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This article first discusses the construction, destruction and consumption of the Berlin Wall, noting especially the different meanings of Mauer (the wall as a barrier) and Wand (the surface of a wall). It then compares the end of the Wall with the storming of the Bastille and its transformation into symbolic souvenirs. The fall of the Berlin Wall entered collective memory through mass participation in its destruction, rock concerts held around it, graffiti art and the purchase of Wall fragments. However, sections of the Wall are now being preserved to prevent it from being forgotten by future generations.  相似文献   

A multi-proxy study was carried out to address climate–culture relationship from two trenches one each from Kaj and Kanjetar (mid-Saurashtra coast) deposited in a lacustrine setting, since ∼1960 Cal BC and ∼2230 Cal BC, respectively. The salinity of aqueous soil solution (0.1 ppt) and fresh water thecamoebians in both the sites indicate fresh water depositional environment. But, an increase in salinity (0.2 ppt) in the top clayey sediment in Kanjetar is attributed to water evaporation through upward capillary action from moisture deficit exposed land. The fragments of ancient potteries and other artefacts recovered from the bottom sediment provide evidences of Sorath-Harappan colonization in the vicinity which was not an urban site. The abundant cyanobacterium remains, low terrigenous organic matter, aquatic pollen and low thecamoebians in bottom sediment indicates low precipitation and arid climatic conditions ∼2000 BC. During this period the dominance of evergreen and moist deciduous arboreals from both the sites do not show equilibrium with the prevailing dry/arid climate and therefore, the pollen assemblage here represents the remnants of wetter middle Holocene vegetation in the region. Phytoliths of drought-tolerant summer season crops also reflects here changes made in the agricultural strategy by Harappans in response to climate. The increase in deciduous arboreal pollen since the last ∼2000 years represents equilibrium with the dry/arid climate. But, enhanced limnic conditions recorded with the help of thecamoebians during this period is attributed to changes in wetland configuration induced by hydrostatic changes in the river mouth that was largely defined by the dynamics of sediment deposition through rain-fed rivers/streams in the region.  相似文献   


Backfill material from a 12th- to13th-century quarry, north of Wallingford, south Oxfordshire, comprises sandy loam overlain by Cretaceous (early Cenomanian; Mantelliceras mantelli Macrofaunal Biozone) Glauconitic Marl Member, of the West Melbury Marly Chalk Formation as identified by its abundant, biostratigraphically useful, foraminifera and ostracods. A local outcrop source of the Glauconitic Marl Member, less than 1 km north of the quarry pit, is the likely provenance of this material, and a contemporaneous road, which was discovered adjacent to the medieval quarry by magnetometer surveys and archaeological excavation, would have aided its transportation, into the town via the North Gate. We hypothesise that the use of a calcareous marl to overlay sandy loam deposits probably encouraged land restoration when the quarried area was returned to pastoral agriculture.  相似文献   

This article explores the ways in which the archaeological excavations at Amphipolis, Northern Greece, were transformed into a ‘heritage spectacle’ during the summer of 2014. The article argues that the spectacularisation of Amphipolis excavations constituted a powerful, political medium for dis-orientating the wider Greek public from issues related to the severe economic crisis of the country. Although the practice of heritage spectacularisation is not new, the media spectacle of Amphipolis introduced an advanced mechanism for spectacularizing archaeological research and the past. The article deconstructs this mechanism through a thematic content analysis of about 100 newspaper articles published in the Greek press, filtered through the lenses of spectacle theory. As it is demonstrated, the spectacularisation process of Amphipolis excavations is embodied by emotive dramatisation, banal cultural symbols, escapism and power imbalances. The article concludes with an interpretive framework for heritage spectacles while highlighting ethical and practical implications regarding the role of archaeologists and heritage practitioners towards political ‘abuse’ of heritage in times of socio-economic and political crises.  相似文献   

Whether or not mammoth hunting was practised during the Late Palaeolithic has been a controversial issue ever since large accumulations of woolly mammoth bones associated with prehistoric artefacts were discovered more than 100 years ago. Detailed taphonomic and palaeobiological analyses of the mammoth bone complexes from the Epigravettian Yudinovo site in the Russian Plain were carried out. The combination of the homogeneous weathering rate of the mammoth bones, the isolated state of most of the skeletal elements, the restricted spatial range of the carnivore gnawing traces, the breakage pattern of the skulls and long bones, the sex ratio, the small body size of the adult mammoths, the age profile (with an important frequency of prime-aged cows), and the large number of individuals, suggest that the bone complexes at Yudinovo were constructed from body parts and bones that were extracted from freshly killed mammoths and that mammoth hunting was practised at this site during the Epigravettian.  相似文献   


Previous scholarship has maintained that icons of the Virgin were carried in procession during the Avar siege of Constantinople in A.D. 626. Based on a close reading of the primary sources from the seventh to the fourteenth centuries, this paper will argue in contrast that a tight linkage between Marian icons and protection of the Byzantine capital did not occur until after Iconoclasm. The larger implications of this conclusion concern the evolution of the cult of the Virgin in Constantinople from its initial focus on relics to a cult centered on icons and icon processions as it emerged in the second half of the tenth century.  相似文献   


Møddingen ved nordbogården ved Niaquusat i Ameralla fjord (FM 64V2‐III‐507) blev arkæologisk undersøgt under Inuit‐Nordbo Projektet 1976–77. Hensigten var at undersøge nordbogårdens økonomi. Niaqu‐usat‐undersøgelsen indtager en nøgleposition i grønlandsk norrøn arkæologi, da man her for første gang undersøgte en mødding systematisk og stratigrafisk.

I alt blev der i forbindelse med 1977‐undersøgelsen indsamlet 15.102 identificerbare dyreknogler, og dette materiale har siden dannet udgangspunkt i en diskussion om klimaforandringens indflydelse på de grønlandske nordbobygders økonomi i 1200–1300‐årene.

I artiklen diskuteres tolkningen af Niaquusat møddingens opbygning og indhold samt den absolutte datering af møddingsaflejringerne. Genstandsfund og C14‐dateringer indicerer, dels at møddingens opbygning ikke er foregået så regulært og tidsmæssigt kontinuerligt, som hidtid antaget, dels at man ikke kan se bort fra kronologisk opblandede aflejringer.  相似文献   

Michael Angold has shown that the collapse of Greek resistance to the crusading army has not yet been fully explained by historians (Journal of Medieval History, 25, 3 (1999) 257–78). The chronicles of Villehardouin and Clari are an additional, important source, written by eyewitnesses. They provide first-hand evidence of the morale of the army, its sense of mission and the problems which it faced. Henri de Valenciennes provides a similar, first-hand account of the start of the reign of Henry of Hainaut as Latin Emperor. Close study of these texts helps to explain the victory of the westerners. They are even more important as historical sources than as examples of early French prose.  相似文献   

Michael Angold has shown that the collapse of Greek resistance to the crusading army has not yet been fully explained by historians (Journal of Medieval History, 25, 3 (1999) 257–78). The chronicles of Villehardouin and Clari are an additional, important source, written by eyewitnesses. They provide first-hand evidence of the morale of the army, its sense of mission and the problems which it faced. Henri de Valenciennes provides a similar, first-hand account of the start of the reign of Henry of Hainaut as Latin Emperor. Close study of these texts helps to explain the victory of the westerners. They are even more important as historical sources than as examples of early French prose.  相似文献   

Gregory IX's crusade (1236–1240) to safeguard the Latin Empire was the last expedition sponsored by the papacy before the fall of the Latin state in 1261. Like his predecessors, Innocent III and Honorius III, Gregory believed that an expedition against his fellow Christians was necessary to safeguard the land route to the Holy Land and to protect the Latin Empire itself. Gregory also shared with Innocent and Honorius the belief that this was a divinely appointed policy, symbolized by God giving the Greek Empire into Latin hands in retribution for Greek schismstic beliefs. But Gregory's policy had another facet to its justification. He accused the supporters of the Greeks, in particular John II Asen, king of Bulgaria, of sheltering heretics and of allowing a climate in which heresy could flourish. Gregory evolved a method of justifying war against the Greeks and their supporters analogous to that used elsewhere in Europe against those who sheltered heretics. He threatened the guilty with the loss of their lands under the provisions of the Fourth Lateran Council canon, Excommunicamus. To make the theoretical concrete, Gregory tried to form two expeditions, one composed of Europeans, the other of Hungarians and even Bulgarians, against the emperor of Nicaea. But the expeditions failed and Gregory's rationale for warring against the Greeks was not utilized by his immediate successors to the pontifical throne.  相似文献   

Social deviancy has been observed among all groups by sociologists. To distinguish normal from deviant social personae in archeological material, a set of hypotheses has been formed and tested in ethnological examples of burial customs relating to social deviants. These hypotheses refer to the variety of the definitions of deviancy among different social groups, and to the dependence of the definition upon the type of evaluation elicited from the collective opinion of the group and upon the level of the social complexity of the group. Although there are a number of difficulties in testing these hypotheses in archeology, nevertheless there exist several archeological cases that would seem to confirm one of the hypotheses proposed in this paper.  相似文献   

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