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Although frequently treated as apolitical by social scientists and practitioners, public personnel administration has always been infused with political considerations. Today, it is more widely recognized that personnel policy choices can have political ramifications of major consequence. However, this policy realm is characterized by a number of competing values espoused by different governmental institutions and private groups. The civil service reforms of 1978 created more coherent personnel policy and greater clarity among the various competing interests and participants. Nevertheless, the political environment of public personnel administration remains so complex that the issue of whether it is possible for public managers to manage lively is legitimately raised.  相似文献   

本研究以广州大学城南亭村为例,从新制度经济学视角解释"学生化"社区的房屋租赁现象,以期填补国内对"学生化"社区房屋租赁现象的制度环境及其形成机制的研究不足。通过实地调研发现,由于城乡二元体制和城中村过度依赖村集体组织的管理模式,各级政府的正式制度安排没有得到充分的落实,正式制度的约束作用不显著。在与正式制度磨合的过程中,基于交易成本的考虑,对不同的正式制度,村民和房东采取了不同的应对策略,有接受、变通、规避、创新,促成了一些非正式制度,部分非正式制度与正式制度相违背。值得注意的是,正是这些非正式制度成为南亭村房屋租赁市场发展的保障与动力,维护着相关利益主体的利益。  相似文献   

政治地理学以其宏观的思维模式、鲜明的理论格调和对现实国际问题的敏感关注,极大地影响了世界历史的总体进程。然而,20世纪90年代中期之后,政治地理学在我国的发展不温不火。政治地理学的这种发展状态明显与我国作为世界上拥有最复杂的政治地理位置不相符。本文以最近召开的两次"地缘环境"研究研讨会为背景,简要回顾我国政治地理学发展历程和早期地缘环境研究的概况,从探讨地缘环境涉及的基础性的概念出发,初步给出了地缘环境的定义、构成、分类、空间尺度和研究的主要内容。  相似文献   

Summary. From the 6th century BC onwards the Iberian culture, with its strong and deep Mediterranean roots, developed along practically the whole of the east coast of Spain, in eastern Andalusia, and part of the Ebro valley, being most clearly defined between the 5th and 3rd centuries BC. An example in the South East of the Iberian Peninsula is one of those which most clearly displays its character.
This paper (a summary of my doctoral thesis, Madrid 1988) concentrates on the middle of the Segura basin, in what are known as the western and eastern districts of Murcia and the pre-coastal depression of Murcia. It is a region which has its own cultural and geographical identity, while offering a minimum of published data, sufficiently significant for bibliographical review, which makes it possible to maintain the historical hypothesis put forward.  相似文献   

Results from soil chemical analysis have demonstrated enhanced concentrations of lead (Pb) associated with archaeological sites. However, interpretation of these Pb concentrations is difficult because of the multitude of possible Pb sources. This pilot study of an abandoned croft in Shetland suggests that Pb isotope ratios have the potential to identify sources of anthropogenic Pb. The results highlight two different Pb associations. The first includes hearth, house floor and house overburden soils, with end members of fuel materials and an unidentified material with a low (< 1.126) 206 Pb/ 207 Pb ratio. The second includes byre, kailyard (garden) and arable soils, with end members of hearth materials and local wind‐blown sand.  相似文献   

This article intends to clarify what distinguishes the so‐called new “politico‐intellectual history” from the old “history of political ideas.” What differentiates the two has not been fully perceived even by some of the authors who initiated this transformation. One fundamental reason for this is that the transformation has not been a consistent process deriving from one single source, but is rather the result of converging developments emanating from three different sources (the Cambridge School, the German school of conceptual history or Begriffsgeschichte, and French politico‐conceptual history). This article proposes that the development of a new theoretical horizon that effectively leads us beyond the frameworks of the old history of political ideas demands that we overcome the insularity of these traditions and combine their respective contributions. The result of this combination is an approach to politico‐intellectual history that is not completely coincident with any of the three schools. What I will call a history of political languages entails a specific perspective on the temporality of discourses; this involves a view of why the meaning of concepts changes over time, and is the source of the contingency that stains political languages.  相似文献   

In this work the authors make a synthesis of the updated studies on Phoenician trade in the north‐eastern area of the Iberian Peninsula during the seventh and sixth centuries BC. Also presented are the lines of research, and their latest developments, pursued by the teams of researchers that work in this field.  相似文献   

Reinhart Koselleck is an important thinker in part for his attempt to interpret the cultural changes resulting in our modern cultural outlook in terms of the (meta)historical categories of experience and expectation. In so doing he tried to pay equal attention to the static and the changing in history. This article argues that Koselleck's use of “experience” and “expectation” confuses their metahistorical and historical meaning, with the result that his account fails to do justice to the static, to continuity in history, and mischaracterizes what is distinctive of the modern era. As well as reconfiguring the categories of experience and expectation, this essay also introduces a third category, namely, imagination, in between experience and expectation. This is done to render intelligible what is obscure in Koselleck's account, and as a stimulus to a study of history that divides its attention equally between the static and the changing. In fact, it is argued that the category of imagination is pre‐eminently the category of history, on the concrete historical as well as the metahistorical level.  相似文献   

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