业制度的有力保证。企业文化建设离不开企业档案,应该充分发挥企业档案在企业文化建设中的作用,利用本企业丰富的档案资源为企业文化建设提供服务,让档案在企业的改革和发展中发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

知识经济时代,市场竞争日趋激烈,人力资源管理不仅对企业的经营与发展起着重要的作用,而且还起着决定企业命运的战略性作用。而我国企业人力资源管理在认识上、用人制度、激励机制、员工沟通等方面存在着不足,因此,必须从各个方面加以完善。  相似文献   

企业档案工作的现代化改革是现代化企业制度的核心要求,建立现代企业档案管理制度是市场经济必然的要求,对企业的发展以及档案自身都起到积极的影响作用。本文对此探讨旨在抛砖引玉,以求精言。  相似文献   

尉永洁 《黑龙江史志》2012,(13):21-22,28
<正>当前,市场经济的大潮冲击着社会的每一个层面,企业的档案工作也面临着一场挑战。面对挑战,企业档案工作应如何加快步伐,改革究竟如何入手;档案工作新的管理模式包括哪些内容;什么是现代企业档案管理制度;市场经济体制下企业档案馆(室)藏体系怎样布局才有利于档案作用的发挥?下面就上述问题试谈我的一点认识。一、建立现代企业档案管理制度的必要性转换国有企业经营机制、建立现代企业制度是企业为适应社会主义市场经济体制需要而采取的重大举措。建立现代企业档案管理制度是企业改革的一项配套措施,是企业档案工作保持健康发展的必然阶段。因为企业制度的创新与现代企业档案管  相似文献   

档案管理作为事业单位日常工作的重要组成部分,在现代企业制度建立和信息化技术不断发展的形势下,其地位和作用日益显著。企业的发展离不开企业文化建设,档案是企业文化的重要内容,不仅是对企业文化的历史记录,更能为企业文化建设提供依据,两者密不可分。本文就此分析了档案管理与企业文化的关系,并重点探讨了加强事业单位档案管理,推进企业文化建设的有效措施。  相似文献   

崔新光 《沧桑》2012,(3):100-101
企业内部控制是现代企业管理的重要组成部分,对明确和规范企业内部各部门、各岗位的职责和行为,对保证经营目标的实现,对提高管理效率和保护资产的安全和完整,对规范会计秩序,防止会计信息失真等都具有重要作用。本文就建立内部会计控制的必要性、应遵循的原则及加强内部会计控制制度对策及措施加以探讨。  相似文献   

Abstract: This article explores the emerging shape and form of the European corporate community since 1996. We examine the cohesion of corporate Europe through the network of interlocking corporate directorates and memberships in the European Round Table of Industrialists. We focus on the unequal structure of representation; the interplay of national and transnational aspects of the network; the role of finance capitalists as a signpost of a regime of internationalized finance capital; and the embeddedness of corporate Europe in the global corporate network. Although the transnational European network gained in strength while national networks eroded, expansion of the European network did not negate a structure of representation favoring the northwest. Bankers became less dominant, yet industrialists with financial connections formed the core of the European corporate community, signaling a departure from national corporate communities centered upon banks. At the threshold of the current economic crisis, corporate Europe comprised the most integrated segment of the global corporate elite.  相似文献   

A lack of clear political commitment together with confusing rules and enforcement often characterize the institutional context of policy implementation and regulatory compliance in developing countries. By connecting such contextual features to existing models of policy implementation and regulatory compliance, we examine how regulatory factors are related to basic and proactive corporate environmental management practices in the Pearl River Delta region in China. Drawing on data derived from both a survey and in‐depth interviews, we show that a perception of clear political commitment to environmental protection across multiple government levels and units is positively associated with business efforts in basic environmental practices, regardless of the specific enforcement intensity. Nevertheless, a perception of clear political commitment is not related to proactive environmental practices. Conversely, a perception of policy ambiguity, in the form of confusing regulatory standards and enforcement, is negatively associated with corporate efforts in both basic and proactive environmental practices; yet, intensive inspections mitigate these negative associations with policy ambiguity.  相似文献   

Fabio Bulfone 《Modern Italy》2013,18(4):365-378
This article explains the process of change in domestic corporate governance. An actor-centred coalitional approach is applied to the Italian case to show how the main features of domestic corporate governance are a product of behavioural patterns (i.e. informal institutions), rather than formal legislation. Leveraging their superior financial means, business elites act as institutional incumbents shaping these informal institutions according to their preferences. It is argued that a change in corporate practices is more likely to be triggered by a socio-economic crisis, which weakens the domestic elite’s influence, rather than a legal reform. These findings call into question the excessively formalistic approach of many corporate governance scholars, and are confirmed by the Italian trajectory. After having resisted 20 years of liberalising legal reforms aimed at eroding their power, Italian blockholders are now being forced, as a consequence of the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis, to dismantle their cross-shareholding networks.  相似文献   

It is only when one moves home or office that one really thinks about what gets left behind, what is discarded, and what we decide to keep. How we deal with this in our personal lives is interesting enough, where senses of loss and discard are potentially heightened given the intimate heritage which many familiar objects and items possess. But what happens when the transition is corporate, when an organisation moves? Here, briefly, is an archaeological perspective on the move English Heritage made in 2006, from its long-time HQ in Savile Row (London, UK) to new accommodation in Holborn and elsewhere.  相似文献   

As anthropologists and other critics of capitalism turn their attention to the controversial and burgeoning corporate social responsibility (CSR) movement, most focus on conflicts in community relations and environmental degradation. Few scholars have examined equally pertinent questions of labor restructuring, even though these transformations emerged at about the same time as the rise of CSR. In this article, we draw on research in two Peruvian mining communities to explore the potential contradiction between the simultaneous mandate for corporations to present themselves as responsible employers, on the one hand, and the drive to rationalize labor and reduce financial responsibility for the workforce, on the other. We suggest that for both corporate officials and some scholars, this tension remains a latent one because CSR discourses and documents generalize corporate interests as the interests of mines as a whole.  相似文献   

本文在全面考察日本近年来有关公司法律制度修订情况的基础上,解读了日本修订后的主要公司法律内容。日本公司法律制度修订对公司治理效率产生了积极影响,主要表现在:加强保护投资者权利;由事先管制转变为事后监控;强化外部治理机制;增强内部治理机制的灵活性;实现公司的电子化等方面。日本公司法律制度的修订对我国完善公司治理机制有重要的启示。  相似文献   

Contrasting perspectives of international companies and civil society groups have divided recent debates about corporate responsibility in developing countries. The Corporate Social Responsibility discourse has been promoted by business lobbies, emphasizing the role of international companies in voluntarily contributing towards the solution of pressing social and environmental problems through partnerships with other stakeholders. The notion of corporate accountability has become the rallying point for sustainable development, demanding stricter regulation of corporate behaviour by national governments and the enactment of an international corporate accountability convention. This article assesses the promises and pitfalls of these two competing approaches to industries in South Africa. The article argues that a multi-level approach is necessary to the impact of CSR and corporate accountability initiatives. It concludes that CSR may improve environmental management systems and reduce corporate pollution levels whereas corporate accountability approaches may provide important incentives for companies to improve their environmental performance, assist in the development of national environmental governance frameworks guiding company-community interaction, and facilitate the enforcement of national legislation pertaining to corporate responsibility. However, both approaches fail to address the underlying, globallevel structural causes of conflicts between companies and stakeholders affected by their operations. These conflicts can only be reversed by fundamental changes in the global economy.  相似文献   

Most large tourism businesses have corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives that advance environmental, economic and social sustainability. Existing research shows that initiatives often tend to be ad hoc, however, and linked to cost-savings and the reputation of the business. We suggest that this approach equates with Tourism First planning. In response to the greater demands being placed on businesses to act responsibly in the post-2015 era, we propose a Development First framework for CSR that is adapted from Peter Burns’ tourism planning model. This framework has a holistic, sustainable and people-centred focus and enables geographers and other social scientists to analyse the potential for initiatives to lead to positive, long-term development outcomes in different localities.  相似文献   

任云 《日本学论坛》2006,51(1):15-20
高度经济增长时期日本形成了银行中心的金融体系及企业治理机制。本文依据金融体系设计和构筑的经济学理论,对日本金融体系及企业治理机制需要转型的理由加以分析。基本结论是日本的银行中心金融体系已经劣化,需要向市场中心的金融体系转型。本文还分析了金融体系及企业治理机制转型的动向及存在的问题。  相似文献   

This study examines how corporate governance of climate change is developing in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Hong Kong), Asia's leading financial centre. It situates corporate actions within the broader framework of urban multi-stakeholder climate governance. In the absence of international obligations under the Kyoto Protocol and government regulation to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the majority of companies in Hong Kong have yet to tackle climate change. However, a small number of proactive corporations are acting to reduce climate change induced risks and reposition themselves to take advantage of climate change opportunities. Focusing on these leading corporations, this study identifies the motivations for and barriers to action. It concludes that corporations are only one of the necessary players in addressing climate change at the city level. Corporate climate change governance could be improved in Hong Kong by developing a stronger institutional framework and broader civil society support.  相似文献   

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