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移动性是21世纪人文地理的研究热点和重要议题,它体现了空间科学的社会学转向,属于人文地理学的核心概念和中心命题,其中心性突出体现在它与其他传统和新兴的人文地理分支学科的交叉。本文以表格为工具梳理了地理移动性的研究理路,发现移动地理与其他人文地理分支学科共同聚焦的核心是:时间地理、旅游地理、行为地理的“时空行为”问题,政治地理、社会地理的“权力”“平等”“权利”问题,身体地理的“具身实践”“感官体验”问题,情感地理的“地方依恋”“身份认同”问题,想象地理的“地方感”问题,道德地理的“空间道德感”问题。本文识别这些关键问题为移动地理的“核心要素”,搭建移动地理的框架和体系,指出探查这些要素之间相互作用机制和不同时空移动类型的转化机理是未来移动性的研究方向。根据移动的空间尺度和时间强度,构建了包括日常移动、旅游和旅行移动到永久性移动在内的地理学移动性连续轴类型,并探索了移动地理研究的方法论体系。  相似文献   

This contribution attempts to reveal the relations between new suburban areas and other parts of the Prague metropolitan area by investigating the time‐space activity and mobility patterns of the inhabitants of newly built suburban districts. The focus on some aspects of the everyday life of people in new suburbs helps us to identify the impact of suburbanization on the changing geography of the metropolitan region and to better understand how the spatial organization of the Prague metropolitan area is produced, reproduced and transformed. We use several interrelated concepts, which serve the theoretical foundation of our work, namely time geography, structuration theory and the post‐communist city. The empirical data utilized are primarily based on 262 diaries completed by eighty‐eight individuals from thirty‐eight households, accompanied by household questionnaires and interviews with the heads of households. The research confirmed the implicit, generally unspoken view that new suburbs in the Prague metropolitan region are heavily dependent on the core of the metropolitan area for the provision of jobs and services. However, newly built suburban shopping facilities to some extent disrupt this pattern, keeping some daily activities of inhabitants within the suburban zone. In addition to empirical observations, the key purpose of this contribution has been to discuss and apply time geography concepts and methods to the research of urban restructuring, and to understand the structuration of metropolitan spatial organization.  相似文献   


Driving this essay is a question central to political theology; that is, how can I keep faith with my distinctive commitments while also forming a common life with neighbors who have a different vision of life to me? My response has four parts. First, I develop a normative definition of politics within which to situate an account of citizenship and the political implications of deep religious plurality in a shared polity. Second, I examine how citizenship is not just a legal status that entails certain rights and duties, but also denotes an identity, a performance of politics, and a shared rationality. Third, I identify the dominant ways in which citizenship is understood in the contemporary context, namely, through either a nationalist or cosmopolitan framework, contrasting these with a consociational conception of citizenship. And lastly, I lay out how a consociational framework provides a more generative basis for conceptualizing religious diversity.  相似文献   

For the past four decades a significant subset of geographers have had a strong interest in using scientific methods and tools to answer questions about society and societal change. The scientific endeavor, learning and verifying new knowledge, has been at the heart of this project. Even though the discipline as a whole seems currently less interested in the classic science project, that project continues within geography and is a part of the wider social science community's attempt to provide verifiable and useful knowledge to a wide range of stakeholders. The findings from studies of migration and the life course, and segregation and geographical sorting reemphasize the very real contribution of spatial science to understanding societal change. Recent work on the geography of neighborhoods and mobility with the context of legal contestation goes beyond academic research per se to show the continuing relevance of an informed scientific approach and the contributions of geography beyond narrow disciplinary boundaries.  相似文献   

城市生活质量与生活空间质量研究评介与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在当今的社会-文化进程阶段,新人本主义强调人与社会(文化)和谐的可持续发展观,其目标体现在人们的生活质量上,其焦点是城市(社会)生活质量构成与城市(社会)生活质量空间耦合的建构。从新人本主义理念出发探讨城市(社会)生活质量与其对应(社会)生活空间质量对政府部门和学术界都是全新的课题。二者在不同领域,不同学科之间的研究并行不悖。对前者的研究是人文社会与管理学科聚焦的方向,对后者的探讨是区域与城市诸学科聚焦的方向。它们充分体现学科融合的新理念/原理及其前沿性。本文从研究源起、研究意义、研究阶段以及评价指标体系的构建等不同角度对二者的国内外研究动态及方向进行了评介与展望,目的在于明晰二者的研究方法,理论框架与研究趋势,为社会与城市发展及其规划指明方向,提供理论基础与科学依据。  相似文献   

地方与认同:欧美人文地理学对地方的再认识   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
地方是现代人文地理学研究的重要视角之一。以人本主义地理学为代表,现代欧美人文地理学界对地方性意义以及地方在建构个人与社会的文化身份认同的作用进行了深入的探讨与研究。地方对于个人与社会来说,不啻是一个意义的中心,同时也是构建社会关系与权力关系的媒介。因此,地方意义在身份认同的建构过程中有着十分重要的作用。本文从地方-空间的关系、地方认同的多样性与动态性、地方认同与权力的关系以及全球化背景下的地方认同四个方面对欧美人文地理学关于地方与认同之间辩证关系的研究进行系统的述评。  相似文献   

广州市中产阶层日常活动的时空间特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在对广州36个中产阶层聚居区881个中产阶层工作日与休息日活动日志问卷调查的基础上,运用时间地理学相关方法,探讨中产阶层日常活动的时间分配、空间分布和移动性特征。研究发现中产阶层工作日活动节奏清晰,休息日活动破碎化,工作日工作和休闲时间居多,休息日休闲和社交时间为主,不同属性的中产阶层工作日与休息日时间分配存在差异;此外,中产阶层"近家型"非工作空间特征明显,工作日与休息日活动空间分布集聚度最高的是核心商业区;以私家车和步行为主要的日常出行方式,"少次、多目的"的出行结构突出,日常活动空间移动能力较强。上述中产阶层的时空间特征与中低收入者存在明显不同。研究有助于揭示中产阶层的日常生活规律,为提高城市社会经济活力和完善城市精细化管理提供参考。  相似文献   

In this review essay, I examine the theoretical assumptions required in order to reconstruct an understanding of another historical period. Stefanos Geroulanos has produced a masterful history of mid‐twentieth‐century French thought, and he argues for a significant difference between that period and our own based on the values and ideas associated with the concept of transparency. The book is innovative in both its method and interpretation of the period of 1945–1984. However, despite the suggestive theoretical framework announced at its start, Geroulanos prefers to explore the theoretical content of conceptual history more than to explain how one might go about identifying, understanding, and translating the concepts of a different epoch. In order to contribute to what is already a successful project, I endeavor to extend some of Geroulanos's theoretical sketches through a comparison with Reinhart Koselleck's theory of Begriffsgechichte. Despite some muted criticism of Koselleck from Geroulanos, I argue that the projects share similar commitments, although Geroulanos needs to develop his theoretical premises at greater length, both for a full comparison and in order to complete the critical project that Transparency appears to be undertaking.  相似文献   


In this article I contend that the re-emergence of religion in Western liberal states is a feature of a much broader phenomenon, namely, the re-establishment of legal pluralism whereby various social actors claim to be the legitimate producers of their own law. To prove this, I first offer an account of secularization as the successful attempt of modern states to dismantle a legal-pluralist system. Based on this, I argue that the reviviscence of religions is the reviviscence of their practical side: religious practices tend to be perceived by religious group members as providing guidance for conduct, one that challenges the rules of the state legal order and its monistic structure. Finally, by exploring the issue of same-sex union recognition, I defend the claim that, in a truly post-secular society, the state should allow a multiplicity of relationship-recognition models that reflect and meet different interests and needs.  相似文献   

Mobility and travel have recently attracted the interest of many people, both inside and outside geography. This interest has often focused on issues of gender. Mobile women, in particular, have been seen to be indicative of wider social and cultural themes of power, exclusion, resistance and emancipation. In this paper, I consider the gendered dimensions of a moral panic in the United States between 1869 and 1940, known as the 'tramp scare'. I argue that the construction of the panic around threats to women's bodies and the actual experience of female tramps illuminates a clearly gendered and embodied politics of mobility.  相似文献   

服务业地理学的科学关怀和人文关怀   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨志英 《人文地理》2008,23(4):28-31
本文试图通过对自助式服务体验的重要性研究,整合服务业地理学的科学关怀和人文关怀的生命引导功能,并最终导出"统一服务业地理学"的学科概念。研究对现代服务业地理学的学科构建和研究方向具有指导性的作用。  相似文献   

Representations of love appear across many disciplines and discursive fields that are and should be in conversation with geography. It is imperative that geographers engage in formidable but worthy tasks to distil diverse renderings of love into the regenerative interventions we urgently need. Those interventions require geographically minded interpretations of love to drive radical research, pedagogies, policies, and practices in ways that have direct and indirect effects across the life course and life worlds. Such labours are mediated by state and law, by intersectional relations, or by neuroscience, and involve asking how love underwrites critical infrastructures—of place (making), care and entanglements, colonialism, and human-nature relations in the Anthropocene and posthuman—that lead to the flourishing futures we seek. Rich geographical studies oriented to those tasks still face charges of flattening difference. This commentary picks up one aspect of this agenda: a blind spot in geographical research relating to the ethical imperative to love based on benevolence. Instead, I champion the revolutionary possibilities for geography to inform policies, pedagogies, and practices by using a love based on alterity aligned with social weight, reasserting accessible science as an effective driver of social and system transformative changes. Specifically, I argue for a regenerative socio-political analytic of love in a time of disaster, decolonisation, and diffraction.  相似文献   

JULIE GRAHAM† 《对极》1990,22(1):53-66
Many Marxist geographers are involved in the current attempt within human geography to create nonessentialist forms of social explanation. This project has been carried forward with great, though uneven, success. I argue that the concept of ‘theory’ is an area of our discourse where essentialism tenaciously persists. I explore some essentialist meanings of ‘theory’ in Marxist geography and offer a nonessentialist alternative meaning, embedded within an explicitly nonessentialist Marxism.  相似文献   

One of the more popular ideas in electoral geography is that there is a positive correlation between residential proximity and voting behaviour. Often referred to as the neighbourhood effect, the idea is quite simply that individuals within a given local area tend to vote similarly. The process involves, it is suggested, social contacts between neighbours leading to political discussion and information flow which exerts an influence on the way people vote. Closely related to, but distinguishable from the neighbourhood effect is the friends-and-neighbours effect whereby neighbours of a particular candidate will tend to know him better, discuss him more, and support him more avidly than they will other candidates. Since the concepts of the neighbourhood effect and the friends-and-neighbours effect have been adopted into the literature of political geography, and have become central as explanatory models for certain spatial patterns of voting behaviour,1 the rather inconclusive and contradictory findings of researchers using these concepts require examination, and the concepts and process require an empirical test.  相似文献   

In this article, I analyse Thai migration to Singapore, drawing on ethnographic fieldwork (2004–06) to discuss the experiences of male construction workers and female sex workers in negotiating heterosexuality during their temporary residence. I argue that these Thai migrants engage in transient heterosexual encounters as one of many calculated, strategic ways of negotiating their intimate identity and subjectivity in the survival circuits of this global city. Their transient sexual acts are intimate products of negotiated moves, which form a major part of their semi-anonymous, temporary life in a foreign land. The sexual practices of Thai migrant workers in Singapore, I argue, are best understood by taking the following factors into account: the host government's regulation and control of its migrant population; the foreign workers' economic and social situations of mobility as inscribed in their highly dynamic traveling biographies; and their rationalized willingness and desire to embrace transient sexual intimacies as part of their employment and/or struggling lives in the global city's survival circuits.  相似文献   

中国城市地理研究的若干问题:海外学者的观点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海外学者是中国城市地理研究的一支重要力量,取得了许多重要的研究成果,提高了中国城市地理在国际学术界的地位。本文就海外学者对中国城市地理研究的主要问题:经济发展与城市化、全球化与城市发展、体制改革与城市转型及城市地理的理论与方法等方面进行归纳总结,期望加强了解,取长补短,相互学习,共同促进中国地理学的发展。  相似文献   

Law and legal discourses are an integral part of social life, a central means of producing social identities and exercising social power in day to day life. Critically informed geographical perspectives on law have illustrated in a number of ways how the legal and social (and therefore the spatial) are mutually constitutive. This paper argues that perspectives from critical legal geography can offer insights into the operation of asylum and immigration law in the UK in the late 1990s. This paper argues that legal practices and relations are organised in hegemonic and counter-hegemonic ways in different places and institutional contexts in London. In addition law and legal practices comprise a particularly important way in which ‘community’ can be constructed simultaneously across a variety of different scales in ways that can marginalise and exclude relatively powerless groups like asylum seekers. Thus refugee identities offer a particularly clear example of how social realities are constituted by law and legal practice.  相似文献   

城市社区环境下商业性娱乐场所的空间结构   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
现代城市社会地理学对城市生活空间质量的评价,已涉及到城市内部福利设施(与场所)的空间结构层面。随着社会经济发展,城市居民收入与文化素质的提高,闲暇时间延长,城市内部商业性娱乐场所日益增加,已引起了学术界的关注,但国内地理学者对商业性娱乐场所的空间关注较少。本文从人本主义视角,运用行为和实证主义方法,在总结国内外对商业性场所研究的基础上,力图轮廓性地揭示商业性娱乐场所的空间形成与分布等规律;并以城市社区和场所作为城市社会生活空间研究的两大基本单元,探讨商业性娱乐场所的社会空间内容和结构模式,及其与城市社会生活空间质量的相互关系。以便更深入地揭示城市社会生活空间质量的本质,丰富城市社区规划与整治的基础理念。  相似文献   

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