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Kate Lee 《Folklore》2013,124(2):178-179
English-speaking soldiers of the Great War created a large ‘trench press’, a body of periodicals by, for, and about their experiences. They contain a wealth of folkloric material and indications of its significance and functions. While acknowledging the constraints involved in retrieving once-living traditions from the fragmentary survival of mostly makeshift periodicals, this article describes and discusses the processes involved in the creation and development of an especially well-defined folk culture in unprecedented and extreme circumstances. While some elements of soldier folklore, especially song, verse, and language, have been the subject of usually discrete interest by folklorists, this is the first attempt to understand a range of folkloric practice and expression in the context of a particular set of combat circumstances.  相似文献   

Amidst the turmoil of the so‐called ‘death of socialism’, both in Australia and elsewhere, there has been renewed debate about what socialism should be taken to mean. This paper attempts to come to terms with the competing claims about, in particular, socialism within the Australian Labor Party and, in general, how better to understand the meaning of socialism. A comparison and contrast between the first principles of liberalism and socialism helps to illuminate some of the inadequacies of Marxist criticisms of parliamentary Labor. In addition, the argument is made that if we are willing to give greater emphasis to questions of means and ends, socialism can be seen to be part of Labor's historic mission. Far from being a defence of the Hawke administration, however, the case is made that there has been, under Hawke, a fundamental break with the democratic socialist tradition; that the difference is in kind, not degree.  相似文献   

Eric Voegelin’s criticism of Hans Kelsen’s legal positivism places him closer to the natural law tradition than to other legal traditions. This proximity could be interpreted as a defense of the contemporary relevance, or as an attempt to revive the natural law tradition in the twentieth century. However, Voegelin always avoids using the traditional terminology of natural law in his mature works, and expresses a certain ambiguity regarding its contemporary revival. To understand this problem, this article investigates the evolution of Voegelin's understanding of natural law and his criticism of different natural law traditions from Cicero to John Locke, especially his positive evaluation of Aristotle’s and Thomas Aquinas’s interpretations. Furthermore, it seeks to illuminate his position on the contemporary relevance of this topic, as well as to assess some of the recent interpretations that consider Voegelin as a natural law thinker.  相似文献   

《时间与传统》是由张光直先生推荐给中国考古学界的一本西方考古学理论著作,也是上世纪改革开放后引进的第一本西方考古学论著,最初于1991年由北京三联书店出版。张光直先生在推介该书的序言中说:这"是一本讲考古学理论的好书,在美加考古学界也是受人尊敬和重视的一本书。它的中译本对现阶段中国考古学的进展应当是有积  相似文献   

谢燕清 《民俗研究》2007,(1):230-238
民间故事流传主要是口耳相传,由于记忆的局限性,如果不求助于文字文献就很难发现其变化的历史线索。然而在传统社会文字却主要掌握在官方系统,搜集整理民间故事的专业人士被称为稗官,西汉班固《汉书·艺文志》,“小说家者流,盖出于稗官。街谈巷语,道听途说者之所造也”。余嘉锡的《小说家出于稗官说》里认为,稗官是士人,“士传民语”,下情上达,沟通之用。  相似文献   

Ronald H. Buchanan 《Folklore》2013,124(4):565-567

E. Ettlinger 《Folklore》2013,124(4):231-236

叶毅均 《近代史研究》2018,(1):4-22,160
今日被誉为马克思主义史学大师的范文澜,当他于20世纪20年代首次由中学教师步入大学讲堂,并逐次出版其学术著作而为学界所知之时,其作品内涵非但与马克思主义无关,亦且与专业史学毫无牵连。身为黄侃在北京大学的授业弟子,又是顾颉刚之同窗挚友,范氏是受到胡适和梁启超所提出之典范引导,以致逐渐向整理国故运动靠拢,而其早期著述也在当世被视为整理国故之一环。此一隐没不彰的案例可以体现盛极一时的整理国故运动内涵之复杂性。  相似文献   

Mark Elvin and G. William Skinner, eds. The Chinese City Between Two Worlds. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1974. xiii + 458 pp. Tables, maps, notes, character list, and index. $18.75.  相似文献   

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