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This paper analyses the personal consequences of religious change in a Toraja village, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. It describes how Toraja villagers traditionally define and respond to wrongdoing and then examines their ambivalent reactions to alternatives suggested by Christianity. The paper argues that studies which attempt to evaluate the relative costs and benefits of religious change should specify the subjectively perceived ‘fit’ between old and new religious conceptions and should examine the manner in which individuals use cultural symbols and institutions to order and make sense of their everyday experience.  相似文献   

从空间生产理论的视角而言,城市空间是一种巨大的社会资源,因而也是一个社会关系的重组与社会秩序的建构过程。文章以南京市典型的城中村江东村为研究对象,对其空间生产的历史性变迁、社会关系的再生产、制造的新空间三个方面进行分析,透视在城市空间生产过程中对人群分层和环境的差异性制造,以及对村民社会生活和生产关系的改变。江东村最终被城市强力改造成为了中产阶层社区,代表着新的生产关系和社会结构的建立,其生产和塑造的不仅仅是空间,更是社会的新界限。  相似文献   

经济地理学研究视角的变迁及进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
经济地理学通过不同的多样化的研究视角来丰富和展现自己的学科特色,拓展自己的研究范围和领域。多维的研究视角在经济地理学的发展过程中扮演了重要角色。本文梳理了经济地理学重要发展阶段上研究视角的变迁,发现多维视角转向在新近的经济地理学发展中具有革命性意义,它促成了为数众多的思维视角和理论流派的形成,带来了经济地理学发展的繁荣局面。不同的研究视角既带来了争论和迷惑,也使经济地理学成为一个充满新奇的学科。各种研究视角相互交织在新经济地理学的形成与发展中,因此,不断出现的新视角和新思维让经济地理学的未来发展充满期待。  相似文献   

Village societies in rural Fiji have often been studied in terms of a dichotomy between traditional village communalism and independent galala individualism. This was especially so in the 1960s, at a time when government efforts to promote individualist Fijian agriculture led to the creation of a number of resettlement schemes based on the peasant model. Social scientists hailed the galala movement as a fundamental and progressive process of change in Fijian society. However, recent evidence and the demise of regulations which institutionalised galala point to the present lack of distinction between galala and villagers. Indeed, there is considerable confusion within some villages over how galala should be defined and it seems to be much more a matter of spatial location of residence than any attitudinal or economic break with communalism.  相似文献   

The various types of natural landscapes of West Siberia are analyzed in terms of the environmental impacts of the more common forms of human activity. These are natural gas extraction and reindeer herding in the northern tundra; oil extraction and logging in the middle taiga, and agriculture as well as manufacturing in the southern wooded steppe and steppe. The impacts of human activity on specific natural processes (cryogenesis, bog formation, salinization) are discussed. The territory of West Siberia is broken down into three types of environmental impact regions: regions of significant impacts (from oil and gas extraction and agriculture); regions of moderate impacts (from logging and reindeer herding); and a region in which natural landscape structures have remained virtually unaffected by human activity.  相似文献   

广州的琶洲地区是广州会展业的代表符号,琶洲村是会展业促进城市化发展的典型城中村。本文以琶洲村村民为例,从社区居民的经济影响感知视角解析会展业发展过程中居民的社会交换关系。研究显示:①城市会展业成为社区重要的社会交换关系变量,社区经济对会展业的依赖性增强。②在会展业发展过程中,外来者的进入打破了原来社区交换关系的均衡与稳定,社区参与交换关系的网络呈多元化特征;社区居民之间的内部交换关系发生了变化,正经历竞争与分化的阶段。③社区居民不满足现有的外部交换关系,表现出对更高层次交换关系的热切期盼。  相似文献   

我国城市住区社会经济空间结构的变化   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
李植斌 《人文地理》1997,12(2):18-22
随着城市住房改革的不断深化,我国城市住区的社会经济空间结构正在发生巨大的变化。本文从分析城市住区社会经济空间结构的变化及其原因入手,探讨了这种变化对城市社会经济的影响。  相似文献   

四川平武白马生态脆弱地区经济模式变迁评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
连玉銮 《人文地理》2007,22(3):47-50
历史上白马地区的经济发展经历了从原始的农牧业到消耗型的伐木经济,再到今天的民俗生态旅游和生态农牧经济的变迁。半个多世纪白马人的经济发展告诉我们,凡是以高度消耗自然资源为代价的经济活动都难以持续。白马地区的经济变迁还显示,生态脆弱地区理想的经济结构应当是适应环境特点的多元复合结构,而不能是一条腿走路的单一结构;同时,生态脆弱地区发展生态经济还应当根据当地的自然地理条件,充分发挥当地人民的创造性,走内源发展之路,避免盲目移植外来的经济模式。  相似文献   

Summary. This study, based on evidence from archaeological surveys and excavations in southern Greece, demonstrates two major shifts in the subsistence economy during the Neolithic. In the EN and MN periods the presence of large villages in locations near reliable water-sources and permanently moist or seasonally flooded soils of high and sustained productivity illustrates a village farming economy concentrating on arable agriculture. The first economic shift occurred in the late MN-LN with occupation of highland caves and islands, indicating increased sheep/goat pastoralism, fishing, and perhaps hunting, with a reduced number of farming villages present in the plains. The second shift took place in the FN-EBA, when a dispersal of agricultural settlements into dry upland regions indicates expanding plough agriculture and pastoralism, important factors contributing to the development of the flourishing EBA economy. The expansion of settlement was most marked in southeastern Greece, and it is suggested here that the extensive grazing areas provided by the open vegetation and mountainous terrain of this dry region, and its relative scarcity of well-watered fertile lowlands, may have stimulated the LN-FN expansion of pastoralism.  相似文献   

<正>Upon entering Shemai Village of Sheshung Town in Tengchen County,we were shocked by the strikingly new appearance of the village.How could it be possible in such a deserted area to suddenly erect so many new houses? This change actually happened over ten years but it seems incredible.  相似文献   

卢松  张业臣  王琳琳 《人文地理》2017,32(4):138-145
新世纪以来古村落已发展成为深受游客喜爱的大众旅游地,在吸引大量游客纷至沓来的同时,也吸引了一些外来人口在此常住与工作,形成旅游移民。以世界文化遗产宏村为研究案例,在实地问卷调查的基础上探讨其旅游移民社会融合结构及融合现状。结果表明:①宏村旅游移民社会融合包含4个维度,分别为文化融合、心理融合、身份融合和经济融合。②宏村旅游移民整体社会融合度不高;其中,心理融合最好,公因子得分达到3.57分;其次是文化融合与身份融合,融合度均未达到中等水平,且文化融合维度的内部离散性较强;最后是经济融合,其融合度最低,移民经济收入未达到预期水平。③影响宏村旅游移民社会融合的主要因素分为个人因素和迁入地因素,其中迁入地因素影响程度大于个人因素。最后对古村落旅游移民社会融合的特征进行了讨论。  相似文献   

正The Living Thangka Lineage in the Metal Arts Village Watse Village in Karma Township is about 120 kilometers away from the upper part of Zachu River at the northeast side of Karup District in Chamdo City.Close to the location of the town government,there are two administrative villages,Litup and Watse,where there is a total of 116 households and 941 people,with 234 people embarking on folk artistic activities.They  相似文献   

蔡溢  杨洋  殷红梅  李瑞  秦随涛 《人文地理》2017,32(4):146-154
地方是人文地理学的重要研究内容。基于地方理论,以贵州西江千户苗寨村落群为例,运用结构方程模型方法分析了旅游影响下民族村寨居民文化依恋在不同时空范围的影响路径及其作用机理。研究结果表明:①旅游利益感知和旅游成本感知对文化依恋、文化依恋对文化保护态度及行为在不同时空范围具有不同的影响路径关系;②旅游影响下的地方时空分离及其脱域机制是引起民族村寨居民文化依恋时空变迁的主要动力。对引起文化依恋时空变迁的前因影响关系和与之引起的后果效应进行整合分析,探讨文化依恋在不同时空范围的影响关系机理,希冀对民族村寨的可持续发展提供借鉴。s  相似文献   

传统村落在全球化、现代化和城镇化进程中面临诸多破坏,因此,传统村落保护研究显得尤为迫切。本文从原真度、活态度、完整度、传承度四个方面,构建了传统村落保护度评价指标体系及其评价函数。在对其保护状态进行阶段划分的基础上,通过湖南省的案例研究发现:①湖南首批中国传统村落保护度整体处于中度保护,且内部差异明显;②四项准则层中原真度和整体度较好,而活态度和传承度较低;③24项指标内部差异较大,建筑风格原真度等两项指标较好,而农业生产活态度等3项指标则较弱;④案例研究验证了构建的评价体系的科学性和评价函数的可行性。  相似文献   

目前,上海正在大力推进城中村拆迁改造,城中村作为外来人口的聚居地,其拆迁改造势必对外来人口产生巨大影响。本文基于上海市联明村问卷调查数据,以外来人口视角,采用描述性统计和方差分析法,分析了城中村外来人口的流动特征、居住选择的变化,以及城中村拆迁对外来人口的影响。结果表明,城中村外来人口在上海有着明显的就近搬迁和在城中村之间转移的特征。房租便宜超过职住邻近成为影响外来人口居住选择的首要因素,但两者对外来人口的居住决策均起到决定性作用。外来人口对公共服务设施和居住条件考虑较少,但相较过去有所提高;同时,外来人口对血缘、地缘等社会关系的考量逐渐减少。最后,提供了相关政策启示。  相似文献   

旅游城镇化是中国新型城镇化进程中的重要类型之一。本文以大连金石滩为案例区,从土地利用变化视角,综合采用参与式乡村评估(PRA),GIS和遥感影像分析等方法分析了过去20年金石滩旅游度假区从传统乡村聚落转变为现代旅游度假区的城镇化过程。研究发现,过去20年,金石滩地区经历了从传统乡村聚落到现代滨海旅游度假区的转变。在此期间,农业用地和乡村聚落用地基本消亡,旅游设施用地和第二居所用地等商业设施用地呈现由海滩到内陆波浪式推进和立体集约性扩展。这种转换过程是以旅游持续增长为基本动力,以土地资本化进程为根本原因,以利益主导者转变为主要推手,在各种正式和非正式制度调节下共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

Editor's Note: Lin Tian is a senior reporter with the Xinhua News Agency. He followed the PLA into Tibet in 1950, and worked there for a total of six years. When the Democratic Reform took place in Kaisum, he was sent to cover the event. The following are extracts from his diary about the period.Formers serfs and slaves won their first bumper harvestatter the bemocratic Reform. Cering Ozhub drivin9home his own mule loaded with highIand barIey. LlN TlANFirst Democratic Life(June 6, 1…  相似文献   

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