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爽人的秋风吹起来了,树上的果子甜起来了;早地里的包谷熟了,水田里的稻谷黄了,包谷稀饭吃不完了,阿傈僳吃白米饭了;爷爷收的鸡蛋无处装了,奶奶喂的肥猪关不下了,阿爹打来的兽皮无处挂了,阿妈挖来的药材装不下了;阿哥的新猎枪买回来了,阿姐的新裙子穿起来了;阿弟的收录机唱起来了,阿妹的手提琴拉起来了……党的新政策最合心了,阿傈僳的日子乐起来了!党的新政策最合心了(僳傈族)@李伍久~~  相似文献   

林美  路威平 《神州》2013,(2):103-103
[题记]:在高校学生管理工作的过程中,我发现,作为教育对象的大学生物质富裕的多了,精神富裕的少了;玩世不恭的多了,彬彬有礼的少了;混沌人世的多了,引领社会的少了;而作为教育工作者的教师们忙科研的多了,忙学生的少了;忙论文的多了,忙备课的少了;受学生指责的多了,受学生尊敬的少了……  相似文献   

周密 《神州》2008,(2):92-97
"春天到了,百花竞放,西花厅的海棠花又盛开了,看花的主人已经走了,走了十二年了,离开了我们,他不再回来了。你不是喜欢海棠花吗?解放初期,你偶然看到这个海棠花盛开的院落,就爱上了海棠花,也就爱上了这个院落,选定这个院落,到这个盛开着海棠花的院落来居住。你住了二十六年了,我比你住得还长,现在已经是三十八年了。"  相似文献   

陈洪澜 《史学月刊》2001,1(5):21-27
20世纪的科技发展,更新了史学家的史学观念,提升了历史学的科学性;扩大了历史学的研究领域,丰富了研究内容;引进了其他学科的研究方法,发展了史学方法论;开辟厂新的史学信息来源,增加了新的史料类型;改善了研究手段,繁荣了历史学的表现形式在20世纪科技发展的影响下,中国历史学获得了整体性的进步,不仅使历史学的学科性质发生了质的飞跃,而且也提升了历史学的价值与功能。  相似文献   

正春天,从遥远的地方走来了。她来到了梨树身边,用手指轻轻一点,一道白光闪过,梨树笑了,从他的树梢上开出了一朵朵洁白的梨花。她来到了草地上,坐了下来,对着小草吹了一口仙气,小草他脱掉了枯黄的大衣,穿上了嫩绿的春装,变得生机勃勃。  相似文献   

古时候有两弟兄,哥哥叫阿赊,弟弟叫阿古。弟兄俩从小就没了父母,无依无靠,四处流浪度日,世间的酸甜苦辣,样样都尝够了。熬过了十五个寒冬,送走了十五个春天,弟兄俩象两棵久经风霜的松树一样长大了。他们在一个长满绿树和翠竹的山头上,盖起了一幢三间两耳的茅草房安了家。弟兄两个在山坡上开了一块荒地,汗水换来了丰收;吃的有了,穿的有了,牛也养起来了,猪也养起来了,日子逐渐好过起来。  相似文献   

子孙繁茂的人家,阿爸要上路去了;子孙昌盛的人家,阿爸要出门去了。对门的邻居闻讯来到,合族的亲眷泪水滔滔,妹子象撵山的猎手勿勿赶 来,阿舅象救火的人急急吊孝。“小草生出来,枯草就死了。小树生出来,老树就死了。大树死了,树枝枯了,阿爸死了,身子倒了。太阳落了,天不亮了;阿爸死了,眼睛闭了。寨头的阿波①出来,用庄严的神情主持丧道,寨脚的阿匹②出来,用悲哀的哈巴③祝祷:“太阳生出来,月亮就死了。春天生出来,冰雪就死了。“自从天地分开,男人和女人就分开了;自从男女结合,生和死就在一处了。“天边的头人也会死去,地角的首领也免不了。…  相似文献   

“丫儿,最近天冷了,出门的时候多穿点衣服。”“丫儿,不要再看电视了,快点写作业。”“丫儿,不要光吃肉,多吃点青菜。”“丫儿……”“够了够了够了!”忍了许久的我终于不耐烦了,“我不是小孩子了,我已经上初三了,我会处理自己的事,你不要烦我了!”我冲着母亲大吼道,这是第一次,母亲静静地站在那里,诧异我如此的反应,呆呆地看着我。这一刻,我悔了,后悔自己不该讲那样的话。我们都沉默了,一分钟,仅仅一分钟,母亲就打破了沉默,开始了她一贯的“怨天尤人”,怨自己教不好女儿。  相似文献   

一天,草地上掉下一辆小飞机,小熊拣走了螺旋桨,小公鼠捡走了轮子,小狐狸捡起了机翼,小青蛙捡走了座椅;小老鼠来的最晚,只剩下一个空空的机舱。夜里,小熊的螺旋桨不见了,小狐狸的机翼不见了。第二天夜里,小松鼠的轮子不见了,小青蛙的座椅不见了。第三天,草地上出现了一架崭新的小飞机,小老鼠说:“瞧,这是我的小飞机。”大家伙看了看,什么也没说就走了。从此,小老鼠再也没有好朋友了。小老鼠的新飞机$酷酷猫漫画室~~  相似文献   

周卓 《沧桑》2011,(2):217+219-217,219
信息化时代,随着计算机和互联网等信息技术的广泛应用,极大地提高了主体的感知能力、认识效率,扩大了认识客体的范围,增强了主体的创新能力;借助信息技术,人们扩展了交往领域、提高了交往速率、实现了交往的平等与自由;在生产实践中,提高了主体的生产实践能力,实现了主体性的超越。  相似文献   

In this lecture in honour of John Whitehead, Strobe Talbott reflects on the history of the international system, the emergence of the nation-state and the role the US has played in the formation of post-Second World War international institutions. He draws a distinction between the typical Westphalian nation-state, exemplified in Europe, and the United States, a nation based on the 'exertion of political will and championship of political ideas'—a distinction that helps to account for the strain of 'exemplary exceptionalism'; in the history of US foreign policy. Turning to a dichotomy of approach in the foreign policy of the current Bush administration, the author draws attention to the continuation of a tradition of 'moral clarity' on the one hand and on the other hand the introduction of a new concept that saw the preeminence of American power reordering a dangerous world. He believes the Bush 'revolution' in foreign policy reached its peak with the Iraq war and that there is now hope the US will recommit itself to the international institutions severely damaged over the past two years and will begin a new era in which America takes a leading role within a multilateral framework.  相似文献   

A fourth molar in a mandible occurs very rarely, even in clinical surveys involving a large number of modern people. Having encountered a case with the fourth mandibular molar in a prehistoric skull in Japan, we would like to report on the macroscopic morphology of the case using X-rays, and to discuss the case with reference to literature concerning supernumerary teeth in the molar region.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代上海产业布局的发展变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪90年代,着眼于城市功能的重新定位,按照"三、二、一"产业发展新思路,上海的产业布局进行了重大的战略调整,逐步形成了中心城以三产为主、郊区以二产为主的大都市产业布局架构。在各类工业区建设的基础上,上海又突出发展形成了"东南西北"四大产业基地。由此,上海产业布局呈现出一个明显特征,就是第二产业立足于城市功能重塑、提高工业产业的竞争力,通过加强对重大产业项目的"政策聚焦",确立了空间发展的内环整合战略和"东西南北"发展战略,依托都市工业园区和城郊工业区,大大提高了产业聚集度。  相似文献   

The differences between boiled or unboiled bones are not often studied. However, they are crucial to understand postmortem rituals and to establish defleshing procedures and mortuary practices. In this work, human bones boiled in sea or fresh water are characterized. The bone composition, as well as the compounds present in the resulting materials, shows that salt alters the boiling process mechanism. Hence, from structural and morphological criteria, it is possible to distinguish if a bone has been boiled in salt or fresh water. In both sets of samples, the smoothness of the bone surface depends on boiling time, but only in bones boiled in seawater, filaments are observed apparently pouring out of the pores.Those differences which are mainly morphological (smoothness of the surface) are explained in terms of a collagen diffusional mechanism favored by sodium and chloride ions. For a boiling time of 6 h, the surface is covered by a thick layer or crusts of degraded collagen. Experiments with seawater may be used as model experiments to simulate taphonomical alterations in bones exposed to salt water.  相似文献   


Morphometric analysis offers an alternative or augmentation to traditional archaeobotanical methods to address differences within and between plant species and their remains, refining and enhancing taxonomic resolution. Morphometrics, the measurement of size and shape, and the multivariate statistical analysis of generated quantitative variables, have long played a major role in biological research, including plant taxonomy and systematics, although its application in archaeobotany is relatively recent. Over the last few decades, there has been an increasing interest in the use of morphometrics for analysing a varied range of archaeological plant materials (mainly seeds, pollen, phytoliths, and starch grains). In particular, morphometrics have contributed to the study of the domestication and spread of many cereals world-wide, as well as that of other taxa including legumes, underground storage organs (USO), and fruits (such as olives, grapes, and dates). This paper reviews current methodologies, recent applications, and advances in the use of morphometrics in archaeobotanical research, discusses its role in exploring major research questions, and suggests possible future directions for its use.  相似文献   

The hype about the potential for terrorism in Melanesia due to the region's weak and failing states has obscured some of the less newsworthy but equally important developments. One of these is the slow but steady growth in the popularity of Islam in Melanesia. This article reviews the limited literature on terrorism in the Pacific. It provides a brief historical overview of the growth of Islam in Melanesia on a country-by-country basis, and draws on a comparative case study and theories of culture and public goods to explore possible reasons for Islam's appeal. It argues that although Islam is likely to continue to grow, its growth is neither a necessary or sufficient basis for declaring terrorist threats to exist. The article emphasises the need to analyse the broader social factors behind Islam's growth as a basis for understanding the conditions through which potential threats to regional security might develop.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a cross-cultural outreach activity of the current UK ‘Spatial Literacy in Teaching’ (SPLINT) Centre of Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL), a past UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) grant, and shared interests in family names between Japanese and UK academics. It describes a pedagogic programme developed for Japanese postgraduates and advanced undergraduates that entailed quantitative and qualitative analysis of the spatial distributions of Japanese family names. The authors describe some specific semantic, procedural and theoretical issues and, more generally, suggest how names analysis provides a common framework for engaging student interest in GIS.  相似文献   

《Northern history》2013,50(2):169-192

The General Strike of 1926 was a pivotal point in the history of the British labour movement. However, the miners' lockout that underpinned the dispute has been under-researched. This article seeks to address two themes. Firstly, it provides the first detailed account of the Cumberland coalfield and its role in the 1926 conflict. As such the article contributes to the growing literature on individual districts of the Miners' Federation of Great Britain that has led to a questioning of the dominant characteristics of miners implicit in some of the classic works of coal mining historiography. Through an examination of the social, cultural and political developments in the Cumberland coalfield we get a sense of the complexity, drama and tragedy of industrial strife. Secondly, this study of Cumberland illuminates a number of generic issues that are relevant to the study of coal communities in a more general sense. Through an exploration of the role of colliery deputies in the workplace and community, women's autonomous action in social conflict, and the sociology of outcropping, the article signposts areas of coal mining history that require further research.  相似文献   

Childhood collecting in nature: quality experience in important places*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A need for a more specific understanding of childhood geographies has motivated an investigation of one activity, childhood collecting in nature. This study examined collecting behavior, places of collecting, and the relationship of these places to environmental connectedness in adulthood. Topophilia is presented as a guide to help consider why children collect in nature and to expand upon a limited understanding of collecting behavior. These ideas are explored with a mixed-method design strategy involving surveys and semi-structured interviews with a sample of Swedish university students. Results show collecting in nature to be a widespread, meaningful, and memorable experience in the formative years of participants. Results also demonstrate potential support for topophilia as a way to understand the childhood collecting nature phenomenon. Implications include recognition of the importance of family to support children’s engagement in the natural world and proximate access to nature as a critical aspect of childhood experience.  相似文献   

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