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在国际社会高度重视海洋油气资源以及大陆架划界成为国际社会热点问题的背景下,巴林与沙特阿拉伯两国围绕岛礁归属、大陆架划界原则等问题进行了较长时间的谈判,最终达成了划界协定,并确定了一个资源收益共享区块。该协定得以达成的重要原因,在于双方均缺乏主张权利的充分证据。因而,两国从各自的国情和国家友好的现实出发,做出了必要的让步。尽管该协定中关于资源共享的安排因其自身的独特性,不能被称为严格意义上的共同开发协定,但它对于此后国际社会的共同开发实践,仍起到了重要的先导性作用。  相似文献   

袁兆霆 《沧桑》2008,(6):107-109
市场经济在英国的迅速发展,消融了封建时代的人身依附关系,奠定了个人权利意识的基础。个人权利意识的勃兴催生出了人民主权原则。自然法思想已孕育出了法律至上的观念,英国君主在加冕典礼上宣读誓约的惯例,又将法律至上进一步明确为"王在法下",从而在英国牢固地确立了法治原则。基督教会客观上已对专制王权起到了巨大的制约作用,混合政体理论则为权力制约提供了更为科学的制度安排。正是这些因素的共同作用,使英国得以率先确立宪政。  相似文献   

在哈萨克族长期的发展进程中,形成了具有哈萨克族游牧经济特色的习惯法文化,这些民族习惯法文化在婚姻方面体现得更为明显,对哈萨克族人民的社会生活产生了重要影响。但是在国家法律体系范围内,这些习惯法的存在和作用对国家法律的普及和实施也产生了不和谐的影响。  相似文献   

19世纪末,欧洲国际法学家明确地以欧洲"文明"来衡量世界各国的国际行为及法律权利,从而在国际法中形成了一套规范国际关系的"文明"标准。按这一标准,世界上的国家被划分为"文明"、"野蛮"和"蒙昧"等不同类别,不同类别的国家获得不同的国际承认,具有不同的法律人格和法律地位,在国际法上享有不同的权利和义务。"野蛮"和"半野蛮"("半文明")国家被排除在国际法适用范围和西方国家主导的"国际社会"之外,从而建构出一种国际法意义上的等级性世界秩序。这一秩序是西方列强向帝国主义过渡时为其瓜分世界和殖民统治寻找法理依据而建构起来的,通过西方列强与非西方国家的互动而形成。就其思想渊源而言,是欧洲国际法传统中"自我"与"他者"二元思维的产物。  相似文献   

王亚平 《史学集刊》2004,2(4):53-59
中世纪的西欧在建立采邑制的过程中确立了个人联合的政体形式。在这个政体中 ,王权的合法性决定了其具有政治统治权威。基督教“君权神授”的神权政治思想为封建王权的合法性提供了理论基础 ,由教会举行的加冕礼使王权的合法性具体化。日耳曼人的习惯法使采邑制具有潜在的分裂因素 ,封建王权用特许权作为对各自为政的封建领地施行统治的工具。王权的合法性赋予特许权法律权威 ,法律权威给予封建领地的社会群体司法保护 ,保证个人联合政体的正常运行 ,同时也促进了封建社会中新因素的生长。  相似文献   

刘席宏 《神州》2012,(24):4-5
对于民间文学艺术作品应当根据创作范式为核心明确其概念,我国对于民间文学艺术作品应选择"版权保护"而不应该采取"特殊权利保护模式"。民间文学艺术作品的版权保护具有其法哲学基础,对于民间文学艺术作品设定独占性权利具有其正当性。民间文学艺术作品具有著作权法上"作品"的法律特性。民间文学艺术作品在受保护的客体、权利主体、保护期限和利益平衡等方面进行特殊的制度设计,并建立民间文学艺术作品信托管理和公益诉讼机制。应当在版权保护机制内建立适用于民间文学艺术作品的保护协调机制。  相似文献   

中世纪早期西欧的自主地、书田为分配和赏赐所得,属于拥有完全所有权的私有土地,可以继承和买卖等。与此同时,通过分封又产生了恩地、采邑等所有权和占有权分离的保有地,持有者起初对其继承和买卖的权利很不确定。11世纪中期以降自由保有地的占有权获得近乎所有权的权利,由此十二三世纪以来自由保有地的买卖不再受到限制。与自由保有地相对的维兰保有地的占有权依据庄园习惯法,经领主同意也可继承和买卖。尽管学者们早就发现了维兰保有地的买卖现象,但直到晚近以来才得到大量研究的证实,表明中世纪中晚期存在活跃的包括自由农役和维兰保有地在内的农民土地市场。  相似文献   

保护拉鲁湿地和改善生态环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
布多 《中国西藏》2003,(2):18-21
湿地,按照国际湿地公约中的定义,是指天然或人工、常久或暂时的沼泽地、湿原、泥炭地或水域地带(浅水湖泊、河流、泛洪区等),包括静止或流动的淡水、半咸水或咸水水体,以及海洋和低潮时水深不超过6m的浅海水域。  相似文献   

文章对“雍正安南勘界”的缘起、双方划界过程中的争执以及最后结局进行了梳理,认为双方虽有不同的划界依据,但原则基本上是相同的,即自然因素、政治因素和文化因素,这也基本上符合现代国际划界的原则。只是这样的原则在实际划界过程中并没有得到贯彻和执行,由于受当时清王朝与安南宗藩关系的影响,最高统治者的政治观念或者文化心态成为此次划界的决定因素。  相似文献   

薛成有 《攀登》2010,29(4):102-106
玉树地震灾后恢复重建中涉及到许多法律问题,例如地震后的受灾者、恢复重建者、志愿者等主体的认定以及权利保障问题。明确这些主体地位,是确立灾后恢复重建法律关系中的权利和义务的前提。  相似文献   

What is often referred to as a common law doctrine of aboriginal or customary title neither underpinned imperial policies towards Māori property rights in the 1830s and 1840s nor was it viewed as a settled or broadly accepted legal doctrine. Rather, critics of imperial policies applying to New Zealand deployed these legal sources in order to challenge and influence the workings of imperial policy on British settlement within New Zealand. The particular emphasis of such policy was on disciplining the extent of such settlement and providing a land fund from crown grants. Imperial policy-makers did not endorse these legal sources despite their use in the decision of the New Zealand Supreme Court in Regina v Symonds (1847). In this context, there was no consensual legal view or approach as to the nature or content of indigenous property rights. Ultimately, in the face of disagreement, diverse views of the nature and extent of Māori property rights persisted. The perceived non-justiciability of such rights meant that political spaces rather than the courts were of ongoing significance to characterising and debating such rights.  相似文献   

The negotiations between Norway and Russia, formerly the Soviet Union, in the maritime delimitation in the Barents Sea have been going on for more than 30 years. Despite a declared will on both sides to reach an agreement, the prospect of an early settlement seems remote. Formally the delimitation problem concerns the distribution of the important economic resources in the area, i.e. petroleum and fish. In practice, however, the strategic importance of the area and the impact of the international context on the bilateral relationship have played an important role in the negotiations. As a result, the parties clearly have different preferences for a solution. Because there is no practical need for a solution and because the parties do not see the boundary dispute as a strain on their mutual relations, the prospect of an early settlement is dependent on the political will of both sides to bring this long-standing conflict to and end.  相似文献   

Is there a ‘best practice’ model for the legal recognition of customary tenure? If not, is it possible to identify the circumstances in which a particular model would be most appropriate? This article considers these questions in the light of economic theories of property rights, particularly as illustrated by the World Bank's 2003 land policy report. While these theories have their flaws, the underlying concept of tenure security allows a typological framework for developing legal responses to customary tenure. In particular, this article suggests that the nature and degree of State legal intervention in a customary land system should be determined by reference to the nature and causes of any tenure insecurity. This hypothesis is discussed by reference to a wide variety of legal examples from Africa, Papua New Guinea and the South Pacific. The objective is not to suggest that law determines resource governance outcomes in pluralist normative environments, but to improve the quality of legal interventions in order to assist customary groups to negotiate better forms of tenure security and access to resources.  相似文献   

The Pinochet case highlights important developments in the international constitutional system which have become gradually established over the past half-century. These developments relate to the position of the state within the international constitution and the decreasing relevance of classical views centred upon state sovereignty and legal positivism. It was made clear that the powers and functions of the state are regulated by and embedded within the international legal system, including fundamental material rules of constitutional standing. Several of these rules enjoy a jus cogens and erga omnes status. Violations can involve crimes or state plus individual responsibility for the offenders directly under international law. And, according to the expanding doctrine of genuine universality, all states may enjoy a legal entitlement to exercise jurisdiction in relation to offenders who cannot claim the benefit of sovereign immunity. However, the Pinochet case also points to some difficulties. These lie principally in the failure of individual states to create the necessary domestic criminal law to implement genuine universality. Problems also arise in relation to crimes which claim special universality on the basis of law-making conventions, but which have not yet been established in general international law.  相似文献   

根据国家主权原则,在总结中国领海管理的理论与实践的基础上,结合国际实践和公认的国际法原则,1958年中国政府颁布了《中华人民共和国政府关于领海的声明》,标志着新中国领海制度的初步建立,这对捍卫中国领海主权、维护海洋利益、发展海上交往、巩固海防等都具有重大的意义。  相似文献   

Through qualitative comparative analysis of policy documents and official statements over the last 10 years (2008–2018), this paper examines Australian and PRC government conceptions of the international order and the associated policy implications. Their understandings of the international order are informed by their self-defined national role conceptions and perceptions of other states, and are manifested in discussions of institutional reform, international law and human rights. Australia's self-conception as a middle power informs its emphasis on maintenance and US leadership of the existing order, while the PRC's self-conceptions as both a developing and established power enable it to frame itself as either an upholder or reformer of the order. Both governments highlight the ‘rules-based’ mechanisms of the WTO, and are more likely to agree on trade and economic issues than on other matters. Their responses to the 2016 South China Sea arbitration tribunal decision and discussions of the role of human rights in the international order suggest less agreement is likely on international law and human rights norms. While Australia considers the PRC a potential challenger to the existing order, Australia does not feature in PRC discussions of international order, suggesting its limited ability to affect PRC foreign policy decisions.  相似文献   

Narratives of the history of international law in the early and middle decades of the nineteenth century have emphasised the role of global humanitarian movements in establishing international norms and institutions. The abolition of the slave trade and the amelioration of slavery feature prominently in this account as reform movements that supposedly laid the groundwork for human rights law. Using controversy about the constitution of the island of Trinidad and the excesses of its first governor, Thomas Picton, as a case study, we argue instead that attempts to reform slavery formed part of a wider British effort to construct a coherent imperial legal system, a project that corresponded to a different, and at the time more powerful vision of global order. As experiment and anti-model, Trinidad’s troubles provided critics with an advertisement for the necessity of robust imperial legal power in new and old colonies. Such a call for imperial oversight of colonial legal orders formed the basis of an empire-wide push to reorder the British world.  相似文献   

Mass displacement of people due to violence poses a unique set of challenges for property restitution when people return to their homes after a long absence. This is particularly evident in rural areas where the dominant form of land holding is customary tenure. Violence‐induced displacement, unlike voluntary migration, challenges both customary and public legal‐administrative structures. The lack of written documentation of customary holdings and the importance of the support of community leaders means that incorporating returnees back into a community can be easier for those who choose to return, while reclaiming property without physical return is nearly impossible. This article seeks to make three contributions: 1) to note the diversity of return processes after long displacements in terms of timing and demographics; 2) to demonstrate that the nature of the claims people can make on customary tenure systems is at odds with international legal norms on property restitution after displacement; and 3) to introduce a set of observations and questions on how conflict can change customary law. The article is based on fieldwork conducted in Uganda, Liberia and Timor‐Leste, all countries with extended displacement where most of the rural land is held via customary claims.  相似文献   

Although women’s land rights are often affirmed unequivocally in constitutions and international human rights conventions in many African countries, customary practices usually prevail on the ground and often deny women’s land inheritance. Yet land inheritance often goes unnoticed in wider policy and development initiatives to promote women’s equal access to land. This article draws on feminist ethnographic research among the Serer ethnic group in two contrasting rural communities in Senegal. Through analysis of land governance, power relations and ‘technologies of the self’, this article shows how land inheritance rights are contingent on the specific effects of intersectionality in particular places. The contradictions of legal pluralism, greater adherence to Islam and decentralisation led to greater application of patrilineal inheritance practices. Gender, religion and ethnicity intersected with individuals’ marital position, status, generation and socio-ecological change to constrain land inheritance rights for women, particularly daughters, and widows who had been in polygamous unions and who remarried. Although some women were aware that they were legally entitled to inherit a share of the land, they tended not to ‘demand their rights’. In participatory workshops, micro-scale shifts in women’s and men’s positionings reveal a recognition of the gender discriminatory nature of customary and Islamic laws and a desire to ‘change with the times’. While the effects of ‘reverse’ discourses are ambiguous and potentially reinforce prevailing patriarchal power regimes, ‘counter’ discourses, which emerged in participatory spaces, may challenge customary practices and move closer to a rights-based approach to gender equality and women’s land inheritance.  相似文献   

王正 《攀登》2008,27(4):143-146
隐性采访是特定历史时期政治、经济、社会发展的产物,它迎合了社会和时代的需要,有着特定的历史作用。隐性采访不仅能使报道更加深入、有现场感,而且成为“揭露黑幕”的杀手锏,成为“新闻监督”的利器。但是,我们还应当看到,在隐性采访被越来越广泛运用的同时,由此而产生的法律问题和纠纷也愈来愈多。本文站在法律的角度,从隐性采访入手,对隐性采访的合理性、合法性、侵权分析和侵权规避等问题进行简要的剖析,提出在进行隐性采访过程中,应该严格按照法律法规进行,不能剥夺任何主体的合法权益,维护法律的尊严和权威。  相似文献   

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