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Cahokia (a.d. 800–1400), located near the confluence of the Mississippi and Missouri rivers, was the largest settlement in ancient North America. Monks Mound occupies the center of Cahokia and provides both a modern and ancient focal point for the site. Past investigations of Monks Mound explored issues of mound chronology and use. Recent soil coring around the perimeter clarifies the geological context and degree of preparation necessary before the mound was built. The results suggest that the mound is not optimally positioned for stability and its location may ultimately accelerate deterioration. Moreover, evaluation of the mound features and fill indicates that maximization of the geotechnical potential of sediments was not a primary concern for the Cahokians. Although poorly engineered relative to modern standards, the suitability of the mound as a platform may have been secondary to other design choices made while building the largest single mound in ancient North America.  相似文献   

A number of burial mounds from the South Scandinavian Early Bronze Age have contained iron pan encapsulated, wet mound cores, in which organic material has been extraordinarily well preserved. Chemical analysis of iron pan formations in recently excavated burial mounds from Jutland, Denmark have demonstrated that the iron pans were formed by redox-processes, caused by anaerobic conditions in the core of the mound and possibly influenced or determined by the way the mound was constructed. In 1995 an experimental burial mound was erected at the Historical-Archaeological Research Centre at Lejre in Denmark. The purpose of the experiment was to test and elaborate the theories on the iron pan formation and the mound construction developed on the basis of the previous chemical analysis. Three years after construction the mound was excavated and the iron pan formation and the preservation of organic matter in an oaken log coffin were studied. Anaerobic conditions had developed in the mound core and the contents of the oaken log coffin were found to be well preserved. This paper describes the results of the experiment.  相似文献   


Submerged shell midden sites and natural shell deposits can have similar characteristics and can be difficult to distinguish archaeologically. We excavated two test units from a large (at least 35 m×70 m) submerged shell mound in Fort Neck Cove in southern Rhode Island to assess whether it was natural or cultural in origin. This mound had been recognized as a potential archaeological feature as early as the 1970s. Excavation, radiocarbon dating, and subsequent laboratory analysis of excavated materials suggest that the mound was a natural oyster reef rather than a submerged archaeological site. No artifacts were found; there was no clear evidence for human modification of any shells; small species that would not have been targeted as food were present; and δ13C values of oyster shells from the mound were consistent with freshwater input into their growth environment, suggesting that they grew in an estuarine environment that did not exist prior to the inundation of the ponds. The stratigraphically oldest radiocarbon date we could obtain (430–190 cal BP, 2σ range), from 70 cm below the pond floor, placed deposition of shells at least 3,000 years after the inundation of the pond. The excavation methods that we used and the process of testing, irrespective of whether the feature is cultural, are valuable contributions to the methodological literature on submerged site archaeology and help provide insight for other researchers working to discern natural from cultural shell midden sites.  相似文献   


Mound ZZl, located on the tip of the peninsular portion of the large lowland Maya site of Nixtun-Ch’ich’ in Petén, Guatemala, was investigated in 2007 during a salvage operation. An axial trench revealed a long sequence of activity in the area, beginning before 1000 B. C. and extending into the early 18th century. Early platform construction was accompanied by feasting and smashing of Middle Preclassic (1000—400 B.C.) pottery in a termination and/or dedication rite. The mound grew through the construction and reconstruction of numerous platforms and structures—and further episodes of termination and dedication—that primarily extended it laterally, rather than vertically. The location of Mound ZZl and its features—reincorporation of Middle Preclassic fill materials; secondary burials; clay figurines; protection by a large wall-ditch complex; pecked plaster symbols; and the presence of a Spanish mission church—suggest that it was a key civic-ceremonial component of the region's sacred landscape for nearly three thousand years.  相似文献   

Within West African prehistory, perhaps no period remains more mysterious than that between the Terminal Pleistocene and the mid-Holocene. This time period is shared by diverse macrolithic and microlithic industries. The macrolithic phenomenon has remained ill-defined, with most occurrences being generally lumped together as a single group, or attributed to earlier time periods. Recent archaeological investigations in the Vallée du Serpent and southern Gourma regions of Mali have revealed Holocene macrolithic assemblages quite different from the well-known bifacial traditions of Cap Manuel and Manianbougou, but not without parallels from elsewhere in the Sahel and Savanna. The most important of the Vallée du Serpent sites is that of Sirakoro-Ancien, where worked stone aggregations are associated with several rings of laterite cobbles believed to be the remnants of structures. Its lithic industry consists of massive flakes, perhaps removed directly from local outcrops, and smaller flakes from prepared cores as well as formal tools. Geomorphological and archaeological evidence suggests an age of the Vallée du Serpent sites somewhere between 9000 and 6000 bp. A new synthesis based upon sites investigated by the authors and the predominantly Francophone literature is presented in order to shed light upon this neglected portion of African prehistory.
Résumé Dans toute la préhistoire de l'Afrique occidentale, aucune période ne reste peut-être plus mystérieuse que celle située entre la fin du Pléistocène et le milieu de l'Holocène. Diverses industries macrolithiques et microlithiques se partagent cette période. Le phénomène macrolithique reste mal défini, la plupart des exemples en sont généralement rassemblés en un seul groupe, ou attribués à des périodes antérieures. Des recherches archéologiques effectuées dans les régions de la vallée du Serpent et du sud du Gourma au Mali ont révélé des collections macrolithiques de l'Holocène bien différentes des traditions bifaciales bien connues de Cap Manuel et Manianbougou, mais non sans parallèles ailleurs dans le Sahel et la Savanne. Le plus important des sites de la vallée du Serpent est celui de SirakoroAncien où des agrégats de pierres travaillées sont associés à plusieurs cercles de galets en latérite que l'on pense être des restes de structures. Cette industrie lithique consiste en éclats massifs, peut-être retirés directement de couches géologiques locales, et en éclats plus petits provenant de nucleus préparés ainsi que des outils. Des preuves géomorphologiques et archéologiques suggèrent que les sites de la vallée du Serpent ont entre 9000 et 6000 ans. Une nouvelle synthèse, fondée sur les sites étudiés par les auteurs et des documents principalement en français, est présentée afin d'éclairer cette partie négligée de la préhistoire africaine.

IntroductiontoStarArtists¥//CEDAINZHOLMABornin1937inXigaze,Tibet,CedainZholmastartedherworkin1956."I,asthedaughterofaserf,isn...  相似文献   

SopuinTibetanmeansMongoliantribe.LegendhasitthatSopuTownshipinDainbaCountyeastoftheDaduRiverusedtobeinhabitedbyTibetans.ThislasteduntilagroupofMongoliansmovedtosettledowntheremany,manyyearsago.DuringmyrecentvisittoSopu,Ifoundaworldsteepedinancientfolklore…  相似文献   

Itwasasunnydayinearlyspring.whenanloldmaninhisearly80smetthisreporterinltheLabrangMonastery.Examiningmethroughhisblackrimmedspectacles,hewasbothtalkativeandhumorous.GaoWu,whoreturnedfromTaiwantosettledown,recalled:"Iwasbornintoaherder'sfamilyinXiaheCounty,Gannan.Beforeliberation,IlaboredfortheLivingBuddhaLancangoftheLabrangMonastery."Afterliberation,Iwasallottedlandandanimals.But,in1959,whenIwentonapilgrimagetoLhasa,IwastakenawaybytherebelstoIndia."IsettleddowninDarjeeling.Myson,Gyai…  相似文献   

YagrigangisavillageinMaizhokunggar,Lhasa.Inthepast.abouthalfofthe264villagerssufferedfromdeformedbonesresultingfromdrinkingwaterlackingcalciumIn1991,theBritishSocietyforSufferingChildreninvested110.000yuantoinstallatapwatersystem.And,intheensuingyears,withaidfromthelocalauthorityconcerned,ittrainedmedicalorderliesforthevillage.Arecentphysicalexaminationshowsonlytwochildrenareslightlysufferingfromdeformedbonediseasetoday.TheBritishsocietybegantoworkonTibetinearly1990withassistancefromtheChi…  相似文献   

MakingContributiontoHometown¥BALSANGInAugust1994,BaimaWanggyaiandhisGermanwifeflewtoLhasa.TheysignedacontractwiththeTibetDeve...  相似文献   

Fist Leg:Xainza The periods between March and May or between October and December are the best times for going to northern Tibet,when there is no rainy season,cars will not get stuck and it is not too cold.  相似文献   

A major problem facing North American approaches to historical archaeology is the exclusionary manner in which the discipline is defined. By confining historical archaeology to the era of capitalism and colonialism, we declare that the indigenous histories of many areas of the globe are of no interest to such an intellectual agenda. If we practice an historical archaeology that only valorizes the colonial experience, then what happens to history making that engaged cultures in the pre-capitalist and pre-modern era? Such approaches separate the histories of people in Africa from those of the West, and, is in effect, academic apartheid. To remedy this disjuncture, we interrogate how historical archaeology may escape the bounds of implicit racism in its denial of historicity before literacy. We suggest that breaking the chains of exclusion is the only way to realize an inclusive archaeology sensitive to all history making projects.  相似文献   

This paper presents the experiences of teaching political geography, in a level 2 BA course, with the use of an innovative assignment – the letters to newspapers assignment. We provide here the aims, rationale and a detailed outline of the assignment. We also discuss student feedback from 67 questionnaires and 2 focus groups. Our findings suggest that the assignment was instrumental in (a) enabling the students to see concepts in action, that is to link abstract ideas with real-world issues and (b) initiating a move away from passive learning towards supporting students to actively and critically reflect upon their relationship with the world.  相似文献   

FatherAdvisesUsto....¥//"Thepast15yearssawrenovationofmonasteriesthroughoutTibet.Morefrescoeswererepaintedthananyotheryearsin...  相似文献   

Gungjor County in Qamdois situated on the middlesection of the Jinsha-jiang River,on the upperreaches of the Yangtze Riverand in the northern part ofHenduan Mountains.Foreststhere total 220,198 hectares,and the forested area totals60,791 hectares.They com-bine to function as a naturalscreen on the Yangtze's upperreaches.  相似文献   

When the Irish constitution was amended after the 1998 Good Friday agreement to replace an apparent claim to jurisdiction over Northern Ireland by an aspirational statement, it seemed that many of the issues of conflict in the North–South relationship had been resolved. This article traces the process by which ideological change and policy shift in southern Ireland during the course of the twentieth century facilitated this agreement and the associated constitutional reformulation, looking at three areas within which change is obvious. First, demands for Irish unity, vigorously expressed but confined substantially to the domain of rhetoric, were softened in the early 1970s when the fuller implications of Irish unity became clearer, and in the context of a possible British withdrawal from Northern Ireland. Second, distaste for North–South institutions such as a Council of Ireland, on the ground that they implied recognition of partition, was replaced by acceptance of a modest level of institutionalised cross-border cooperation. Third, reluctance to recognise the legitimacy of Northern Ireland was reversed, with Irish governments moving progressively towards recognition of the principle of “consent” in the late twentieth century. Together, these changes amounted to a reversal of traditional irredentist policies and a formal acceptance of partition.  相似文献   

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