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郭冬梅 《日本学论坛》2007,298(4):56-60
日本近代地方自治制度是以德国、主要是普鲁士为模本建立的,那么德国究竟对日本近代地方自治产生了怎样的影响?本文主要通过对德国著名宪法与行政学者格奈斯特及其学生、协助日本近代地方自治立法的莫塞,以及日本近代"地方自治之父"山县有朋的地方自治观进行考察,分析其共同点与差异,从而总结出德国对日本近代地方自治的影响及日本近代地方自治的特点。  相似文献   

<正>张謇“半生文章、半生事业”中,地方自治是伴随“半生事业”的主线。其政治主张几经变化,但对地方自治的执着却从未改变,志在“以一隅与海内文明国村落相见,此或不辱我中国”。[1]V2:589张謇是南通地方自治的总设计师。他凭借个人声望与影响,以地方自治之名,在家乡进行早期现代化的综合试验。1915年,民国大总统袁世凯认为地方自治耗资寡效,遂有停办之意。对此,农商总长张謇便组织编写《南通地方自治之成绩》(出版时改称《南通地方自治十九年之成绩》),以南通为范例进行全面总结,以证明地方自治的可行性、合理性,从而示范全国。该书由实业、教育、慈善和自治等章节构成,对每个子项的历史缘起、运作系统、预算等细节,都作了详尽说明,第一次全面记录了自1895年筹办大生纱厂以来南通地方自治的历程,充分反映了张謇地方自治理念,无疑对地方自治在南通的继续深化,具有重要的昭示和引领作用。  相似文献   

南京政府成立后,在遵照"总理遗教"的名义下开展了轰轰烈烈的"地方自治"运动,这场运动与国民党在大陆的统治相始终。"地方自治"的制度设计是整个"地方自治"的基础,南京政府时期地方自治制度经历了一个发展演变的过程。最初设计的制度由于"过于理想",而没能真正推行。随后,南京政府对地方自治制度不断进行修改变通,直至"纳保甲于自治之中",强化对基层社会的控制。抗战爆发后,南京政府整合了此前实施的基层管理制度,在地方自治的名义下推行了"新县制"。南京政府"地方自治"制度演变的总体趋势是不断强化对基层社会的控制。  相似文献   

清末地方自治包括府厅州县和城镇乡地方自治两个层级,并建构了两个层级不同的官治与自治模式,即在城镇乡一级实行"以自治辅助官治",而府厅州县则实行"自治与官治合并"之制度。两种模式都借鉴了日本自治制度,但都有所不同。就清末城镇乡地方自治的运行来看,由于地方自治章程赋予官府监督自治之权,也由于自治团体为谋求地方利益,常常也会与官府对立,所以,官治与自治常常处于矛盾冲突之中。  相似文献   

日本爱知县立大学黄东兰教授的近著《近代中国的地方自治与明治日本》,以近代中国地方自治的发端———清末民初地方自治的形成与历史变迁为研究对象,分析外国地方自治对中国的制度形成产生的影响。作者从中日两国地方自治制度相互关联的角度入手,着重考察了中国吸收、改造日本  相似文献   

中世纪前期英国的地方自治形态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
早在中世纪前期,英国的地方统治就不同于封建时代中国式的“官治”,而呈现出一定的自治特性。这一自治特性分别表现为“官民合治”与“民官自治”。无论是哪一种情形,其自治形态都属于“国王监控的地方自治”。这种自治形态真实地反映了王权触角的向下延伸与地方集团对王权的制约,它对于英国地方自治的起步、宪政的发展、市民社会的孕育都产生了深远的影响,是英国成为“地方自治之家”与“宪政之乡”的重要原因所在。  相似文献   

中古英国地方自治研究综述   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
陈日华 《世界历史》2008,(5):111-117
英国是“地方自治之家”,近代英国独具一格的地方自治制度树立了良性的中央与地方关系。从历史的角度考察,这一制度可以追溯到中古时期。因此,对中古地方行政的研究可以为我们理解“地方自治之家”的由来与发展提供历史的背景。  相似文献   

德国学者阿尔伯特·莫塞(Albert Mosse1846—1925)1886年至1890年受日、本聘请,担任阁法律顾问。在此期间,他为日本近代法制,特别是地方自治法制的建设起到了举足轻重的作用,其地方自治理论对近代日本产生了深远的影响。通过读解其各个时期的有关地方自治的讲义及意见,我们发现,以法治国为目标,强调地方自治之于国家与社会的调和的重作用,是其地方自治理论的核心。  相似文献   

清末民初,浙江省推行地方自治在各州县乡镇已普遍存在。虽然各地自治遭遇各种顽固势力的抵制、扼杀,但地方自治的精神却已影响和改变着基层社会。辛亥革命的成功为浙江地方自治的发展准备了政权基础,推动了浙江省议会的成立和自治法律的颁布,探索了城镇乡的基层社会自治,对民间社会产生了一定的影响。本文即从浙江省自治制度的演变和基层自治实践角度着手,对浙江省地方自治作一简要回顾。  相似文献   

中央对地方财政监督是央地关系中的重要环节。在地方财政监督近代转型中,时贤先后就省财政清理中部臣与疆臣的监督权限、"联省自治"下中央对地方财政的监督权、地方自治完成后中央与地方民意机关对地方财政监督权等问题进行了深入探讨,并从财政视察、财务稽核、财政督导、中央补助金等方面提出了诸多地方财政监督制度主张。这些制度设计主张为近代地方财政监督转型提供了一定的思想资源,至今仍有某些参考价值。  相似文献   

本文在介绍日本国宝中中国瓷器的基础上,对宋代建窑“油滴”及“曜变”问题进行了探讨,宋代建盏中的“油滴”即宋代文献所说的“鹧鸪斑”,“曜变”应为特殊的“油滴”。同时,文章对被日本定为国宝的中国瓷器何以全部为宋、元瓷器的原因进行了探究,认为与镰仓时代以来日本人崇尚淡雅隐逸的艺术特色之审美观有密切关系,是深受茶陶旨趣熏陶的结果。  相似文献   

Based on the example of Zaïre's popular urban painting, the author analyzes the relationship between the collective memory and the social imaginary. The pictorial dissertation on the past and the present of the population of a mining town — Lubumbashi — is an autonomous historical account mostly intended for the petite bourgeoisie. The analysis focusses on two levels of the discourse: (1) the images of the past, in relation to the present, which reflects the collective memory of the group, and (2) the discourse on the balance of power between the state and the civil society. The author compares this urban painting to urban song and to some life stories.  相似文献   

The author examines the problem of the present state of the environment in the desert irrigation districts of southern Kazakhstan and Central Asia. A drop of the level of the Aral Sea and the formation of new land on the exposed seabed, the desiccation and desertification of the Amudarya and Syrdarya deltas caused by an intensification of agriculture have been proceeding against the background of a series of dry years. Irreversible environmental changes are having a negative impact on the socioeconomic conditions of the Aral region. The author, basing himself on the results of scientific investigations related to the Aral Sea problem, proposes a number of measures designed to moderate this negative impact.  相似文献   

The Transformation of the Caspian Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The author reviews the problem of the level fluctuations of the Caspian Sea, particularly the steady drop since 1929. The drop in level is affecting many key sectors of the regional economy. Among several remedial schemes is a plan for diverting the rivers of northern European Russia to the Caspian, and a project for a localized regulation of the level of the Caspian Sea.  相似文献   

Nathan Siegrist  Håkan Thörn 《对极》2020,52(6):1837-1856
This article examines conflicts concerning urban space, focusing on relationships between autonomous space and neoliberal urbanism through the empirical example of the cultural centre AKC Metelkova Mesto in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Through a thematic discourse analysis of activist interviews and collective statements by activist groups connected to Metelkova, research questions concern how urban conflict is constructed from the vantage point of autonomous space; what role autonomous space is assigned in relation to such conflict; and how tensions and antagonisms within the autonomous space can be understood. Theoretically we engage in a reinterpretation of the notion of heterotopia in conjunction with critical urban theory, analysing Metelkova as an autonomous heterotopia. Further, we argue that theoretisations of autonomous spaces need to consider experiences from Central and Eastern Europe, in which the conditions are shaped and constructed in conjunction with particular configurations of abruptly implemented neoliberal governance and the rise of the authoritarianism.  相似文献   

李志国 《人文地理》1993,8(2):89-95
本文分析了日本海自然环境的主要特点,论述了日本海生物资源的现状及其开发利用方面的问题。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT A pervasive assumption in the critical literature and practice of development has been that capitalism and state-building has undermined relatively autonomous village communities in which there were equalizing institutions of mutual help or gift-giving. These assumptions tend to retain the dualisms of modernization theories by reversing them. The author argues that we should instead challenge these dualisms, and look for complexity and contradictions within both the past and the present. He then draws on a study in Thailand to show how the ‘village’ was a product of state-building, and how in the past the idiom of ‘helping’ constituted relations of domination and extraction as well as more egalitarian relations of mutual help. The use of the language of the gift confers power on the giver; since the 1930s, state officials have appropriated and transformed the language of ‘helping’ to coerce villagers into working on ‘development’ projects. Until the 1970s, villagers described ‘development’ as coerced serf labour, but since then, they have struggled with mixed results to redefine development as their right to participate in the national and global product. The author finishes by arguing that, in the context of the current global crisis of accumulation, we should reclaim rural development as a democratic right, opposing neoliberal attempts to redefine it as a gift which government and development agencies can discontinue at their will.  相似文献   


A model based on identification of three different phases of relations between a nation and a colonial area is set up by the author. The phases are called the colonial phase, the assimilation phase, and the autonomous phase, respectively. Each phase is characterized by special aspects of law, culture, economics, politics and administration, through which the sciences are combined and integrated to a phase model. Appropriate systems of accounts related to the phases are discussed and set up. Furthermore, the model is applied to the relations between Denmark and Greenland, and it is shown that although Greenland formally is found to be in the autonomous phase, real matters such as the economy and administration still are in the assimilation phase. Finally it is pointed out that the official accounts for Greenland are inappropriate to estimate the real current economic relations between Denmark and Greenland.  相似文献   

By analogy with soil catenas, which are groups of related soils differing from one another as a result of variation in relief and drainage, the author suggests the existence of geochemical soil catenas, in which the lateral migration of chemical elements links the related soils of uplands, slopes, and depressions into a geochemical entity. On the basis of the conditions of migration, soils are divided into geochemically autonomous, eluvial soils on uplands and geochemically subordinate soils on slopes (transaccumulative situations) and in depressions (superaqueous situations). In humid regions, geochemical soil catenas are distinguished mainly on the basis of the mobility of iron and aluminum compounds; in arid regions, mostly in terms of the mobility of the sulfates and chlorides of sodium and calcium. Geochemical soil catenas in the periglacial situations of the Antarctic and the Tien Shan and in the humid subarctic situation of northern Scandinavia were investigated in the field. The field data and the available literature are used to construct a typology of the world's principal geochemical soil catenas and their determinant factors.  相似文献   

牛丽云 《攀登》2009,28(6):104-108
“捏价”,是藏族、撒拉族等高原少数民族商事交易中常用的一种议价方式。长期以来,人们对“捏价”的认识仅仅停留在一种民族习惯上,至今还没有学者从法学的角度作出评析。笔者通过对青海省玉树藏族自治州部分商事活动的调查与研究,重点分析了“捏价”及其涉及的相关法律问题。  相似文献   

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