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全球化背景下的广东省制造业地理集中研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文利用2004年经济普查的数据,分析了广东省制造业的地理分布特征。广东省大多数的制造业地理集中程度都较高,并且主要集中在珠三角地区,很多地理集中程度较高的制造业分布都存在较高的空间自相关性。对广东省制造业集中的实证研究表明,资源和能源投入强度较高的产业较为集聚,并且出口显著提高了产业集聚程度。尽管外资是广东省制造业发展的重要力量,但是并没有促进产业的集聚,说明制造业外资已经进入扩散阶段。本文的结果和全国尺度的研究结果存在差异,这说明地理尺度对于研究产业集聚非常重要。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper investigates the determinants of productivity growth in the manufacturing sector of states over the period 1959-1973. Special emphasis is placed on isolating the effects of a state's urbanization characteristics on productivity growth. Urbanization characteristics considered include the spatial arrangement of cities along with the standard measures of urbanization. The results indicate that while both scale economies and technical change are related to urbanization characteristics the effects tend to be offsetting; no relationship is found between urbanization and overall productivity growth as measured by total factor productivity growth.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper identifies the main sources of urban increasing returns, after Marshall. The geographical distance across which externalities flow is also examined. We bring to bear on these questions plant‐level data organized in the form of a panel across the years 1989 and 1999. Plant‐level production functions are estimated across the Canadian manufacturing sector as a whole and for five broad industry groups, each characterized by the nature of its output. The panel data overcome selection bias resulting from unobserved plant‐level heterogeneity that is constant over time. A related set of estimates using instrumental variables allay persistent concerns with endogeneity. Results provide strong support for Marshall's claims about the importance of buyer‐supplier networks, labor market matching and spillovers. We show that spillovers enhance plant productivity within industries rather than between them and that these spillovers are highly localized.  相似文献   

A wide variety of existing models of spatial agglomeration postulate additive-interaction effects among agents. In this paper, a synthesis of such models is achieved by establishing certain mathematical equivalences between them. In particular, it is shown that Rockafellar's conjugacy theory of concave functions yields a symmetric one-to-one correspondence between three classes of existing models, here designated as spatial-accessibility models, endogenous-contact models, and fixed-contact models. These correspondences not only allow the transference of results between models, but also suggest new economic interpretations of each model in terms of its conjugate model. A series of examples are drawn from the literature to illustrate these results.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This article examines the extent to which agglomeration economies in one location affect employment growth and establishment births, using data from the Dutch province of South‐Holland. The data are of particular interest because they represent a census, rather than a sample, of all establishments and the location of establishments can be pinpointed to within 416 (postal) zip code areas averaging less than 6 km2 in size. Results suggest that agglomeration economies positively affect employment growth and the location of new establishments, but with the possible exception of manufacturing, this effect dies out quickly with distance. Thus, the main finding is that for many industries, agglomerative forces may well operate at a geographic scale that is smaller than a city.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper uses a stochastic frontier production-function model to measure and compare productivity efficiency in the manufacturing sector of states in the United States over the period 1959–1972. Based on this model we find considerable variations in productive efficiency across states. A large portion of the variation is found to be related to regional differences in labor-force characteristics, levels of urbanization and industrial structure. We also examine the relationship between productive efficiency and the subsequent growth of manufacturing and find some evidence of a weak relationship between efficiency and the growth of employment.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Standard models of the new economic geography predict that costs of living are lower in the core than in the periphery. But in reality they tend to be higher in agglomeration areas, mainly because of regional differences in housing costs. In this paper, we add a home goods sector to the seminal NEG model of Krugman (1991) . We show that a core–periphery structure can endogenously emerge in which the core is the more expensive area. This result has an important normative implication. Since higher costs of living imply falling real wages if there is no nominal wage premium, it is not desirable for everybody to live in the core region.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Firms and workers are much more productive in large and dense urban environments. There is substantial evidence of such agglomeration economies based on three approaches. First, on a clustering of production beyond what can be explained by chance or comparative advantage. Second, on spatial patterns in wages and rents. Third, on systematic variations in productivity with the urban environment. However, more needs to be learned about the causes of agglomeration economies. We have good models of agglomeration through sharing and matching, but not a deep enough understanding of learning in cities. Despite recent progress, more work is needed to distinguish empirically between alternative causes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This paper investigates the assumption of homogeneous labor inputs underlying the production functions in many regional models. The results indicate that nonproduction and production labor within manufacturing plants are not strongly separable, and the homogeneous labor assumption is not therefore appropriate. Hence, regional models need to take this into account in order to give reliable results. Differences between industries provide useful additional insights into their labor and capital relationships.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper studies the impact of localization, urbanization, and diversification on regional labor productivity levels and growth. We find substantial effects, accounting for roughly half of the explained variation in the labor productivity differences within the Netherlands in the 1990s. Diversification, urbanization, and localization effects are significant and positive for productivity levels. These levels appear cointegrated. The error correction specification of productivity growth surprisingly reflects negative agglomeration effects. From the theoretical model it follows that congestion effects must have taken precedence over agglomeration effects during this period. Both agglomeration and congestion effects are dampened by job density in neighboring regions. Finally, policy simulations with the estimated model show that spatial concentration is more harmful to national productivity growth than spatial dispersion.  相似文献   

产业集聚与城市群作用关系是经济地理学的重要命题。本文以关中城市群制造业产业为例,采用EG指数和区位熵法,定量分析制造业产业的集聚水平、空间演变及其效应。研究表明:关中城市群制造业空间集聚水平较高,其中资源密集型产业集聚程度最高,劳动密集型产业集聚水平在降低,资金技术密集型产业虽较低但呈上升趋势;关中城市群从中心城市到外围区域依次形成了资金技术密集型制造业集聚区、劳动密集型制造业集聚区和资源密集型制造业集聚区,呈现出产业空间集聚与城市群规模等级分异相一致的空间效应。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This paper proposes a procedure with which sectoral production functions can be aggregated to metropolitan production functions in the presence of external economies of scale. The procedure specifies the production functions as part of general equilibrium models. Consistency of a one-sector and a two-sector general equilibrium model is defined in terms of equality of the distribution of a nation's population over its metropolitan areas in autarky.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Price dispersion (variation) and agglomeration are common characteristics of spatial markets, in particular, markets with imperfect consumer information and search. However, pricing and location strategies in these markets are not well analyzed since spatial search is difficult to model without restricting the spatial dimension of the problem. This paper analyzes pricing and location strategies in a market with spatid search using a probabilistic modeling strategy that does not restrict search patterns in the plane. Specifically, the analysis considers the pricing strategy of an isolated firm in response to the agglomeration of competing firms. Results indicate that spatial and temporal price dispersion are effective responses to competitors'agglomeration. However, the relative effectiveness of these strategies varies with market conditions. In addition, agglomeration can have some counterintuitive effects. This paper also provides insights into existing theories of spatial search and spatial competition in spatially-restricted (linear and circular) markets.  相似文献   

AGGLOMERATION EFFECTS IN COLOMBIA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
I estimate an elasticity of wages with respect to city population of about 5 percent for Colombian cities. This finding is robust to a number of econometric concerns. The second main finding is a negative effect of market access on wages. Third main finding regards stronger agglomeration effects in the informal sector. In turn, this explains a range of other negative findings, including only weak evidence in favor of human capital externalities, no evidence of a complementarity between cities and skills, and an absence of learning effects. I do not find measurable effects of roads or amenities on wages either.  相似文献   

沪宁杭城市群区发展趋势探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
沪宁杭城市群区发展趋势探讨姚士谋J.Nipper(中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所)(德国科隆大学地理所)关键词城市群区,集聚功能,基础设施建设,外向型经济,国际化城市沪宁杭地区位于中国东部沿海居中的地理位置,历史上也是属于经济比较发达与城镇密集的区域...  相似文献   

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