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Summary: Archaeological excavations on the site of Oxford’s first ‘modern’ hospital, the Radcliffe Infirmary, uncovered evidence for its use after its completion in 1770 and subsequent 19th-century expansions. Providing insights into the ancillary buildings, drainage and water supply structures located to the rear of the Infirmary, among the features excavated was a stone-built soakaway serving the first laundry complex. Upon the building being rebuilt as a fever ward in 1824, the soakaway became a receptacle for unwanted pottery, glass and other finds. The composition of this assemblage provides a glimpse of the material culture of a hospital during this period.  相似文献   

The Community‐Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) approach is said to have radically revolutionized a poorly performing sanitation sector. The claims of CLTS programmes successfully stopping practices of open defecation have only recently begun to be critically reviewed: scholars and practitioners are questioning the sustainability and scrutinizing the participatory nature of this approach. This article builds on these analyses to draw attention to the School‐Led Total Sanitation (SLTS) programme which promotes the role of children as sanitation change agents to ‘trigger’ a shift of behaviour in their peers and elders in school and surrounding environments. The article reviews the active role of children in SLTS in the context of how ‘participation’ is structured in demand‐led sanitation approaches, as well as in relation to children's rights to participation in developmental projects in general. Reviewing the arguments supporting SLTS in practitioner literature and drawing on observations from SLTS case studies in Ghana, the authors notice a significant contradiction in the concept of children's participation as premised in SLTS initiatives and as outlined in the child rights agenda. These findings expose inherent tensions in SLTS between children's rights, participation and the role of children as sanitation change agents. They build on existing critiques of participation as coercion within demand‐led sanitation approaches that have ‘gone global’.  相似文献   

TheTibetanraceboastsabrilliantculturenourishedbyTibetanBuddhism.Culturadevelonment,however,tookplaceatasnailpacebeforethepeacefulliberationofTibetin1951.Howisittoday?Factsspeakloudandclear.MASSCULTURALACTIVITIES.Therearesixmulti-functionalculturalartpalac…  相似文献   


A recurrent topic in ethnographic, historical and archaeological research has been the origins of Sámi reindeer pastoralism. The article discusses how prevailing theories have been influenced by general conceptual schemes, apriori constructed models and an extensive use of taxonomies. The debate has centered around how and when domestication took place, presupposing a paradigmatic change from hunting to pastoralism. However, there has probably never been an abrupt change; hunting and herding have both been parts of a multifaceted adaption existing up to the nineteenth century. What did change was the social organization of herding when a pastoral economy became the norm at that time. Such a change also had qualitative consequences in terms of new values and economic strategies.  相似文献   


The late prehistoric and protohistoric population of eastern Sonora, Mexico, has been described on the basis of reports by early Spanish explorers, as being organized into modified chiefdoms called “statelets.” The development of these small, regionally discrete political units has been seen as the result of Casas Grandes influence. Archaeological data on late prehistoric settlement patterns gathered during an intensive survey of the Valley of Sonora and presented here verify that statelets did exist. Data on earlier settlements and settlement-pattern changes, however, are interpreted as meaning that statelets developed without external influence. A growing population and increasing local exchange are proffered as the underlying causes for statelet development. Contact and trade with neighboring groups did exist, but probably were consequences rather than causes of changes evident in the settlement patterns.  相似文献   

The year 2001 saw theconvocation of theFourth National Confer-ence on Work in Tibet.From August to October 2001,we conducted an extensiveinvestigation and study in theurban and rural areas Wewere especially impressed bythe urban expansion in Lhasa,Xigaze and Nyingchi Even  相似文献   

By extracting information from various original materials and using geography departments, curricula, and faculty as indicators, this paper contributes to the discussion of the development of geography in higher education in China from 1904 to 1949. Four mutual connections are outlined. First, the development of geography in higher education is inextricably linked to social and political changes. Second, geography in higher education during the period concerned progressed in fits and starts, which affected its distribution. Third, geography departments were split into two categories according to the type of higher educational institution, which created differences in the tasks, curricula, and faculty of these departments. Fourth, faculty were trained in both domestic and foreign universities, and Western universities made an obvious contribution to the growth of qualified academic faculty. Simultaneously, universities where qualified academic faculty were trained were centralized both in domestic and foreign aspects. The special role of geographers returning from overseas study, the particularity of geography in higher education in China, and the connection between Chinese and foreign geography are also discussed in terms of geography departments, curricula, and faculty.  相似文献   

The article draws on a thematic evaluation of Research Technological Development and Innovation (RTDI) related actions supported by the Structural Funds to assist declining industrial areas or Objective 2 regions, during the period between 1989 and 1999. Over the 10 year period, three main approaches were identified in Objective 2 regions, the last two becoming predominant during the latter part of the period: technology push with funding of large projects such as science parks and research facilities; technology transfer with measures to disseminate technology; and demand pull with clearly identified and self contained RTDI priorities. While drawing lessons from the last decade, the paper also integrates some preliminary observations on structural funds investments for innovation during the current 2000–2006 programming period and concludes with a review of possible scenarios for the further development of RTDI in lagging regions in the framework of the Lisbon Strategy.  相似文献   

TheTibetAutonomousRegionhasmademuchgroundinthedevelopmentanduseofopticalfibercommunicationline.August28,1995:TheLhasa-XigazeandLhasaShannanopticalfibercommunicationlinesopened.Afterfivemonthsoftrialservice,theywereputintoofficialoperation.TheLhasa-Xigazeopticalfibercommunicationline,thefirstofitskindinTibet,extends340km.ItcrossestheGangdeseMountain(whichisnotoriousasthe"forbiddenareaforlife")withanelevationaveraging4,000meters.Itwaslaidin38daysandnights.1996:TheXigaze-Gyangze(viaBainan…  相似文献   

This article examines British naval policy towards imperial defence and the development of autonomous Dominion navies in 1911–14. It shows that the Admiralty's main goal under the leadership of Winston Churchill was to concentrate British and Dominion warships in European waters, and ideally in the North Sea, to meet the German threat. Churchill's approach to naval developments in the Dominions was also shaped by his desire to fulfil the Cabinet's policy of remaining strong in the Mediterranean Sea. He made some concessions to sentiment in the Dominions, but his attempts to create a coherent imperial policy for the naval defence of Britain and its empire were ultimately unsuccessful. By 1914 it was clear that the Dominions would not provide the additional warships Britain required for the Mediterranean, and on the eve of war the Admiralty was beginning to prepare an imperial naval strategy that more accurately reflected the Empire's capabilities.  相似文献   

TheSocio-EconomicResearchIunstituteoftheChinaTibetologyCentercompiledandnublishedFOrtv-YearChangesinnbetanFamiliesinJuly1996onthebasisofageneralsurveyof100householdsinTibet.BETIERLIFEoldTibetfeaturedtemporalandreligiousadministrationoverafeudalserfdom.Mon…  相似文献   

TheDevelopmentofTibetanCulture¥//ZHANGZHIWEIHistoryprovesthatadevelopedcultureisaprerequisiteforsocioeconomicdevelopment.Cult...  相似文献   


There is more to success in destination development than just natural or cultural heritage and assets. Increasing globalization and changes in the realm of tourism, both in supply and demand, helped to identify and recognize new development factors. Skilful application of various drivers and mobilization of stakeholders around well-defined development objectives may bring unique results in terms of creating a multidimensional, complex and innovative mega-product. Until now, public administration has been unable to identify timely innovative features and the high promotional and social potential in the Palaces and Gardens Valley project. Instead, the main drivers behind its success have, therefore, to be sought outside public policies, among new development factors utilized by private sector and non-governmental organizations. However, in the long run, recently intensifying close cooperation of public and private bodies is a condition of further development of the project in question.  相似文献   


The present farms Engenes and Bakkejord constitute the sites of this investigation. The eastern limit of the historical Greipstad farm – Engenes – had a small permanent settlement from during the period c. AD 750–950. Bakkejord had a permanent settlement from about AD 1200–1250. Four different periods since the Birth of Christ with farm abandonment or very low anthropogenic activity are recorded, and the two youngest ones are discussed on the basis of historical information.  相似文献   

《Political Geography》2006,25(4):438-458
Much of the literature examining transboundary watercourses employs an implicit international relations framework. This literature, while helpful in understanding aspects of transboundary watercourses, routinely obfuscates many crucial factors. Specifically, such analyses are marked by: (i) a mis-theorization of the hegemonic structures at work, (ii) undue pessimism regarding the propensity for multi-lateral cooperation, (iii) an assumption that conflict and cooperation exist along a progressive continuum, (iv) a tenet that conflict is restricted to state competition, and thus a neglect of state collusion in violence against certain citizens, and (v) a depoliticization of ecological conditions. Bringing a geographical critique to bear on the IR framed literature illuminates such deficiencies and leads to a more grounded and holistic analysis of the politics of shared watercourses. A case study of the management of shared water resources in the Southern African Development Community is used to demonstrate, in a concrete way, what is obfuscated in the implicit IR approach and how a geographical critique is able to provide an analysis that is both more critical, and more insightful.  相似文献   

TidbitsofSocio-EcononmicDevelopmentinTibetSOINAMTibet,tuckedawayontheRoofoftheWorld,isstillmysterioustotheworld.Whatdoesitloo...  相似文献   

ArecentchancebroughtthisauthorandGyaibo,directoroftheThree-RiverDevelopmentOfficeofTibet.togetherinBeijing.Hecametothecapitaltoreportontheprogressoftheproject,andIwascarryingoutfieldworkasaTibetanjour-nalist.TheThree-RiverProjectreferstothedevelopmentofth…  相似文献   

The history of development aid has often been analyzed on the level of international politics and ground breaking ideas on big overriding issues. But the policies developed in the various Western capitals do not in themselves provide a full picture of foreign aid. It is important to examine the field more closely: what did actually happen ‘on the ground’ as a result of intentions and agreements on aid? Did the practice of aid projects influence aid effectiveness? The present article looks at the history of aid provided by the Netherlands, a country that for a long time liked to portray itself as occupying a guiding role in the vanguard of international development. It is based on archival study of project files, set in countries that were at the core of the Dutch aid effort. They are taken from the time span of four decades in which the aid effort was developed and flourished, before the end of the Cold War changed the scenery in 1989. The article aims to shed new light on how policy aims were translated and provides an indication as to why the desired results failed to come about.  相似文献   

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