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Many historical geographers would claim Sauer to be one of them. Yet, with the exception of his Foreword to historical geography (1941) he made no major declaration of his interest in the sub-discipline. This paper attempts to examine Sauer's attitude to the time element in geography through a close appraisal of his published work but particularly through his hitherto unpublished correspondence. It soon becomes evident that Sauer changed his ideas during his long working life, and that it is difficult to disentangle Sauer's philosophy about the time element in geography from his philosophy about life, particularly within university circles in the United States, and within American society in general. Sauer's comment to a student in 1936 that historical geography “is of course the apple of my eye” would seem to be demonstrated amply, but that historical geography was not a conventional methodology so much as a flexible metaphor to encompass the study of man on earth through time. It was also the vehicle for some of his prime concerns; scholarship, independent thought, opposition to bureaucracy, concern for human values and environmental quality, and deep distaste for the technological and scientific “fix”, particularly the solutions offered by the social sciences. It might repay contemporary historical geographers to take a close look at Sauer's academic and intellectual values.  相似文献   

旅游地理学是一门关于研究地表旅游现象的人地关系作用规律及其规划实践的科学,是地理学衍生的具有相对独立专业知识体系的分支学科。南京大学以及中国旅游地理学的发展最早可追溯到任美锷1940年在《地理学报》发表的《自然风景与地质构造》一文。改革开放后,南京大学旅游地理经历两个阶段:1979-2002年,旅游地理深植于传统优势的地理学科;2002至今,旅游地理向纵深发展,在国内外核心期刊发表论文600多篇。在《地理学报》、《地理研究》、《地理科学》等地理学权威期刊上,南京大学发表旅游论文数量位居国内所有高校与科研院所的首位。重点研究领域有旅游地理学的基础理论与方法、旅游资源评价与区域旅游开发、旅游环境变化与旅游人地关系等三个方面。篇末展望了旅游地理学中旅游资源评价、旅游市场分析、旅游空间结构、区域旅游影响、旅游规划理论、旅游地理范式等基本问题的研究趋势。  相似文献   

当今学界对于我国地理学发展史上“人文地理学”与“人生地理学”二者的内涵界定和关系阐述并不完全准确。通过对20世纪上半叶地理学科文献的解读,可以发现二者存在三个阶段的演化:第一阶段,为传统方志地学与近代人文地理学交汇下萌发,以分类呈现人文事象为主的“人文地理学”;第二阶段,为批判方志传统,主张以人地关系论为核心,并在法国学派思想影响下产生的“人生地理学”;第三阶段,为批判人地关系论,在景观论与辩证唯物主义理论相结合的背景下提出的“人文地理学”。在三个不同阶段,“Human Geography”一词未曾改变,但在中国代表的内涵迥异,相互之间存在部分的继承,但更多的是通过批判而形成的思想演化。其根源在于西方近代地理学思想传入中国后,与中国地方的学术环境及时代背景产生交融,继而形成内涵各异的学术思想变体。  相似文献   

张彦南  李全  陈工  冯艺 《人文地理》2017,32(3):138-145
以《Economic Geography》载文数据与引文数据为数据源,借助Citespace 工具从作者与关键词两方面进行文献计量与知识图谱绘制,挖掘经济地理学研究的知识基础、学术群体与近期研究热点。研究表明:①纳入第一作者发文量、h 指数、g 指数等发文与引文双角度指标的作者学术影响力评价体系的结果更客观全面;②美英等国在经济地理研究中处于整体主导地位;③经济地理领域存在分别以Stopper M、Dicken P、Berry B J L、Casetti E为代表且秉承同一研究脉络的学术群体,且各时段研究议题侧重点不同;④经济地理研究关键词所涉面较宽,如全球化、创新、网络、集群、性别、劳动力、政治、政策等,尺度、组织、灵活性、政治、美国等关键词近年受关注度较多。  相似文献   

甘肃陇南地域偏僻 ,古代学者难以实地考察 ,注解《禹贡》的典籍和记载桓、桓水的地理文献往往出于臆测 ,影响了古籍的学术价值及使用价值。本文以躬身勘访获取的第一手资料为基础 ,结合大量书面文献 ,细心求证 ,基本理清了历代关于桓水、白水、羌水、西汉水等水道记述文字的种种纠葛和有关舛误  相似文献   

我国人文地理学研究的若干基本意识问题   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
自1980年代复兴以后的近三十年来,我国人文地理学研究和教学取得了可喜的成绩,但参照国际人文地理学的发展以及我国其他领域改革的深入和推进,存在的问题也日益明显,突出表现在五种意识的不足或缺乏。这使我们在服务国家经济建设方面作出令人注目的成绩的同时,未能对世界人文地理学发展作出我们应有的贡献。亟待反思,找到问题之所在以及通向世界学术殿堂的"桥梁",以便"重新出发"。在恪守学术规范的基础上,增强学术史和与同行对话的意识、以问题和理论为导向,立足本土,加强人文地理研究的理论化,作出原创性的发现,是我国人文地理学者面临的一项艰巨任务。  相似文献   

从百期《人文地理》看中国文化地理学的发展脉络   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
朱竑  林婕  魏雷 《人文地理》2009,24(5):13-20
《人文地理》从创刊至百期,一直关注中国文化地理学研究的发展。正是依靠《人文地理》所搭建的平台,在《人文地理》的扶持、关爱及帮助下,我国文化地理学的发展才取得今日尽管依旧弱小,但也能悄然展放、显现美丽的局面。从过往100期的历程可以明了的是,它作为一个温床、一片实验田和一个跳板,孕育了包括文化地理在内的众多中国人文地理各分支学科的发展,也鼓舞、扶持了众多年轻的莘莘学子从稚嫩、从恐惧、从胆怯到充满自信、到成长,进而走向成熟。从这样的角度看,《人文地理》不啻又肩负了导师、领路人的角色。本文通过百期《人文地理》中文化地理学研究的回顾,包括载文数量、文献作者和文献内容的分析,梳理了近二十年来国内文化地理学研究的发展脉络。文化地理学研究正处在蓬勃发展的重要阶段,在社会发展与学科发展的新形势下,有必要继续在《人文地理》的领航下,借助新的理论视角和方法,依靠与国际研究的接轨和对话,体现中国文化地理学研究的区域特色,促进包括文化地理学在内的中国人文地理学科的整体突破。  相似文献   


Latin American feminist geography exists in historically strong academic centers in the region, such as Brazil, Mexico and Argentina with an incipient tradition in Colombia, Chile and now Ecuador. In countries like Ecuador, where institutionalized human geography perspectives are lacking, the rise of feminist geography provides the field with important reflections regarding the flow of knowledge and practice. This paper addresses two ways in which feminist geography has entered Ecuadorian academia and activist-research circles. The first is through the work of the Critical Geography Collective of Ecuador and the second, through an incipient interest in feminist geography from different universities.  相似文献   

This study examines the hegemony of political power on the discipline of human geography in Turkey. Throughout the history of the country, human geography curricula have been aligned with the nationalist and hegemonic power politics of state authorities instead of being guided by universal norms, thus ignoring Turkey’s sociopolitical and cultural geography. This is reflected in the contents of human geography text books at the high school and college level. Similarly, the subjects of articles that have appeared in the 12 academic geography journals published in Turkey within the last 71 years also support this claim. The intervention of political power in the academic identity of human geography and the efforts to align human geography curricula with a certain ideological view have resulted in the emergence of apolitical geographers, who remain deaf and blind to social issues. This study analyzes the negative features of human geography education curricula and their political implications in Turkey, and proposes several recommendations.  相似文献   

The academic contributions of Waldo Tobler are noteworthy and significant, spanning essentially all disciplines that involve the study of geographic phenomena. While much attention has been given to his observations of the first law of geography, there is much more substance to his larger body of research. It is especially fitting that this commemorative special issue is appearing in Geographical Analysis as Tobler published extensively in the journal, beginning in the first volume in 1969 up to volume 42 in 2010, making important contributions to quantitative theoretical geography. His research helped to build and sustain the journal, laying the foundation for what is the premier quantitative geography outlet today. This article reviews his publication activity in Geographical Analysis.  相似文献   


This paper discusses the 1912 Transcontinental Excursion of the American Geographical Society. Planned and led by W.M. Davis, the 21 000 kilometre excursion highlighted facets of the geography of the USA and demonstrated the growing status of American academic geography to 43 European geographers. Among these were George G. Chisholm and Alan G. Ogilvie, respectively first lecturer and first professor of geography at Edinburgh University. Use is made of their unpublished notes and selected published material to convey the impact of the excursion on both men, demonstrate the friendships and networks that developed, and illustrate something of the methodological debates conducted during this unique, mobile summer school.  相似文献   

王兴中先生是我国著名的人文地理学家。他是中国新人文地理学的倡引者与践行者之一。他的学术思想集中体现在用现代新人文思想引领中国对空间对偶价值观结构的研究,创立了系统的"城市社会生活空间质量观"学理。具体表现在倡导探讨空间(或地点)社会-文化空间秩序的构成规律,引领对人文空间的社会公正与价值尊严结构研究的方向;在此基础上他力践中国新人文地理学在城市空间研究方面的社会空间基础、结构与解构及其规划的系统理念与原理。他的以上学术思想主要体现在现代人文地理学领域中的城市社会空间结构、城市生活空间结构、城市(商娱)场所微区位以及城市社区体系规划等四大领域的系统研究中。人文地理学大师吴传钧先生生前在王兴中先生的前三部代表性力作《中国城市社会空间结构研究》、《中国城市生活空间结构研究》和《中国城市商娱场所微区位原理》的序言中,赞称填补了该三大领域研究的空白,为我国城市社会地理研究提供了新范式。《城市社区体系规划原理》一书为城市空间规划提出了新思想。不仅如此,王兴中先生运用新人文思想对旅游资源景观和行为地理的研究,也取得了开创性的成就。王先生积极投身于我国人文地理研究,成为复兴人文地理学的生力军,通过他的具体工作,创办了我国唯一的人文地理学学术杂志《人文地理》,在我国人文地理学的复兴和发展中起到了重大的作用。特别是2001-2010年,在王先生的带领下,中国地理学会人文地理专业委员会暨全国高校人文地理教学研究会学术会议几乎年年召开,积极地促进了我国人文地理学的发展。王先生对中国人文地理学发展作出的杰出贡献,将载入人文地理学的发展史册。  相似文献   

古代地理学作为一种观念体系,同时也可以看作是一种特殊的人文景观,因此对它的考察在相当的程度上可以采用历史地理学的方法。基于这样的认识,本文尝试着在两宋公私书目的基础上,复原这一时期的地理学"景观"。我们发现,宋人对地理学的观念性规定沿着疆域地理的路径前进。而与此相伴随的是,《山海经》所代表的古代地理学传统开始逐渐被有意识地淡化。最为引人注目的是,南宋初年,郑樵对地理学所做的分类,构成了一幅两宋之际,具有浓郁学科意识(专门之学)的地理学景观。此外,需要指出的是,"地理书"在两宋时期,作为一个学术概念并没有被独占,而是被相宅兆类著述以不同的形式所"分享"。  相似文献   

陈林  刘云刚 《人文地理》2021,36(4):29-36
本文梳理近代以来日本地理学的发展历程和知识生产特征,探讨其如何平衡理论与实践、学术与应用的关系,以期为中国地理学的发展提供借鉴。日本地理学注重区域知识的生产,良好的学术生产分工促进了区域地理学和系统地理学的相互融合。大学评价体系鼓励年轻学者生产基于区域调查的研究成果,对中坚地理学者注重原创性学术理论体系形成和地理学知识的代际传承。日本地理学的区域知识生产在政策制定、市民时空间观形成和地理学终生学习等社会应用方面发挥重要作用。近代日本地理学在欧美地理学影响下快速发展并形成了独具特色的区域地理学研究,然而近年与国际地理学界的交流放缓所引起的诸多问题也值得中国地理学借鉴。  相似文献   

Against a background of recent work in the history of geography and of geographical knowledge, the paper considers evidence for the place of geography within British universities before the formal establishment of the first departments of geography. Attention is paid to geography's discursive connections with other subjects within given university curricula, and to the values placed upon its teaching by contemporaries. The paper argues that extant historiographies for British geography should be revised in the light of such evidence. More importantly, the paper raises questions about the sites and intellectual spaces in which geography has been situated and about the content, nature and purpose of writing geography's 'disciplinary' history.  相似文献   

Anuchin takes the discussion on methodology, long confined to the academic journals, to a general newspaper, complaining that geography as such in breaking up into particular disciplines without a reverse trend toward synthesis. He accuses I. p. Gerasimov, director of the Institute of Geography, of slighting research in integrated geography and economic geography and of reducing all geography to the physical-geographic group of disciplines.  相似文献   

Within Britain, geography as a discipline has been criticized recently for failing either to add to or teach knowledge about the world at large. Instead it has concentrated first at university and then in schools on spatial social science, with examples drawn overwhelmingly from the white Western world. The recent history of geography is reviewed to see why this should be the case. The end of regional integration, the end of the idiographic, and the divorce of physical and human geography are lamented. The ignorance of current students regarding world affairs is demonstrated. Wider influences on these trends such as the end of empire are discussed. The plight of other academic attempts to understand overseas cultures, such as area studies, is also examined. The paper concludes that for the sake of our social responsibility to education in its broadest sense, as much as for the sake of our disciplinary vested interests, we have to reinvest in integrating physical and human geography in regional settings, as our part of academe's response to the threat to area studies.  相似文献   


This article explores the development of feminist geography in Taiwan within the time frame of last three decades, since the first author became involved in the IGU Gender and Geography Working Group in 1988. It is found that Anglo-American influences have contributed significantly to the feminist movement in Taiwan. An important outcome over time has been the improved visibility of Women and Gender studies courses in academe. As social geographer and cultural anthropologist respectively, the authors trace important dynamics of growth in the academic fields of geography and the social sciences in post-secondary education. Owing to the history and the nature of the discipline of geography, and the structural constraints due to male-domination, there is still a high fence to cross over. Statistics show that a rising number of women in Taiwan have received PhD degrees. The authors note the mitigating development that younger women geographers have taken up administration positions as chairs of four of the five geography departments. However, up to the present time, in academic meetings and conferences, it is unlikely that any presentations on the topic of gender will be offered. The authors encourage younger generations of scholars in Taiwan to continue to look for and connect with feminist geographers abroad, to embrace diversity and inclusiveness in their research, and to help our society to grow in the level of gender equity.  相似文献   


Based on our experience of years of research, teaching and academic administration, this text gathers reflections on the past, present and future developments of feminist geography in Spain. We first show how a gendered perspective was introduced into geography in the late eighties. We then reflect on what we call ‘the stage of consolidation’ alongside territorial inequalities at the turn of the century. And we finally present some notes what the current situation is and identify future challenges. Despite the difficulties, we offer a positive vision of a long journey that has no turning back.  相似文献   

This paper takes a comparative look at urban geography in the German- and English-speaking academic communities, based on a critical reflection of publication activities, sub-disciplinary discourses and conceptual developments. It is argued that Anglophone discourses tend to embed urban research into a broad range of conceptual and theoretical frameworks, whereas many writings in German-speaking urban geography are committed to pursuing empirical studies and applied research, thereby producing planning studies and policy recommendations; only recently, studies inspired by the cultural turn have evolved that are also addressing urban topics. In both language communities, a certain body of geographical work can be detected that deals with core urban themes without evolving from a distinct ‘urban geography’ community. In this context, a mutual trans-national dialogue between cultural, social and urban geographies is considered helpful for better linking the two different language and academic communities. Accordingly, the paper provides suggestions on how to reconceptualize urban geography at the intersections of recent debates in both language contexts by highlighting specific theoretical approaches, policy linkages and methodologies.  相似文献   

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