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孙浩 《中国钱币》2014,(3):16-21,I0001-I0002
正历史上,天津城内外有地点不同的三处机器造币厂,分合变迁颇为复杂,其中最被忽略的是天津机器局新购西式造币专用机"洋法试造钱样"之事。1914年(民国三年)《造币总厂报告书》内仅以"机器局亦附铸银元"一语带过,这在中国机器造币史上具有重大意义的嚆矢,有如船过水无痕。本文谨介绍此"宝津"机造新式方孔制钱的始末及设备供货商英国格林沃铁厂,该处在造币之际官方正式名称是天津机器局,故本文以此名称呼之。  相似文献   

机制币,听上去有点陌生,实际上就是用现代机器冲压铸造的各种金属货币。作为一个历史概念,它专指19世纪末至新中国成立前的中国硬币。在清朝末年,它横空出世,完全改变了中国两千年来的历史传统——“圆形方孔钱”,成就了一次币制改革的神话。货币史专家彭信威说,机制币带来的货币改革堪比秦始皇统一货币,秦始皇将刀币等等改变为圆形方孔,而这次机制币也将“孔方兄”送入了历史的记忆中。  相似文献   

刘皓 《中国钱币》2003,(3):77-78
清末开始引进机器制币后,各省自行其是,促使户部为整顿圜法而设置了造币总厂。在此统一币制的过程中,曾于宣统二年(1910年)依《币制则例》颁布后的型制,试制标示为“宣统年造” 与“大清银币”或“大清铜币”、单位为“圆、角、分、厘” 系列的标准国币。《中国钱币》2001年第3期刊载黄志明先生大作,在论及此系列  相似文献   

孙浩 《中国钱币》2013,(2):14-23,I0003-I0004
笔者在《中国钱币》2009年第三期(总106期)发表《由一枚德国机器广告币探讨奉天、黑龙江、浙江廿三年及安徽廿三年样币》文,指出,厂商广告币章的考证价值不应忽视,并推论安徽、奉天、浙江、黑龙江四省样币模具的出处为德国.当时判断以位于古平根的舒勒厂(Schuler,G(o)ppingen)可能性最大,新疆则以其制作及雕刻水平较拙而持保留态度,但终非拍板之论. 一 皖奉浙黑新五省开铸机器与币模确定来自德国 近年来因国外档案的逐渐披露,部份口耳相传的说法陆续得以证实或否定.  相似文献   

一“上币”释义秦、西汉律定黄金为“上币”。“上”,《说文·尔雅·释亲》郭注云:“高者,言在最上也”;孔颖达疏称:“尚者上也。”故“上币”,系指明此币供尊者之用,即主要为统治阶层“上用”。“上币”以“上用”为基本职能。“上用”,系供统治阶层在祭祀、朝觐、通问、酬功、待宾、嫁娶等场合,以享、纳、赐、赠、贿、鬻、聘等方式,在其上下、相互之间,作财富转移、再分配、宝藏等用。还包括为统治阶层制奢侈品及换取珍异等用。故“上币”的流动,不但范围局限,而且与商品货币流通没有必然联系。因此,“上用”之“上币”,是不承担确实的货币职能的贵金属。  相似文献   

卫志孝 《中国钱币》2013,(1):54-57,9,11
世界上有些国家或地区因为战争,或严重通膨,或改朝换代等重大突发事件,当局往往会采用权宜之计在原有纸币上加贴一枚邮票或邮票大小的票证,或直接在原有纸币上盖上印章或图案等方式作为一种过渡措施来应对和解决当前的问题。由于这类加贴币都具有流通时间短和临时应急的特点,因此它们的发行量和存世量都不会很大,加之它们又明显区别于正常流通的纸币,这就必然引起了收藏者的好奇和收藏兴趣。收藏界对这类特别的纸币也有几种不同的称呼,如加贴币、加贴票、面值签、加印钞、盖印改值币、邮票币、邮改币或证纸(日本)等。以下介绍世界上不同国家曾发行过的多种加贴币和加印币等品种供纸币收藏者欣赏和研究。1.1930年日本加贴币(“证纸”)1930年日本银行兑换券拾圆。  相似文献   

新疆喀什饷银开铸于清宣统三年至民国三年(公元1911年至公元1914年),前后共4个年头。仿造迪化银圆局铸造,但非进口机器铸造,系用土制机器手工打制而成。由于模具易损,更换频繁,所以版式繁多,约有七十多个版别。  相似文献   

十九世纪下半叶,中国开始自己大量生产银元、铜元,传统的货币——银两、制钱逐渐被新型的货币形态所替代,这种转变表面上看只是货币形制的不同,是西方货币东渐的影响,但从另一个角度看,由机器生产的银元、铜元表现出的是货币生产手段的革命,是对持续两三千年的手工生产钱币的挑  相似文献   

在我国货币史上,用金属铸造货币,源远流长,早在战国期间就已经在各国正式出现。尽管在以后几个朝代由于政治、经济等影响进行过不同的币制改革,但金属货币始终充当着我国古代社会基本货币的角色。尽管如此,西汉武帝时以白鹿皮作为货币的绝无仅有的先例,因其产生于特定的历史条件之下,故仍有着自己独特的涵义。虽然,它只是昙花一现,但这种被称为中国纸币滥觞的皮币,在我国货币史上却有着重要的意义,本文就皮币产生的背景、功用及其它诸问题作以简单的论述。  相似文献   


Being a tourist is not a passive attitude. It is the result of a conscious decision essentially based on how individuals build what they perceive as unknown and how they decide to get to know it. In other words, tourists deliberately create a distance with the destination which allows them to enjoy the tourist experience as something exceptional. This paper is part of ongoing research and focuses on the subjective construction of the otherness, since this process determines what is left to be discovered. First, a theoretical overview will introduce the concepts of usual environment, proximity and tourist. Then, we will focus on guided tours as a mechanism of mediation between individuals and places. Finally, we will move on to the case of Barcelona's walking tours and the local participants’ experience as a way to adopt a tourist's approach. Preliminary results show, first, four categories of experience of proximate guided tours: educational, expert, recreational and tourist. Then, they focus on the proximity tourist experience using Urry and Larsen's notion of the ‘tourist gaze’ and Tuan's theory on the tourist and the resident's points of view. According to these theories, participants’ motivations and their individual frame of reference define a tourist's point of view. Based on that, results show that proximity tourists and traditional tourists share curiosity as motivation but do not have the same points of reference. In spite of that, the feeling of proximity with the destination does not constitute a barrier to become a tourist. It is the conscious adoption of the tourist's role which makes the individual gaze upon the visited areas like a tourist, regardless of the proximity with the environment. This approach of proximity tourism constitutes a way to enhance familiar places and develop tourism in an environmentally concerned context where proximate destinations are being promoted.  相似文献   

The contributions made by Ken Bullough (1927–1994) to space physics and conflict research are briefly summarised. This brief obituary and review of his scientific contributions is supplemented by a complete list of his publications.  相似文献   

The customary absence of anthropological perspectives in reports and policy recommendations on climate change and diversity loss is again confirmed in the current IPCC report and the recent UN report on biodiversity. This is a severe shortcoming since there is widespread agreement that goals are rarely met in these domains. Anthropology can offer a holistic perspective and local solutions which would make a difference. Policymakers are attracted to figures and universal recipes, but they need prose and diversity.  相似文献   

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