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This paper explores the transforming antebellum (ca. 1834–60) landscape, political economy, and progressive ideologies that existed at the Shepard farmstead site (20CA104) in Battle Creek, Michigan. Through this study of agrarian capitalist transformations, a picture emerges of complex dialectic interdependencies between gender, class, progressive philosophies, and the nucleated and alienating farmscape. To explore these issues, a model of agrarian transitions is developed and compared and contrasted with primary documentary, landscape, and archaeological data. This approach allows for an analysis and interpretation of transitional dynamics that have been ignored by scholars of the historical American countryside.  相似文献   

Many Neolithic and Bronze Age cultural layers and pile fields embedded in sediments at the shorelines of pre-alpine lakes in France, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, and Italy (in part UNESCO World Heritage Sites), are threatened by littoral erosion which is partly caused by human agency. Based on measurements of the wave field at four prehistoric sites on Lake Constance (Germany, Switzerland) we discuss the role of passenger ship navigation. We also review the stability and ecological compatibility of archaeological preservation control fills on the littoral platform of Lake Constance, and we make some recommendations for future preservation measures.  相似文献   


Methodologies are proposed for assessing the state of preservation of pollen and plant macrofossil remains based on the investigation of known prehistoric waterlogged sites in the Somerset Levels, under threat from peat extraction and peat wastage. For each sample assessed, a fixed number of pollen grains and macrofossil seeds was classified according to deterioration type and scored for intensity of deterioration. The principal deterioration types recognised for pollen were biochemical (corrosion and degradation) and mechanical (breakage and crumpling). For seeds two main categories of deterioration were adopted, fragmentation and erosion/corrosion of the seed testa. The calculation of preservation indices for pollen and macrofossils allowed comparisons to be made within and between sites. A range of factors which may have influenced variations in preservation are briefly discussed. These methodologies are potentially valuable where there is a need to assess the survival of the archaeobotanical record, particularly where sites are sensitive to environmental change.  相似文献   

Intentional dental modification, in the form of ablation and filing, is reported for the first time from Cambodia in two late prehistoric sites (Phum Snay and Phum Sophy, c. 2500 to 1500 bp ). Bioarchaeological research is relatively new for this region, and this study significantly adds to our reconstruction of past behaviours in mainland Southeast Asia. The skeletal samples combine both excavated material and large looted collections in the form of ossuaries. People from Phum Sophy and Phum Snay had similar rates of anterior maxillary dental ablation, 60 and 47%, respectively, and 21.4 and 7.7%, respectively, in the mandible. Patterns of ablation most commonly involve the removal of the maxillary lateral incisors. Intentional filing was less common than ablation but affected Phum Snay and Phum Sophy individuals to a similar level (4–7%). Filing was also restricted to the anterior dentition, and a range of patterns were evident, many involving filing of the mesial and distal aspects of the crown of the upper and lower incisors and canines to give a pointed appearance. Patterns of ablation or filing were not strongly associated with a particular sex or age group. However, a limited number of ablation and filing patterns were exclusive to each site. The significance of this practice in relation to rites of passage, status, community and family relationships, and trauma is discussed. It is also shown that the modifications show distinct differences in prevalence and pattern, particularly that of filing, to nearby temporal neighbours in southern Cambodia and northeast Thailand, suggesting a unique cultural behaviour for this region. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Excavations on the multi-period settlement at Old Scatness, Shetland have uncovered a number of Iron Age structures with compacted, floor-like layers. Thin section analysis was undertaken in order to investigate and compare the characteristics of these layers. The investigation also draws on earlier analyses of the Iron Age agricultural soil around the settlement and the midden deposits that accumulated within the settlement, to create a 'joined-up' analysis which considers the way material from the settlement was used and then recycled as fertiliser for the fields. Peat was collected from the nearby uplands and was used for fuel and possibly also for flooring. It is suggested that organic-rich floors from the structures were periodically removed and the material was spread onto the fields as fertilisers. More organic-rich material may have been used selectively for fertiliser, while the less organic peat ash was allowed to accumulate in middens. Several of the structures may have functioned as byres, which suggests a prehistoric plaggen system.  相似文献   

Soluble salts are indigenous to the marine sediments of the Esna Formation and Thebes Formation in central Egypt. Natural weathering processes and human impact cause salt efflorescence in tombs and on walls of ancient Egyptian monuments in the Theban Necropolis, resulting in the disintegration of wall paintings and carved hieroglyphs. Determination and quantification of soluble salts and measurements of the porosity were done on tomb marls in order to understand the origin and damage potential of the salts in the royal tombs of the Valley of the Kings. The study shows that sodium chloride (NaCl) is the predominant salt species. Sulphates, anhydrite (CaSO4) and gypsum (CaSO4 . 2 H2O) also occur in the limestone deposits of the Thebes Formation and the underlying shale deposits of the Esna Formation. Member I of the Thebes Formation, into which most of the ancient tombs were hewn, shows the highest amount of soluble salts (up to 6·2 wt-% dry). In addition, the porosity and permeability of the marls in Member I are high, enhancing water molecules and brine migration. Wetting and drying of the tomb surfaces in the past has affected solution, transportation and recrystallization of water soluble minerals, and has led to major destruction of wall paintings and ornamentations. This study shows that large amounts of salt minerals still remain in the wall rocks. Future humidity changes due to flash floods and tourists may favour salt crystallization in the ancient Egyptian monuments. The authors urge the authorities to undertake steps to prevent further destruction to save the magnificent cultural heritage found in the Thebes area.  相似文献   

新疆史前时期考古学的研究,已经取得一批丰富的考古材料和科研成果。本文尝试概括1949年以来新疆史前时期考古学研究,进行一个研究历程的文献综述。就新疆史前时期的考古学研究文献进行梳理,具体考察新疆史前时期的考古学研究成果。试图了解当前新疆史前时期考古学研究的现状、特点,对未来的研究工作提出建议和展望。  相似文献   

中国史前方形城址的出现,最早发生在龙山时代的中原地区。优越的地理环境,版筑技术的成熟,审美观、世界观中独特的价值取向以及聚落发展中重视事先规划与总体布局的文化传统,为方形城址的产生准备了必要的先决条件。龙山时代中原地区社会发展中礼制建设的需要,是方形城址出现的根本原因。  相似文献   

治水是史前人类主要的社会活动,考古发现中的环壕、城址、堌堆、水井、水池、水渠等遗迹是人类治水的实物遗存,人类的治水活动始于公元前9000年~公元前7000年的新石器时代中期,治水的主要方法是疏堵结合--修筑城池,城是人类治水的产物,在治水的实践中,人们发明了凿井、蓄水、排灌等技术.  相似文献   


This paper reviews the interdisciplinary projects carried out during the last 25 years in eastern Liguria (NW Italy). These have brought together archaeologists, geographers, palaeobotanists and historians in a series of research exercises based upon many different types of evidence: archaeological excavation and survey, ecological analysis of existing landscapes, geoarchaeological, anthracological and palynological analyses. Taken together, the results of this research provide a rich source of material for developing an understanding of how humans in eastern Liguria have interacted with the landscape through time. The influence of human activity on the vegetation of Liguria, in the Late Neolithic, Copper Age (Chalcolithic) and Bronze Age, is part of a complex system of agricultural activity mainly involving transhumant pastoralism. Several peat sites and buried soils have supplied the palaeoecological data that indicate the considerable effect of this economic activity on the landscape: a reduction in fir woodland, a decrease in arboreal species and an increase in the diversity of light demanding herbaceous and fern taxa. The environmental and economic changes during the 4th and 3rd millennia BC in eastern Liguria are also testified to by the starting of quarrying and mining activities to obtain both red jasper and copper.  相似文献   

The First Mallorcans: Prehistoric Colonization in the Western Mediterranean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper aims to elucidate the first human colonization of the western Mediterranean island of Mallorca by answering such questions as: What was the cultural identity of the first archaeologically identifiable human settlers? What was the chronology of colonization? Where did the colonizers originate? And what were their contacts during the initial phase of settlement? It is based on recently acquired chronological data and on a review of the classical sources. A precise chronology for the first colonization event is proposed, supporting the idea that human settlement on Mallorca started within the period 2350–2150 cal BC. The coast of Languedoc, between the rivers Vidourle and Rhône, is the most probable source region. Whether the first settlers were derived from an Early Bronze Age or a Late Copper Age mainland culture remains unresolved. A rapid initial population growth following initial colonization is proposed. The available evidence points to the development of an essentially isolated population on Mallorca, developing an autochthonous culture with only limited contacts to mainland regions.  相似文献   

在我国史前时期曾存在着捐弃房屋的风俗.捐弃房屋的方式有烧毁、捣毁、废弃等几种方式.这种风俗存在的原因,主要应是与死者有关,是与安葬死者相关的一种仪式.它反映了远古先民的灵魂观念、禁忌习俗、尊卑观念和财产意识.  相似文献   

已有考古工作表明,河南新郑地区的农业至迟发端于裴李岗时代,粟、黍、稻等粮食作物,猪、狗等家养动物在先民生业系统中扮演着一定角色;仰韶时代,具有农用功能的工具表现出进步态势,农业有所发展,可能已成为聚落先民生业的主体;龙山时代,农业进一步发展,聚落层级化趋势更加明朗;二里头时代,作物种类有粟、黍、稻及可能性的小麦,家养动物包括猪、狗、牛、羊等,具有农用功能的工具更加齐备。史前先民通过发展农业,经受住了气候事件的考验,区域性政治实体——城市聚落得以建立起来。  相似文献   

1990年迁西县史前遗址调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李珺  翟良富 《文物春秋》2004,(4):17-20,50
1990年,河北省考古人员对唐山市迁西县进行了考古调查,发现了东寨、洒河桥、南岭等几处重要的史前遗址。通过对遗址遗物的分析、研究,并结合以往该地区的考古发掘,大致列出了该区域史前文化的序列。  相似文献   

本文从战争防御和聚落形态角度讨论防御设施的军事和社会意义。环壕设施在聚落的基本防御单位中是最好的防御体系。另一方面 ,社会集国不断的扩张和防御体系逐渐复杂化 ,方形或长方形城址就是在这种背景下出现的。  相似文献   

甘青地区是史前时期重要的用玉地区之一,其用玉进程表现为从前仰韶时期至马家窑时期,一直处于相对沉寂的状态,而大规模和较成体系用玉文化的兴起应始于齐家文化。齐家文化巫玉色彩浓重,玉器更多被用来祭祀。从用玉进程和用玉动机看,甘青地区用玉文化并非独立起源,而是从东部和中原引进与兴起,同时促进了甘青地区玉矿的开发与利用。  相似文献   

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