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赵爽 《神州》2013,(33):45-45
文化是人类社会的遗产,与宗教互相渗透影响。研究佛教对中国文化的影响有助于促进东西方交流。佛教与汉语、社会行为、艺术与文学有着根深蒂固的渊源。了解宗教与文化之间的联系有助于更好地促进跨文化交际。  相似文献   

本文利用新译出的资料对西夏时期的45个寺院名称进行了译释,认为西夏时期的寺院主要有官寺及家寺,家寺主要有皇家寺院及高僧大德所设立的私家寺院,官寺主要为帝王或国家举办全国性佛事活动佛教法会,西夏时期的官寺享有特权,并且规模浩大。  相似文献   

虽然西夏时期的文化在当时并不是很发达,但其表现出来的绘画艺术却相当突出,出现了很多著名绘画艺术家,绘画风格也与传统有所不同。例如战争的出现,使西夏本民族与中原地区的艺术文化相互碰撞而产生了与众不同、新颖独特的绘画艺术风格,使两者的艺术文化不再单一化、封闭化,融合之后的西夏文化变得越来越精彩。本文主要从绘画艺术的发展、形成原因、特征以及艺术价值等方面对西夏的绘画艺术风格进行了解析。  相似文献   

西夏佛教图像除了宣扬宗教思想之外,还体现着一种皇权意识。皇帝与上师列于说法图中的菩萨、佛弟子行列,除了显示皇族特殊的身份外,也在宗教上得到了认可,加强了皇权的控制力。此外,西夏皇权还可以从图像中人物的大小与服饰、画面的色彩、装饰图案等各方面得到体现。  相似文献   

西夏时期佛教艺术中童子形象内容丰富,题材多样,不管从莲花中化生的童子还是世俗社会礼佛供养的童子,他们都真实地再现了生命本真,赋予童子更多的意义和内涵。西夏艺术家在承袭传统的基础上努力地创造属于自己本民族的元素特征,他们笔下的童子有的赤身裸体,憨态可掬;有的扭动身躯、活泼可爱。这些童子形象在西夏佛教艺术中的出现,无论是来自佛教经义,还是世俗社会,在一定程度上,都反映着西夏童子的生活与风貌,让我们更多了解一个神秘的西夏童子世界。  相似文献   

白雪 《敦煌学辑刊》2007,3(3):134-146
西夏母党干政现象较为严重,仁孝皇后罗氏便是其中的一位,对西夏后期的历史影响颇大.本文通过传世史籍、黑水城出土文献,考察了罗氏的崇佛活动与西夏政治的关系.  相似文献   

<正>Although it was difficult,by dint of countless efforts,I made Illustrations unfolding various lands:The regions,houses,men and women,The various sorts of wondrous trees and flowers.dGe vdun chos vphel,the most outstanding twentieth-century Tibetan master of humanism,not only undertook extensive research into such academic fields as history,religion,language and geography,but also had significant achievements in the arts.He broadened the framework of traditional Tibetan art,studied and absorbed Western artistic  相似文献   

正China Issues White Paper on Tibet's Peaceful Liberation,Achievements China's State Council Information Office on May 21 issued a white paper on the peaceful liberation of Tibet and its development over the past seven decades.The white paper,titled "Tibet Since 1951:Liberation,Development and Prosperity," reviewed Tibet's history and achievements,and presented a true and panoramic picture of the new socialist Tibet.  相似文献   

正China,Nepal Jointly Announce New Height of Mt.Qomolangma The new height of Mt.Qomolangma,the world's highest peak,is 8,848.86 meters,according to a joint announcement by China and Nepal on Dec.8,2020.The figure,including the height of the snowcap,was confirmed by surveyors from the two countries,which reached a consensus in 2019 to jointly declare the remeasured height of the peak and conduct scientific research on it.  相似文献   

正Tibetan-Style Fitness-A Collection of Traditional Tibetan Fitness Methods(New Edition)This book was written by Lhagpa Phuntsok,a well-known scholar of Tibetan studies,who,after pouring over a tremendous number of ancient Tibetan classics,began to collect information with regard to healthcare,disease prevention and treatment,and longevityfocused fitness and then analyzed different schools' arguments while adding his own views.The work was printed with pictures to present various angles of fitness theory,what Tibetan-style fitness is all about,and how to engage in related exercises;it also provided the author's own "secret formula" for unlocking the gates to longevity and sound fitness.Published by the China Tibetology Publishing House in June of 2020 at the price of 68.00 yuan(ISBN:9787521102093).  相似文献   

The origins of the Bkav-gdams pa trace back to Atisha.It was founded by vB rom-ston and developed during the Po-do-ba period in vP han-yul.When the Bkav-gdams pa was passed from Glang-ri-thang-pa and Shar-ba-pa to Lha-vgro-bavi-mgon-po,the sect began to build many temples and enlarge its organization.It consisted of two branches:the Bkavgdams-gzhung-pa and the Bkav-gdams-gdams-ngag-ba,the latter developed by Bya-yul-ba  相似文献   

正A Pictorial of Tibet History This book is co-edited by Chen Qingying,Dondrub Wangbum,Sherab Nyima,the late Liao Dongfan,Zhang Xiaoming,and Zhou Aiming.It is comprised of 95 historical accounts together with hundreds of pictures and brief explanations,telling the history of Tibet from ancient times to the peaceful liberation in 1951 with the general theme being how Tibetan civilization  相似文献   

正Golden Highland Barley:Record of Targeted Poverty Alleviation in Tibet This book written by Xu Jian unrolls a magnificent scroll concerning the full-on campaign of poverty alleviation in Tibet.The author has been to Tibet 21 times,becoming imbedded within local communities.This work is a literary perspective of how alleviation measures fared for the people,with spotlights shining on particular individuals and families and clearly detailing how the initiatives affected their lives.Published by the Beijing Union Press(ISBN:9787559645906).  相似文献   

佛教作为西夏的国教,境内寺塔林立,僧众如云,上至皇帝太后、下到平民百姓,皆多崇信佛教,译、校经之风大盛,法事频繁。本文从河西地区佛教基础、西夏与吐蕃的历史渊源、民族政权、境内民族信仰、统治者的提倡和河西地区相对稳定的环境等几个方面论述了西夏佛教兴盛的原因。  相似文献   

若干年来,学术界流行一种观点,认为佛教是西夏"国教",更有甚者,认为藏传佛教也是西夏"国教"。这一观点向我们提出了三个问题:一、什么是"国教"?二、什么是藏传佛教?三、藏传佛教何时传入西夏?解决所谓"国教"问题,就得把这三个问题厘清。本文讨论什么是"国教"问题,并分别就佛教不是西夏"国教",藏传佛教更非西夏"国教"进行了研究,结论是所谓"国教"说不能成立。  相似文献   

自古以来敦煌就是一个多民族聚居地区,被称作各民族经济、文化交融的大都会。同时,因其重要的战略、经济地位,成为兵家必争之地。西夏势力进入敦煌以后,在敦煌地区建立起了行之有效的管理制度,为该地区政治、经济、文化的发展做出了不可磨灭的贡献。  相似文献   

2005年辽金西夏史研究成果颇丰,据笔者不完全统计,本年度共出版相关的研究专著近20部,发表论文约300篇。2005年出版的辽金西夏史著作有:宋德金著《辽金论稿》(湖北教育出版社),北京图书馆出版社古籍影印编辑室编《辽金元名人年谱》(全三册,北京图书馆出版社),史金波著《中国社会科学院学术委员文库———史金波文集》(上海辞书出版社),孙伯君编《西夏学译丛———国外早期西夏学论集》(二册,民族出版社)。此外还有多部专项研究专著,在下面的分类综述中加以介绍。一政治史、制度史政治史。关于辽朝政治方面的论文有李桂芝《辽朝提辖司考》(《…  相似文献   

2010年是21世纪辽金西夏史研究的第一个十年。这一年新出的专著主要有佟柱臣《中国辽瓷研究》(社会科学文献出版社),向南、张国庆、李宇峰辑注《辽代石刻文续编》(辽宁人民出版社),杨军《契丹开国皇后》(中国国际广播出版社),孙进己、孙泓《契丹民族史》和《女真民族史》(广西师范大学出版社),  相似文献   

徐雯雅 《北方文物》2020,(3):85-88+103
开展对西夏服饰的考察,不仅可以考见西夏社会文化和风俗的发展演变,亦可从中探究这一时期中华各民族间的交流影响。近年来伴随着西夏学研究的深入,学界对于西夏服饰的研究增多,研究成果也日渐丰硕。文章选取近三十年来最具代表性的研究成果进行梳理,以期呈现近三十年来"西夏服饰"的基本研究现状。  相似文献   

2008年的辽金西夏史研究可谓收获颇丰,据笔者不完全统计,仅出版的学术专著就达30余部,墓葬、壁画及文学艺术方面的著作尤为突出。墓葬及壁画方面有:李清泉著《宣化辽墓:墓葬艺术与辽代社会》(文物出版社),张鹏著《辽墓壁画研究》(天津人民美术出版社),孙建华、杨星宇著《大辽公主——陈国公主墓发掘纪实》(内蒙古大学出版社),  相似文献   

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