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This paper reviews the history of the digital age of communications that began with the invention of the stored program computer in 1948 and is today realised by the World Wide Web, super fast broadband and the smart phone. Taking a predominantly UK focus, the paper examines the key technological advances that were made, where they occurred and what archaeological evidence remains of their existence. The paper begins by examining how digital technology was applied to the telephone network, how that network then provided the means by which early computers could be connected together, and from there to subsequently offer access to information services. Packet switching, the home computer, modems, optical fibre and the Internet are reviewed in terms of their importance in the creation of and growth in the World Wide Web. Finally, the application of digital technology to the mobile phone is discussed in terms of the development of mobile networks and the evolution of the handset into today’s smart phones. The paper concludes by recognising that much of the archaeological evidence of communication’s digital age has already been lost and that urgent action is needed to put in place appropriate preservation strategies.  相似文献   


This article is intended primarily for archaeologists who may know little about computers, but suspect that the computer might be useful to them in their research. The emphasis is on the application of the computer to ceramics at the site of Aphrodisias, Turkey, where this system of field recording has evolved. The excavations at Aphrodisias have unearthed a relatively continuous stratigraphic sample of pottery from the Chalcolithic through to the Roman and Byzantine periods. This rich and varied corpus of material culture is now being analyzed with the aid of the computer. This article familiarizes the reader with the problems, methodology, and computer mechanics used to retrieve these data and shows how such a system can be used when a direct tie-up with a computer is impossible.  相似文献   


A repository of archaeometric research collections and records has been established at the Conservation Analytical Laboratory of the Smithsonian Institution. It will not only preserve analyzed artifactual and raw material that has been bequeathed to the Smithsonian Institution, but also maintain computer files of current and past analytical work in a form accessible to archaeologists and archaeometrists. This is a report on the origin and scope of this new enterprise, and a call to the archaeometric community to contribute information and materials to SARCAR.  相似文献   

Publications of computer applications in archaeology are reviewed for the period between 1990 and 1996 inclusive. The influence of technological developments on research effort is noted, and particular areas of growth are described. One of the major trends during the review period has been the increase in use of geographical information systems (GIS), but these have still to fulfill their potential. The increased uses of computers for education, communication, and electronic publication are also regarded as important growth areas.  相似文献   


The use of the computer and its capabilities in the social sciences – psychology, sociology, economics, political science and history – are here discussed. It is suggested that the computer is essential to research in these disciplines and examples are given where certain research projects could not be undertaken without the capabilities of the computer. Three uses which are common to all the social science are described. First, there is a discussion of several computer-based statistical packages which have been specifically developed for the social sciences. Next, there is a presentation of the development of models and particularly casual modeling. Finally, computer-based bibliographic methods and capabilitie are described. More specific applications are: on-line control psychological experiments stimulus presentation, data acquisition, the simulation of psychological functions and the computer a a surrogate clinician; also the application of information-processing model in cognitive psychology. In sociology, the computer is used in social science surveys and particularly in the recent development of computer-based telephone survey techniques. In economics, there is a discussion of econometric modeling and particularly of Project LINK, a worldwide economic model. Finally, a number of examples are given of the use of computers in political science and historical research. It is concluded that the computer is a basic tool in social science research.  相似文献   


The number of problem which can be solved by the method of classical mathematics is limited, especially those which have application to practical problems. Numerical analysis offers a way out, but demand the co-operation of scientist, applied mathematician, and expertise in computer software and numerical methods. The following article discusses examples amenable to numerical analysis and describes the Oxford University-Industry Study Group which has successfully contributed to the solution of applied problems. It also argues for the establishment of computer program libraries which have recently become a valuable adjunct to problem solving.  相似文献   


The Strategic Defense Initiative, SDI, commonly called Star Wars, is here critically analysed. The almost inconceivable destruction caused by nuclear war and the following nuclear winter are described, along with the various difficulties of intercepting Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles, ICBMS, are discussed in technical detail. Reference is made to battle stations in space, the use of lasers from space and from Earth, pop-up defence; and the major issues of deterrence, computer power and the alternative delivery of nuclear weapons are emphasised. The alternative to Space War, Space Peace, can only come through trust and truth, and it is concluded that the noncommitted nations should combine to form an International Monitoring Satellite Agency to launch 'PEACESATS'. The information from these satellites, available to all nations, would bring about an Age of Transparency and an end to nuclear war.  相似文献   


Flatland is over one hundred years old, and it has never been more popular than it is now, with five new English editions in the past six years, and translations into eight foreign languages. Much of its social satire is still pertinent today, and it is only now with the advent of modern computer graphics that we can begin to appreciate the challenge of seeing phenomena from higher dimensions which so baffled the two-dimensional protagonist of Edwin Abbott Abbott's little masterpiece. In this review we begin to answer the questions 'who was the author of this book, and how did he come to write it?'  相似文献   


This research report aims to give detailed information on the pottery from the 1999 and 2013-16 excavation campaigns taking place at the Tell Sufan site in Nablus, Palestine. These were conducted by the Department of Antiquities at An-Najah National University (ANU) in Nablus. It is of note that this ancient pottery has never previously been the subject of research nor has any literature been published on it. Our methodology consists in: analysing the pottery by identifying it, typifying it, and giving it a function; providing chronological information on the site; comparison of the pottery with that from other sites in Palestine, using archaeological information from the site; and contextualising our findings with other historical and archaeological studies. Examination of the functional use of the pottery allows us to demonstrate human activity at the Tell Sufan site, giving information on the most prosperous phases of occupation in regard to economic aspects, through the late Bronze Age, Iron Age and Byzantine-Early Islamic periods.  相似文献   


Since 1859 influential attempts have been made to fit the peculiarities of the human species into a 'Darwinian' frame. The most prominent have portrayed a human nature fixed by naturally selected genes. A more recent, alternative system is based on units called 'memes', analogous to genes. Memes include concepts and practices and are described as moving directly from mind to mind, as a result of imitation. They are also said to be selfish, to reproduce themselves, and to be subject to a process similar to natural selection. In its most extreme form, memetics reduces a human being to a 'memeplex' evolved for the benefit of memes. Ideas and skills do not, however, evolve merely by competition or by a form of natural selection. Imitation does not provide an account of how we learn from each other, and still less of social change, for this often arises from dissent and originality. Memetics also ignores the complexities of language, and it conspicuously disregards the elaborate exchanges during the crucial activity of teaching. Nonetheless, memetics has made an advance by turning away from the current obsession with genes, and by provoking interdisciplinary debates about humanity as a 'political animal'. If memetics can allow that human beings are argumentative and sometimes rational, it is possible to suggest ways in which it can generate fruitful studies.  相似文献   


Dr George L. Mallen writes about his introduction to computer simulation in the early 1960s and his work with Gordon Pask, founder and director of System Research Ltd, a convergence point of cognitive science, computer technology and art. In 1969 Mallen co-founded the Computer Arts Society and helped to organize Event One at the Royal College of Art which brought computers into the art school. In 1969 he formed System Simulation Ltd and in 1970 developed ECOGAME, a system dynamics model of a hypothetical national economy, implemented at the First European Management Forum, the predecessor of the World Management Forum. Some of the ECOGAME technology was also used by Stafford Beer for the government economic decision room he designed and implemented for the Allende government in Chile in 1972–1973.  相似文献   


Structures, contrary to general experience and expectation, do move. It is therefore the responsibility of the structural engineer, bearing in mind economy and materials, to decide how far he can go in his designs to control structural performance and to avoid failure. Here the basic principles are reviewed: calculating the strength of structures with computers, the complications when movement becomes significant, the structural properties which can cause trouble, when deflections can help and finally if it is possible to achieve a perfect structure.  相似文献   


The debate on constitutional recognition of Indigenous Peoples in Australia has highlighted the desire for meaningful responses to Indigenous Peoples’ claims to sovereignty and self-determination. One potential response is to apply federal principles and establish a new state, or states, for Indigenous Peoples in Australia. This proposal has been most prominently put by Tasmanian Aboriginal leader Michael Mansell. Others have followed. However, (at least) one fundamental problem with this federal idea has not been properly addressed, namely the dispersal and limited geographical concentration of Indigenous people in Australia. This paper asks whether and how federalism can be used to institutionalise the shared and self-rule of widely dispersed minorities, or more specifically, Indigenous Peoples in the settler-majority country of Australia. It demonstrates that a non-territorial approach can be applied to federalism in Australia, and that it may form one possible response to the Uluru Statement from the Heart.  相似文献   


The term Lappish Iron Age has been established in Scandinavian archaeology but the ethnic affiliation of the body of archaeological material labelled so has never been discussed in detail. In this article two questions arc discussed: Is it possible from archaeological material to verify a hypothesis about a specific ethnic affiliation? And is it appropriate to refer to this archaeological material as iron age finds? A general discussion about problems involved in identifying ethnic groups is given, after a brief presentation of the empirical material. Attention is drawn to Barth's analysis, where he shows that the cultural content seems to be of two orders: (i) overt signs and signals, and (ii) basic value orientations. The discussion is carried out in accordance with these two orders. It is argued that this analysis cannot provide us with information about a specific ethnic affiliation; although it cannot tell us which group, it can verify that the material in question does represent one specific ethnic group. If we want to identify one specific ethnic group we have to use other sources besides the archaeological record. The use of sources like written documents, linguistics, place names and physical anthropology is discussed. The conclusion is drawn that by the use of various sources we can trace the identity of one specific ethnic group.  相似文献   


Archaeological sites are essentially submitted to decay phenomena inherent on their history as well as the environment to which they are exposed after excavation. The history of such archaeological sites is particularly related to their long-term underground conservation conditions during which they were subject to salt migration into the architectural remains.

It is well known that soluble salts present in building materials can cause damage, mainly by producing stresses in the substrate. A lot of research has been done in the past concerning the behaviour of salts in built constructions. However, most studies include single salts, of which the deliquescence points are well documented, while in situ one mostly finds complex salt mixtures, which makes the conservation strategy much more intricate.

The environmental conditions to minimize damage of salt-laden porous building materials can be modelled using a computer program ECOS capable of predicting the crystallization behaviour of salt mixtures. To use the model data of quantitative salt analyses are required as input. The program is then able to predict from a thermodynamic point of view which minerals will exist in the solid state under specified climatic conditions.

This paper deals with the results of a systematic investigation of the salt contamination of the building materials of the Coudenberg site and a prediction of the behaviour of the salt mixture related to the actual climate, as part of the environmental assessment.  相似文献   


This paper argues that the threefold division of human cultures, common in anthropology, into primitive, oriental, and western, is at its core the same as the distinction made in computer science between imperative, declarative, and dynamic programming methods. Underlying both triplets is an abstract scheme, traceable through history, by which humans perceive the consistency of information. To describe this scheme three terms are introduced. In ‘instructionism’ all entities of information are independent and no formal structure limits their meaning. In ‘inventionism’ all entities of information are forced into a single, permanent structure. ‘Adaptivism’, too, demands structure, but this structure is dynamic and may be revised if deemed necessary. The threefold scheme gives a comprehensive view of how humans deal with information and also contributes to an understanding of several philosophical issues in (computer) science.  相似文献   


Death is the one heritage that everyone shares and it has been an element of tourism longer than any other form of heritage. This paper looks at the historical development of Thanatoptic elements in travel and shows how the Dark Tourism to which this issue is devoted can be located within a historical tradition which sheds light on how it should be defined, typified and viewed today  相似文献   


This article discusses the continued use of the early medieval horizontal waterwheel form, well into the post-medieval period in the Atlantic Provinces of the British Isles. It argues that archaeological and documentary evidence demonstrates that the horizontal mills of western Ireland represent the continued use of this technology from the early medieval period in to modern times. Similarly, it argues that the traditional horizontal mills of Scotland and its western islands can, on linguistic grounds, be linked into the same enduring tradition. The continued use of this technology in these societies appears to be as much a product of social context and choice, as it was a technological 'survival' in a 'marginalised' area.  相似文献   


Uncritical use of flawed literature has allowed a number of misunderstandings to affect gunflint terminology and typology, thereby preventing the establishment of a reliable chronology. With reference to the most recent research into the subject, this article discusses gunflint terminology and, on this basis, a gunflint typo-chronology is suggested. As most British gunflint assemblages known from the archaeological literature tend to be late, and most terminological/typological problems in general appear to relate to 16th/17th-century gunflints, the recently discovered early gunflint assemblage from Dun Eistean, Lewis, Western Isles, has been given special attention.  相似文献   

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