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裴李岗文化生业经济研究主要从微观和宏观两个层面展开。微观方面包括动物遗存、植物遗存和生产工具的研究,宏观方面则从聚落形态角度进行长时段的考察比较。总体上裴李岗文化生计表现出低水平的食物生产状态,以采集狩猎经济为主,农业生产可能也占有一定比例并有了初步发展。目前仅贾湖遗址进行过较系统的发掘和研究,而各遗址采集、狩猎、渔业、家畜饲养及农业生产的占比可能会有所不同,当前研究缺乏各遗址生业经济结构的具体细节,裴李岗文化跨越了近1500年,各时段的比较研究也还严重缺乏。  相似文献   

对查海遗址出土的4件石磨盘和石磨棒表层残留物进行的淀粉粒提取和分析表明当时人类的植物性食物较丰富,包括禾本科(Poaceae)植物种子和块根块茎类等,还有一些尚未能确定种属的植物,在各类植物中以禾本科植物最多。结合动物考古及炭化植物分析结果,推测狩猎采集经济在查海先民的生业经济中应占主要地位。同时,数量较多的狗尾草属植物淀粉粒的发现暗示查海遗址可能已经出现对这类植物的集中利用甚至是初期栽培活动。石器表层各类淀粉粒的数量比说明禾本科植物是查海遗址石磨盘和磨棒最主要的加工对象。  相似文献   

<正>对御龙湾小区明代建筑遗址淀粉粒的研究共采集12个样品,来自石磨盘和石臼表面,提取出187颗淀粉粒,其中除F3-6∶974、F3-8∶978、T2(4)∶979这3个样品发现较多淀粉粒外,其余9个样品中提取出的淀粉粒均不超过5粒。(表1)共有13颗淀粉粒因形态破碎无法鉴定,剩余174颗淀粉粒根据其形态特征,可以分为4类,分别来自高粱、小麦、块根块茎  相似文献   

本文应用稳定同位素分析技术对湖北青龙泉遗址东周时期墓葬出土人骨中的C、N同位素比值进行了测定。结果显示:青龙泉遗址东周时期居民日常饮食习惯中保持着较低比例的动物性食物摄入,植物类食物的摄入中以C3类植物为主,很可能来源于稻谷,还有部分C4类植物的摄入,来源于粟米。本文的研究可以为复原青龙泉遗址东周时期居民的经济模式研究提供有益的线索。  相似文献   

本文应用稳定同位素分析技术对内蒙古赤峰市大山前遗址夏家店上层文化"祭祀坑"出土人骨中的C、N同位素比值进行了测定。结果显示:大山前遗址夏家店上层文化时期先民食物结构以C4类植物为主,很有可能来源于粟、黍和稷,肉类食物在食物结构中占有一定的比例,暗示出饲养业和畜牧业在当时的经济生活中已经占据重要的位置。本文的研究为复原内蒙古东南部地区特别是赤峰地区青铜时代人群的经济生活模式提供了重要的科学依据。  相似文献   

双墩文化是一支分布于淮河中游地区、独具特色的新石器时代考古学文化,其年代跨度约为7500—7000BP,本文通过对禹会村遗址出土动物骨骼开展碳、氮稳定同位素分析,探讨该遗址的家畜饲养策略。结果显示,禹会村遗址猪群的稳定同位素值整体上反映出以C3类植物为主的食物结构特征,与大、中型鹿科动物比较相似。虽然动物考古的相关分析表明遗址的猪群是以家猪为主,伴有少量野猪、返野家猪等,但猪群个体之间的稳定同位素值很相似,反映了相近的食物结构。植物考古的研究表明,禹会村遗址及所在地区,在双墩文化时期以采集为主,辅以小规模的水稻种植。在这种背景下,禹会村遗址的古人对家猪采取较为松散的管理方式,其食物主要来自于自然环境。禹会村、侯家寨一期和双墩三处遗址的猪群,整体上的食物结构比较相似,但双墩遗址中3例以C4类植物为食的猪可能非本地饲养。双墩遗址作为一处中心型聚落,其在外来稀有资源的占有上优于另外两处遗址,这也反映了这一时期随着文化的交流、社会发展,聚落间的差异和分化逐渐显现。  相似文献   

试论裴李岗文化时期的社会阶段   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
裴李岗文化遗存,是我国考古工作者于70年代在黄河流域中原地区的河南、河北等地发现的新石器时代的早期文化。它的发现和发掘工作引起了国内考古、史学界的普遍关注,为我们认识新石器时代早期人类的社会经济、氏族的发展阶段等诸多方面提供了丰富而翔实的实物资料,也是我国原始社会发展史研究的一个重要环节。有关裴李岗文化的面貌、内涵以及文化属性,近年来不少人对其进行了各方面的探讨与研究,认为它与老官台、元君庙以及宝鸡北首岭下层文化等遗址一样,是中原地区新石器时代早期的代表,但在对裴李岗文化的更深入的认识方面还存在有不同的分歧。诸如是否已经产生了私有现象,男女间是否已出现社会分工等。本文就裴李岗文化的部分有关问题浅谈一下自己的认识。  相似文献   

塔布敖包遗址为一处兴隆洼文化晚期聚落,对该遗址出土的14件石磨盘、磨棒、研磨器等石器进行淀粉粒提取发现了包括黍、粟、小麦族在内的禾本科、块根块茎等植物淀粉粒遗存,另有一些暂未知种属淀粉粒。通过量化分析,并结合其他考古证据,初步认为农业生产与采集渔猎并重的模式是塔布敖包聚落的生计方式。囿于资料的局限,目前尚无法进一步衡量聚落农业生产的规模和水平。  相似文献   

关于裴李岗·磁山文化的定名及其年代问题的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
七十年代中叶,考古工作者通过对河北磁山和河南新郑裴李岗遗址的发掘,认识了中原地区新石器时代早期偏晚的文化。嗣后,学者们对它进行研究并发表了几篇论文。但对这两处遗址文化定名及其年代早晚问题,存在着截然不同的意见。笔者根据已知的材料,对它们的文化内涵进行初步分析,谈谈一管之见,不妥之处,请同志们指正。  相似文献   

关于裴李岗文化若干问题的探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
前言裴李岗文化的发现是近年来中原地区新石器时代考古的重大收获。在此之前,仰韶文化和龙山文化的发掘虽然取得了丰硕的研究成果,但早于仰韶文化的新石器时代史迹却未发现过。由于裴李岗文化的发现,给探索中国新石器时代早期文化带来了光辉的前景。一九七七年我们发现这种文化时,曾经说:“类似裴李岗类型的遗址在新郑县唐户,密县东关,密县莪沟和登封县等地都有发现。我们相信,今后会发现更多的这类文化遗存,将使我们对这类文化面貌有比较全面的了解。”①经近几年的努力工作,已发现这类遗址五十余处,发掘了五处,试掘了多处,积累了一批新资料,使我们对这种文化内涵有了进一步的认识。本文试图对裴李岗文化及其有关的一些问题进行初步探讨,不当之处,请方家予以指正。  相似文献   

Starch grains from 31 modern samples of millets derived from the seeds of 7 species within the genus Setaria and 2 species within the genus Panicum were analyzed to determine diagnostic morphological characteristics. Ancient starch grains recovered from a sample of broomcorn millet (Panicum miliaceum) excavated from the Cishan site (10.0-7.6 cal yr BP) in the North China Plain were then subjected to the same analyses to determine the differences in morphologies, if any, between modern and ancient samples. The data indicate that morphological features, and particularly surface and fissure features, will allow for solid identifications of ancient millet starches, while size classes will be helpful, but will not be dependable taxonomic indicators.  相似文献   

Dietary reconstructions based on plant microfossils, such as starch grains and phytoliths, have been useful in increasing our understanding of past human populations. Microfossils have been recovered from sediments, stone tools, and, more recently, dental calculus. Methods for recovering microfossils from dental calculus have yet to be firmly established and there is some question about potential damage to the teeth. Using a sample of teeth from the middle Holocene site of Tell al-Raqā'i, Syria, we tested using a dental pick to sample the calculus. ESEM images taken before and after sampling show no damage to the enamel surface, and examination of the recovered microfossils show that this method provides ample material for study, even when not all of the calculus is removed from the tooth. Preliminary identification of the plant microfossils suggests that these individuals were consuming a variety of plant foods, but that domesticated cereals such as wheat and barley made up a surprisingly small portion of their diet.  相似文献   

A variety of microfossils, originating from plant foods, become trapped in the dental calculus matrix. Processing of dental calculus allows extraction of these microfossils. The resulting data can be used to reconstruct diet at the individual and population levels as the identification of microfossils like starch grains and phytoliths to the generic level, and sometimes to the species level, is possible. However, in some archaeological sites, dental calculus deposits do not preserve well enough to be processed. To prevent the loss of information in such cases, we present a technique, called “dental wash”. It permits extracting microfossils from cryptic dental calculus deposits. In the two experimental archaeological cases presented herein we identified phytoliths, starch grains as well as a diatom fragment with this method, whereas in a control sample no microfossils were found. Moderate damage to the teeth was detected when they were already friable due to poor preservation. Minor damage to the surface of well-preserved teeth was observed. This indicates that the proposed method is efficient in recovering microfossils, but unacceptable because of damage to teeth. If the method can be refined, it will expand the potential of dental calculus analysis to a greater range of archeological sites.  相似文献   

China is a major centre for rice domestication, where starch grain analysis has been widely applied to archaeological grinding tools to gain information about plant use by ancient Chinese societies. However, few rice starch grains have been identified to date. To understand this apparent scarcity of starch grains from rice, dry- and wet-grinding experiments with stone tools were carried out on four types of cereals: rice (Oryza sativa L.), foxtail millet (Setaria italica), Job's tears (Coix lacryma-jobi L.) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). The results reveal that dry-grinding produces significant damage to starches to the point where they may be undetected in archaeological samples, while wet-grinding causes only slight morphological changes to the starch grains. Moreover, rice starch grains have the most substantial alterations from dry-grinding, possibly impeding their identification. These findings provide a possible means to explain the relative scarcity of rice starch grains recovered from archaeological grinding tools, which it is suggested was caused by the use of the dry-grinding technique. Therefore, it is suggested that rice starch grains have been likely underrepresented in the archaeological record, and previous interpretations of starch analyses need to be reconsidered.  相似文献   

To date, limited numbers of dental calculus samples have been analyzed by researchers in diverse parts of the world. The combined analyses of these have provided some general guidelines for the analysis of calculus that is non-destructive to archaeological teeth. There is still a need for a quantitative study of large numbers of calculus samples to establish protocols, assess the level of contamination, evaluate the quantity of microfossils in dental calculus, and to compare analysis results with the literature concerning the biology of calculus formation. We analyzed dental calculus from 53 teeth from four Brazilian sambaquis. Sambaquis are the shell-mounds that were established prehistorically along the Brazilian coast. The analysis of sambaqui dental calculi shows that there are relatively high concentrations of microfossils (phytoliths and starch), mineral fragments, and charcoal in dental calculus. Mineral fragments and charcoal are possibly contaminants. The largest dental calculi have the lowest concentrations of microfossils. Biologically, this is explained by individual variation in calculus formation between people. Importantly, starch is ubiquitous in dental calculus. The starch and phytoliths show that certainly Dioscorea (yam) and Araucaria angustifolia (Paraná pine) were eaten by sambaqui people. Araceae (arum family), Ipomoea batatas (sweet potato) and Zea mays (maize) were probably in their diet.  相似文献   

2012年,驻马店文物工作者对驻马店市西平县谢老庄遗址进行了调查与初步勘探,采集的裴李岗文化和龙山文化遗物较丰富,有陶器、石器、动物骨角器及牙齿等。该遗址的发现为研究裴李岗文化贾湖类型增添了新资料,为研究淮河流域上游驻马店区域内史前文化发展序列提供了新的实物依据。  相似文献   

Analysis of ancient human dental calculus for the presence of inclusions related to diet and dental health has been overlooked in anthropological literature. Small particles of archaeobotanical debris, which would otherwise not be preserved in the archaeological record, can become incorporated into unmineralised plaque on teeth during mastication and oral manipulation. When plaque mineralises into calculus, debris is preserved in situ. Samples of dental calculus (n = 18) were collected from the Danbury site (33OT16) in Ottawa County, Ohio and viewed under a scanning electron microscope for inclusions. Analysis yielded a variety of noticeable inclusions, including mineralised bacteria, calcium‐phosphate crystalline structures and numerous phytoliths. Here we report the first evidence of fibres consistent with cotton (Gossypium spp.) embedded in the dental calculus from the Late Woodland component (900–1100 AD ) of the Danbury site. Prehistoric cotton has not been previously documented in Ohio. The distinct morphology of the Danbury cotton and its presence in the Late Woodland component at Danbury suggests long‐distance interaction at a time in Ohio when movement of exotic goods appeared to have diminished. These microscopic remains provide insight into paleoethnobotanical history of ancient Ohioans and attest to how analysis of dental calculus could be used to supplement other paleodietary and archaeological analyses. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recent work in various parts of the world has suggested the possibility of ancient starch granules surviving and adhering to archaeological artefacts. Often this information is used to infer aspects of diet. One additional source for recovery of archaeological starch granules is dental calculus. The presence of plant food debris in dental calculus is well known but has not been not widely investigated using archaeological material. The extraction of starch granules from dental calculus represents a direct link to the consumption of starchy food by humans or animals. Using dental calculus also sidesteps many other questions still inherent in using starch granules to reconstruct aspects of ancient diet, such as the effects of diagenesis on their morphology; as the starches are trapped inside a concreted matrix they are less likely to alter over time. We used amylase digestion by a starch-specific enzyme to confirm the material as starch.  相似文献   

Here, we present δ13C and δ15N results for the dietary reconstruction of nomadic pastoralists from the Iron Age (ca. 1000 bc –8 ad ) site of Heigouliang. The human (n = 27) δ13C values range from −19.6‰ to −17.0‰ with a mean value of −18.5 ± 0.5‰, and the δ15N results range from 11.5‰ to 13.8‰ with a mean value of 12.4 ± 0.6‰. The results indicated that animals, like sheep, were part of the predominately C3 terrestrial diet, but two individuals have values greater than −18‰ that is indicative of some input of C4 foods in their diets. Because of a lack of faunal samples and to supply complementary information concerning plant consumption, teeth from four individuals were analysed for dental calculus microfossils. Starch grains were found to correspond to Triticeae and Poaceae, possibly including wheat (Triticum aestivum), barley (Hordeum vulgare), highland barley (H. vulgare L var. nudum), foxtail millet (Setaria italica) and/or common millet (Panicum miliaceum). At the population level, no dietary differences were detected between burial owners and sacrificial victims, but variations were found when specific tombs were analysed. In particular, individuals with bone trauma associated with armed conflict also had distinct isotopic signatures possibly suggesting that some of the sacrificial victims could have been captured warriors that were sacrificed for the burial owners. While limited, the results are some of the first from an Iron Age population from Xinjiang and contribute to our understanding of the dietary patterns of this region. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Ancient foodstuffs, including noodles, cakes, and common millet, were excavated from the Subeixi Cemeteries (cal. 500–300 years BC), Turpan District in Xinjiang, China. Starch grain and phytolith analyses were undertaken to identify the plant species involved. These indicate that the noodles and cakes were made from Panicum miliaceum. Ancient food preparation technologies were also investigated by cooking experiments.  相似文献   

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