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<正>2007年1月,在山西潞安集团古城煤矿扩建工程中发现一批墓葬,位于长治市屯留县西李高村。山西省考古研究所随之进行了抢救性发掘,清理出6座唐墓。现将发掘情况报告如下:一、墓葬形制此次发现的六座墓葬,根据其形制可分为砖室墓和土洞墓两  相似文献   

<正>2013年8月至2014年3月,为配合奉化市西环线公路一期工程乌鸦山隧道建设,宁波市文物考古研究所联合奉化市文物保护管理所对位于奉化市锦屏街道下路头村乌鸦山西麓缓坡处的一批古墓进行了考古发掘(图一),共清理不同时期墓葬7座,其中西晋时期墓葬3座(编号M5、M6、M7)、南朝时期墓葬1座(编号M4)、明清时期墓葬3座(编号M1、M2、M3)。现将有关西晋和南朝墓葬发掘情况作一简要报告。宁波市文物考古研究所  相似文献   

2010年新出版的发掘报告《朝阳袁台子——战国西汉遗址和西周至十六国时期墓葬》,详细发表了20世纪70年代末至80年代初,在辽宁朝阳袁台子村附近的城址和墓葬的发掘资料①。发掘报告将袁台子村附近的王坟山等地的162座墓葬划分出十类墓葬,其中甲类墓有6座,集中分布于王坟山的南坡,即王坟山墓地的南小区,编号分别为M121、M122、M123、M125、M126、M129。发掘报告将这6座墓葬断代为西周早、中期,认为它们是袁台  相似文献   

<正>为配合南水北调中线工程建设,根据河南省文物局南水北调中线管理办公室安排,岳阳市文物考古研究所承担了河南淅川李沟墓地的勘探和发掘任务。2010年4月中旬至5月中旬,淅川县文物局文物勘探队受岳阳市文物考古研究所委托组织力量进场勘探,发现墓葬39座。5月下旬至7月底,湖北文理学院(原襄樊学院)襄阳及三国历史文化研究所受委托对已发现墓葬进行发掘的同时,又做了进一步的调查勘探,新发现墓葬22座,两次共发现墓葬61座,分别编号M1-M61。除M57因被水库淹没未能发掘到底外,其余全部发掘。现将发掘情况报告如下。  相似文献   

张琴  刘仕毅 《收藏家》2012,(7):6-12
上世纪50至70年代,成都地区发掘了一批明代墓葬,主要包括城东净居寺、胜利公社、前进机器厂.城南红牌楼、衣冠庙;城西三座坟;城北白马寺、五块石等地区发掘的明代墓葬。从墓葬中出土的墓志或者买地券来看,墓主大多是明蜀王府太监,有些墓葬还有准确纪年。  相似文献   

<正>为了配合西安—汉中高速公路的建设工程,2003年3月~4月,陕西省考古研究院在陕西省南郑县苏家山村发掘了5座古代墓葬。通过整理,确认3座属东汉墓葬,2座为清代墓葬,现将汉墓的发掘情况简报于下。  相似文献   

明珠花园位于西安北郊龙首塬 ,历年来在此发掘的古墓葬绝大多数为汉代墓葬。 2 0 0 0年 1 2月 - 2 0 0 1年 1月 ,陕西省考古研究所在明珠花园1 3号楼地基的 1 5 4 8平方米的范围内发现了 5 9座小型秦墓 ,这 5 9座秦墓分布密集、方向不一、形制多样、葬式独特、随葬品极少 ,是继西安半坡战国秦墓 1发掘后又一处秦人小型墓葬群。本文拟对这批秦墓的分期及这批秦墓所反映的问题谈一点初步的看法。一、明珠花园秦墓的分期及年代推断明珠花园秦墓属小型秦墓 ,墓葬的详细情况见本刊本期《西安北郊明珠花园秦墓发掘简报》。1 .墓葬形制分为四型 ,分…  相似文献   

《大汶口—新石器时代墓葬发掘报告》是我国山东省继《城子崖》之后的第二部田野考古专刊,报告公布了1959年夏第一次发掘山东省宁阳县堡头村西133座墓葬的全部资料及其研究成果。从其发掘的时间看,大汶口墓地并不是新中国第一次发掘的新石器时代墓地。但是,这批发掘资料对我国学术界的影响之大,尤其是报告整理、编写、定稿是在  相似文献   

山西省朔州市平鲁区井坪镇南梁,分布着大批古代墓葬,自一九八六年以来,为了配合平朔露天煤矿的工程建设,平朔考古队进行了大规模的铲探和发掘。几年来共发掘了三百余座墓葬(简称 PNM)。这批墓葬中出土了大量的陶器、骨器、铜器、玉石器。其中的陶器、骨器十分引人注目。现将这批古墓葬中的 M54、M57、M192、M303四座墓葬的发掘情况报告如下(图一)。  相似文献   

2021年中国社会科学院考古研究所等单位对河北涞水张家洼遗址进行考古发掘,发现商周时期墓地并发掘墓葬10座。墓地布局有序,墓葬方向相近,但被盗严重。经考古学研究与测年分析,其中8座墓葬属西周早期墓葬,墓主可能与西周早期进入华北平原北缘的周人相关;另外2座属晚商时期围坊三期文化墓葬,填补了围坊三期文化在潮白河以西墓葬遗存的空白。  相似文献   

四川汉源县麦坪遗址2008年发掘简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年度对麦坪遗址的发掘,共清理房址5座、墓葬13座、灰坑102座,出土陶器、石器、铜器等各类遗物200余件。该遗址是大渡河中游地区的一处中心聚落,本次工作区分出四类不同的文化遗存,对遗址的分期和年代有了更深刻的认识,为研究本区域的考古学文化谱系提供了重要资料。  相似文献   

Many chronological and cultural facets of Early and Middle Holocene Prehistoric Oman are still unclear. Archaeological excavations of settlements and cemeteries are adding new data to the reconstruction of a chronological and cultural framework. Wadi Shab-GAS1 is a Middle Holocene site found at the beginning of the 1980s and later destroyed by urbanisation. It is located in a rich environmental niche, on a cliff facing the sea and near a permanent freshwater source. Three years of fieldwork at this site brought to light structural remains, a cemetery and interesting material culture.  相似文献   

龙虬庄遗址墓葬统计学分析尝试   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
使用统计学的方法对龙虬庄墓地的随葬品数量是与性别、年龄的关系,生产工具与男女分工关系,墓葬布局与社会结构关系进行检验,可作出更为科学的结论。  相似文献   

A computer model is described which generates artificial incidence matrices, with statistical properties similar to those of a Merovingian cemetery, but with a known chronological order.These matrices are used to test the effectiveness of various seriation procedures. Both permutation search and multi-dimensional scaling methods are investigated. The effects of various similarity matrix transformations are also discussed.  相似文献   

The discovery of polymeric DNA in charred wheat grains and other burnt plant remains prompted us to examine a set of cremated bones for the presence of ancient DNA. Extracts of cremated bones from an early Bronze Age cemetery cairn were analysed by hybridization probing and the polymerase chain reaction. Hybridization with two probes targeting human DNA resulted in strong positive signals. Polymerase chain reactions directed at a multicopy sequence in human nuclear DNA were successful, extracts of five burials giving amplification products of the expected size. Exploitation of ancient DNA in cremated bones could be of great value in archaeology as it may enable information pertaining to sex and kinship to be obtained from fragmented material.  相似文献   

Recovered and amplified ancient DNA (aDNA), from a historically documented 19th century Upper Canadian pioneer cemetery produced genotypes that were used to infer a past societal kinship system. While the results from multiplex short tandem repeat (STR) amplifications showed an unreliable polymerase chain reaction (PCR) product, a single locus HUMTH01 analysis yielded reproducible data and an allelic frequency pattern not statistically different from modern populations. Mitochondrial (mt) DNA HVR II data showed that a combined cemetery database exhibited reduced haplotype diversity indicators, as well as clusters of probable maternally related burials. The chronological persistence and replacement of mtDNA clusters approximately every two generations suggests a patrilineal/patrilocal kinship structure from a virilocal burial program for the Harmony Road cemetery. Through the integration of the aDNA analysis with archaeological material culture, historic records, and other ethnohistoric sources of information, this conclusion is supported. In this study persisting patrilineally inherited surnames act as a surrogate for aDNA Y‐chromosome haplotype analysis. These results suggest that aDNA applications on aggregate skeletal collections where sparse, or no ethnological or historical documentation exists, may result in incorrect population history inferences if the presence of a kinship interment bias is not considered. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

内蒙古扎鲁特旗南宝力皋吐新石器时代墓地   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
南宝力皋吐墓地位于内蒙古自治区扎鲁特旗鲁北镇东南约40公里,东北距道老杜苏木10公里,南距南宝力皋吐村2公里,地理坐标为东经121°19′、北纬44°24′,海拔高度220米(图一)。墓地所在区域为波状起伏的半沙化草甸,生态植被十分脆弱,是大兴安岭南麓草原与科尔沁沙地的交错地带。这里地势开阔,起伏平缓,平均落差仅5米,地表  相似文献   

岩村墓地位于陕西省咸阳市渭城区底张镇,2017—2018年发掘的49座墓葬中,M41为竖穴墓道双洞室结构,同穴合葬形式,出土有铜鼎、铜壶、陶罐、漆卮、铜镜等。其中随葬铜壶封口处残留有条状植物捆扎的织物,内残存有液体。经检测铜壶口部覆盖物为麻织物,捆扎物初步推断为植物纤维。残留的液体经检测为粮食酿造的酒即"醴"。在墓葬内洞室相通处遗留有动物残骸,这反映了秦人葬礼中的祭献习俗。根据墓葬形制和随葬器物判断岩村M41的时代为战国晚期晚段至秦代初期。  相似文献   

The important Viking Age and early Medieval site of Sebbersund in northern Jutland, Denmark, contains a large churchyard from the 11th–12th century AD. Sebbersund was an important trading center in this period and the location of one of the first churches in Denmark, perhaps an entry point for the introduction of Christianity to the country. Excavations have exposed almost 500 graves of an estimated 700 individuals in the cemetery. Here we report on the analysis of strontium isotopes in human tooth enamel from burials in the cemetery as a signal of place of birth. Some 19 samples have been measured and at least three non-local outliers identified. Futhermore, six archaeological fauna samples had been analyzed in order to define the local bioavailable strontium isotope baseline range and these values were compared to the more general bioavailable baseline range values for Denmark. The burials are evaluated in light of the available archaeological, chronological, anthropological, and isotopic information.  相似文献   

Early Bronze Age society in Central Europe is often depicted as a society dominated by males. It is suggested that archaeological evidence is not always in agreement with this view. This study reports the analysis of mortuary variability at the Early Bronze cemetery Rebešovice in Moravia (Czech Republic) that uses computer-intensive resampling techniques. The results indicate that there are only minor differences in the mortuary treatment of females and males. There is neither a qualitative restriction of body treatment and objects buried with males, nor a quantitative emphasis on burials of males. In fact, burials of females are equipped with a higher number of bronze artifacts. Funerals of females were at least as significant social events as the funerals of males. We argue that the model of a male dominated community that used this cemetery is unwarranted. These findings do not refute the existence of gender-specific activities and roles that may be valued differently, but instead suggest that both females and males had access to resources from which they could draw power.  相似文献   

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