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1992 复苏     
1992年,在中国人的记忆里似乎一直是春天。经历了改革的阵痛和不适,中国人坚定了发展的方向。这一年,奥运会将迎接苏联分崩离析后的许多个独立国家。这一年,中国人对自己的足球充满了信心和希望,一个叫施拉普纳的德国人执掌了中国足球队。  相似文献   

William S. Hall and Roy O. Freedle. Culture and Language: The Black American Experience. New York: Halsted Press, 1975. 191 pp. Tables, figures, bibliography and index. $10.95.  相似文献   

Among the Berbers of Algeria. By Anthony Wilkin. London : T. Fisher Unwin, 1900. Pp. xiv + 263. Price 16s.

The Siege of Kumassi. By Lady Hodgson. New York: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1901. Price 21s.

Hints to Travellers : Scientific and General. Edited for the Council of the Royal Geographical Society. By John Coles, F.R.G.S., F.E.A.S. Eighth Edition. London : The Royal Geographical Society, 1901. 2 vols.' Price 15s. net.

The Indian Borderland, 1880–1900. By Colonel Sir T. Hungerford Holdich, K.C.I.E., etc. With twenty‐two illustrations and a map. London: Methuen and Co., 1901. Pp. xii + 402. Price 15s. net.

Un Séjour dan l'Ile de Ceylan. Per Jules Leclercq. Paris : Plon‐Nourrit et Cie., 1900. Pp. xii + 293.

The Statesman's Year‐Book Statistical and Historical Annual of the States of the World for the Year 1901. Edited by J. Scott Keltie, LL.D., with the assistance of I. P. A. Eenwick, M.A., LL.B. Thirty‐eighth Annual Publication. London : Macmillan and Co., 1901. Pp. 1320. Price 10s. 6d.

The Civilisation of the East. By Dr. Fritz Hommel. (“The Temple Primers.”) London: J. M. Dent and Co., 1900. Pp. xii + 140.

Ethnology. By Dr. Michael Hoberlandt. Translated by J. H. Loewe. (“The Temple Primers.”) London : J. M. Dent and Co., 1900. Pp. viii + 169.

Chinese Pictures. Notes on Photographs made in China. By Mrs. J. F. Bishop, F.R.G.S. London : Cassell and Co. Price 3s. 6d.

A History of Egypt in the Middle Ages. By Stanley Lane‐Poole. London : Methuen and Co., 1901. Pp. 382. Price 6s.

The Story of the War in South Africa, 1899–1900. By Captain A. T. Mahan, U.S.N. With Map and Portrait of the Author. London : Sampson Low, Marston, and Company, 1900. Pp. vi + 322, including Index. Price 10s. 6d.  相似文献   

在中俄关系的发展史上,1992年是关键的一年。在从中苏关系顺利过渡到中俄关系后,由于俄罗斯在1992年上半年推行全面倒向西方的“一边倒”政策,造成了俄罗斯外交政策的失衡,中俄关系的发展受到了一定的干扰。在这种情况下,由于中国始终坚持同俄罗斯发展睦邻友好关系,不搞意识形态的争论;另一方面,俄罗斯外交也做出了调整,提出了既面向西方、又顾及东方的“双头鹰”政策,朝着有利于中俄关系的方向发展。因而,尽管出现了一些波折,但并未对中俄关系产生重大的影响,使1992年成为中俄关系发展的“承上启下”的一年。  相似文献   

1992年,88岁高龄的邓小平仍为中华民族的发展而殚精竭虑,他放眼全球,进一步论证了资本主义和社会主义的关系;他立足中国,指出发展要以经济建设为中心,要坚持物质文明、精神文明两手抓,要将四项基本原则与改革开放相统一;他崇尚人民,提出农民是中国的主体,青年是人民中最具活力的群体,家庭是社会的细胞和人民的载体;他评价自己,内容涉及他的成长、功绩、失误及退休等多个方面;他面向未来,满怀信心地阐明中国今后的发展问题。邓小平1992年"南方谈话"不仅是邓小平理论成熟的标志,也是邓小平理论中极其重要的内容。  相似文献   

In his book Negara: The Theatre‐state in Nineteenth‐century Bali (1980), Clifford Geertz argued that ceremonial display, rather than material power, was the real basis and indeed the purpose of pre‐colonial states in Bali, and by extension South East Asia. This article argues, on the basis of historical and ethnographic evidence from one of these kingdoms, that he was largely wrong about pre‐colonial Bali, but that, ironically and presciently, his model makes increasing sense in early twenty‐first century Bali. The article also discusses the reasons for this and finally suggests a more dynamic model based on Bourdieu’s metaphor of material and symbolic capital, which seeks to bring Geertz’s essentially static model to historical life.  相似文献   


As a newly emerging sub-field within human geography, carceral geography offers a unique perspective and understanding of closed spaces. Reflecting this development, three types of closed institutions provide the background for this empirical paper. The nature and experience of these spaces of confinement are explored by using in-depth qualitative interviews with young women in Scotland. The focus on gender-/age-specific characteristics and physical and spatial features reveals the processes of being ‘locked up’, of the perception of confinement and emotional responses to prison, secure care and closed psychiatry. The young women's accounts of these closed institutions are seldom heard in discourses on crime and punishment, providing an in-depth insight into these otherwise enclosed spaces. Considering the geography of three carceral systems, this study extends beyond physical detainment and works towards an understanding of the carceral experience as an emplaced, gendered, embodied, emotional and often repetitive practice. This paper is based on a larger empirical study and uses selected results of this more extensive data to exemplify ‘the carceral’ in this particular context.  相似文献   

Nowadays the term “racism” is usually applied in the context of relationships between Europeans and non‐European “others”. During the nineteenth century scientific ideas about innate human differences were also applied extensively to various European populations. This was partly due to a category confusion whereby nations came to be regarded as biologically distinct. The origins of “scientific” racism were connected with the use of race as an explanation of history, and with the rise of physiognomy and phrenology. The development of “craniology” was paralleled and reinforced by ideological writings about “Nordic” racial superiority. In times of conflict such as the Franco‐Prussian war, absurd racial theories emerged and social Darwinist anthropologists connected race and class. Such ideas persisted well into the twentieth century and reached their apogee in Nazism.  相似文献   

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