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In the study of socio-economic development in Tibet, one tends to stress the role of non-economic elements, especially the role of humans and social background.Of these, the role of religious culture is regarded as the most important. However, there are basically two approaches to the issue: First of all, although religion exerts a varied role on economic growth, legal construction, public welfare and ethics, one tends to each only a general judgment. Secondly, study of the role played by religion focused on the religious doctrines held by monks, and monks themselves. Although many point out the fact that religious power over people varies, it roots in the rural areas and among the folk at large is still neglected.Hence, there is the need to study individual cases.  相似文献   

Among Mongolian and Tibetan high-ranking Bud-dhist monks,the Khutukhtu is second only to that ofthe Dalai and the Panchen.There have,however,beenvarious interpretations of the word khutukhtu,its lin-guistic origin,and connotations.In this essay,therefore,I expound on the preliminary textual re-search I have made into questions regarding the ori-gin of the word “khutukhtu,” its course of evolution,  相似文献   

孟艳霞 《丝绸之路》2012,(11):41-43
土族於菟流传于青海省同仁县年都乎村,是当地特有的一种民俗文化形态,于每年农历十一月初五至二十日举行,包含念平安经、人神共娱、祛疫逐邪等仪式。“於菟”又是“舞者”的称谓。  相似文献   

This new, recently developed extracting techniqne, Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE), features many advantages in natural product extraction, such as a satisfactory rate of extraction, a high isolation effect, and, when operated entirely free of residual solvents, low cost.  相似文献   

Ling Tian, a senior reporter, went to Tibet from 1950 to 1956 reporting on events. In the spring of 1959, he entered Tibet once more and visited Lhoka. His diary, with one hundred thousand characters about this journey, has accurately recorded the genuine process of democratic reform occurring in Khesum Manor of Lhoka. In this journal, we are publishing some parts of his diary as follows.  相似文献   

In rural areas in Tibet where religion believers occupy a very high proportion of the population, religious service can also be included into the scope of public services, because it is not only related to local social stability, but also bound up with the quality of life (such as a sense of happiness and the perceived meaning of life) in the view of local people. Investigation in five villages shows how in the rural areas in Tibet, various religious authorities provide such services.  相似文献   

美丽的土乡,有挺拔的山峰,清幽的山谷,葱郁的树木,静穆的田园,潺潺的溪流,还有那些禽鸟,野花和蜂蝶……美好的景致时时刻刻地陶冶着土乡人的心灵,使他们随时随地想跟大自然和声,情不自禁地唱出纯朴的山歌,跳出欢乐的舞蹈.  相似文献   

本文在对比、分析"民族自自治权"和"民族自决权"的内涵、基本内容以及使用原则的基础上,认为:"民族自决"不适用于西藏,"民族自治"是西藏发展的必然选择。  相似文献   

An academic “Seminar on Tibetan History”,hostedby China Tibetology Research Center,was held inBeijing from September 1 to September 3,2002.Pro-fessors and Experts.in Tibetan history from severalTaiwan universities,such as Taiwan Politics University,Culture University,Zhongzheng University,SouthChina University and Mingchuan University took partin the seminar,and more than 30 mainland scholars  相似文献   

"This year, I have seemingly become a famous movie star as my name is well-known amongst many overseas tourists traveling to Gyantse. It is incredible to me that this documentary series had such a great influence after being broadcasted all over theworld. I remember the time when Sun Shuyun (the director of the documentary) came to invite me to be the main character of the documentary and be followed everyday with a camera behind me. To some extent, I did feel frustrated during that particular period."  相似文献   

Tibetan towns and villages are the remotest areas in China regional society. The remoteness is evident in two aspects: (i) the natural environment; located in the southwestern frontier of China, as the core of the "the Third Extreme", Tibet claims to be the farthest area in terms of space, altitude and distance -- and com- pared with towns, this is really true of the villages, (z) the social environment; with the rapid development of Tibet's tourist industry in recent years, people tend to focus more on Tibet, but mainly on such cities as Lhasa, Shigatse and Tsetang. Beyond people's attention, towns and villages stay far away not only from those socio-economically and culturally developed areas but also from the focus of intensive social development.  相似文献   

美国与西藏分裂集团(下篇)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实言 《文史月刊》2002,(12):30-37
对于达赖喇嘛来说,1991年4月18日是个值得欣喜的日子,因为这天他同布什总统进行了大约半个小时的晤谈!  相似文献   

Have you ever been in Tibet? Do you want to enjoy your holiday? Why not go to Tibet, where you can see the blue Sky with flaky clouds, green hills with blossoming flowers, snowcapped mountain peaks, great rivers and beautiful lakes, dense virgin forests, Tibetan antelopes and wild yaks running in the vast grassland, picturesque villages and age-old Tibetan monasteries. All of these are just part of the beauty that can be found in Tibet. Tibet is really a lively and lovely place where one can calm down one's vexation and impulsiveness being transported in a whirl of clouds to a world truly apart. So don't hesitate about going to Tibet for a visit. There are several ways of getting to Tibet: either by air or by going overland. Many highways connect Tibet and other parts of China.  相似文献   

光天化日之下,这位前科累累、但有着“天使的容貌的阿裔青年犯下3桩重案、夺去7条人命法国在本土遭遇的第一次“基地”组织袭击降下帷幕但它给法国人带来的恐慌和反思远未结束  相似文献   

The whole process of economic developmentthroughout the world has shown that the developmentof every region must rely on correlated industries.Re-gional distribution and relative size of industries dif-fer according to diverse economic conditions,socialresources,and differing developing processes.Hence,all national governments formulate industrial devel-opment policies in accordance with their local condi-tions and give priority to some dominant industries soas to speed up the overall development of their eco-nomic society.  相似文献   

King Gesar, an epic created orally by the Tibetans long ago, covers ethnic groups,language, religion, civil affairs, literature and arts,history, politics, military, ethic, ecology and psychology, etc. Thus it is viewed as Tibetan encyclopedia. A study of the epic shows that in view of the fo refathers of the Tibetans, man and nature both have souls and are equal life forms with religious dignity. It is mainly represented in following aspects, the idea of “respecting life and nature” as its core.  相似文献   

岳立 《中国西藏》2003,(3):20-21
1987年9月21日,十四世达赖喇嘛丹增嘉措在美国国会众议院人权小组委员会上发表了所谓解决“西藏问题”的“五点和平计划”,在认为西藏历史上即是一个独立国家的基础上,提出“使整个西藏成为中国与印度之间的一个‘和平区’和‘缓冲国’”的方案。将中国的领土西藏变成中国与印度之间的缓冲国的说法,最早是由英帝国主义提出的。他们曾入侵西藏,企图将西藏变成他们的殖民地。  相似文献   

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