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Stephen Bornstein, David Held and Joel Krieger (eds), The State in Capitalist Europe, London, Allen and Unwin, 1984, pp.170. $24.95 (paper).

Gregor McLennan, David Held and Stuart Hall (eds), The Idea of the Modern State, Milton Keynes, Open University Press, 1984, pp.240. $28.95 (paper).  相似文献   

Theoretical and experimental work since 1970 is summarized. Mid-latitude sporadic-E is most likely due to a vertical shear in the horizontal east-west wind and this theory accounts for the detailed observations of the wind and electron density profiles. Preferred heights of sporadic-E are separated by about 6km and descending layers are often seen moving down with velocities in the range 0.6–4 ms. Sometimes sporadic-E layers are very flat and uniform, and at other times form clouds of electrons 2–100km in size moving horizontally at 20–130 ms−1. Sporadic-E is probably not correlated with meteor showers; this is a rather surprising result since the ions are meteor debris.The major problems with windshear theory are to account for the dramatic seasonal variation and, to a lesser extent, for the geographical and diurnal distributions.The Q-type equatorial sporadic-E appears to be due to the gradient instability. There is a very much smaller amount of new experimental data available in this area.  相似文献   

Evleth  Donna 《French history》2006,20(2):204-224
This paper examines the way in which the Jewish question washandled by the Ordre des Médecins, a representative institutionfor the medical profession created by the Vichy government.It discusses the historiography of Vichy anti-Semitism generallyand goes on to analyze the background of anti-Semitism in theFrench medical profession in the 1930s, comparing it with anti-Semitismin other professions such as Law. The paper then discusses thereactions of the Ordre des Médecins and its governingbody, the Conseil Supérieur, to the Vichy anti-Semiticlegislation which affected the profession and compares its brandof anti-Semitism with the official Vichy policy. It focuseson the unequal battle between the Conseil Supérieur,whose members were typically traditional nationalistic and protectionistanti-Semites, and the Vichy government, where quasi-racial anti-Semitismwas official policy. It explains the inevitable defeat of theConseil Supérieur.  相似文献   

Recent research at the remote depression of Bir Tarfawi, in the hyperarid Eastern Sahara, has revealed a sequence of four, or possibly five, Pleistocene lake-episodes. The first lake was probably associated with a Late Acheulean and the remaining four with a Middle Palaeolithic, specifically with a Denticulate Aterian, industry. Lithostratigraphic, macrofaunal and microfaunal analyses have permitted a quite detailed reconstruction of the local environment during the periods of the last two lakes; during the period of the fourth lake, local rainfall may have beenca 600 mm per annum but was rather less during the time of the fifth lake. Investigation of some of the many associated archaeological sites is revealing a complex pattern of specialized site-types, including living-sites, primary and secondary workshops and primary and secondary butchery-sites. Specific types of sites are closely related to the local landscape. Preliminary analyses from several experimental methods of chronometric dating suggest that almost all of the sequence falls within the Middle Pleistocene.
Résumé Des recherches récentes dans la dépression isolée de Bir Tarfawi dans le Sahara oriental hyperaride, ont révélé une séquence de quatre, ou peut être cinq, épisodes lacustres au Pléistocène. Le premier lac est probablement associé à un Acheuléen final, et les quatre autres au Paléolithique moyen, et spécifiquement à une industrie atérienne denticulée. Des analyses de lithostratigraphie, de macrofaune et de microfaune ont permis de reconstruire d'une façon assez détaillée l'environnement local pendant les périodes des deux derniers lacs. Pendant la période du quatrième lac, la pluviosité locale était peut être deca 600 mm par an, mais elle était un peu moindre à lépoque du cinquième lac. Les recherches dans certains des nombreux gisements archéologiques associés nous révèlent un schéma complexe de sites spécialisés, y compris des sites d'habitat, des ateliers primaires et secondaires, et des lieux de dépeçage primaires et secondaires. Certains types de gisement sont étroitement liés au paysage local. Des analyses préliminaires par plusieurs méthodes expérimentales de datation chronométrique suggèrent que presque toute la séquence appartient au Pléistocène moyen.

Reports of congenital scoliosis (CS) are rare in the literature of paleopathology. This study details severe CS in the complete, well preserved skeleton of an adult male, dated to AD 550–800, from the Sudanese site of Kulubnarti. This skeleton, designated as S‐16, is the most complete archaeologically derived example of CS to be documented. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The history of phrenology in France has a number of unique features. It was in that country that F. J. Gall sought refuge; and it was, above all, in France that phrenology would subsequently attempt to establish its credentials as a new physiological science of the mind. Up until the 1840s, phrenology expanded rapidly in the country, a growth that coincided with attempts to provide this new field with the trappings of respectable scientific endeavor—courses of lectures, learned societies, journals, and so on. This ambitious intellectual project, despite its controversial nature, made a major cultural impact in the nineteenth century, both through its influence on the written word—from learned journals to the novel—and via its striking visual imagery (sculpture, anatomical diagrams and models, engravings, caricatures, and so on). However, as the scientific impact of phrenology declined, allusions to it lost much of their cultural force. On the borderline between respectable science and mere quackery, phrenology in France represented an attempt to construct a whole new intellectual universe based on scientific principles, and as such had a profound impact on its period.  相似文献   

Gerard Toal has written a very important work placing the terrorist attack in Beslan into a geopolitical context. Toal's analysis emphasizes two themes, the need to place Beslan in a political context and the parallels between the Russian government's reaction to the attack and the Bush administration's reaction to the September 11 attacks. In this response, I seek to make these two themes more explicit and also to focus on one area that is somewhat neglected in Toal's analysis: namely, the factors that made the terrorist attack in Beslan possible. In doing so, I turn away from focusing exclusively on geopolitics by bringing in some of the socio-economic and ideological factors that made the North Caucasus ripe for the explosion of terrorist attacks that occurred in the first half of this decade. I also show how changes in government policies eventually brought about the decline of large-scale terrorist attacks in the region. In doing so, I hope to make the point that any analysis of a spectacular terrorist attack such as Beslan has to take into account not just geopolitics, but also the socio-economic conditions that made it possible and the government policies that allowed it to happen.  相似文献   

An interesting case study in the history of welfare systems is the comparison between France and Italy. In fact, in the 1940s both countries had to tackle a very similar dilemma: the corrective reform of their existing welfare or the institution of reforms in line with the ‘universal’ model. This was a crucial turning point. Understanding these dynamics means grasping the significance of one of the most important moments in the history of the welfare state. The proposed reforms were ultimately rejected. Why? The aim of this article is to try to provide an answer to this question, examining the issue at various levels. It highlights the interactions between the top-down choices (the theoretical reflections and the political decisions) and grassroots dynamics (of social groups), and illustrates the decision-making process that led to the final outcome. The article is based largely on documents, often unpublished, from both French and Italian archives.  相似文献   

This paper explores the ways in which the convergence of economic crises and gendered processes of globalization have created a new role for states and new scenarios for women's paid work. It focuses specifically on one of these scenarios—the emergence of state-backed employment programmes in the 1980s and early 1990s and examines the feminization of such programmes in Latin America. Through a detailed case study of emergency work in Peru the paper analyses the relationship between feminization and the state. Specifically, the paper interrogates the contradictory conceptualizations of work embodied in such state-backed initiatives. The example of the APRA government of Peru and its nation-wide employment programme (PAIT: Programme of Support and Temporary Income 1985–1990) is used to illustrate the ways in which states have responded to processes of feminization. The paper highlights the relationship between feminization and a shift in state rhetoric. Through empirical archive and interview based research1 it examines the implications of APRA's move from a rhetoric of providing work for men to one that emphasized welfare aid for women.  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(5):619-627

This article engages directly with Jonathan Burnside and raises a set of further questions concerning how we read biblical law and the manner in which we might endeavor to teach it in the context of the critical and/or secular classroom. Respecting the wide-scope of Burnside’s approach and material covered, further attention to the historical and cultural contexts of biblical law, as well as a more transparent presentation of its complexity, allows us to be responsible readers of biblical law, appreciating its theological and legal sophistication.  相似文献   

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