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Lake Albacutya is a well‐known intermittent lake in north‐western Victoria. The lake is near the termination of the Wimmera River. From time‐to‐time the lake fills and flow passes down Outlet Creek into Wyperfeld National Park. The wetlands associated with the lake have a high biodiversity value and are named in international treaties. This paper examines the hydrologic factors associated with lake filling and flow into Wyperfeld. The lake has filled approximately six times since 1880 and has partially filled on other occasions. Examination of rainfall data from 1875 at Horsham gave no indication of long term rainfall decline, and showed that rainfall at Horsham can be viewed as representative of rainfall in the Wimmera River catchment. However a double‐mass analysis showed that the relationship between the Wimmera River flow and rainfall has varied from 1890 to the present. Examination of data associated with six fillings of Lake Albacutya suggested that filling is a two‐year event requiring at least 550 GL of flow passing Horsham over the two years immediately associated with the flood. A simple model based on rainfall and this threshold reproduced observed characteristics of the data reasonably well. This suggested that the flooding frequency of Lake Albacutya has dropped from about one in 25 years in the natural state to a substantially lower frequency under current river conditions. The results also suggested that because of changes in the Wimmera River the last filling and flood into Wyperfeld in 1976 was far smaller than it would otherwise have been. This is consistent with field mapping of the flood in relation to River Red Gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh.) stands. Analysis of the health of these stands showed major dieback with the severity of this being roughly proportional to the distance from the 1976 flood boundaries. An examination of values associated with the lake and adjoining Wyperfeld National Park suggested that biodiversity and economic values are and will be compromised by the reduction in flooding. In particular, an internationally‐known provenance of Red Gum is at risk, and bird‐breeding opportunities have diminished.  相似文献   

Oligocene-Miocene rocks of the Torquay Basin contain at least 55 different species of calcareous nannofossils. These species allow zonation of an offshore subsurface section (Nerita No. 1 Well) and two onshore sections (near Torquay). The Angahook Formation and the base of the Jan Juc Formation in the Nerita No. 1 Well belong to Martini's (1971) NP 22 calcareous nannofossil Zone (early Oligocene). The NP 23 Zone could not be identified with certainty, but Zones NP 24/25 (late Oligocene) to NN 2 (early Miocene) were recognized in the Jan Juc Formation. The Oligocene-Miocene boundary is present between 122 m and 135 m below the sea floor at this site. The Puebla Formation, exposed at the sea floor, contains NN 5 spanning the early-middle Miocene boundary.

Onshore along the Torquay coast, NP 24/25 (late Oligocene) is present in the Angahook Formation; the Jan Juc Formation at Bird Rock also contains NP 24/25, except the uppermost 2.5 m which belongs to NN 1. The NN 2 Zone begins at the contact between the Jan Juc and Puebla Formations and continues upward for at least 3 m. After a covered interval, NN 4 was identified 10 m above the contact. The Oligocene-Miocene boundary is placed at the base of the hard band capping Bird Rock in the type section of the Jan Juc Formation.

Nannofossil assemblages in the Torquay sections suggest deposition in cool, shallow continental shelf waters. The assemblages in Nerita No. 1 Well also suggest cool shelf waters, although deeper than at Torquay.  相似文献   

An initial study of a collection of fossil conifer wood is reported from the late early Miocene Yallourn Clays, an interseam unit intergrading into the base of the early to middle Miocene Yallourn seam of the LaTrobe Valley, Victoria in southeastern Australia. The fossil wood shares characteristics with the modem genera Dacrycarpus and Dacrydium. On the basis of contiguous, uniseriate tracheid pitting and 1–2 podocarpoid cross field pits, it is placed in the form genus Podocarpoxylon, and the new species P. latrobensis. The wood is compared with extant Podocarpaceae and other Australian fossil woods. Its ring anatomy is consistent with low temperature or rainfall seasonality in the early Miocene.  相似文献   

吴耀利 《中原文物》2001,4(4):16-23
总观全国各地新石器时代文化的发展,中原地区以它强大的文化根基,在文明起源和形成过程中始终走在前面.中原地区文明的起源是相当早的,在龙山时代晚期,中原地区已进入文明时代.  相似文献   

The discovery of an astragalus of an allosaurid theropod in southeastern Australia extends the geographic range of the Allosauridae to include all continents except Antarctica and the Indian subcontinent. In addition, it confirms the presence of this family during the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

The Eppalock Soil Conservation Project (ESCP) is a celebrated ‘whole-of-catchment’ management project implemented upstream of Lake Eppalock reservoir in Victoria, Australia. In 1959, a Victorian Parliamentary Public Works Committee (PPWC) found that the enlarged reservoir would be endangered by sedimentation as a result of severe erosion in the catchment. One of the main objectives of the ESCP was therefore to minimise the amount of sediment entering Lake Eppalock. The reservoir has not subsequently filled with sediment, and this fact has been used to suggest that the catchment scheme was successful in preventing reservoir sedimentation. It is argued here, however, that the estimate of sedimentation presented by the PPWC was inflated and that, even in the absence of a catchment management scheme, Lake Eppalock was not in danger of losing a significant proportion of its capacity to sedimentation. The proponents of the ESCP may have overstated the sedimentation threat to provide justification for what has become an outstanding catchment management project. Prior to the ESCP and despite overpowering evidence, successive governments had failed to respond to the threat of soil erosion. The immediate threat to a large public asset provided the politically powerful lever that was required to justify a total catchment approach to erosion control. Given the circumstances leading up to the 1959 PPWC Inquiry, the actions of the ESCP proponents cannot be criticised. However, this study provides a timely reminder that we cannot accept the apparent achievements of natural resource management projects without first examining the science and politics driving the project.  相似文献   

1977年7月,一份旨在宣传国家文物政策、反映全省文物工作动态、总结交流工作经验、普及文物知识的内部刊物──《河南文博通讯》,像一株幼苗,在古老的中原大地上破土而出。1981年,为了能够及时地发表考古发掘成果和学术论著,扩展学术研究的领域和地域范围,以大中原的概念,涵盖河南及其邻近地区的历史文化,经过充分的酝酿,《河南文博通讯》更名为《中原文物》,开始向国内外公开发行。 《中原文物》从创刊到现在已25年,出版已100期。20多年的历程,使我们深刻体会到,离开中原这个文物荟萃之地,失去蕴藏丰富的文…  相似文献   

在仰韶文化分布的中原地区 ,是中国古代文明的发祥地。仰韶文化的发展阶段 ,已处于中国古代文明起源与形成时期。仰韶文化在中国古代文明的发展进程中 ,占有极为重要的地位  相似文献   

中原地区大汶口文化因素浅析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
河南境内的大汶口文化因素是大汶口文化在河南境内传播的结果。约在公元前三千一二百年至公元前两千五六百年,由于大汶口文化的人口增长,势力膨胀及中原原始文化的相对衰弱,部分大汶口人沿颍水及其支流贾鲁河迁徒到豫中,继而又迁徒到豫西地区。这给中原原始文化的发展注入了新的活力,为中国古代文明在中原的形成创造了条件。  相似文献   

This paper presents findings from a gendered analysis of resident responses to the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires (wildfires) in Victoria, Australia. One hundred and seventy‐three people lost their lives in the bushfires and more than 2000 houses were destroyed. Previous research on Black Saturday has largely focused on issues of resident preparedness and response, with limited consideration of the role of gender in household decisions and actions. This paper examines the gendered dimensions of risk awareness, preparedness and response among households affected by the bushfires. Data were collected through in‐depth interviews with over 600 survivors and a questionnaire of 1314 households in fire‐affected areas. Analysis revealed that women more often wanted to leave than men, who more often wanted to stay and defend property against the bushfires. Nevertheless, findings suggest that broad‐brush characterisations of staying to defend as a masculine response and leaving as a feminine response are misguided. Although some women expressed a strong desire to leave, others were resolute on staying to defend. Equally, while some men were determined to stay and defend, others had never considered it an option. Despite this, the research identified numerous instances where disagreement had arisen as a result of differing intentions. Conflict most often stemmed from men's reluctance to leave, and was most apparent where households had not adequately planned or discussed their intended responses. The paper concludes by considering the degree to which the findings are consistent with other research on gender and bushfire, and the implications for bushfire safety policy and practice.  相似文献   


Here we document the investigation of the first Australian Aboriginal mortuary tree found since the early 20th century and the first studied by archaeologists and Aboriginal traditional owners. In 2001, a landowner discovered Aboriginal skeletal remains inside a fallen, dead tree while evaluating the tree’s potential as firewood, leading to the investigation of the site. The tree was located near Moyston, in southwestern Victoria, in traditional Djab Wurrung country and held the partial skeletons of three Aboriginal individuals—two adults and a child. Clay pipe-stem wear on several teeth belonging to the two adults indicates that these remains were broadly contemporaneous secondary placements from the early post-contact period (ca. a.d. 1835–1845). Along with five additional mortuary trees within 30 km of the Moyston tree, this practice constitutes a previously unknown traditional mortuary pattern and contributes to our understanding of the complex mortuary behavior of the Aboriginal people of southwestern Victoria.  相似文献   

“古之国者,必择天下之中而立国。”位居“天下之中”的中原,以其得天独厚的优越地理环境,使其自新石器时代晚期,就已成为中国古代文明和传统文化的核心。到两周时期,作为周王朝统治的中心,中原地区因其“分封亲戚,以藩屏周”政策的实施,呈现出诸侯林立的局面。随着王室衰微、诸侯争霸、大夫专权,各诸侯国逐渐由和平共处进入相互纷争的时代,中原  相似文献   

解开华夏文明的锁钥仍然在中原史前文化中.中原史前文化的优势表现为较早地奠定了深厚的农业经济基础,并以之支撑起庞大的人口规模;向心状的聚落布局;以及先民对世俗性日常生活的关注.同时,还表现在中原地区的东西南北交汇之位、过渡之位和文化与环境的多样性之位.  相似文献   

This article employs a Jungian analytical perspective in its exploration of the phenomenon of ghost hoaxing in late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century colonial Victoria, Australia, as observed through its reportage in the print media of the era.  相似文献   

三星堆文明与中原文明的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄剑华 《中原文物》2001,7(4):51-56
三星堆考古发现告诉我们,辉煌的古蜀文明有着自身的鲜明特色,与中原文明有着密切的文化交流.学者们通常认为,古蜀文明接受中原文明的影响,主要是通过长江中游地区和陕南等途径.而对蜀与殷商的关系,则见仁见智,颇多争论.本文列举了学者们的各种观点,对三星堆古蜀文明与中原文明的关系作了深入探讨.  相似文献   

Six biostratigraphically distinct faunas based largely on trilobites and graptolites are defined from the Lower to Middle Ordovician limestone, sandstone and shale sequence of the Canning Basin. They range in age from the Tremadoc (fauna 1), through the Arenig (faunas 2, 3) to the Llanvirn (faunas 4–6).  相似文献   

In 1964, the Premier of Victoria, Australia, Henry Bolte, announced that, in order to protect irrigation interests in the north of the state, he would prevent Melbourne from developing new water resources from the north of Victoria's Great Divide. Neither the water resource needs of Melbourne, the need for irrigation development nor the changing economic structure of the state provides a satisfactory explanation for this decision. Instead, Bolte's policy appears simply to have provided a means of improving the parliamentary position of the Victorian Liberal government. Bolte's principle has never been formally revoked and continues to influence water resource planning in the state. In order to make the most appropriate use of Victoria's limited natural resources, it is imperative that ‘Bolte's divide’ should not continue to influence future resource development and allocation.  相似文献   

西山古城与中原地区早期城市的起源   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市起源是中国古代文明起源研究中的重要课题。随着近年来史前城址考古发掘资料的不断增多,中国早期城市的面貌正逐渐清晰起来。迄今的考古发现与研究已揭示了中原地区早期城市较完整的发展脉络。在中原地区既发现有从龙山时代到战国时期  相似文献   

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