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考古遗址出土的大豆遗存主要是炭化的大豆粒。本文通过对现生大豆标本形态特征的观察、大豆粒的炭化实验、鱼化寨等重点考古遗址出土炭化大豆的检验,建立了科学的考古出土炭化大豆遗存的鉴定标准和方法,依据豆粒、种皮、子叶(豆瓣)和尺寸四个方面的特征及变化,准确鉴定考古遗址出土大豆遗存。本研究发现,判别考古遗址出土的栽培大豆与野大豆,种皮的特征及其被炭化后的变化最为有效,其次是子叶的特征及变化。而豆粒的尺寸大小仅具参考价值。  相似文献   

文耀 《考古》2008,(11)
《植物考古:种子和果实研究》由刘长江、靳桂云、孔昭宸编著,科学出版社2008年8月出版发行。该书为16开本,正文共273页,约40.5万字,文后附有彩色图版48页。定价168元。本书是植物考古研究方法的著作。系统介绍了考古遗址中植物种子和果实遗存的研究方法,包括采样、提取、鉴定、统计、数据分析和综合研究,重点是解决种子和果实遗存的鉴定问题。根据考古遗址植物遗存鉴定比对的需要,选择了147种(隶属49科,99  相似文献   

2015年,郑州市文物考古研究院为配合河南省体育场网球馆项目建设,对该区域勘探所见的古代遗址进行了考古发掘。清理出环壕、夯土墙、建筑基址、祭祀场、祭祀坑、灰坑、墓葬等丰富的商代文化遗迹,出土了铜器、玉器、石器、陶器、骨器等重要遗物。河南省体育场商代遗址的祭祀遗存是近年来郑州商城最重要的新发现之一,这一祭祀遗址的发现为郑州商城的研究提供了非常重要的新资料。  相似文献   

古代的动物民俗分类法与人类的生计活动、社会文化息息相关,既是动物知识的抽象总结,也体现在实际行动中应用于生活的方方面面。动物考古利用科学分类法对出土的动物遗存进行鉴定,常常将鉴定结果直接代入到古人的分类中,却鲜少质疑两者是否契合。本文通过对比科学分类法和民俗分类法的不同,认为科学分类法并不能如实反映古代的动物民俗分类。研究古代的动物民俗分类要求我们跳出已有的研究思路、进一步结合遗址中的相关背景、并使用多种研究手段来解读考古材料,以此实现从主位视角再现过去社会中人与动物的相互关系。  相似文献   

黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市滕家岗遗址是目前我国东北地区发现鸟类遗存数量较多、种类丰富的遗址之一。本文公布了该遗址鸟类遗存的种属鉴定和量化统计结果;根据这些鸟类的生态和种群特征,在对古环境复原的基础上,对人类捕获鸟类的行为及其季节性进行了探讨。此外,本文从考古遗址中鸟类遗存的鉴定和研究以及家禽起源研究两方面对中国鸟类遗存动物考古学研究进行回顾,总结研究现状中存在的不足,并对今后的研究提出建议和展望。  相似文献   

西藏的传统建筑历史源远流长,从当代考古科学成果提供的资料看,可以追溯到距今4500年左右的新石器时期,昌都卡若遗址的考古发掘提供了丰富的建筑遗存,当时已经有了较为发达的半地穴平顶建筑。而阿里古格洞窟建  相似文献   

西藏的传统建筑历史源远流长,从当代考古科学成果提供的资料看,可以追溯到距今4500年左右的新石器时期,昌都卡若遗址的考古发掘提供了丰富的建筑遗存,当时已经有了较为发达的半地穴平顶建筑。而阿里古格洞窟建  相似文献   

三维激光扫描技术凭借快速、准确、无需接触文物表面等优势,已被越来越多地应用于文物保护和考古发掘工作中。江苏句容孔塘遗址在发掘过程中运用三维激光扫描技术不断跟进扫描,全面真实记录发掘过程中的各类遗迹的空间数据。在顾及遗存特征的前提下,对多时相墓葬点云数据进行了空间匹配、分割和缺失数据拟合等后期处理,重建遗址三维场景,直观展示多期遗存的时空关系,为后期考古研究推理提供了数据支持。  相似文献   

2009年发掘抚松新安遗址时,新发现一期早于渤海时期的遗存,暂命名为第一期遗存。它的发现填补了该地区考古发现的一项空白,也使学术界对新安遗址的时代和性质有了重新认识。本文通过对考古发掘材料的分析,对新安遗址第一期遗存的文化因素及性质等做一初步研究。  相似文献   

湖北巴东罗坪遗址群,位于神龙架南坡、神龙溪上游。该遗址群由相关的车口遗址(BLC)、泰山庙遗址(BLT)、猪脑壳包墓地(BLZ)等几个位置相近的文化遗址组成。2001—2002年,湖北省文物考古研究所对罗坪遗址群进行了较全面的考古发掘。遗址群文化内涵以汉文化遗存为主,兼有周、明、清等时代文化遗存。考古发掘中发现有动物遗骸,发掘工作者按照严格的田野考古操作规程,对这些动物遗骸依其出土单位进行全部搜集。2003年夏秋之际,在对罗坪遗址群的整理研究中,我们对这批动物遗骸也作了种属鉴定和初步研究。  相似文献   

古建筑三维重建已成为历史遗迹保护与修复的重要内容。为了探讨三维激光扫描数据的获取流程、数据处理方法,以三维激光扫描获取的大雁塔海量点云数据为例,研究了古建筑三维重建中点云数据获取与处理的详细过程。联合Cyclone、AutoCAD和3D-Max软件的优点构建了大雁塔真实的横面、剖面、立面模型,其中重点研究了海量点云数据在Cyclone软件中分块建模的方法。结果表明:将拼接好的大雁塔海量点云数据分块建模,不仅加快了数据处理的速度,而且符合精度要求。在点云数据拼接时采用标靶拼接和同名点拼接相结合及测站间两两拼接之后再整体拟合平差的方法,减少了拼接中的误差,使每站拼接误差都不超过3cm。在建模过程中的墙体拟合是上万个点云经过平差计算得到,精度高达2mm。最后在3D-Max软件中组合、渲染和贴图,真实地构建了大雁塔三维立体模型。为古建筑数字化存档和后期的修缮工作提供了重要的依据。  相似文献   

Sex identifications are crucial for the understanding of the societies we study. To understand an ancient society we need to have some picture of the roles played by males and females in the society. This knowledge has often been produced by morphological sex identifications in connection with grave goods and burial finds. However, if a morphological sex identification is to be fully trusted, the human remains need to be fairly well preserved. There is also a problem in the fact that morphological traits identified in a modern material are applied on an ancient material. There is a growing difference with time and geographical distance. An alternative to morphological identification is molecular identification based on the presence or absence of a Y chromosome, but such identification has its problems too: the risk of contamination and the fact that the absence of proof is not a good female indicator. In this work we have tried to compare morphological and molecular identifications of five Neolithic individuals from the Ajvide site at Gotland in the Baltic sea. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Accurate identification of the biological sex of ancient remains is vital for critically testing hypotheses about social structure in prehistoric societies. However, morphological methods are imprecise for juvenile individuals and fragmentary remains, and molecular methods that rely on particular sex-specific marker loci such as the amelogenin gene suffer from allelic dropout and sensitivity to modern contamination. Analyzing shotgun sequencing data from 14 present-day humans of known biological sex and 16 ancient individuals from a time span of 100 to ∼70,000 years ago, we show that even relatively sparse shotgun sequencing (about 100,000 human sequences) can be used to reliably identify chromosomal sex simply by considering the ratio of sequences aligning to the X and Y chromosomes, and highlight two examples where the genetic assignments indicate morphological misassignment. Furthermore, we show that accurate sex identification of highly degraded remains can be performed in the presence of substantial amounts of present-day contamination by utilizing the signature of cytosine deamination, a characteristic feature of ancient DNA.  相似文献   

It is of vital importance to be able to sex identify cattle remains to understand the strategies and importance of cattle husbandry in an ancient society. This is usually done from osteoarchaeological assemblages and often relies on measurements of metapodials. The breadth measurement of the distal trochlea is considered an easy way to identify the sex. Bones from males appears to be easily distinguishable from female counterparts, although it has been complicated to find an external control for the morphological results. Here we investigate the reliability of these particular morphometrics for sex identifying cattle bones with molecular genetics. We use a sex discriminating single nucleotide polymorphism in the ZFXY gene and we apply it to DNA from the bones. To keep the fragment size short and suitable for ancient DNA we base the test on a SNP. The test confirms the osteological sex identification in all cases were DNA could be retrieved. This molecular method can also be used when no fragments suitable for osteological sex identification can be found or when the measurements are non-conclusive.  相似文献   

The analysis of short tandem repeats (STRs) is a useful tool in various contexts of ancient DNA research. Main applications are the reconstruction of kinship, identification, and authentication. Here we describe a short amplicon autosomal short tandem repeat (miniSTR) heptaplex system for the amplification of D13S317, D21S11, D18S51, TH01, D5S818, FGA and Amelogenin from highly degraded DNA as an inexpensive alternative to commercially available kits. All primers were newly designed and the amplicon length of all systems is less than 200 bp, with the exception of some rare alleles in the FGA and D21S11 systems. To validate the suitability of this system for typing STRs from human specimens with low DNA preservation we systematically tested it on 20 skeletal samples from four archaeological sites representing different burial environments and time spans since death. Finally, to test the sensitivity of the heptaplex system, we analyzed serial dilutions of control DNA and ancient DNA extracts. Using the system we were able to reproducibly obtain full STR profiles, down to a concentration of 0.06 ng DNA. Even with 0.004 ng DNA partial profiles could be amplified. The accumulated power of discrimination for the six selected STR loci is 0.99999984, plus the option of genetic sex determination through Amelogenin. The tests conducted prove that the system presented is efficient and especially suited for cases where STRs have to be typed and sex has to be assessed from human specimens with highly degraded DNA.  相似文献   

Ancient DNA analysis was carried out on 20 archaeological rabbit remains from an early Pueblo II period site in Colorado (circa 1000 A.D.) to explore the possibility of obtaining accurate rabbit genus and species identifications. The presence of abundant rabbit remains at archaeological sites in the American Southwest indicates the importance of rabbit species in the subsistence economy and ritual activities of early aboriginal populations. The study of these remains is hindered by the difficulty of accurate identification due to the fragmentary nature of the bones and the lack of genus- and species-specific morphological features.A short cytochrome b gene fragment was amplified and sequenced to produce a genetic profile for each bone sample. At the genus level, the DNA identifications were consistent with those based on the analysis of mandible morphology for the majority of specimens. When compared to species-specific reference DNA sequences, Lepus americanus and Lepus californicus samples were easily identified. Identification of an unexpected L. americanus (snowshoe hare) from the remains provided new information concerning hunting ranges or exchange between groups in the region. Sylvilagus nuttallii and Sylvilagus audubonii, however, could not be confidently differentiated at this point due to the difficulty in obtaining accurate species-specific reference sequences.The inability to obtain such reference sequences can be a serious problem for DNA species identification of non-domestic animals that lack population-level genetic data and have few sequences available in GenBank. The lack of the DNA data increases the possibility that inappropriate reference sequences could be applied, resulting in false species identification even when authentic DNA is retrieved and amplified from ancient remains.  相似文献   

The fragmentary remains typical of archaeological fauna can prove impossible to identify when confronted with closely related sympatric species. In southern Africa domesticated dogs (Canis familiaris) and black-backed jackals (Canis mesomelas) pose just such a problem, rendering difficult an accurate assessment of the timing of arrival of domesticated dogs in the region. Contextual evidence has suggested that canid remains from four Later Stone Age archaeological sites were likely to be domesticated dogs rather than jackals, and were subjected to ancient DNA analyses to determine species. Every tested specimen proved to derive from black-backed jackals. These data provide not only an unexpected window on southern African prehistory, but also highlight the value in applying ancient DNA techniques to archaeological species identification.  相似文献   

The exact identification of the raw material used for ancient bone objects is the basis to understand the manner in which humans in ancient times chose the medium for the manufacture of objects. The material identification is not trivial in the case of highly modified surfaces – worked by man or degraded by diagenesis. Even if bone materials are morphologically quite different, they show in general a very similar chemical composition. Nevertheless, slight differences can be observed in their chemical composition on minor and trace level. These variations may be used as a marker of their exact nature, when other means such as morphological observations are limited. A large data base was built up by analysing different modern and archaeological osseous materials in order to define chemical markers for the identification of the raw materials used to manufacture objects.Micro-Proton Induced X-ray and Gamma-ray Emission (micro-PIXE/PIGE) was chosen to analyse the different bone materials as a non-invasive method is generally required for the study of ancient worked osseous objects. These analyses were performed at the particle accelerator AGLAE installed at the laboratory of the C2RMF, Paris.This paper presents the results obtained on about 150 objects made of different bone materials dating from the Palaeolithic to today and coming from various archaeological sites, mainly in France. Some chemical markers seem to be characteristic, such as the magnesium to calcium ratio for well preserved ivory on one hand and the fluorine content versus strontium to calcium ratio for bones of marine mammals on the other hand. The limits of this approach and the different parameters to consider for an identification of ancient bone and ivory material based on this method are particularly discussed in the case of Palaeolithic material from Abri Pataud and Isturitz, France.  相似文献   

This paper describes the multi-disciplinary approach to reconstruct the face of Dante Alighieri (1265–1321). Since Dante's sepulchre will be opened in 2021, the reconstructive process is based on morphological and metric data collected on the poet's cranium during the formal identification of his remains in 1921 by the anthropologist Fabio Frassetto, as well as on the resulting plaster model. Starting from this plaster model and a morphologically compatible reference mandible, since the original mandible was never found, a 3D digital model of the complete skull was obtained by reverse engineering and virtual modelling techniques. The most important aspect in this work was the method of virtual modelling proposed for the ex novo generation of the mandible. The physical model of the skull (cranium + mandible) was then produced by means of a rapid prototyping system. This model was finally used to recreate Dante's face via traditional facial reconstruction techniques currently used in forensic anthropology.  相似文献   

Felix Horn 《文博》2009,(6):26-35
利用三维测量技术和计算机技术,以及科学的数据计算,计算机可以制造出虚拟三维形象,便于展示与交流。至今为止,秦俑坑中出土的大多数陶俑的彩绘留存不多甚至没有。色。大部分原始彩绘均已脱落,只有极少部分彩绘保留至今。本文以虚拟三维模型重构了秦俑原始彩绘,显示了其功能与意义。俑(T21G18-03)是这次工作的对象。陶俑主要显现出灰暗的陶一尊将军俑(T9:1)和一尊跪射陶俑出土时彩绘的纪录档案是重构工作的出发点。通过三维扫描仪将陶俑表面形状进行数据记录,这是重构工作的基础。然后通过数码照片记录彩绘现状,并将这些照片进行三维机理处理。采用三维绘制软件进行重建和摹绘工作。数据模型过程可以模拟和大多数彩绘和表面情况。这项工作的开展通过几件典型陶俑,将秦俑的原始状态展示给大家。通过计算机模拟,多彩的秦俑军阵活灵活现的呈现在观众面前。  相似文献   

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