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Raman microspectroscopy (RMS) is now established as a key technique for the identification of pigments of archaeological pottery that permits the in situ study of art objects by a non‐destructive procedure. The information obtained represents a great aid to restoration and conservation techniques. In this work, the chemical nature of the red, black and white pigments of five samples of Greek pottery from the end of the fifth century and the first half of the fourth century bc , exhumed from the Iberian necropolis of Cabezo Lucero (Guardamar del Segura, Alicante, Spain), has been identified. The black and the red pigments are found to be magnetite (Fe3O4) and hematite (α‐Fe2O3), respectively. The white pigment is found, for the first time, to be composed of alumina (α‐Al2O3 and γ‐Al2O3) probably yielded by the thermal decomposition of Greek bauxite.  相似文献   

Samples of red and black gloss from Greek Attic pottery of the late sixth to fifth centuries bc were examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM and FIB/STEM). The focus of the study was the chemical and microstructural characterization of the red gloss that was first produced during this period. Two groupings of red gloss were revealed. One red was found to be compositionally similar to the black glosses (labelled ‘LCM coral red’). The other red showed more significant chemical differences, such as higher calcium and magnesium, in comparison to the black (labelled ‘HCM coral red’). The existence of two chemically distinct reds—otherwise identical in colour and texture—suggests that there was more than one source of clay available to the Attic potters for producing red.  相似文献   

Forty‐seven decorated samples of Archaic pottery excavated at a Heracles sanctuary (Thebes, Boeotia) were studied through a combined surface and body approach, using non‐destructive techniques. Most of the samples were archaeologically classified as Theban/Boeotian, others as Corinthian and a few as possibly Euboean. The techniques employed were optical microscopy and SEM–EDAX (micromorphology and compositional analysis of the surfaces) and XRF for the analysis of the ceramic body. The results provided information on the technological level of the collected pottery as well as on the relation of the chemistry and micromorphology of the pigments, aimed at assisting provenance studies.  相似文献   

Summary. The Ashmolean Museum possesses a small group of Late Mycenaean (Late Helladic IIIC) sherds from Kazanli in Southern Cilicia, which it acquired in 1930. These are of interest since, although similar pottery is known from nearby Tarsus, they appear to be slightly later in date than most of the other pottery from Kazanli recovered by excavation or surface survey. One of them has a pictorial representation of an unusual nature.
The appearance of Mycenaean pottery in Cilicia has often been associated with the arrival of Mycenaean settlers (particularly refugee settlers) around 1200 B.C. However, it is doubtful whether the pottery really justifies this interpretation. Where identifiable, the Cilician Mycenaean seems to display closer links with Cyprus and the East Aegean than with the Greek Mainland; and, when other evidence is taken into account, there seems little reason to suppose that it is necessarily the result of colonisation from Mycenaean Greece.  相似文献   

Summary. Six fragments of Mycenaean pictorial vases picked up at different sites in Cyprus are described and discussed. Comparison with other such material and chemical analysis of most of the fragments lead to the conclusion that the original vases were made in the north-east Peloponnese. These and other findings suggest the possibility of a pottery export trade during the 14th–earlier 13th century BC (Late Helladic IIIA2–IIIB1), such as is documented for 6th century BC Athens.  相似文献   

Summary. The aim of the present project is to put to the test by using chemical analysis the origin of early Greek vases imported to Cyprus. In the present case samples were taken from vases found in the cemetery at Amathus published by Prof. J. N. Coldstream. The scientific results coincide with his attributions and confirm the suggestion that there was a revival of communication between the Aegean and Cyprus from the end of the tenth century, and that Euboean vases were the earliest imports to have reached the island and outnumbered other imports.  相似文献   

从目前已发掘出土的文物资料看,南阳境内的两汉墓中随葬陶饼的现象较为普遍①,一座墓中少则数枚,多则数十枚。陶饼的种类也繁多,按形状分,主要有两大类,一为圆饼形,上部隆起较低,底面平整或稍内凹;一为上部凸起较高,略呈半球形,底部内凹较深。按外观纹饰划分,又有素面和模印凸起花纹两类。按陶质分,又可分为灰陶和红陶两种。按釉彩分,又分为无釉陶和釉陶两种。虽然各类陶饼的大小尺寸不尽一致,但大多数的底面直径都在50到75毫米之间。在同一座墓中,有的仅出土一种类型的陶饼,也有两种或两种以上类型共存的。南阳汉墓出土的素面陶饼大多为灰…  相似文献   

Traditional Tibetan pottery has a long history and comes in varying categories and shapes,making it one of ethnic Tibetans’ most refined forms of cultural art.Today,however,very few craftsmen have been able to fully pass on the pottery-making process,and pottery makers have disappeared from the map entirely in some places.  相似文献   

Summary. Holes drilled after firing are an occasional occurrence in earlier prehistoric pottery, and are generally accepted as intended to enable repair of cracks or breaks by binding. It would seem reasonable to expect that rates of repair would be fairly consistent, but this is not the case with later Neolithic ceramics in southern Britain. There, drilled holes are more common in the Grooved Ware tradition than in the Beaker or Peterborough traditions, and it is suggested that this may be owing to the high symbolic content of Grooved Ware rendering the repair of such vessels particularly worthwhile to their users. Other factors likely to influence the decision to repair rather than discard vessels are considered, and in this connection the fabrics of repaired vessels in the earlier Neolithic assemblage at Maiden Castle are also briefly discussed. A short list of sites with repaired vessels is appended.  相似文献   

Two contexts from the Colombian sites, Yotoco Ferry and Moralba, had been linked by archaeological similarities in pottery style, and dated by association with ware from other sites at circaa.d. 1000. However, radiocarbon dating of those contexts set Moralba at circa 800 b.c. , some 2000 yr older than Yotoco Ferry. Thermoluminescent dating of pottery from Yotoco Ferry dated it at circaa.d. 900, and pottery from Moralba was dated at circaa.d. 870. In addition a metal-smelting pottery crucible, thought to be prehispanic, was studied by thermoluminescence and dated, on the contrary, at less than 120 yr old.  相似文献   

Post‐depositional processes in pottery can give rise to chemical and mineralogical alterations, the extent of which is closely related not only to the microstructure and composition of the potsherds, but also to the chemical–physical conditions of the burial environment. The present paper describes the characterization of post‐depositional alterations and identification of processes involving pottery buried in lagoon‐like environments. A set of various types of Roman transport amphorae and African Red Slip ware (ARS), collected from two archaeological sites characterized by a lagoon‐like depositional environment and showing evident changes in the original colours, was analysed by a combination of microstructural, mineralogical and microchemical approaches. The formation of pyrite after hematite, jarosite after pyrite and microstructural substitution features are interpreted here in terms of the chemico‐physical conditions of the burial environment and their evolution in time.  相似文献   

Summary.   This paper examines ceramic vessels from Roman-period funerary contexts in Essex. Using correspondence analysis, it charts changes in the choice of funerary pottery and isolates the elements in pottery assemblages that unite or differentiate sites. The paper finds that the status of sites can be distinguished on ceramic grounds, reflecting cultural differences in life. Jars and beakers are characteristic of settlement cemeteries, while cups are more typical of high-status burials. Flagons and samian ware are common between them. Underlying funerary traditions are rooted in continuity from the Late Iron Age, rather than post-conquest change. The study also suggests that funerary pottery was selected out of the supply intended for domestic use.  相似文献   

Summary: Eighteen hundred miles due south of Carthage, across the Sahara, lies one of the richest sources of tin in the modern world. Here, the Bauchi region of northern Nigeria contains extensive deposits of alluvial cassiterite. This is a singularly important geological feature, since stream tin, as it is more commonly known, was the only tin ore profitably available in antiquity (Muhly, 1973: 248). This paper, as the title implies, is concerned with the question of whether Carthage received tin from this particular area of West Africa.1 There are certain considerations that suggest such a possibility, but the evidence is tantalizingly nebulous, making answers both inconclusive and speculative.  相似文献   

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