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Prehispanic corporate social units in northern Peru, the pachacas or ayllus and the guarangas, continued to structure social life in Cajamarca throughout the Spanish colonial period. They were restructured by Spanish rule, as they had been by the Inca conquest before. Spanish rule also reshaped indigenous migration and the social categorization of the migrants, which was closely intertwined with the regime of land tenure. This article takes a look at the integration of new and old migrants and their descendants into the local social structure and examines how they negotiated their belonging in petitions to change or defend their fuero. The petitioners successfully argued on the basis of their ancestry, whether legitimate or not, and activated personal networks on their behalf. In that, they paralleled mestizo and mulatto petitioners who, like migrants, benefited from fiscal prerogatives, which were however challenged during the course of the 18th century, leading to a partial re-categorization. The redistribution of land was an important motive in these late colonial re-categorizations, but also earlier in the colonial period the absence of bonds to the land was an essential characteristic of being categorized as a ‘migrant.’  相似文献   

《Romance Quarterly》2013,60(2):140-152
As an introduction to his show in the Capucins' convent, Etienne Robertson states, "Gentlemen, the spectacle about to take place under your very eyes is not a frivolous one. It was created for the thinking man, for the philosopher who enjoys wandering among the tombs" (qtd. in Remise 41). The nineteenth century, and Robertson in particular, grant phantasmagoria a large place in history, even though the concept and the technique existed long before.

With such a success, it should not be surprising that phantasmagoria found its home in literature, especially in Isidore Ducasse's (Comte de Lautréamont's) texts. Indeed, Maldoror's Cantos, in which visual effects hold a significant place, seem to occur behind a thick fog that the reader appears to have difficulty escaping. Just as the spectacles of phantasmagoria are not meant for a "frivolous" audience, as Robertson said, the Cantos are not meant for a reader whom Lautréamont defines as "naive." This article will focus on the visual arts that were prevalent at the time and their influence on the Cantos. Using Roland Barthes's theory, the author shows that Maldoror's Cantos can be read as a spectacle of phantasmagoria in writing.  相似文献   

This article focuses on two disparate figures in the French colonial period in Africa, the ex-poet Arthur Rimbaud and the ex-soldier Charles de Foucauld. Between 1883 and 1884, each lived in Africa in self-imposed exile of a sort, and undertook rigorous exploration of the region to which he had relocated himself. Both composed reports on their regions of the ‘dark continent,’ and both reports were submitted to, and recognized by, the Société de Géographie back in Paris. The two geographical texts – Rimbaud's Rapport sur l'Ogadine and de Foucauld's Reconnaissance au Maroc – are watersheds of life-writing, as much as they are representations of colonial Africa observed by Frenchmen. Through comparing the two desert narratives, and considering the two authors' African lives, I argue that the process of writing about the desert actually evokes the essential character of each writer's voice, a voice to which he only found access in the desert. Finally, these voices in turn provide valuable information about the relationship between France and Africa, colonial force and colony, and about the various forms of resistance to each of those roles.  相似文献   

Este artículo analiza la correspondencia de Pedro de Castro y Quiñones con Francisco de Castro y Antonio de Herrera sobre las versiones históricas referentes a los hechos de su padre Cristóbal Vaca de Castro frente al gobierno del Perú. Demuestra que, con el propósito de modificar los términos de la crónica de Agustín de Zárate, Pedro de Castro supervisó directamente el texto de las Décadas de Herrera y, a través del jesuita Francisco de Castro, la versión sobre Vaca de Castro que aparece en la segunda parte de los Comentarios reales. La diferente relación del arzobispo con Herrera y Garcilaso —directa en el primer caso y mediata en el segundo— refleja la dispar autoridad de estos dos historiadores. A pesar de que esta intervención de Pedro de Castro se esconde a los ojos del lector, deja una huella tangible en la coincidencia de Herrera y Garcilaso en la escritura de la biografía del gobernador Vaca de Castro frente a la discrepancia de estos mismos cronistas en otros asuntos indianos. El estudio concluye mostrando la articulación que las historias de las Indias tenían en relación con numerosos problemas históricos, teológicos y políticos que se ventilaban entonces.  相似文献   

In 1985, a small agricultural center in south Florida became the site of a controversy when two scientists reported unexpectedly high numbers of AIDS cases and proposed that mosquito transmission might be the explanation. This article examines the representation of Belle Glade in print mass media and professional research journals from 1985 to the mid-1990s in order to demonstrate the role of racialized constructions of space in producing the category of heterosexual transmission and in establishing its distinction from normative heterosexuality. Employing a strategy of scalar shift, representations of Belle Glade invoked various and sometimes incommensurate spatial registers to construct racialized hierarchies which promised to provide effective borders around the mobility of HIV. The trope of containment not only misrepresented the spatiality of sexual networks, but also treated those most at risk of HIV infection as a threat to the nation rather than as those most in need of intervention and support. In Belle Glade, the material effects of this exclusionary practice included placing responsibility on the town's residents for its difficulties while effacing larger structural forces that produced its particular geography. Although these events took place in the first decade of the AIDS crisis, they offer a rich opportunity to integrate Belle Glade into an understanding of the US AIDS epidemic as well as to consider many of the challenges HIV/AIDS continues to present globally, especially around the intersection of race, gender, poverty, international capitalism and locally diverse experiences.

En 1985, un pequeño centro agrícola en el sur de Florida se convirtió en lugar de controversia, cuando dos científicos reportaron cifras inesperadamente altas de casos del SIDA y propusieron como causa de transmisión a picadura de mosquito. Este trabajo examina la representación de Belle Glade en las periódicas y revistas académicas de 1985 hasta mediados de los 90 para demostrar el rol de construcciones racializadas del espacio en la producción de la categoría de ‘transmisión heterosexual’ estableciendo a su vez la diferencia con la heterosexualidad normativa. Empleando una estrategia del escalas variables, estas representaciones de Belle Glade usos de variados y a veces inconmensurados registros espaciales con el fin de construir jerarquías racializadas que prometían fronteras efectivas para contener la movilidad del VIH. La preocupación por contener el virus no solo tergiversó la espacialidad de las redes sexuales sino que también definió a quienes estaban en mayor riesgo infección del VIH como una amenaza a la nación en vez de cómo recipientes de intervención y apoyo. En Belle Glade, los efectos materiales de esta práctica de exclusión incluyeron de hacer responsable a la población de sus dificultades ocultando así las fuerzas estructurales que producirán esta geografía particular. Aunque estos eventos sucedieron en la primera década de la crisis del SIDA, ofrecen una valiosa oportunidad para comprender Belle Glade dentro del contexto de la epidemia del SIDA en los EE.UU., así como también considerar muchos de los desafíos globales de la VIH y el SIDA, especialmente en las intersecciones raza, género, pobreza, capitalismo internacional y experiencias locales diversas.  相似文献   

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