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This article discusses some textual questions in Ajax leading to the following conclusions: I. 54 add ?τ?? after λε?α?. – II. 208 the emendation ?ρεμ?α? (“rest”, “quietude”) suggested by Thiersch. – III. 405a–b the proposal κρ?τη / μοι to fill the lacuna. – IV. 476 defence of the line as transmitted. – V. 546 τοσ?νδε to go with ??νον. – VI. 719 ?νδρε?, ??λον τι πρ?τον instead of ?νδρε? ??λοι, τ? πρ?τον. – VII. 869 instead of με write γε. – VIII. 951 ?σ?ν? ?χθο? as a reference to Tecmessa’s heavy burden of woe.  相似文献   


Ask Dr. de Bli by Dr. Harm de Blij, page 3

Refugees in America by TGT, page 4


Guinness and the Irish Pub Company, excerpt: H. J. de Blij, Alexander B. Murphy, Erin M. Fouberg, page 6


All Locations are Relative: This Place is Mine by Michael S. Murphy, page 7

Reading Our World by The Geography-Literacy Task Force, page 10

Population Changes in Cities and Farms by Eui-kyung Shin, Jason Gold, page 12


Defining a Highly Qualified K-12 Geography Teacher by GENIP, page 16

When the Rivers Run Dry by Jody Smothers Marcello, page 18

The Five Fundamental Themes and the Six Essential Elements by James F. Marran, page 20

A Firm Foundation, a Sturdy Roof by Ed Grode, page 23

Latitude with Attitude by Lydia Lewis, page 27

No Matter Where You Go, There You Are by Ed Grode, page 28

Literature/Geography Quiz by TGT, page 35

Movies as Teaching Tools by Mary Lynn Everhart, page 40

Review: Travels with MusicTM by Steve Ferringer, page 43

Book Reviews: Adventurers and Geo-facts by Jodi Ann Vendor, page 46  相似文献   


Ask Dr. de Bli by Dr. Harm de Blij, page 3


Improving Geographic Understanding with a State Atlas by Jerry T. Mitchell, Monti Caughman, Susan Wise, page 4

Girl Wins Geographic Bee by Scott Norris, NG News, page 9


Playing with the 50 States and the Chemical Elements by Antonio Joaquin Franco Mariscal, Maria Jóse Cano Inglesias, page 10

Why Geography Matters to a Teen by Eric Goldfischer, page 13

Reading Our World by The Geography-Literacy Task Force, page 14

The Uses of Geography by James F. Marran, page 18

World Refugees Interview with Lavinia Limón, page 21

Mapping a Secret by Dawn Bryant, Sue Gerstenberger, Dr. Timothy Lintner, page 28

The World’s Human Population by Chuck Fahrer, page 32

Atlantic Canada in Review by Penny Anderson, page 38

Infidel by book review by Jody Smothers Marcello, page 41

Movies as Teaching Tools by Mary Lynn Everhart, page 43

Book Reviews: Now and Then Lydia Lewis, page 46

International Geographic Bee by NG web site, page 48  相似文献   


This article builds upon the concept of vernacularization as a way to better understand the circulation and implementation of global policy assemblages. The added value of a vernacularization approach is that it combines under one analytical umbrella the separate but interdependent factors which affect policy travel and use including: (a) positionality or the social and spatial status of actors, institutions and localities, (b) processes of communication that go beyond translation to make ideas and practices understandable, resonant, and useful, (c) the resulting vernacularization of aspirations and goals, and (d) the ways in which these factors change over time as policies come to ground, are modified, and circulate once again. Each aspect of vernacularization relies deeply on meaning making and remaking, whether it be the identity of the vernacularizer herself or of the institutions and cities where she is located.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Aldeghi, I., et al., Vécu et devenir des chômeurs de longue durée (La Documentation Française, 1992), 123pp., 100F., ISBN 2 11 002644 8

Baker, K.M., Inventing the French Revolution (Cambridge University Press, 1990), 372pp., £32.50 hbk., £11.95 pbk., ISBN 0 521 34618 5 and 0 521 38578 4

Blancquart, M.‐C., and Cahne, P., Littérature française du XXe (PUF, 1992), 564pp., ISBN 2 130 44810 0

Brunet, P., ed., France et Grande‐Bretagne rurales. Rural France and Great Britain (Centre de Recherches sur l'Evolution de la Vie Rurale, Université de Caen, 1991), 510pp., 180F., ISBN 2 905 46162 4

Caune, J., La Culture en action. De Vilar à Lang: le sens perdu (Presses Universitaires de Grenoble, 1992), 368pp., 130F.

Coleman, J., and Parker, G., French and the Enterprise Path (AFLS‐CILT, 1992), 200pp., £8.95

Collot, S., Les Lieux de désir: topologie amoureuse de Zola (Hachette Université, 1992), 192pp., 150F., ‘Recherches Littéraires’ Collection, ISBN 2 010 18816 0

Coutel, C., ed., La République et l'école; une anthologie (Presses‐Pocket, 1992), 288pp., ISBN 2 266 04474 5

Crosland, M., Science under control: the French Academy of Sciences, 1795–1914 (Cambridge University Press, 1992), 454pp., £60.00, ISBN 0 521 41373 7

David, M., Le Printemps de la Fraternité: genèse et vicissitudes, 1830–1851 (Aubier, 1992), 396pp., 180F., ISBN 2 700 72237 X

Debray, R., Vie et mort de l'image (Gallimard, 1992), 140F., 412pp., ISBN 2 070 72816 1

Drieu la Rochelle, P., Journal 1939–1945 (Gallimard, 1992), 521pp., 140F., ISBN 2 070 72307 0

Durand, J.‐D. et al., Cent ans de catholicisme social à Lyon et en Rhône‐Alpes. Actes du Colloque de Lyon, 18–19 janvier 1991 (Les Editions Ouvrières, 1992), 566pp., 170F., ISBN 2 708 22954 0

Estienne, P., Les régions françaises (Masson, 1991), 2 vols, 264pp., 272pp., 180F., 190F., ISBN 2 225 82509 2, 2 225 82590 4 respectively

Fougeyrollas, P., L'Attraction du futur: un essai sur la signification du présent (Méridiens Klincksieck), 274pp., 140F., ISBN 2 865 63299 7

Gaillac, H., Les Maisons de correction 1830–1945 (Editions Cujas, 1991), 464pp., 120F., ISBN 2 254 92404 X

Genet‐Delacroix, M.‐C., Art et Etat sous la IIIe République. Le Système des Beaux‐Arts 1870 (Publications de la Sorbonne, 1992), lviii+433pp., 190F., ISBN 2 859 44219 7

Hagège, C., Le Souffle de la Langue (Odile Jacob, 1992), 286pp.+9pp. of maps, 130F., ISBN 2 738 10182 8

Hancock, M.D. et al., Politics in Western Europe (Macmillan, 1993), 526pp., £14.99, ISBN 0 000 00000 0

Hardman, J., Louis XVI (Yale University Press, 1993), 264pp., £25.00, ISBN 0 300 05719 9

Hargreaves, A.G., Voices from the North African immigrant community in France. Immigration and identity in Bear fiction (Berg, 1991), 175pp., £29.50, ISBN 0 854 96649 8

Harpaz, E., Benjamin Constant et Madame Récamier (lettres 1807–1830) (Honoré Champion, 1992), 362pp., 140F., ISBN 2 852 03706 8

Hudson, J., and Tosser, N., Business French (Made Simple, 1992), 426pp., £8.95, ISBN 0 730 60299 6

Jones, H.S., The French State in Question. Public Law and Political Argument in the Third Republic (CUP, 1993), 231pp., £30., ISBN 2 521 43149 2

Kolebka, G., Dépressions sur une partie de la France (Seghers, 1991), 164pp., 100F., ISBN 2 232 10341 2

Lagrée, M., and Roche, J., Tombes de mémoire: le dévotion populaire aux victimes de la Révolution dans l'Ouest (Rennes Apogée, 1993), 148pp., 125F., ISBN 2 909 27512 4

Lefebvre, D., Guy Mollet: Le mal aimé (Plon, 1992), 545pp., 149F., ISBN Z 259 02465 3

Lemalet, M., Lettres d'Algérie, 1954–1962: La guerre des appelés, la mémoire d'une génération (Jean‐Claude Lattès, 1992), 360pp., 139F., ISBN 2 709 61145 7

Lyotard, J.‐F., The inhuman (Polity Press, 1991), 216pp., £35, ISBN 0 745 69772 1

Michel, P., and Nivet, J.‐F., Octave Mirbeau; l'imprécateur au c?ur fidèle (Librarie Séguier, 1990), 1019pp., ISBN 2 877 36162 4

Ministère du Travail, de l'Emploi et de la Formation Professionnelle, Le Tourisme Social et Familial (La Documentation Française, 1992), 333pp., 180F., ISBN 9 782 11002757 3

Oriol, P., Les immigrés devant les urnes: le droit de vote des étrangers (CIEMI/L'Harmattan, 1992), 223pp., 120F., ISBN 2 738 41246 7

Remond, R., et al., Paul Touvier et l'Eglise. Rapport de la Commission historique instituée par le cardinal Decourtray (Fayard, 1992), 418pp., 130F., ISBN 2 213 02880 X

Richardot, J.‐P., Le peuple protestant français aujourd'hui (Laffont, 1992), 388pp., ISBN 2 221 07364 9

Sainteny, G., Les Verts (PUF, 1991), 127pp., ISBN 2 130 44491 1

Sainte‐Beuve, C.‐A., La Vie des lettres (Hermann, 1992), 4 vols. I: Moyen‐#afAge et Renaissance, 184pp., ISBN 2 705 66176 X; II: Le Siècle de Versailles, 240pp., ISBN 2 705 66177 8; III: Les Lumières et les salons, 192pp., ISBN 2 705 66178 6; IV: Le Siècle du progrès, 212pp., ISBN 2 705 66179 4, 60F. each.

Scientrier, P., Tester et enrichir ses connaissances en littérature (Marabout, 1992), 287pp., ISBN 2 501 01757 9

Scriven, M., and Wagstaff, P., eds., War and society in twentieth‐century France (Berg, 1991), xii+304pp., ISBN 0 854 96292 1

Servent, P., Le Mythe Pétain. Verdun ou les tranchées de la mémoire (Editions Payot, 1992), 283pp., 120F., ISBN 2 228 88500 2

Sowerwine, C., and Magnien, C., Madeleine Pelletier, une féministe dans l'arène politique (Editions Ouvrières, 1992), 250pp., 125F., ISBN 2 708 22960 5

Stanley, J.L., ed., From Georges Sorel, vol. 2: Hermeneutics and the Sciences, translated by John and Charlotte Stanley. (New Brunswick and London, Transaction Books, 1990), 219pp., ISBN 0 887 38304 1  相似文献   

Prince Kaunitz and the Balance of Power; Franz A.J. Szabo

The American Revolution in an International Perspective: Views from Bicentennial Symposia; Lawrence S. Kaplan

The Reign of Sir Edward Grey as British Foreign Secretary F.H. HINSLEY, ed. British Foreign Policy under Sir Edward Grey. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1977. Pp. 702; ZARA S. STEINER. Britain and the Origins of the First World War. New York: St Martins Press 1977. Pp. 305.; Samuel R. Williamson, Jr  相似文献   

ALMÉRAS, P. Un Français nommé Pétain Robert Laffont, 1995 451pp., 75F., ISBN 2 221 07960 4

BADIE, B., and WIHTOL DE WENDEN, C. (Eds) Le Défi migratoire: questions de relations internationales Presses de la Fondation nationale des sciences politiques, 1994 185pp. ISBN 2 7246 0650 7

BOURDAIS, H. La JOC sous l'occupation allemande Les Editions de l'Atelier, 1995 224pp., 130F., ISBN 2708231855

BRELOT, C. I. and MAYAND, J.‐L. (Eds) Voyages en histoire Annales littéraires de l'Université de Besançon, no. 550 Série Historique, no. 9, 1995 215pp.

CAHM, E. The Dreyfus Affair in French Society and Politics Longman, 1996 211pp., £11.99, pbk, ISBN 0 582 279780

CAIRE, G. L'emploi: des repères pour comprendre et agir Liris, 1994 192pp., 89F., ISBN 2 909420 09 4

COQ, G. Laïcité et République. Le Lien Nécessaire Félin, 1995 335pp., 139F., ISBN 2 86645 196

DREYFUS. F.‐G. Histoire de la Résistance Editions de Fallois, 1996 653pp. 150F., ISBN 2 87706 257 0

ELLIS, K. Music Criticism in Nineteenth‐century France Cambridge University Press, 1995 273pp., £35, ISBN 0 521 45443

GILDEA, R. France since 1945 Oxford University Press, 1996 280pp., £17.99, ISBN 0 19 219246 9

GREILSAMER, L., and SCHNEIDERMANN, D. Un certain Monsieur Paul Fayard, 1994 266pp., 110F., ISBN 2 213 59248 9

JULLIARD, J. and WINOCK, M. (Eds) Dictionnaire des intellectuels francais, les personnes, les lieux, les moments Seuil, 1996 1258pp., 295F., ISBN 2 02 018334 X

KRITZMAN, L.D. (Ed.) Auschwitz and After: Race, Culture, and ‘the Jewish Question’ in France Routledge, 1995 335pp., £40 hbk, ISBN 0 415 90440 4; £14.99 pbk, ISBN 0 415 90441 2.

MAGUIRE, G.E. Anglo‐American Policy towards the Free French Macmillan, 1995 210pp., £35, ISBN 0 312 12710 3.

PEDLEY, A. As Mighty as the Sword: a Study of the Writings of Charles de Gaulle Elm Bank Publications, 1996 226pp., £24.99, ISBN 0 9502595 3 5

RAJSFUS, M. La Police de Vichy, les forces de l'ordre français au service de la Gestapo, 1940–1944 Le Cherche‐Midi, 1995 286pp., 115 F., ISBN 2 86274 358 5

RIGAUD, J. L'exception culturelle: culture et pouvoirs sous la Ve République Grasset, 1995 299pp., 120F., ISBN 2 246 5143 1 2

TEYSSIER, A. La Ve République 1958–1995 de de Gaulle à Chirac Pygmalion/Gérard Watelet, 1995 557pp., 150F., ISBN 2 85704 461 5

ULLMANN, B. Jacques Soustelle Plon, 1995 443pp., 159F., ISBN 2 259 02793 8

WRIGHT, G. France in Modern Times W. W. Norton, 1995 490pp., £14.95, ISBN 0 393 96705 0  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Australian politics

Francis G. Castles (ed.), Australia Compared. People, Policies and Politics (Sydney: Allen and Unwin, 1991) pp.290. $22.95 ISBN 0 04 442339 X.

A. Kouzmin and N. Scott (eds), Dynamics in Australian Public Management: Selected Essays (Melbourne: Macmillan, 1990) pp.454. $34.95 ISBN 0 7329 0187 1.

Raymond Markey, The Making of the Labor Party in New South Wales 1880–1900 (Sydney: New South Wales University Press, 1988) pp.320. $24.95 ISBN 0 86840 370 9.

Rosemary Whip and Colin A. Hughes, Political Crossroad: The 1989 Queensland Election (St. Lucia: University of Queensland Press, 1991) pp.270. $29.95 ISBN 0 7022 2362 X.

Glenn Withers (ed.), Commonality and Difference: Australia and the United States (Sydney: Allen & Unwin in association with the Australian/American Educational Foundation, 1991) pp.138. $19.95 ISBN 1 86373 074 5.

Comparative and international politics

Joel D. Aberbach, Keeping A Watchful Eye: The Politics of Congressional Oversight (Washington DC: The Brookings Institution, 1990) pp.288. $US12.95 ISBN 0 81570 059 8.

Zehra F. Arat, Democracy & Human Rights in Developing Countries (Boulder and London: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1991) pp.219 $n.p. ISBN 1 55587 170 4.

Ian Bellany, A Basis for Arms Control (Aldershot: Dartmouth, 1991) pp.155. $n.p. ISBN 1 85521 051 7.

Noam Chomsky, Deterring Democracy (London and New York: Verso, 1991) pp.421. $n.p. ISBN 0 86091 318 X.

Ivo Daalder, The Nature and Practice of Flexible Response: NATO Strategy and Theater Nuclear Forces Since 1967 (New York: Columbia University Press, 1991) pp.411. $US57.00 ISBN 0 231 17520 0.

John Darwin, The End of the British Empire: The Historical Debate (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1991) pp.128. $27.95 ISBN 0 631 16428 6.

Bogdan Denitch, The End Of The Cold War: European Unity, Socialism, and the Shift in Global Power (London: Verso, 1990) pp.123. $24.95 ISBN 0 86091 532 8.

David Donnison, A Radical Agenda: After the New Right and the Old Left (London: Rivers Oram Press, 1991) pp.215. £9.95. ISBN 1 85489 030 1.

Peter Drysdale (ed.), The Soviets and the Pacific Challenge (Sydney: Allen & Unwin, 1991) pp.160. $17.95 ISBN 1 86373 010 9.

Leon Hurwitz and Christian Lequesne (eds), The State of the European Community (Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 1991) pp.475. $49.95. ISBN 1 55587 249 2.

Tetsuya Kataoka, The Price of a Constitution: The Origin of Japan's Postwar Politics, (New York: Taylor & Francis, 1991) pp.237. $n.p. ISBN 0 8448 1714 7.

Daphne A Kenyon and John Kincaid (eds) Competition among States and Local Governments (Washington, DC: The Urban Institute Press, with the Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, 1991) pp.285. $n.p. ISBN 0 87766 517 6.

Jan‐Erik Lane and Svante O. Ersson, Politics and Society in Western Europe, 2nd edn, (London: Sage, 1991) pp.421. £10.95. ISBN 0 8039 8407 3.

Stephanie Lawson, The Failure of Democratic Politics in Fiji (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991) pp.307. $90.00 ISBN 0 19 827322 3.

E.M. McLeay (ed.), The 1990 General Election: Perspectives on Political Change in New Zealand, Occasional Publication No.3 (Wellington: Victoria University of Wellington, 1991) pp.183. $NZ29.95. ISBN 0 475 11202 4. ISSN 1170 7356.

Henry Phelps Brown, Egalitarianism and the Generation of Inequality (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991) pp.552. $n.p. ISBN 0 19828 390 3.

Philip R. Pryde, Environmental Management in the Soviet Union (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991) pp.314. $37.50 ISBN 0 521 40905 5.

Anthony Smith The Age of Behemoths. The Globalization of Mass Media Firms (New York: A Twentieth Century Fund Paper. Priority Press Publications, 1991) pp.80. $n.p. ISBN 0 87078 325 4.

Immanuel Wallerstein, Geopolitics and Geoculture: Essays on the Changing World‐System (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991) pp.242. $35.00 ISBN 0 52140604 8.

Daniel Warner, An Ethic of Responsibility in International Relations (Boulder and London: Lynne Rienner, 1991) pp.151. $US30.00 ISBN 1 55S7 266 2.

Political theory and methodology

Norman Barry, Welfare (Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 1990) pp.144. $24.95 ISBN 0 335 15595 2.

Peter Beilbarz, Labour's Utopias: Bolshevism, Fabianism, Social Democracy (London and New York: Routledge, 1992) pp.168. $49.95 ISBN 0 415 06616 6.

Sebastian de Grazia, Machiavelli in Hell (London: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1989) pp.497. $n.p. ISBN 0 7450 0634 5.

Terry Eagleton, Ideology: An Introduction (London: Verso, 1991) pp.242. $29.95 ISBN 0 86091 538 7.

Ellen Frankel Paul, Fred D. Miller Jr., and Jeffrey Paul (eds), Ethics, Politics, and Human Nature (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1991), pp.191. $39.95 ISBN 0 631 17885 6.

Barry Hindess, Choice, Rationality, and Social Theory (London: Unwin Hyman, 1988) pp.132. $70.00 ISBN 0 04 301306 6.

A. Khoshkish, Power or Authority? The Entelechy of Power (Lanham: University Press of America, 1991) pp.128. $n.p. ISBN 0 8191 8395 4.

Frank Lewins, Social Science Methodology: A Brief but Critical Introduction (South Melbourne: Macmillan, 1992) pp.110. $14.95 ISBN 0 7329 1331 4.

David Miller (ed.), assisted by Janet Coleman, William Connolly and Alan Ryan, The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Political Thought (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1991) pp.570. $39.95 ISBN 0 631 17944 5.

Raymond Plant, Modern Political Thought (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1991) pp.398. $34.95 ISBN 0 631 14224 X.

Alan Udoff, Leo Strauss's Thought: Towards a Critical Engagement (Boulder and London: Lynne Rienner, 1991) pp.327. $n.p. ISBN 1 55587 232 8.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
C. D. Grijns and S. O. Robson (ed.). Cultural contact and textual interpretation: papers from the fourth European Colloquium on Malay and Indonesian Studies, held in Leiden in 1983. vi, 337 pp. Dordrecht: Foris Publications, 1986. (Verhandelingen van net Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal‐, Land‐ en Volkenkunde, 115.) Guilders 35.

Phillip L. Thomas, Like tigers around a piece of meat: the Baba style of dondang sayang. xviii, 83 pp. (Local History and Memoirs.) Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1986.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Australian politics

David Corbett, Australian Public Sector Management (Sydney: Allen and Unwin, 1992) pp.280. $24.95 ISBN 1 86373 312 4.

Chris James, Chris Jones and Andrew Norton (eds.), A Defence of Economic Rationalism (Sydney: Allen & Unwin, 1993) pp.194. $19.95 ISBN 186 3735348.

James Jupp and Marie Kabala (eds), The Politics of Australian Immigration (Carlton, Vic: Bureau of Immigration Research, 1993) pp.302. $n.p. ISBN 9 780644 272933.

H.P. Lee and George Winterton (eds), Australian Constitutional Perspectives (Sydney: The Law Book Company, 1992) pp.347. $55.00 ISBN 0 455 21085 3.

Ian McAllister, Political Behaviour: Citizens, Parties and Elites in Australia (Melbourne: Longman Cheshire, 1993) pp.308. $24.99 ISBN 0 582 86987 0.

Stephen Mills, The Hawke Years: The Story from Inside (Penguin, 1993) pp.330. $19.95 ISBN 0 670 84563 9.

P. Molr and H. Eijkman (eds), Policing Australia: Old Issues; New Perspectives (Melbourne: Macmillan, 1992) pp.391. $34.95 ISBN 0 7329 0390 4.

Jocelyn Pixley, Citizenship and Employment: Investigating Post‐Industrial Options (Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, 1993) pp.339. $29.95 ISBN 0 521 44615 5.

S. Nicholas Samuel and Desh B. Gupta, Issues in Applied Economics: An Australian Text (Melbourne: Macmillan, 1993) pp.247. $26.95 ISBN 0 7329 2019 1.

M. Sawer and M. Simms (eds), A Woman's Place: Women and Politics in Australia, 2nd edition (Sydney: Allen & Unwin, 1993) pp.345. $22.95 ISBN 1 86373 169 5.

Comparative and international politics

Tsuneo Akaha and Frank Langdon (eds), Japan in the Posthegemonic World (Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 1993) pp.295. $US17.95 ISBN 1 55587 385 5.

Michael R. Beschloss and Strobe Talbott, At the Highest Level: The Inside Story of the End of the Cold War (London: Little, Brown, 1993) pp.498. $40.00 ISBN 0 316 90523 2.

John Coates, Suppressing Insurgency: An Analysis of the Malayan Emergency, 1948–54 (Boulder: Westview Press, 1992) pp.223. $US45.00 ISBN 0 8133 1436 4

Rafe de Crespigny, China This Century (Hong Kong, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1992) pp.353. $19.95 ISBN 0 19 585164 1.

Geoffrey K. Fry, Reforming the Civil Service: The Fulton Committee on the British Home Civil Service, 1977–1968 (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1993) pp.296. £45.00 ISBN 0 7486 0412 X.

Leslie Holmes, The End of Communist Power. Anti‐corruption campaigns and legitimation crisis (Cambridge: Polity, 1993) pp.358. $13.95 ISBN 0 7456 0580 X.

Joel Krieger (ed.), The Oxford Companion to Politics of the World (London: Oxford University Press, 1993) pp.1056. $59.95 ISBN 0 19 505934 4.

Brij V. Lal, Broken Waves: A History of the Fiji Islands in the Twentieth Century (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1992) pp.404. $US38.00 ISBN 0 8248 1418 5.

Malcolm McKinnon, Independence and Foreign Policy: New Zealand in the World Since 1935 (Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1993) pp.329. $29.95 ISBN 1 86940 070 4.

Marina Ottaway, South Africa: The Struggle for a New Order (Washington DC: Brookings Institution, 1993).pp.250. $US34.95 ISBN 0 1857 6716 1.

Bob Tucker and Bruce Scott (eds), South Africa: Prospects for a Successful Transition (Kenwyn, South Africa: Juta & Co, 1992). pp.314. $n.p. ISBN 0 7021 2920 8.

Richard B. Spence and Linda L. Nelson (eds), Scholar, Patriot, Mentor: Historical Essays in Honor of Dimitrije Djordjevic (Boulder: East European Monographs, 1992) pp.422. $US51.00 ISBN 0 8803 217 4.

Carol M. Swain, Black Faces, Black Interests: The Representation of African Americans in Congress (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1993) pp.275. $US37.50 ISBN 0 674 07615 X.

Katherine Tate, From Protest to Politics: The New Black Voters in American Elections (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1993) pp.221. $32.50 ISBN 0 674 32538 9.

Howard Williams, Moorhead Wright and Tony Evans, A Reader in International Relations and Political Theory (Buckingham: Open University Press, 1993) pp. 334. $39.95 ISBN 0 335 15667 3.

Political theory and methodology

F.G. Bailey, The Kingdom of Individuals: An Essay on Self‐Respect and Social Obligation (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1993) pp.231. $US15–35 ISBN 0 8014 8078 7.

Alan Carling, Social Division (London: Verso, 1991) pp.442. $45.00 ISBN 0 86091 506 9.

James W. Ceaser, Liberal Democracy and Political Science (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992) pp.242 $29.00 ISBN 0 8018 4511 4.

Eva Etzioni‐Halevy, The Elite Connection: Problems and Potential of Western Democracy (Cambridge: Polity, 1993) pp.239. $39.95 ISBN 0 7456 1068 4.

Shaun Hargeaves Heap, Martin Hollis, Bruce Lyons, Robert Sugden and Albert Weale, The Theory of Choice (Blackwell: Oxford, 1992) pp. 398. $49.00 ISBN 0 63118322 1.

Bonnie Honig, Political Theory and the Displacement of Politics (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1993) pp.269. $US17.95 ISBN 0 8014 8072 8.

Paul Patton (ed.), Nietzsche, Feminism and Political Theory (London: Allen & Unwin, 1993) pp.258. $24.95 ISBN 186373 445 7.  相似文献   

(I) At 5. 3 read considimus instead of consedimus, (II) at 8 certet instead of certat, (III) at 38 pupurea instead of purpureo, (IV) at 66 understand altaria as apposition to duas tibi, Daphni as well, (V) at 7. 5 take pares not as a predicative, but as governing cantare (‘equally competent at singing’) reflecting Theocr. 8. 4. (VI) Arguing against identifying Micon (29–30) with Corydon I take si proprium hoc fuerit (31) as expressing Corydon's own hope as a hunter, (VII) I modify the usual interpretation of Thyrsis' response (33–35), (VIII) find the idea that Thyrsis impersonates Galatea in 41–44 improbable and (IX) at 64 prefer the ancient reading Veneris instead of corylos.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Advielle, V., Histoire de Gracchus Babeuf et du babouvisme (2 vols) (Editions de CTHS, 1990) 322, 264pp., 100F. per volume, ISBN 2 7355 0205 8 and 2 7355 0206 6

Ageron, C.‐R. and Michel, M., eds., L'Afrique noire française: l'heure des Indépendances (CNRS Editions, 1992), 729pp., 360F., ISBN 2 222 04712 9

Aldridge, M. and Hewitt, N., eds., Controlling broadcasting. Access policy and practice in North America and Europe (Manchester University Press, 1994), xvi+264pp., £41

Ben Jelloun, T., L'Homme rompu (Seuil, 1994), 223pp., 95F.

Buller, H. and Hoggart, K., International counterurbanization. British migrants in rural France (Aldershot, Avebury, 1994), 144pp., ISBN 1 85628 508 1

Buton, P., Les Lendemains qui déchantent. Le Parti Communiste Français a la Liberation (Presses de la Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, 1993), 345pp., 180F., ISBN 2 7246 0636 1

Cayrol, R., Le Grand malentendu (Seuil, 1994), 186pp., 110F., ISBN 2 02 021064 9

Chateaubriand, Grands écrits politiques, ed. J.‐P. Clement, Imprimerie Nationale, 1993, 2 vols, 796pp., (170F. each), ISBN 2 081264 8

Coffineau, M., Les lois Auroux, dix ans après (La Documentation Française, 1993), 181pp., 95F., ISBN 2 11 002980 3

Conte, A., L'Epopée coloniale de la France (Pion, 1992), 545pp., 145F., ISBN 2 259 02536 6

Coward, D., ed., Pagnol: La gloire de mon père; Le château de ma mère (Grant and Cutler, 1992), 96pp., £4.50, ISBN 0 7293 0347 0

Deligeorges, S. and Deschamps, J., Lyon (Hazan, 1993), 200pp., 245F., ISBN 2 8025 339 1

Dobson, A., Jean‐Paul Sartre and the Politics of Reason: A Theory of History (CUP, 1993), xii+199pp., £30.00

Fallaize, E., French Women's Writing: Recent Fiction (Macmillan, 1993), 182pp., £35 hbk, ISBN 0 333 49004 5 and £11.99 pbk, ISBN 0 333 49005 3

Gervereau, L. and Prochasson, C., L'Affaire Dreyfus et le tournant du siècle (1894–1910) (BDIC, 1994), 287pp., 600 illustrations, 285F., ISBN 2 901658 26 1

Gratton, J., and Le Juez, B., Modern French short fiction (Manchester University Press, 1994), 204pp., £29.99 hbk, ISBN 0 7190 4210 0 and £7.99 pbk, ISBN 0 7190 4211 9

Groux, G., and Lévy, C., La possession ouvrière: du taudis à la propriété (XIXe‐XXe siècle) (Editions Ouvrières, 1993), 247pp., 140F., ISBN 2 7082 3019 0

Günther, R., Duras: ‘Le Ravissement de Lol V. Stein’ and ‘L'Amant’ (Grant &; Cutler, 1993), 87pp., £4.50, Critical Guides to French Texts, 99, ISBN 84 599 3330 X

Haegel, F., Un Maire à Paris: Mise en seine d'un nouveau rôle politique (Presses de la Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, 1994), 261pp., 200F.

Harvey, R., Search for a Father: Sartre, Paternity and the Question of Ethics (University of Michigan Press, 1991), 217pp., $36.50 hbk

Hirschhorn, M., L'ère des enseignants (PUF, 1993), 301pp., 168F., ISBN 2 13 045336 8

Kettle, M., De Gaulle and Algeria, 1940–1960 (Quartet, 1993), 666pp., £45, ISBN 0 7043 7023 9

Le Pors, A., Pendent la mue, le serpent est aveugle (Albin Michel, 1993), 264pp., 98F., ISBN 2 226 06735 3

Lewis, G., The French Revolution. Rethinking the Debate (Routledge, 1993), 131pp., £5.99

Michel, M., L'aménagement régional en France. Du territoire aux territoires (Masson, 1994), 236pp., 125F., ISBN 2 225 84417 8

Nicault, C., La France et le sionisme 1897–1948 (Calmann‐Lévy, 1992), 319pp., 160F., ISBN 2 7021 1962 X

The Oxford‐Hachette French Dictionary (Oxford University Press, 1994), 2016pp., £19.95, ISBN 0 19 864195 8

Rebérioux, M., and Candar, G., eds., Jaurès et les intellectuels (Editions de l'Atelier/Editions Ouvrières, 1994), 326pp., 150F.

Richardson, M., Georges Bataille (Routledge, 1994), 148pp., £11.99., ISBN 0 415 09842 4. Georges Bataille. The Absence of Myth. Writings on Surrealism, translated and introduced by Michael Richardson (Verso, 1994), 211pp., £18.95, ISBN 0 86091 419 4

Rigoulet, P., Les Enfants de l'épuration (Plon, 1993), 533pp., 145F., ISBN 2 259 02467 X

Schmidt, N., Victor Schoelcher et l'abolition de l'esclavage (Fayard, 1994), 440pp., 150F.

Schneidermann, D., Arrêts sur images (Fayard, 1994), 240pp., 89F.

Stone, A., The Birth of Judicial Politics in France: the Constitutional Council in Comparative Perspective (Oxford University Press, 1992), 312pp., £35, ISBN 0 19 507034 8

Trochet, J.‐R., Aux origines de la France rurale: outils, pays et paysages (CNRS, 1993), 168pp., 220F, ISBN 2 271 05097 9

Varda, A., Varda par Agnès (Cahiers du Cinéma, 1994), 286pp., 250F., ISBN 286642 145 0

Villa, P., Une analyse macro‐économique de la France au XXe siècle (CNRS Editions, 1994), 409pp., 380F.

Windebank, J., The Informal Economy in France (Avebury, 1991), 244pp., £32.50, ISBN 1 85628 191 4  相似文献   


Maisel, L. Sandy, ed. The Parties Respond: Changes in the American Party System Boulder, CO: Westview Press 363 pp., $50.00, ISBN 0–8133–0881-X Publication Date: October 1990

Jelen, Ted G. The Political Mobilization of Religious Beliefs New York: Praeger 208 pp., $39.95, ISBN 0–275–93439-X Publication Date: March 1991

Seiden, Martin H. Access to the American Mind: The Damaging Impact of the New Mass Media New York: Shapolsky 232 pp., $18.95, ISBN 0–944007–71–6 Publication Date: May 1991

DeMott, Benjamin The Imperial Middle: Why American Can't Think Straight about Class New York: William Morrow and Company 264 pp., $18.95, ISBN 1–55710–023–3 Publication Date: October 1990

Alexander, Yonah and Richard Latter, eds. Terrorism and the Media: Dilemmas for Government, Journalists and the Public McLean, VA: Brassey's 147 pp., $19.95, ISBN 0–08–037442–5 Publication Date: December 1990

Manheim, Jarol B. All of the People All of the Time: Strategic Communication and American Politics Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe 255 pp., $25.00, ISBN 0–87332–796–9 Publication Date: March 1991

Johnson, Haynes Sleepwalking through History: America in the Reagan Years New York: W. W. Norton 500 pp., $24.95, ISBN 0–393–02937–9 Publication Date: March 1991

Heale, M. J. American Anticommunism: Combating the Enemy Within, 1830–1970 Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press 235 pp., $10.95, ISBN 0–8018–4051–1 Publication Date: November 1990

Hoeveler, J. David, Jr. Watch on the Right: Conservative Intellectuals in the Reagan Era Madison, WI: The University of Wisconsin Press 333 pp., $24.95, ISBN 0–299–12810–5 Publication Date: April 1991

Heale, M. J. American Anticemmualsm: Combating the Enermy Within, 1930–1970 Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press 235 pp., $10.95, ISBN 08018–4051–1 Publications Date: November 1990

Kellerman, Barbara and Ryan J. Barilleaux The President as World Leader New York: St. Martin's Press 225 pp., ISBN 0–312–03603–5 Publication Date: 1991

Stephenson, D. Grier, Jr., ed.An Essential Safeguard: Essays on the United States Supreme Court and Its Justices Westport, CT: Greenwood Press 192 pp., $42.95, ISBN 0–313–27438-X Publication Date: March 1991

Koocher, Gerald P. and Patricia C. Keith-Spiegel Children, Ethics, and the Law: Professional Issues and Cases Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press 230 pp., $19.95, ISBN 0–8032–4731–1 Publication Date: September 1990

Darling, Arthur B. The Central Intelligence Agency: An Instrument of Government, to 1950 University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press 509 pp., $17.50, ISBN 0–271–00717–6 Publication Date: November 1990

Marston, David W. Malice Aforethought: How Lawyers Use Our Secret Rules to Get Rich, Get Sex, Get Even … and Get Away With It New York: William Morrow and Company 264 pp., $19.95, ISBN 0–688–07705–6 Publication Date: March 1991

Sutter, Robert G. The Cambodian Crisis and U.S. Policy Dilemmas Boulder, CO: Westview Press 135 pp., $22.50, ISBN 0–8133–8047–2 Publication Date: December 1990

Lowenthal, Abraham F., ed. Exporting Democracy: The United States and Latin America Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press 422 pp., $55.00, ISBN 0–8018–4131–3 Publication Date: April 1991

Koster, R. M. and Guillermo Sánchez In the Time of the Tyrants: Panama, 1968–1990 New York: W. W. Norton 448 pp., $22.95, ISBN 0–393–02696–5 Publication Date: October 1990

Morales-Gómez, Daniel A. and Carlos Alberto Torres The State, Corporatists Politics, and Educational Policy Making in Mexico New York: Praeger 197 pp., $39.95, ISBN 0–275–93484–5 Publication Date: 1990

Mitchell, R. Judson Getting to the Top: Cyclical Patterns in the Leadership Succession Process Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution Press 237 pp., $23.95, ISBN 0–8179–8922–6 Publication Date: 1990

Brown, J. F. Surge to Freedom: The End of Communist Rule in Eastern Europe Durham, NC: Duke University Press 338 pp., $19.95, ISBN 0–8223–1145–3 Publication Date: May 1991

Peters, B. Guy European Politics Reconsidered New York: Holmes &; Meier 293 pp., $19.95, ISBN 0–8419–1161–4 Publication Date: February 1991

Freedman, Robert O., ed. The Middle East from the Iran-Contra Affair to the Intifada Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press 441 pp., $18.95, ISBN 0–8156–2502–2 Publication Date: February 1991

Lee, Manwoo The Odyssey of Korean Democracy: Korean Politics, 1987–1990 New York: Praeger 184 pp., $39.95, ISBN 0–275–93660–0 Publication Date: September 1990

Menashri, David, ed. The Iranlan Revolution and the Muslim World Boulder, CO: Westview Press 282 pp., $32.00, ISBN 0–8133–7751-X Publication Date: November 1990

Genther, Phyllis A. A History of Japan's Government-Business Relationship: The Passenger Car Industry Ann Arbor, MI: The University of Michigan 242 pp., $14.95, ISBN 0–939512–40–8 Publication Date: 1990

Liska, George The Ways of Power New York: Basil Blackwell 511 pp., $39.95, ISBN 0–631–17188–6 Publication Date: 1990

Kimmel, Michael S. Revolution: A Sociological Interpretation Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press 252 pp., $44.95 cloth, $15.95 paper ISBN 0–87722–736–3 cloth ISBN 0–87722–741–1 paper Publication Date: December 1990

Freedman, Lawrence, ed. Europe Transformed: Documents on the End of the Cold War New York: St. Martin's Press 512 pp., $45.00, ISBN 0–312–05225–1 Publication Date: October 1990

Kinney, Douglas National Interest/National Honor: The Diplomacy of the Falklands Crisis New York: Praeger 372 pp., $49.95, ISBN 0–275–92425–4 Publication Date: 1989

Lodge, Juliet, ed. The 1989 Election of the European Parliament New York: St. Martin's Press 249 pp., $49.95, ISBN 0–312–04494–1 Publication Date: September 1990

Strom, Kaare Minority Government and Majority Rule New York: Cambridge University Press 293 pp., $39.50, ISBN 0–521–37431–6 Publication Date: July 1990

Scharpe, Fritz W., trans, by Ruth Crowley and Fred Thompson Crisis and Choice in European Social Democracy Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press 303 pp., $49.95 cloth, $17.95 paper ISBN 0–8014–2221–3 paper Publication Date: May 1991

Smart, Paul Mill and Marx: Individual Liberty and the Roads to Freedom New York: St. Martin's Press 202 pp., ISBN 0–7190–3333–0 Publication Date: 1991

Maxwell, Kenneth, ed. Spanish Foreign and Defense Policy Boulder, CO: Westview Press 265 pp., $31.50, ISBN 0–8133–1113–6 Publication Date: May 1991

Derogy, Jacques Resistance &; Revenge: The Armenian Assassination of the Turkish Leaders Responsible for the 1915 Massacres and Deportations New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction 206 pp., ISBN 0–88738–338–6 Publication Date: 1990

Procter, David E. Enacting Political Culture: Rhetorical Transformations of Liberty Weekend 1986 New York: Praeger 144 pp., $37.95, ISBN 0–275–93489–6 Publication Date: October 1990  相似文献   

Alan Harwood. Rx: Spiritist as Needed. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1977. xi + 251 pp. $22.50.  相似文献   

Short notices     
Chagnollaud, D., ed., Etat politique de la France (Quai Voltaire, 1992), 223pp., 100F., ISBN 2 87653 126 7

Roy, C., Le Rivage des jours, 1990–1991 (Gallimard, 1992), 311pp., 110F., ISBN 2 07 072646 0  相似文献   

Apollinaire, G., Alcools, trans. Donald Revell (University Press of New England, 1995), 171pp., £20.50 hbk., ISBN 0 8195 2224 4, £10.75 pbk, ISBN 0 8195 1228 1

Bredin, J.‐D., L'Affaire (Fayard/Julliard, 1993), 856pp., 198F.

Burac, R., Charles Péguy. La révolution et lagrâce (Laffont, 1994), 347pp., 139F.

Freeman, E.T., Rostand: Cyrano de Bergerac (Glasgow Introductory Guides 34, 1995 76pp., £3.95, ISBN 0 85261 467 5

French Pocket Dictionary, English‐French, French‐English (Harrap, 1995), 712pp., £6.99, ISBN 0 245 60575 4

INSEE, L'Economie française (Librairie générale française, 1995), 282pp., ISBN 2 253 90520 8

Lloyd, H., Bonjour Tristesse (Glasgow Introductory Guides to French Literature 35, 1995), 60pp., £3.95, ISBN 0 85261 469 1

Raymond, J., Eluard (Seuil, 1995), 220pp., ISBN 2 02 023561 7

School French Dictionary (Larousse, 1994), 480pp., £5.50, ISBN 2 03 401761 7

Soulez‐Larivière, D., L'Avocature (Seuil, 1995), 350pp., 140F., ISBN 2 02 023510 2  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Australian politics

Frank Brennan, Land Rights Queensland Style. The Struggle for Aboriginal Self‐Management (St Lucia: University of Queensland Press, 1992) pp.182. $29.95 ISBN 0 7022 2407 3.

Frank Brennan, Sharing the Country: The Case for an Agreement Between Black and White Australians (Melbourne: Penguin, 1991) pp.176. $18.95 ISBN 0 14 013867 6.

Libby Connors, Lynette Finch, Kay Saunders and Helen Taylor, Australia's Frontline: Remembering the 1939–45 War (St Lucia: University of Queensland Press, 1992) pp.244. $16.95 ISBN 7022 2446 4.

Peter Edwards with Gregory Pemberton, Crises and Commitments: The Politics and Diplomacy of Australia's Involvement in Southeast Asian Conflicts 1948–1965 (Sydney: Allen & Unwin in association with the Australian War Memorial, 1992) pp.515. $45.00 ISBN 1 86373184 9.

Dean Jaensch, The Politics of Australia (Melbourne: Macmillan, 1992) pp.446. $34.95 ISBN 0 7329 0396 3.

J.E. King (ed.), Readings in Australian Labour Economics (Melbourne: Macmillan, 1992) pp.363. $29.95 9 ISBN 0 7329 1261 X.

Patrick O'Brien and Martyn Webb (eds), The Executive State: WA Inc. and the Constitution (Perth: Constitutional Press, 1991) pp.389. $19.95 ISBN 0 646 04875 9.

David Pollard, Social Need and Social Policy (Sydney: Hale and Iremonger, 1992) pp.112. $24.95 0 86806 452 1.

David Trigger, Whitefella Commin’: Aboriginal Responses to Colonialism in Northern Australia (Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, 1992) pp.250. $45.00 ISBN 0 521 40181 X.

J.C. Altman (ed.), A National Survey of Indigenous Australians: Options and Implications. Research Monograph No. 3. (Canberra: Centre For Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, Australian National University, 1992) pp.170. $4.80 ISBN 0 7315 1395 9.

Compartive and International Politics

Peter H. Argersinger, Structure, Process, and Party: Essays in American Political History (Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharp, 1992) pp.219. $US29.95 ISBN 0 87332 798 5.

Jane H. Bayes (ed.), Women and Public Administration: International Perspectives (Binghamton: Harrington Park Press, 1991) pp.139. $US14.95. ISBN 1 56023 014 2.

Jonathan Boston, John Martin, June Pallot, Pat Walsh (eds), Reshaping the State: New Zealand's Bureaucratic Revolution (Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1991) pp.408. $48.00. ISBN 0 19 558222 5.

Naomi Chazan, Robert Mortimer, John Ravenhill and Donald Rothchild, Polities and Society in Contemporary Africa (second edition) (Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1992) pp.483. $19.95 ISBN 155587 283 2.

Cal Clark and Steve Chan (eds), The Evolving Pacific Basin in the Global Political Economy: Domestic & International Linkages (Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 1992) pp.226. $n.p. ISBN 1 55587 271 9.

Jacques Delors (trans Brian Pearce), Our Europe: The Community and National Development (London, New York: Verso, 1992) pp.166. $59.95 ISBN 0 86091 380 5.

David Denver and Gordon Hands (eds), Issues and Controversies in British Electoral Behaviour (London: Harvester Wheatsheef, 1992) pp.390 $n.p. ISBN 0 7450 0976 X.

Jean Bethke Elshtain (ed.), Just War Theory (Oxford: Blackwell, 1992) pp.336. $39.95. ISBN 0 631 17278 5.

Mark Franklin, Tom Mackie, Henry Valen et al, Electoral Change: Responses to Evolving Social and Attitudinal Structures in Western Countries (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992) pp.475. $140.00 ISBN 0 521 37460 X.

Lawrence Freedman and Efraim Karsh, The Gulf Conflict 1990–1991: Diplomacy and War in the New World Order (London: Faber and Faber, 1993) pp.504. $45.00 ISBN 0 571 16457 9.

Rebecca Grant and Kathleen Newland (eds), Gender and International Relations (Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 1991) pp.176. $29.95. ISBN 0 335 09740 5.

Janette Habel (trans by Jon Barnes), Cuba: The Revolution in Peril (London: Verso, 1991) pp.241. $59.95. ISBN 0 86091 308 2.

Anthony Heath, Roger Jowell, John Curtice, Geoff Evans, Julia Field, and Sharon Witherspoon, Understanding Political Change: The British Voter 1964–1987 (Oxford and Sydney: Pergamon Press, 1991) pp.334. £11.95 ISBN 0 08 037256 2.

Martin Holland (ed.), Electoral Behaviour in New Zealand (Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1992) pp.202. $35.00 ISBN 0 19 558261 6.

Eamonn Hughes, Culture and Politics in Northern Ireland: 1960–1990 (Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 1991) pp.182. $32.95 ISBN 0 335 09712 X.

John Kingdom, No Such Thing as Society? Individualism and Community, (Buckingham: Open University Press, 1992) pp.134. $34.95 ISBN ISBN 0 335 09726 X.

Jan‐Erik Lane, David McKay, and Kenneth Newton (eds), Political Data Handbook OECD Countries (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991) pp.257. $75.00 ISBN 0 19 827718 0.

Arend Lijphart (ed.), Parliamentary Versus Presidential Government (Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1992) pp.257 $22.95 ISBN 0 19 878043 5.

David Marsh and R.A.W. Rhodes (eds), Implementing Thatcherite Policies: Audit of an Era (Buckingham, England: Open University Press, 1992) pp.212 $45.00. ISBN 0 335 15682 7.

Anthony G. McGrew and Paul G. Lewis et al, Global Politics (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1992) pp.337. $39.45 ISBN 0 7456 0756 X.

Miroslav Nincic, Democracy and Foreign Policy: The Fallacy of Political Realism (New York: Columbia University Press, 1992) pp.200. $US43.50 ISBN 0231076681.

B. Guy Peters, The Politics of Taxation: A Comparative Perspective (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1991) pp.338. $39.95 ISBN 1 55786 211 7.

Matthew Spriggs and Donald Denoon (eds) The Bougainville Crisis. 1991 Update. Political and Social Change Monograph No. 16 (Department of Political and Social Change, Australian National University and Crawford House, Bathurst, 1992) pp.228. $n.p. ISBN 1 863 33013 5.

Ruy Teixeira, The Disappearing American Voter (Washington: The Brookings Institution, 1992) pp.256. $31.95 ISBN 0 8157 8302 7.

Loukas Tsoukalis, The New European Economy: The Politics and Economics of Integration (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991) pp.333. $59.95. ISBN 0 19 828750 X.

Mark Turner, Papua New Guinea: The Challenge of Independence (Ringwood, Vic.: Penguin Books, 1990) pp.200. $16.95 ISBN 0 14 012390 3.

Jack Vowles and Peter Aimer, Voters’ Vengeance The 1990 Election in New Zealand and the Fate of the Fourth Labour Government (Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1993) pp.264. $32.50 ISBN 1 86940 078 X.

Bo Yang (trans. and ed. by Don J. Cohn and Jing Qing), The Ugly Chinaman and the Crisis of Chinese Culture (Sydney: Allen & Unwin, 1992) pp.162. $19.95 ISBN 1 86373 116 4.

Theory and Methodology

Terrell Carver (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Marx (Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, 1991) pp.357. $35.00 ISBN 0 521 36694 1.

William Galston, Liberal Purposes: Goods, Virtues, and Diversity in the Liberal State (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991) pp.343. $35.00 ISBN 0 521 42250 7.

Peter Hay and Robin Eckersley (eds), Ecopolitical Theory: Essays From Australia, Occasional Paper 24 (Hobart: Centre for Evironmental Studies, University of Tasmania, 1992) pp.238. $24.00 ISBN 0 65901 508 4.

Ernest Mandel, Power and Money: A Marxist Theory of Bureaucracy (London: Verso, 1992) pp.252. $34.95 ISBN 0 86091 548 4.

Patrick Riley (ed.), Essays in Political Philosophy (Rochester, New York: University of Rochester Press, 1992) pp.385. $n.p. ISBN 1 878822 08 X.

Dorothy Ross, The Origins of American Social Science (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991) pp.508. $59.50 ISBN 0 521 35092 1.

Stephen Sedley and Lawrence Kaplan (eds), foreword by Christopher Hill, A Spark in the Ashes: The Pamphlets of John Warr (London and New York: Verso, 1992) pp.116. ISBN 0 86091 599 9.

Judith A. Swanson, The Public and the Private in Aristotle's Political Philosophy (New York: Cornell University Press, 1992) pp.244. $US31.95 ISBN 0 8014 2319 8.  相似文献   

Association Georges Pompidou, Georges Pompidou et l'Europe (Brussels, Complexe, 1995), 692pp., 235R, ISBN 2 87027 525 0

Bard, C., Les filles de Marianne: Histoire des féminismes 1914–1940 (Librairie Arthème Fayard, 1995), 528pp., 168F., ISBN 2 213 59390 6

Béhar J.‐M., Guide des grandes entreprises: les groupes qui font la France (Seuil, 1995), 318pp., 190F., ISBN 2 02 022725 8

Breunig, L.C., ed., The Cubist Poets in Paris (University of Nebraska Press, 1995), 326pp, ISBN 0 8032 1224 0

Colombani, J.‐L., La gauche survivra‐t‐elle aux socialistes? (Flammarion, 1994), 212pp., 105F., ISBN 2 08 066953 2

Cornick, M., The Nouvelle Revue Française under Jean Paulhan, 1925–1940 (Rodopi, 1994), 224pp., Hfl. 65/USS 40.50, ISBN 90 5183 797 6

Daphins, F., Le Peuple à la une (SA EPJS, 1995), 139pp., 150F.

Daubié, J.‐V., La Femme pauvre au dixneuvième siècle, t.2: Condition morale (Côté‐femmes, 1993), 203pp., 120F., ISBN 2 907883 69 0 (t.2: Conditions économiques et travail, 294pp., 120F., ISBN 2 907883 46 1. t.3: Réponses à des objections, 125pp., 96F., ISBN 2 907883 70 4)

Derrida, J., Points ... Interviews, 1974–1994 (Stanford University Press, 1995), 494pp., £11.95, ISBN 0 8047 2488 1

Estier, C., De Mitterrand à Jospin (Stock, 1995), 347pp., 130F., ISBN 2 234 04537 1

Georgi, F., L'Invention de la CFDT, 1957–1970 (Editions de l'Atelier/CNRS, 1995), 200pp., 651E, ISBN 2 271 05310 2

Jacquet‐Francillon, F., Naissances de l'école du peuple, 1815–1870 (Editions de l'Atelier/Editions Ouvrières, 1995), 319pp., 170F., ISBN 2 7082 3162 6

Kaplan, R.E., Forgotten crisis. The Fin‐de‐Siècle Crisis of Democracy in France (Oxford/Herndon VA, 1995), 211pp. ISBN 185973 032 9

Knight, D., and Still, J., eds., Women and Representation (Women Teaching French Occasional Papers 3, 1995), 143pp., £5.00, ISBN 085 358 0421

Landau, P.E., L'Opinion juive et l'affaire Dreyfus (Albin Michel, 1995), 152pp., 40F., ISBN 2226 07553 4

Leak, A., Barthes: Mythologies (Grant &; Cutler, 1995), 82pp., £4.95, ISBN 0 7293 0370 5

Leser, E., Crazy Lyonnais: les infortunés d'une banque publique (Calmann‐Lévy, 1995), 268pp., 110F., ISBN 2 7021 2373 2

Molette, C., Prêtres, religieux, et religieuses dans la résistance au nazisme, 1940–1945 (Fayard, 1995), 225pp., 120F., ISBN 2 213 59446 5

Montbrial, T. de, et al., eds, Agir pour l'Europe. Les relations franco‐allemandes dans l'après‐guerre froide (Masson, 1995), 372pp., 249F., ISBN 2 225 84918 8

Pitte, J.‐R., ed., Géographie historique et culturelle de l'Europe (Presses de l'Université de Paris‐Sorbonne, 1995), 424pp., 195F., ISBN 2 84050 042 6

Portrait social. Les femmes (INSEE, 1995), 217pp., 80F., ISBN 2 11 066 240 9

Roudinesco, E., Jacques Lacan: esquisse d'une vie, histoire d'un système de pensée (Fayard, 1993), 723pp., 180F., ISBN 2 213 03146 0

Tallett, F., and Atkin, N., eds., Catholicism in Britain and France since 1789 (Hambledon Press, 1996), 256pp., £36.00

Weitz, M. (Collins), Sisters in the Resistance — How Women Fought to Free France 1940–1945 (John Wiley and Sons, 1995), 350pp., £19.99 hbk, ISBN 471 12676 4

Wokler, R., ed., Rousseau and Liberty (Manchester University Press, 1995), xviii + 299pp., £45.00 hbk ISBN 0 7190 3510 4, £15.99 pbk ISBN 0 7190 4721 8  相似文献   

Andrew, D., Mists of Regret: Culture and Sensibility in Classic French Film (Princeton Paperbacks, 1995), xv + 409pp., £19.95, ISBN 0 691 00883 3

Barou, J., and Prado, P., Les Anglais dans nos campagnes (L'Harmattan, 1995), 238pp., 140F., ISBN 2 7384 3352 9

Blanchot, M., The Writing of the Disaster, trans. Ann Smock, new edn. (University of Nebraska Press, [1986] 1995), 153pp., £11.00, ISBN 0 8032 6120 9

Brami, J., Cottentenet‐Hage, M., and Verdaguer, P., eds., Regards sur la France des armies 1980 ‐ Le Roman (Anma Libri, 1994), 260pp., ISBN 0 915838 96 6

Brewer, M.M., Claude Simon: Narrativities Without Narrative (University of Nebraska Press, 1995), 183pp., $38.50, ISBN 0 8032 1261 5

Carroll, D., French Literary Fascism: Nationalism, Anti‐Semitism and the Ideology of Culture (Princeton University Press, 1995), 300pp., £24.95, ISBN 0 691 03723 X

Charle, C., A Social History of France in the Nineteenth Century trans. Mirian Kochan, (Berg, 1994), x + 314pp., hbk, ISBN 0 85496 906 2, pbk, ISBN 0 85496 913 6

Cordelier, S., Poisson, E. et al., L'État de la France 1995–96 (La Découverte, 1995), 635pp., 159F., ISBN 2 7071 2447 8

Crisp, C., The Classic French Cinema 1930–1960 (Indiana University Press, 1994), 485pp., £50.00, ISBN 0 2533 1550 6

Crozier, M., La Crise de l'Intelligence (Interéditions, 1995), 200pp., 110F., ISBN 2 7296 0567 3

Debré, M., Combattre Toujours: Mémoires, 1969–1993 (Albin Michel, 1994), 333pp., 150F., ISBN 2 226 07536 4

Dieudonné, P., ed., Villes reconstruites du dessin au iestin (L'Harmattan, 1994), vol. 1, 382pp., 190F., ISBN 2 7384 2605 0, vol. 2, 384pp., 190F., ISBN 2 7384 2606 9

Domenach, N., and Szarfan, M., De si bons amis (Plon, 1994), 454pp., 110F., ISBN 2 259 18018 3

Duchene, F.L., Jean Monnet: the First Statesman of Interdependence (W. W. Norton, 1994), 410pp., £22.00, ISBN 0 393 03497 6

Dutton, D., ed., Statecraft and Diplomacy in the Twentieth Century (Liverpool University Press, 1995), 180pp., £15.05, ISBN 0 85323 379 9

Eck, J.‐F., La France dans la nouvelle economic mondiale (PUF, 1994), 312pp., 150F., ISBN 2 13 046092 5

Forest, P., Histoire de Tel Quel, 1960–82 (Seuil, 1995), 655pp., 180F., ISBN 2 02 017346 8

Gardies, A., L'Espace au cinéma (Meridiens Klincksieck, 1993)

Gregg, J., Maurice Blanchot and the Literature of Transgression (Princeton University Press, 1994), 241pp., £25.00, ISBN 0 691 03329 3

Habert, P., Perrineau, P., and Ysmal, C., eds., Le Vote Sanction: Les élections législatives des 21 et 28 mars 1993 (Départment des études politiques du Figaro et Presses de la Fondation nationale des sciences politiques, 1993), 347pp., 150F., ISBN 2 7246 0634 5

Kessler, M.‐C., Les Grands corps de l'état (Presses Universitaires de France, 1994), 128pp., 36F., ISBN 2 13 046502 1

Kramer, S.P., Does France Still Count? The French Role in the New Europe (Praeger, 1994), 113pp., £11.95, ‘Washington Papers’ series ISBN 0 275 95061 1.

Lallement, M., ed., Travail et emploi: le temps de métamorphoses (L'Harmattan, 1995), 283pp., 150F., ISBN 2 7384 2559 3

Le Crom, J.‐P., Syndicate nous voilal Vichy et le corporatisme (Les Editions Ouvrières, 1995), 410pp., 190F., ISBN 2 7082 3123 5

Lefait, P., Quatre Ministres etpuis s'en vont (Editions de l'Atelier, 1995), 310pp., 120F., ISBN 2 7082 3105 7

Lepetit, B. et al., Atlas de la Révolution française, vol. 8, Population (Editions EHESS, 1995), 92pp., 120F., ISBN 2 7132 1189 1

Manent, P., An Intellectual History of Liberalism, trans. Rebecca Balinski (Princeton University Press, 1994), pp. 128, £16.95, ISBN 0 691 03437 0

Martelli, R., Le rouge et le bleu. Essai sur le communisme français (Editions de l'Atelier, 1995), 286pp., 120F., ISBN 2 7082 3119 7

Mélenchon, J.‐L., Rocard, le rendezvous manqué (Ramsay, 1994), 237pp., 110F..ISBN2 84114 053 9

Minc, A., La France ie l'an 2000 (Odile Jacob/Documentation Française), 321pp., 60F., ISBN 2 7381 0281 6

Osen, J., Royalist Political Thought during the French Revolution (Greenwood Press, 1995), 154pp., £49.50, ISBN 0 313 29441 0

Outram, D., The Enlightenment (Cambridge University Press, 1995), 141pp., £27.95 hbk, ISBN 0 521 41522 5, £9.96 pbk, ISBN 0 521 42534

Phillips, P., Republican France: Divided Loyalties (Greenwood, 1993), xxiii + 168pp., $49.95, ISBN 0 313 27503 3

Platten, D., Djian: 37° 2 le matin (University of Glasgow French &; German Publications, 1995), 92pp., £3.95, ISBN 085261 368 7

Proudhon, P.‐J., What is Property? (CUP, 1994), 227pp., £55 hbk, £12.95 pbk.

Roberts, M., Civilization Without Sexes: Reconstructing Gender in Postwar France 1917–1927 (University of Chicago Press, 1994), 337pp., £15.25, ISBN 0 226 72122 1

Rosanvallon, P., La nouvelle question sociale (Seuil, 1995), 223pp., 95F., ISBN 2 02 022030

Royal, S., Pays, paysans, pay sages. La reconciliation est‐elle possible? (Laffont, 1993), 228pp., 89F., ISBN 2 221 07046 1

Suleiman, E., Les Ressorts cachés de la réussite française (Seuil, 1995), 377pp., 130F., ISBN 2 02 021841 0

Tindall, G., Célestine. Voices from a French Village (Sinclair‐Stevenson, 1995), ix + 286pp., £17.99, ISBN 1 85619 534 1

Tricot, B., Mémoires (Quai Voltaire, 1994), 503pp., 148F., ISBN 2 87653 209 3

Veillon, D., Vivre et Survivre en France 1939–1947 (Editions Payot, 1995), 371pp., 145F., ISBN 2 228 88875 3

Vigato, J.‐C., L‘Architecture Régionalize. France 1890–1950 (Norma, 1994), 392pp., 160F., ISBN 2 9092832 11 9

Wagstaff, P., ed., Regionalism in Europe (Intellect, 1994), 120pp., £14.95, ISBN 1 871516 84 6

Walker, D.H., Outrage and Insight: Modern French Writers and the ’Fait Divers’ (Berg, 1995), 281pp., £39.95, ISBN 0 85946 780 X

Wilson, H.S., African Decolonisation (Edward Arnold, 1994), 222pp., £12.99, ISBN 0 340 55929 2  相似文献   


Scientific lecturing and the industrial revolution

Alan Q. Morton and Jane A. Wess, Public and Private Science: The King George III Colletion, (Oxford: Oxford University Press in association with the Science Museum, 1993), pp. x + 710

Larry Stewart, The Rise of Public Science: Rhetoric, Technology, and Natural Philosophy in Newtonian Britain, 1660–1750 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992), pp. xxxiv + 453  相似文献   

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