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李永洪  刘光翠 《沧桑》2013,(5):126-129
与传统政治参与和一般群体的网络政治参与相比,大学生利用网络政治参与的行为,虽然在一定层面上对高校维稳工作产生了积极影响,但是在更多情况下是对高校维稳工作产生了消极影响。客观辩证地分析大学生网络政治参与行为的双重影响,才可能提出对大学生网络政治参与行为进行科学引导和有效规范的可行对策。  相似文献   

论明清在华耶稣会财务经济   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
论明清在华耶稣会财务经济康志杰明朝万历十年(1582),意大利籍耶稣会士利玛窦、罗明坚来华传教,从而拉开了中西文化交流新的一页。传教士们与中国士大夫徐光启、李之藻、王徵等人联手进行科学译著,沟通西学东渐、东学西渐的通道,已传为了佳话;接至汤若望参与修...  相似文献   

明末清初天主教传教士入华推动了欧洲对中国的认识,伴随着欧洲学术的发展,中国的政治、经济、文化等各方面都进入欧洲的视野,清代语言在这一时期为欧洲语言学家所关注。清朝前中期的语言经由欧洲入华传教士和俄国入华商人带给欧洲学人,在世界语言学探索的道路上,留下了深刻的印记。而在俄国沙皇彼得一世将欧洲的科学和思想引入俄国之后,彼得堡科学院为欧洲的学人提供了"用武之地",彼得堡也一度成为欧洲科学和文化成就的试验田,清朝前中期语言正是在这块试验田中进入了世界语言学研究的历史。  相似文献   

论文从美国华人政治参与的理论视角,以2013年全美华人抗议美国广播公司(ABC)辱华言论的行动案例,就非选举政治参与方式对当代美国华人政治参与的有效性和必要性进行了探讨.认为当代美国华人参与非选举政治的主要方式有个人接触、游说、法律诉讼、抵制、不合作、加入参政团体、利用大众媒体进行政治表达、游行、示威、抗议和请愿等,具有发起时间短、行动见效快等特点.这些参政方式能增强美国华人的凝聚力,提升他们的族裔意识、维权意识和参政意识,与他们参与选举政治形成互补.未来美国华人参政应该继续走多元化道路,在积极参与选举政治的同时,重视非选举政治参与,以影响美国各级政府决策和社区公益再分配,反对种族歧视,维护和增进在美华人的合法权益与尊严,提高华人参政的有效性,防止辱华、反华和排华的事件重演.  相似文献   

以印尼客家人这一华人次族群为个案,以身份构建为视角,论文通过考察印尼华人再华化的内生动力,揭示了再华化这一概念内涵的复杂性及其表现形式的多样性。论文认为,再华化本质上是印尼华人在民主化改革后进行身份重构和争取合法权利的手段,其根本目的是赋予"印尼公民"以文化多样性和政治包容性的内涵。协调中国移民后裔与印尼公民这两种身份之间的关系,是印尼华人身份重构的根本任务。印尼客家人通过政治参与以及积极推动华文教育、华人社团和华文报刊的复兴,为再华化与印尼华人的身份重构积累了宝贵的经验。印尼华人的再华化与身份重构都是未完成的事业,二者的未来走向既取决于印尼国内政治的变迁,也取决于印尼华人社会的选择与内聚力。  相似文献   

立足图书馆进行在华俄侨文化遗产保护具有重要意义,图书馆资源是在华俄侨文化遗产保护的重要保障和快捷途径.在华俄侨文化遗产保护方面的主动、自觉、系统思考是在21世纪以来不断出现的.目前来看,立足图书馆进行在华俄侨文化遗产保护相关问题的探讨,已经出现一些中肯观点,特别是在一些工作原则和处理态度上有了基本的思度和考量.图书馆视...  相似文献   

马镫与炼丹术──纪念李约瑟博士援华50周年罗宗真我们今天纪念李约瑟博士援华五十周年,自然就会想起他的系列巨著《中国科学技术史》。李约瑟从1942一1944年在中国为援助当时抗日战争时期艰苦环境下的中国科学技术界,和建立中英科学合作馆,做出了极其卓越和...  相似文献   

颜晓辉  王克 《神州》2013,(5):248-248
干部监督工作是干部选任工作的重要内容,目的在于确保干部选任工作的公平公正,真正将德才兼备的干部充实到领导岗位。当前,中央对干部监督工作高度重视,先后出台了四项监督制度,不断加大干部监督工作的力度。笔者认为,充分发挥干部监督工作必须从强化完善制度入手,建立科学、合理的管理体制和工作机制,不断强化思想认识,全程参与,在参与中监督,在监督中服务,才能确保干部选任工作的公开、公平、公正,真正实现党管干部,党管人才。  相似文献   

刘毅 《神州》2013,(31):88-88
本人经过四年的计算机网络技术专业课程教学工作。针对课程改革和专业改革,实施了部分专业教学改革的措施,以思科网络学院、华三网络学院为核心的课程改革,初见成效,多名学生拿到华三高级认证并找到理想的工作。有些课程改革,还在摸索中。  相似文献   

1942年抗战时期,国民党高级将领尹呈辅受命担任韩国光复军总部参谋长,参与在华的韩国流亡政府整编部队、培训教官工作,并主持策划军机,还为当时轰动西南大后方的“安恭根失踪案”的侦破提供了重要线索。尹呈辅是担任过外国军队参谋长的第一个中国人,而且可能也是惟一的一人。欲知详细原委,请览读本文。  相似文献   

曹天成 《故宫博物院院刊》2012,(3):89-99,161,162
本文在以表格形式梳理清代意大利来华耶稣会士画家郎世宁与其十位中国合作者的工作内容、时间之外,简要探讨了他与其中几位合作者之间的微妙关系,这不仅可从一个侧面展现出郎世宁在华期间的工作、生活以及交游情况,同时也有助于我们客观看待和把握其在皇帝眼中的地位及在中国的整体处境。  相似文献   

储著武 《当代中国史研究》2020,(1):83-93,158,159
1956年,为实现向现代科学进军的目标,周恩来亲自领导了1956—1967年科学规划工作,为新中国科学事业的发展倾注了大量心血。可以说,周恩来是新中国计划科学的积极推动者,是十二年科学规划工作的直接领导者,是十二年哲学社会科学规划工作的有力支持者。回望周恩来及其当时科学工作者制订科学规划时的“初心”,对于今天科学工作者的一个重要启示是:既要制订好科学规划,更要贯彻落实好科学规划;同时,制订科学规划必须有利于解放和发展科研生产力,能够最大限度地调动科研工作者的积极性、主动性和创造性。  相似文献   

国内村上春树研究概况及走向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
解析“村上春树现象”,探讨西方当代文化和文学与村上创作的关系,比较视域下研究村上的创作特色,阐发村上文学的艺术魅力这几个方面,大抵构成了国内当前对村上春树研究的主要方向。本文认为在整体把握国内村上研究概况的基础上,结合日本的村上研究,从文化身份、后现代思想主题、叙事艺术及翻译文学等角度入手将是推动国内村上研究深入发展的有益尝试。  相似文献   


This article focuses on the relevance of Alexander von Humboldt's correspondence in the formation of transatlantic scientific networks at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Apart from connecting Humboldt with scientists and scholars worldwide, his correspondence turned out to be a fundamental tool for assuring the material conditions and the social and scientific connections he needed to carry out his research on the Spanish colonies and to simultaneously diffuse his achievements on the European side of the Atlantic. His contact with Hispanic American scientists and with the local elites enabled him to build a broad social network, gaining access to key material, human and intellectual resources. The letters sent to scientists, scientific institutions and noblemen in Europe, for their part, kept Humboldt's European correspondents informed about his activities in Hispanic America, contributing to the validation of his work before the scientific community and the fulfilment of the duties resulting from the political and institutional support he received both before and during his travels. This stresses the importance of strategic social groups and their cooperation in the framework of exploratory travels as a means to gaining access to resources in the peripheries. It also reveals the scientist's dependence on all those who supported his research: kings, barons, botanical gardens, universities, and academies.  相似文献   

While Pierre Bourdieu's reputation as a sociologist is internationally recognised, the more explicitly political aspects of his thought and life are less well known. This is in part because he operated primarily as an academic, eschewing polemics and, as can be seen from his early publications on Algeria and on education, employing scientific sociological method to analyse and inform. However, from the 1980s, Bourdieu started to become more obviously involved in things political, starting with his support for Coluche in the 1981 presidential campaign and his denunciation of state repression in Poland. In the 1990s, Bourdieu became still more overtly political. This is evident, for example, in La Misère du monde (1993), in his work highlighting the situation in Algeria, his much publicised opposition to neo‐liberalism in general and in his support for the 1995 mouvement social in particular. All these later political prises de position were, Bourdieu insisted, underpinned by his work as a scientific sociologist.  相似文献   

Based on an original survey and a critical evaluation of the Chinese historical and scientific literature, this paper ascertains that by as early as the fifth century AD, the typhoon had been recognized by the people of southern China as a distinct meteorological phenomenon. A specific term, ju or jufeng, was accordingly coined, with rather accurate specifications given to it. A typhoon that struck the coastal city of Mizhou in Shandong Province of northern China in AD 816 is the earliest recorded tropical cyclone landfall in China, and perhaps also in the world. The typhoon as a weather phenomenon was frequently mentioned, described, and discussed in many works, including history books, poems and government documents, in the ninth century AD. Such a societal understanding of typhoons made an accurate report of typhoon landfall in AD 816 possible. Another typhoon that struck Qingyuan County in central Guangdong Province in AD 819 was encountered by a leading scholar who described it in his poem. This is the second earliest typhoon landfall recorded in China.  相似文献   

In contrast to the criticism that his work represents a Euro-centric view of China, we argue that Joseph Levenson’s understanding of China involves a third dimension – Judaism – at the level of his historical perspective and methodology. Built on in-depth analysis of Levenson’s work, in particular his Confucian China and Its Modern Fate, as well as his unfinished yet profound writings on Judaism and Jewish history, we find that his understanding of Jewish tradition plays a crucial role in his analysis of the history of modern China. We argue that what Levenson practiced was a historical methodology that we name “dialogic history.” We believe that dialogic history provides us a potential answer to the question of how we can understand another culture without being imperialists, essentialists, or Orientalists. Dialogic history is also history in action because when this kind of dialogue is conducted, a new space can be created in which history is no longer a one-sided monologue.  相似文献   

Though known primarily for his work on muscle energetics, Archibald Vivian Hill, as discussed below, also made important scientific and pedagogic contributions to nerve physiology.  相似文献   

雷海宗先生是中国现代史学史上一位举足轻重的人物,是他那个时代公认的具有真才实学、学贯中西的饱学之士.他在科研与教学中所表现出来的开阔视野、通达思路、严密学风、深厚的历史感、不大识时务的书生气以及大胆质疑和探索的精神,与他早期所受的高级专业训练不无关系.由王敦书先生整理的雷先生的<西洋文化史纲要>一书,是雷先生未曾公开发表过的世界史研究的重要成果,进一步证明雷先生非同凡响的世界史功力.这是一部体大精深的历史纲要,已完成了难度较大的建构工作.假如填充史料的工序能够完成,必定会成为我国世界史研究的里程碑式的著作.可惜<纲要>始终是一份提纲.造成这种缺憾的原因首先是雷先生个人的选择,其次是历史条件的局限.  相似文献   

The practice of science usually involves more than a solitary genius in a solitary room, coping with the problem of her/his life. From the second half of the 19th century onwards, scientific research, especially in the field of the Natural Sciences, has grown into a more and more complex practice, which often entangles very special needs, in terms of research objects, techniques, sources, and perspectives. A few special places, such as the Stazione Zoologica di Napoli, have represented in this period the focal points of an ever growing international scientific network, promoting independent research, exchange and diffusion of novel practices and techniques and unrestricted confrontation. The so-called "Naples experience" has been cited by a large number of renowned scientists of the last two centuries as a key moment in their scientific life. Here we have tried to test it against the experience of three great scientists par excellence, i.e. three Nobel laureates (T. H. Morgan, Otto Warburg, J. D. Watson). The different experiences they have had at Naples represent, in our view, three different moments of the professional life of almost every scientist. Therefore, we have chosen to present them as a phenomenology. The final section is dedicated to a survey of the Zoological Station's contribution to neurosciences, especially to the Naples experience of the Nobel Prize winner Sir Bernard Katz and his assistant Ricardo Miledi, between 1965 and 1970. Their work on the squid at Naples allowed probing and quantitative refinement of results already obtained on different animals and contributed to reinforce the long lasting neurophysiological tradition of the institute.  相似文献   

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