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民国时期的"西洋史学史"课程,是西方史学输入中国的主要途径之一。1924年陈翰笙在北大开设"欧美史学史",盖为这一科目进入大学讲堂之始。其后,随着各校纷纷建制史学系,"西洋史学史"课程明显增多,教员群体略具规模,若刘崇鋐、孔繁霱、黄文山、杨鸿烈、雷海宗、朱谦之、噶邦福、张贵永、常乃惪、皮名举、周谷城、周谦冲、鄢远猷、胡鲁士、史考特等,他们大多游学欧美有年,受过专业的史学训练,归国执教,在传播西方史学前沿知识,推动中国的西方史学史学科发展方面发挥积极作用。  相似文献   

张星先生是我国中西交通史研究的奠基人之一。本文从五个方面论述了张星对中西交通史研究的学术贡献。张星收集整理汉文资料 ,翻译介绍外文文献 ,介绍西方东方学成就 ,开辟新的研究领域等工作 ,极大地推动了我国中西交通史的研究。  相似文献   

2010年12月22—23日,由暨南大学、中国海外交通史研究会、泉州海外交通史博物馆主办,教育部人文社科重点研究基地暨南大学华侨华人研究院承办的“国际视野下的中西交通史研究”学术研讨会暨《朱杰勤文集》首发式在暨南大学召开。今年时值朱杰勤教授逝世20周年。来自日本、澳大利亚、中国台湾、香港和大陆等地的80余名专家学者参加了此次会议。  相似文献   

方豪(1910—1980)是我国现代名史学家、天主教神父。他学问精深、治学严谨,精通拉丁、法,尤矢志专治史学,造诣甚高。在中西交通史、宗教史、宋史和台湾史等学科领域取得了卓成就,作出了开拓性、奠基性贡献。本主要对其在中西交通史领域的学术成就、特点及其在现代史学发展史上的地位进行探讨。  相似文献   

一、教育及研究机构 日本的民族学研究始于19世纪末。20世纪50年代初期,民族学或人类学的课程被正式纳入日本大学的正规教育体制,东京大学、东京都立大学和名古屋的南山大学率先开设了该课程,因而在日本的民族学或人类学界有“三大老铺大学”之称。随后,开设相关课程的学校逐渐增多。  相似文献   

五十年代初期,山东大学历史系有过"八马同槽"的鼎盛时代,张维华便是其中的一位杰出代表,他执教于山东大学的时代,不仅为该校在史学界赢得了重要位置,而且也为山东大学在古史研究和中西交通史研究方向奠定了坚实基础,其研究领域广阔,取得了丰硕成果,在国内外学术界产生了重大影响。  相似文献   

被列为2020年全国十大考古新发现的青海都兰热水墓群2018血渭一号墓中出土了"外甥阿柴王之印(A—Za)",无可辩驳地证明了该墓葬是草原王国吐谷浑的王陵。墓葬内的印玺是最有说服力的墓志铭,从而结束了十几年来学术界关于该墓葬主为吐蕃人还是吐谷浑人之争。这一考古新成果为地方史、民族史、边疆史、中西交通史的研究提供了重要的依据,为史学研究开辟了新的空间和领域。  相似文献   

正中山大学历史地理学科的发展有着较为悠长的传统。早在1920年代,现代历史地理学的开创者顾颉刚先生就曾在中山大学任教,并讲授"古代地理研究"等课程。此后,随着禹贡学会的成立,顾先生所倡导的历史地理研究取向得到越来越多的关注和实践。在中山大学历史学系的学科发展历程中,作为历史地理学研究分支的中西交通史及边疆史地一直是重点研究领域之一,如岑仲勉先生对历代黄河变迁和西域史地的研究,陈寅恪先生对中  相似文献   

白寿彝先生对中国史学史研究的杰出贡献安作璋,耿天勤白寿先生是我国当代享有盛名的学者、历史学家,在他60多年的学术生涯中,在多种学科领域辛勤耕耘,于中国交通史、中西交通史、中国伊斯兰教史、回族史、中国民族关系史、中国通史、史学理论、中国历史文献学、中国...  相似文献   

敦煌是丝路重镇,不同文明在这里交融交汇,敦煌资料的研究,一直以来是中西交通史和丝绸之路研究精彩的篇章。作为华戎所交一都会的敦煌,中古时期延续不断的石窟营建中,来自中亚的粟特胡人及其美术的影响也不曾间断,此现象也是自敦煌学发凡以来,敦煌学、艺术史、图像学、中西交通史研究过程中的重要课题。因此,作为学术总结,梳理敦煌石窟粟特美术的研究,或可为理解敦煌图像的意义,今天的丝路研究等问题有所启示。  相似文献   

兰普雷希特文明史学,于清末民初开始传入中国,是近代中国新史学引介的西方史学流派之一。1908年蔡元培留学德国莱比锡大学,听过兰普雷希特主讲的多门文明史课程;20年代北京大学、南京高师等校师生对它多有介绍;30、40年代国内学界有更多的介绍及理性评价。透过兰普雷希特文明史学在中国早期传播的过程,可以了解近代中国新史学与西方史学发展之间关系的一个重要侧面。  相似文献   

2007年国务院决定在教育部直属师范大学实行师范生免费教育,学科教学论的地位得到重视,学校对这类课程的要求也进一步提高。以往部属师范大学历史教学论类课程单一,内容庞杂,理论与实践分离,教学效果不理想。《历史教学论》作为一门学科,应该根据授课对象、培养目标、教学内容分解为多门课程,每一门课程集中力量完成师范生培养的某一个方面的任务,以提高教学质量。  相似文献   

Sociology textbooks play a central role in educational process of teaching Sociology. This is very obvious in an introduction course. Introduction courses tend to be very large. In major universities, sociology courses attract as many as 500 to 1000 students. The enrollees tend to be drawn from various disciplines ranging from hard core sciences to social sciences. Furthermore, many of the instructors who teach introduction to sociology tend be new, of junior ranks, and lack experience. Thus, instructors who teach introduction to sociology tend to rely heavily upon the textbook to organize their lectures and presentations in order to give an organized overview of the subject matter and present a clear picture of the essentials of the field. Diversity1 and globalization2 are two important variables that have gained popularity and importance among sociologists, and many social scientists, in recent years. Sociologists use these tools to present and analyze sociological data and information. Thus, these two variables have significantly changed both the coverage and the presentation of introductory sociology textbooks in the last decade or so. Diversity and globalization have increased the coverage of foreign cultures and societies. The purpose of this paper is to study the coverage of Islam and the Arabs in introductory sociology textbooks. The study will cover 20 textbooks published in the 1995–2000 by major publishing companies in the U.S. which are used at colleges and universities throughout the country. The choice of textbooks at the college level in a given course relies, in most cases, on the instructor who teaches the course. Therefore a given textbook may be used in different parts of the country. Content analysis techniques will be used to analyze and evaluate the coverage of both Islam and the Arabs. The introductory Sociology texts will be evaluated in terms of whether they give a balanced, measured, impartial, and an objective picture of the Arabs and Muslims.  相似文献   

斯大林和共产国际鉴于中共中央屡屡出现的"路线错误",以留苏学生担纲改组了中共最高领导层。以博古为首的临时中央,是"国际路线"不折不扣的执行者。第五次反"围剿"的失败,使"国际路线"的正确性受到怀疑,"国际派"内部也顿生罅隙。毛泽东在长征途中争取了"国际派"成员张闻天、王稼祥的支持,在政治局中结成"小三人团"。红军湘江惨败后,中央最高"三人团"的威信直落谷底,出现严重的信任危机。在红军存亡之际,毛泽东提出新的进军路线,得到多数人的赞同。周恩来继张、王之后,转向毛泽东一边,瓦解了最高"三人团"的最后抵抗。由此,中央的实际权力开始转到了"小三人团"的手里,为遵义会议的召开和改组中央领导机构,做好了组织上的铺垫。  相似文献   

论“中国近代史”学科的形成   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国的中国近代史学科形成于 2 0世纪 3 0年代。从学术史的角度看 ,中国近代史学科的形成主要是由于 :(一 )新材料的发现 ,包括清内阁大库明清档案的发现及海外中国近代史资料的搜求 ,特别是清内阁大库明清档案的发现 ,直接改变了学者关于近代史的观念 ,导致了中国近代史研究的兴起 ;(二 )史学新思想、新方法的输入 ,可以说 ,中国近代史学科的形成 ,就是新史料运用新史学的实践的结果 ,具体表现在三个方面 :一是进步史观的输入导致了中国近代史“近代化叙事模式”的确立 ;二是重视史法的倾向导致了中国近代史编撰模式的转变 ;三是普遍史的倾向导致了中国近代史内容的更新  相似文献   

晚清时期,受聘来华洋员对中国的早期现代化事业起了重要的推动作用。他们积极地为洋务大员创办新式事业出谋划策,并亲自参与新式事业基础设施建设;努力促进新式事业的发展壮大,推动技术进步;充当新式事业的教练、工师、监工、匠目以及学堂教习、留学生监督等,培养了为数不少的掌握了科学技术知识的人才。当然,其中也有不能尽力、不遵约束。  相似文献   

对在华苏联专家问题的历史考察:基本状况及政策变化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
向国外派遣大量专家和顾问 ,是冷战时代社会主义国家之间关系的一种特别现象。本文以大量中国地方档案和俄国解密档案及当事人回忆为依据 ,讨论了 2 0世纪 5 0年代在华苏联专家的基本状况。作者认为 ,1 0年之间约 2万名苏联专家来华 ,完全是中国巩固政权和发展经济的要求 ;中苏双方对短时间内大量专家来华都缺乏必要的准备和严格的管理 ;1 95 4— 1 95 6年是专家来华的高潮 ,受波兰事件影响 ,从 1 95 7年双方加强对专家来华的控制 ;1 95 7— 1 96 0年中国实行少而精的原则 ,特别要求增加国防新技术专家 ,但中苏关系恶化导致专家工作停顿。苏联派往中国的专家人数最多 ,时间最长 ,加强这一课题的研究 ,对探讨社会主义国家关系特点 ,分析中苏同盟破裂的原因 ,以及思考中国走向现代化的发展道路具有特别意义。  相似文献   

Foreign-born instructors are an integral part of the US education system. While universities see them as contributing to internationalization, many students, parents and legislators are concerned about their impact on students' educational achievement. Supported by data collected from students and professors, the author identifies the main problems students experience with foreign-born instructors, as well as the main challenges foreign-born instructors face in adjusting to the US education system. Recommendations are developed aimed at improving classroom interactions between American students and foreign-born instructors and it is shown how the instructor's ‘foreignness’ can be an important teaching resource, particularly in disciplines such as geography.  相似文献   

Editor's Note The following article was written by Chun-fen Lee, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Geography in the East China Normal University, Shanghai, during his tenure as a Fulbright scholar in the United States in 1980. Minor editing was done by Marie Sanderson, University of Windsor. Professor Lee has a special tie with Canada. He was a student of Griffith Taylor's, with whom he is shown in Figure 1, and in 1943 received the first PhD in geography awarded by the University of Toronto. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, geographical education in universities and colleges has made a great deal of progress: in the establishment of specialized geography departments, in the training of teachers and geographical workers (some 40,000 in all), and in the publication of geographical textbooks. These were the main accomplishments of Chinese geographers during this period 1949–81, but we also experienced setbacks and traversed a tortuous road. Long before liberation in 1949, the first department of geoscience in China was founded in 1919 in the Higher Normal College of Nanking (now the University of Nanking) with Dr Co-ching Chu, a climatologist from Harvard, president of the Geographical Society of China and vice-president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, as the head. There were then three sections in the department, of which geography was one. In the 1920s and 1930s several more geography departments were established. Until liberation, however, the departments were few and small, generally with a full-time faculty of fewer than 10 and an enrollment of some 20–50 students. Most of the graduates became teachers in the middle (or secondary) schools. After liberation, China entered a new stage of development in socialist revolution and socialist construction. By 1952 economic restoration was nearing completion and the first five-year plan was about to begin. In order to adapt to the needs of national construction, higher educational institutions underwent a nation-wide adjustment. Geography departments were classified into two categories: those in the comprehensive universities which concentrate on the training of specialized workers, and those in the normal colleges and normal universities, where teachers for the middle schools are trained. Only the geography departments of the two major normal universities (Peking Normal and East China Normal) do not fit this pattern. They might be regarded as an intermediate type of institution in which the functions of the comprehensive university and the normal college are combined. There are now about 35 departments of geography in China, most of them of a size that would have been undreamed of in the pre-liberation period. In each department there are about 100 to 300 geography majors and a faculty of 30 to 100, though most of the faculty members are assistants and instructors; there are rarely more than 20 professors and associate professors in a department. A number of the better equipped and stronger departments are now offering graduate programmes as well. Generally, it takes two to three years for the master's degree; the first one and a half to two years for course studies, including a foreign language, and the third for thesis work. Upon graduation, the more promising students are selected to proceed into doctoral programmes.  相似文献   

Two recent books on the history of geographical ideas, by A. G. Isachenko of Leningrad University, and by Preston James of Syracuse University, are reviewed in the general context of the need for a textbook for courses now being taught at Soviet universities. The Isachenko book is criticized on the ground that it reduces the history of geographical ideas to a history of physical geography, ignoring the impact of human activity. James, who deals with the history of geographical ideas as a whole, is praised for having included a chapter on the new geography in the Soviet Union and on the innovative aspects of theoretical geography, such as systems theory, spatial systems, diffusion on studies, etc. In the reviewer's opinion, the two books need to be examined critically in connection with preparation of a text for a Soviet university course on the history and methodology of geography.  相似文献   

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