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This article discusses the recent increase in food poverty in the UK, the reasons for this and some of the ways in which it is being addressed by the voluntary or third sector, with a particular focus on food banks. Through use of a number of anthropological concepts such as reciprocity and gifting, shame and stigma, some of the complexities and contradictions which arise in this situation are revealed. Through the prism of food poverty and food aid, the piece poses a series of questions about rights and entitlement, as well as the political economy of inequality and austerity and the policies implicated in them and seeks to demonstrate that anthropology has a contribution to make in this area.  相似文献   


The objective of this article is to propose a periodization of the international policy between Quebec and the United States focusing on two levels of analysis: The first level is interested in public policy instruments such as the opening of delegations, while the second focuses on the paradigm of state action. From these two main criteria, I propose an analysis of five periods. The first period (1867–1960) is characterized by the absence of a structured paradigm and the virtual absence of diplomatic instruments with the exception of a tourism and trade office in New York. The second period (1960–1976) reflects a desire by Quebec to develop a larger presence in the United States with the creation of many instruments, as the public policy paradigm is gradually being built. The third period (1976–1980) is characterized by Quebec sovereignists’ awareness of the importance of the United States. This period is noted for a significant paradigm shift. The fourth period (1980–2001) is marked by the turn toward free trade. The last period (2001 to present) is characterized by the importance of new challenges that extend the public policy paradigm to issues such as security in the 9/11 environment, as well as to energy and environmental issues.  相似文献   

This article brings a political economy perspective to the field of Data for Development (D4D). It highlights the fact that many projects involve extracting data from African‐based organizations for expert analysis in advanced economies. This extraction is justified on the basis that it is being used for humanitarian purposes. Key actors including the UN Global Pulse and World Economic Forum have lobbied for a governance framework emphasizing greater emission, personalization and centralization of data. The article shows how this approach enables the strategies of multinational corporations which are aiming to become data custodians of Africa's emerging economies. Little attention has been paid to the geographical distribution of capacity building nor to the ways in which data‐driven restructuring may alter existing livelihoods. As African economies become increasingly ‘digital’, data will become a source of power in economic governance. Current frameworks amount to a kind of industrial policy that supports the learning and innovation of foreign firms. The article aims to move D4D away from the focus on humanitarianism towards economic development, considering the opportunities for African citizens to benefit from their data as a source of revenue, knowledge and power. The conclusion suggests lines of inquiry for taking research further.  相似文献   


Issues arising from discussions regarding the ‘two cultures’ of science and art are many and varied. Tom Stoppard’s very active utilization of science in many of his plays has resulted in his work — especially the quantum mechanics-informed Hapgood and the chaotics-informed Arcadia — being held up as paradigmatic of one science/art position or another. Often, critical approaches to these plays involve a checklist of scientific facts, implying that the goal of such art is to serve as a delivery device for scientific breakthroughs. While plays, novels, and movies of various sorts may have such goals in mind, Stoppard’s plays do not comfortably fill that agenda, critical arguments to the contrary notwithstanding. Neither do Stoppard’s plays show particular interest in engaging any debate about the superiority of one ‘culture’ over the other. In his two ‘science plays’ in particular, what Stoppard offers is an enrichment of both science and art through metaphorical intertwinings that suggest experience is best served when both camps collaborate. The bigger picture that results argues an overlap in epistemology, namely revealing the uncanny similarity in which artist and scientist approach the material that is our universe.  相似文献   

Melbourne’s “Little Lon” has been called the city’s most infamous slum. The community of Little Lon vanished long ago, but its notoriety as a slum persists. This paper challenges the conceptual and methodological underpinnings of such characterizations, and discusses the teamwork between archaeologists and historians whereby the latest phase of excavations at Little Lon in 2002–2004 revealed some of the hidden actualities of this long-misrepresented community.  相似文献   

葡萄是酸的,还是甜的?吃到的人说是甜的。想吃并认为自己也能吃到的人说是甜的(或者即使吃不到葡萄,但可以吃到其他美味的水果)——这是羡慕。想吃却担心吃不到的人说是酸的——这是嫉妒。想吃却根本吃不到的人会说是苦的,  相似文献   

笔误? 欺诈?     
2000年5月1日 ,某旅行社组团广州、深圳.澳门环岛双飞五日豪华游,收费5760元 ,双方于4月22日签订了旅游协议书。协议约定房、餐、车及服务标准见团队行程。行程安排从北京乘CDA501航班赴佛山。游妈祖庙.旅行社发给游客的出团通知上也有“赴佛山游妈祖庙”字样。 但游客返京后投诉旅行社:“根据行程内容和出团通知都安排游妈祖庙。而实际游的是祖庙, 根本没有妈祖庙, 这是一种欺骗误导游客的骗钱行为.如果不去妈祖庙。我们根本不会报名.因此我们要求赔偿团款的 1/2和精神损失费 1000元.” 旅行社辩称:…  相似文献   

偶尔从一本杂志上读到一篇《青蛙实验》的短文,使我联想到一些人的遭遇和命运,于是引发出这篇文字来。我想到读初中时教我们音乐课的一位教师──叶森老师。那是五十四年前,即一九四五年秋季,抗日战争胜利前后,叶老师从四川受聘来正安中学任教,当时我读二下。他毕业于四川音乐学院,音乐课自然是他的专长,但他不仅教音乐课,初中的任何课程他都能教;缺少教什么课程的老师,他都能顶上去,而且都教得好。他教了我们不少抗日进步歌曲,又组织全校的文娱演出活动,经常举办晚会和班级之间的歌咏比赛,一时间使学校充满生气,整个县城也…  相似文献   

This paper considers recent attempts within archaeology to create, integrate and interpret digital data on an unprecedented scale—a movement that resonates with the much wider so-called big data phenomenon. Using the example of our work with a particularly large and complex dataset collated for the purpose of the English Landscape and Identities project (EngLaID), Oxford, UK, and drawing on insights from social scientists’ studies of information infrastructures much more broadly, we make the following key points. Firstly, alongside scrutinising and homogenising digital records for research purposes, it is vital that we continue to appreciate the broader interpretative value of ‘characterful’ archaeological data (those that have histories and flaws of various kinds). Secondly, given the intricate and pliable nature of archaeological data and the substantial challenges faced by researchers seeking to create a cyber-infrastructure for archaeology, it is essential that we develop interim measures that allow us to explore the parameters and potentials of working with archaeological evidence on an unprecedented scale. We also consider some of the practical and ethical consequences of working in this vein.  相似文献   

20世纪的中国历史波澜壮阔。产生过很多叱咤风云的人物。这其中,蒋介石毫无疑问是非常重要的一位,他依靠北伐起家,入主南京,统治中国22年,此后又败走台湾,统治台湾26年。蒋介石富有传奇色彩的一生,不仅影响了中国的历史进程,还影响了千千万万中国人的命运。长期以来,对于蒋介石的历史评价,要么妖魔化,要么神化。那么,真实的蒋介石究竟是怎样的一个人?在中国近代史上,他曾经做过哪些事情?让我们看看中国社科院研究员杨天石先生所作的评述和研究。  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(1):55-59

This is a response to Gareth Jones's critique of Changing Worlds, arguing that while this critique largely misunderstands the approach taken in the book, it does raise important questions about the prospect of war in the modern world. Crucial differences are identified in the use of theological rhetoric as a means of resolving differences about the legitimacy of war in the modern world.  相似文献   

This article draws on a piece of wide-scale mixed-methods research (n = 429) that examines how women who write and read male/male erotica feel their involvement with the genre has affected their views on gender and sexuality and their political engagement with gay rights issues. Previous work has looked at how online slashfic communities might provide a safe space for exploring gender performance and sexuality, while other researchers have observed a tension between those who identify as queer themselves and those who only ‘play at queerness’ exclusively within the online environment. However, much of this work has examined the theoretical positioning of such forums as transgressive and/or political. Far fewer pieces have attempted to engage with the women who frequent such sites to ask them about whether their involvement in these online spaces has affected their attitudes and behaviours. This study looks not only at the ways in which online m/m fandoms can act as a safe space for women to explore their sexualities and gender identities, but whether and how these insights connect to women’s real-world lives. Data presented here shows a strong consensus among participants that involvement with explicit slash communities has had a positive effect on their lives, as well as contributing to beneficial changes in their knowledge, attitudes, and practices with regards to LGBTQ+ issues. Overall, slash is seen as a medium which can create better allies, encourage cross-identification, and bring about positive personal changes. To this extent, I argue that explicit online slash sites can act as heterotopias.  相似文献   

正周其仁教授在《城乡中国》开篇中说:"中国很大,不过这个很大的国家,可以说只有两块地方:一块是城市,另外一块是乡村"。简单一句话,道出了中国社会的一个基本事实,这个国家是分为"城"和"乡"的。相应地,中国的十多亿人口,也分为"城里人"和"乡下人"。要理解"城乡中国"的事情,对这"城乡分割"不可不察。"城乡分割",或者"城乡二元",大家都耳熟能详了。可是,这"城"和"乡",区别到底在哪里?二者是  相似文献   

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